View Full Version : WTB: ASME Extract, Supplement, and Extract of CSA standards

12-14-2012, 04:53 PM
As the title States, looking for 1 or all of those books.

ASME Extract includes: I, III, IV, VIII

ASME Extract Supplement includes: VIII-UW, IX, B31.1, B31.3

CSA Standards Extract Includes: B51-09, B52-05, B52S1-98


12-17-2012, 10:33 AM
Do they need to be legit up to date hard copies? Or would pdf's work? I know you can torrent them pretty easy. But if you need legit copies, perhaps a perscription to IHS.com would be cheaper than buying everything.

12-17-2012, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by spike98
Do they need to be legit up to date hard copies? Or would pdf's work? I know you can torrent them pretty easy. But if you need legit copies, perhaps a perscription to IHS.com would be cheaper than buying everything.

I wanted legit hard copies, but PDF would be fine as long as they're printable.

Want to bring them into exams and not get harassed.

Always get eyebrows raised when photocopied resources enter exam rooms :rofl:

12-17-2012, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Darkane

Always get eyebrows raised when photocopied resources enter exam rooms :rofl:

Ahh for exams eh. Im not sure what exam you would be taking but i know a lot of organizations offer some sort of exam package for codes that contain the sections referenced in the syllabus. They are usually cheaper than purchasing the full codes.

I know organizations like ABSA and API require legit copies for there tests and can result in a zero if you are caught using copies. That being said, in the half dozen exams i have written, mine have never been checked haha.

If you can't find digitals and want to go that route i can upload the entire ASME BPV and Piping codes and whatever you need from the CSA to drop box. Should be about 1gb

12-18-2012, 06:23 AM
Originally posted by spike98

Ahh for exams eh. Im not sure what exam you would be taking but i know a lot of organizations offer some sort of exam package for codes that contain the sections referenced in the syllabus. They are usually cheaper than purchasing the full codes.

I know organizations like ABSA and API require legit copies for there tests and can result in a zero if you are caught using copies. That being said, in the half dozen exams i have written, mine have never been checked haha.

If you can't find digitals and want to go that route i can upload the entire ASME BPV and Piping codes and whatever you need from the CSA to drop box. Should be about 1gb

Second Class Power Eng.

Pan Global has the extracts, but they're expensive. Around 400 bucks for all of them.

See if I can get work to cover them, but I don't know.

12-18-2012, 08:53 AM
For $400 i would do that for sure. That is CHEAP!