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Supa Dexta
01-15-2013, 03:55 PM
Curious on everyones thoughts on this. I know its pretty much non existent, but what would you think if you did find a girl like this?

I'm near 30 and have been sexually active half my life now - which kind of blew my mind when I thought of that the other day.. But what if you found a great girl, that you lined up with in most all other ways, could you do it? Would you pressure her before hand... etc

Myself I think its crazy (to be a great looking girl) and have that much control, so its respectable for sure. I wouldn't try to pressure her and ruin her beliefs, but would be nervous of how it would be if it ever did get to marriage. On one hand she could be a dud, on the other perhaps you can teach her what you like from the start, and maybe she has years of pent up sex to get on with?

Its religious for sure, which I dont line up with, but in terms of wife material her belief system is what I would expect my kids to be raised with, in terms of respect and doing the right thing.. I went to church as a kid, so I understand that side of things.

01-15-2013, 04:01 PM
Not only would I understand and be patient, I would have so much more respect for a girl like that.

01-15-2013, 04:03 PM
Never. Setting up for some serious disappointment.

01-15-2013, 04:04 PM
Never. FullFledgedYYC is right.

Sex is a huge part of a relationship, and what i would/do respect is taking it slow in a real relationship, getting to know each other and not jump into bed too quick (which could also lead to fail)

01-15-2013, 04:09 PM
BJ's better be fucking on point.

01-15-2013, 04:09 PM
nope... cause there would be that one day down the road when it clicks in her head "huh, sex is fun... wonder what it would be like with someone else"

01-15-2013, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by ercchry
nope... cause there would be that one day down the road when it clicks in her head "huh, sex is fun... wonder what it would be like with someone else"

and that!!

01-15-2013, 04:11 PM
I won't buy a car without test driving it.

01-15-2013, 04:13 PM
Not a chance could i wait years to not have sex, i can barely go a few days lol. One time i waited a month for a chick but thats my best. If she didnt give it to me within a week, i would generally Go and cheat on her lol

One of my best friends grew up with a very christian family, but he didnt ever practice it himself. Until one day he decided his life was shit and started practicing. He met a non christian girl and they decided they were going to wait until marriage.

Needless to say this guy had a pretty slutty past and there was no way in hell, even as a practicing christian that he could wait til marriage. He waited 2 months lol

Masked Bandit
01-15-2013, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by ercchry
nope... cause there would be that one day down the road when it clicks in her head "huh, sex is fun... wonder what it would be like with someone else"


I've heard it before from both guys & girls that have only had one partner, "I wish I had tried some other flavours".

Love is funny shit though. OP, if you've found someone that fits the description I don't think asking for advice on Beyond will lead you down the right path. Bunch on damn degenerates on this board eh!

01-15-2013, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by Masked Bandit


I've heard it before from both guys & girls that have only had one partner, "I wish I had tried some other flavours".

Love is funny shit though. OP, if you've found someone that fits the description I don't think asking for advice on Beyond will lead you down the right path. Bunch on damn degenerates on this board eh!

but on the other hand... i guess thats why there are swingers :rofl:

01-15-2013, 04:30 PM
I'd do it no problem, if she was worth it. That's probably due to being raised religiously so I have a natural tendency to respect a girl like that. Would I prefer it? Absolutely not. But I wouldn't mind dating. My only concern is that might rush me into a marriage though.

01-15-2013, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip
Not a chance could i wait years to not have sex, i can barely go a few days lol. One time i waited a month for a chick but thats my best. If she didnt give it to me within a week, i would generally Go and cheat on her lol

One of my best friends grew up with a very christian family, but he didnt ever practice it himself. Until one day he decided his life was shit and started practicing. He met a non christian girl and they decided they were going to wait until marriage.

Needless to say this guy had a pretty slutty past and there was no way in hell, even as a practicing christian that he could wait til marriage. He waited 2 months lol

"The only time to wait a month before sex is if the girl is 17 years old and 11 months"

-Barney Stinson

Edit: But seriously, if I was the OP - sure. If she was hot enough , had a good head on her shoulders, and I genuinely did want to marry her, sure.

If shes bad at it, she can learn. Have to keep in mind, she would have some SERIOUS pent up sex-gression that she would want to get out, so she would likely want to get it all out in the first few years.

01-15-2013, 04:37 PM
What if you end up married and she has an enormous vagina? Sucks to be you. (hypothetically)

01-15-2013, 04:41 PM
woodywoodford brought up another point I was going to make. All this non-sex is likely going to lead you to rush marriage. Again, setting up for disappointment.

01-15-2013, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by FullFledgedYYC
woodywoodford brought up another point I was going to make. All this non-sex is likely going to lead you to rush marriage. Again, setting up for disappointment.

This is true. Good point

01-15-2013, 04:45 PM
If she was that great. I would marry her within 3-6 months to get it over with, make sure to sign a pre-nup to protect myself, then enjoy her vag.

01-15-2013, 04:45 PM
Fine with me. That means she has no level of expectation. I can set the bar super low and convince her that's as good as it will ever get from anyone

01-15-2013, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana
Fine with me. That means she has no level of expectation. I can set the bar super low and convince her that's as good as it will ever get from anyone

This lol. "Aw cowgirl again?" "Trust me baby its the best way!"

Now that's my kinda lovin.

01-15-2013, 04:50 PM
I mean i could wait to have sex with a particular girl, but i couldnt guarantee that i would be faithful until we had we got married. In fact, the only thing i can guarantee is that i wont be faithful haha

01-15-2013, 04:50 PM
Would be a 100% deal breaker for me. Need to make sure you're 'compatible', shall we say, before hand.

What if she turns out to be a crier or has DFS? haha

The test drive is a good analogy. Just setting yourself up for disappointment otherwise (rushing into marriage, additional curiosity regarding others, regret for waiting haha, etc.).

Yeah, no thanks.

01-15-2013, 04:52 PM

01-15-2013, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip
Not a chance could i wait years to not have sex, i can barely go a few days lol. One time i waited a month for a chick but thats my best. If she didnt give it to me within a week, i would generally Go and cheat on her lol

Originally posted by 03ozwhip
I mean i could wait to have sex with a particular girl, but i couldnt guarantee that i would be faithful until we had we got married. In fact, the only thing i can guarantee is that i wont be faithful haha

Man you sounds like a catch :rofl:

01-15-2013, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by shakalaka
Not only would I understand and be patient, I would have so much more respect for a girl like that.

Haha good one!

01-15-2013, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Supa Dexta
Curious on everyones thoughts on this. I know its pretty much non existent, but what would you think if you did find a girl like this?

I'm near 30 and have been sexually active half my life now - which kind of blew my mind when I thought of that the other day.. But what if you found a great girl, that you lined up with in most all other ways, could you do it? Would you pressure her before hand... etc

Myself I think its crazy (to be a great looking girl) and have that much control, so its respectable for sure. I wouldn't try to pressure her and ruin her beliefs, but would be nervous of how it would be if it ever did get to marriage. On one hand she could be a dud, on the other perhaps you can teach her what you like from the start, and maybe she has years of pent up sex to get on with?

Its religious for sure, which I dont line up with, but in terms of wife material her belief system is what I would expect my kids to be raised with, in terms of respect and doing the right thing.. I went to church as a kid, so I understand that side of things.

Once she has a taste, religion or not it's human nature for her to wonder what else is out there. So why risk it? And it works both ways, ya she may be awesome and all but you gotta know what you're committing to. Or else that's just unfair for the both of you. And with this religious stuff usually comes HUGE expectations from the family, and usually 30-40 brothers and cousins who can't mind their own business. Let alone a bunch of ideals that should have been left at the door when they came here. And in some cultures they're not allowed to groom themselves. Yuck. Just yuck.

Supa Dexta
01-15-2013, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Masked Bandit
OP, if you've found someone that fits the description I don't think asking for advice on Beyond will lead you down the right path. Bunch on damn degenerates on this board eh!

ha, no doubt. Its not really an issue for me - I've just been slutting around on POF and you come across all types on there! In the last week I've gone from a girl that wanted to be fisted, to a chick that wants to wait till marriage. :rofl:

01-15-2013, 05:10 PM
Nope, wouldn't fly for me. Granted, I probably would never be in a long term relationship with a guy who was that religious, let alone marry him.

01-15-2013, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by blitz

Man you sounds like a catch :rofl:

Lol before i met my wife, i was kind of a jerk. The only thing that matters now is that im faithful to my wife and i always have been. Shes lucky #2 that ive been faithful to haha

01-15-2013, 05:19 PM
I'd definitely respect that for the self control, but to me she hasn't really lived at all. If I didn't know what I was getting into (no pun intended) then its quite a gamble.

Id much rather test drive the car before I buy it. I think for sure as that I'd want to make sure she wasn't "test driven" by too many guys. That to me is a ginormous turn off.

Supa Dexta
01-15-2013, 05:24 PM
Ah shit, this test drive analogy makes me wonder now - because I have bought a vehicle without a test drive before! :nut: haha

And then I typed out anal..ogy and my mind wandered even futher :rofl:

01-15-2013, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip
One time i waited a month for a chick but thats my best. If she didnt give it to me within a week, i would generally Go and cheat on her lol


My wife was a virgin before I got my hands on her, and she was 30. (A result of a "good" upbringing, and the religion she used to follow) Luckily, I got to try out the goods before I committed myself.

There was a time not that long ago that I would probably have said what many are saying in here... that you need to be compatible, what if she's horrible in bed, blah blah blah.

But you know what? When you get older, amazing sex tends to be a much less important factor for many people in the scope of finding a compatible lifelong mate. If a chick was totally great in every other way I'd be willing to roll the dice that she tanked in the bedroom. At least you know she has good morals and is likely a stand-up person. And you know she's clean.

Think about it... when you're 70 and can't get it up anyway, are you going to be happy if you had committed to a woman who was wild in the bedroom, but ended up having other major deficiencies, or would you rather to have taken a chance on a woman who may or may not have been great in the sack, but was perfect in every other way?

You know what they say too... sex tends to dwindle after marriage, and ends after kids. (Of course, this doesn't apply to everyone but seems to be somewhat accurate from people I've talked to)

And from personal experience, I have done the opposite to this in my past. I dated a girl for almost 3 years because she looked like a model and fucked like nobody's business. While it amounted to some wild memories and interesting videos, it's three years of my life I'm never getting back.

01-15-2013, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by Graham_A_M
I'd definitely respect that for the self control, but to me she hasn't really lived at all. If I didn't know what I was getting into (no pun intended) then its quite a gamble.

Id much rather test drive the car before I buy it. I think for sure as that I'd want to make sure she wasn't "test driven" by too many guys. That to me is a ginormous turn off.

What, you don't like when they have been ridden hard and put away wet?

01-15-2013, 05:27 PM
No more respect for that extreme than I do for "honor killing." Both are religion driven outdated beliefs that don't belong in modern Canada. I wouldn't want either in a relationship that I was a part of.

The only positive is it's really a non-issue when you get older. I've found all the girls with this nutty belief either changed their mind or were married off by 21.

01-15-2013, 05:27 PM
"never be the first, never be the last"
-Vinny Chase

01-15-2013, 05:36 PM
What's with you guys with the test drive a car analogy? Makes no sense.

Not many people on here would test drive a demo and then buy the demo. They'd test drive the demo and buy a new car.

What if on delivery, your brand new car had 120 km on it? YOU'D FLIP OUT!

Bad comparison :rofl:

01-15-2013, 05:42 PM
Ah I think it just depends, everyone is going to have a different answer. It comes down to you, how you view sex and what it means to you. I just don't see how a guy with a super high sex drive date someone who's a virgin and won't have sex until you get married. That's just bad news. Who knows though.

01-15-2013, 05:48 PM
I dated one of those and convinced her otherwise right away.

The novelty of being "first" lasted a good while, but you realize some experience goes a long fucking way lol. I don't think I'd find one again, but if I did I would move on in a heart beat.

01-15-2013, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek


Lol what? This was over 10 years ago when i was late teens early twenties, just out having fun and not giving a fuck.

You can blame my sluttiness on the bitch that broke my heart:cry: she was the only other girl i didnt cheat on and guess what, she cheated on me. Karmas a bitch lol

01-15-2013, 07:21 PM
Haha...well I'm gonna dare to get my mancard punched down a few notches, but here goes;
Both my wife and I were virgins when we got married. Met at 18, married at 20 and been married for 29 years.
I didn't push that on my son though. Encouraged him to "get out there...sow yer oates".

01-15-2013, 08:00 PM
Deal breaker. Sex is awesome and religion is awful.

01-15-2013, 08:08 PM
It would really depend on the girls attitude towards sex. If she had no qualms about going to the strippers, or watching porn, then it'd be fine. If she held the idea of sex as most sacred, and holy, and special, nyyyyope.

01-15-2013, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by Melinda
Nope, wouldn't fly for me. Granted, I probably would never be in a long term relationship with a guy who was that religious, let alone marry him. this

01-15-2013, 08:19 PM
fuck no. i don't want to be with someone that purposely excludes herself from one of the best pleasures in life. if it's for religious beliefs, even worse. waiting a bit before putting out is OK though... just don't make the guy suffer and have to wait til marriage :poosie:

that said, i can see why some girls might do it in places like Lebanon for example.. most of the rich / handsome / successful guys there will only marry virgins (not sure why the guys care, but that's a whole other debate).

01-15-2013, 08:42 PM
I would never be attracted to someone like that in the first place. Anyone who is that uptight and worried isnt my kind of girl at all.

01-15-2013, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by C_Dave45
Haha...well I'm gonna dare to get my mancard punched down a few notches, but here goes;
Both my wife and I were virgins when we got married. Met at 18, married at 20 and been married for 29 years.
I didn't push that on my son though. Encouraged him to "get out there...sow yer oates".
Not entirely sure whats catastrophically wrong with being a virgin at 18. Past that, sure but.......:dunno:

I dont know, I JUST about became a dad when I was 19, so that very heavily determined my views of being a man slut past that.

I can honestly say being a dad to an unwanted kid with a girl I *NEVER* wanted to have a kid with was quite the determining factor as to my sexual behavior past that point. When she told me that she missed her period; that was just the end of the world to me. :dunno: Thank God it was the stress of the finals that was the cause of that. :nut:

I wouldn't wish that experience on my worst enemy.

Supa Dexta
01-15-2013, 11:29 PM
I'm still ducking those scares monthly ^ :nut: :rofl:

01-15-2013, 11:42 PM
I'm no saint and i'm old enough... but you GOTTA wonder, especially these days. No sex before marriage would reduce lots of hard times: there'd be a lot less STDs transmitted, a lot less unplanned pregnancies (babies & kids are too precious to not have solid parents), and a lot teens getting stupidly married because of unplanned pregnancies.

01-16-2013, 12:10 AM
Send her packing or change her fucked up mind.



Supa Dexta
01-16-2013, 12:14 AM
Raising your daughter by that same statement?

01-16-2013, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by Supa Dexta
Raising your daughter by that same statement?

I'd feel like a failure if my daughter was a virgin at 30.

01-16-2013, 12:49 AM
Haha, well, I guess I'll be the minority here.

Not that I'm a virgin by any stretch of the imagination, but I really don't see something inherently "wrong" with this. To define a relationship by SEX is the most shallow, immature thing I have ever heard. Yes, sex is important. Yes, good sex is important. But it's like I've always told my friends, unless I am interested in WHO she is, I don't care about what she is like in bed (unless I'm drunk).

I view relationships/marriage as being with your best friend, with the additional bonus of sex on top. To say that sex is the most important thing is ludicrous. If this person is so awesome that you want to spend all of your time with them (I mean after dating for 3 years for instance), then yes, why not? As others have said, you get old, turn ugly, maybe don't put out as well as you used to, etc, tired from having a busy life, but (in my mind), at the end of the day, you have the greatest person next to you at night. Yea, mushy bullshit, whatever, OP asked.

At the same time, FOR MYSELF PERSONALLY, until marriage is too long and life is too short to do that. Absolutely, make the relationship about the people and not the sex first (3 months seems reasonable) and then go at it. If you can't date someone without fucking them within the first month, refer to my shallow/immature comment.

I also find the "if person hasn't had sex, they'll always wonder what if". I don't know the kind of people you guys hang around, but again again again, refer to shallow/immature comment. Not everyone is defined by having to have "tried everything" in order to live a fulfilled life. And if two people truly do care for each other, why the fuck would they care about having sex with other people?

Sorry, got a little bit tense in that last paragraph. Sometimes people's attitudes boggle my mind. I can see where people are coming from, but really, it still just doesn't sit right in my head.

01-16-2013, 12:57 AM
Whatever, Ned. :rofl:

01-16-2013, 03:44 AM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1
Sometimes people's attitudes boggle my mind

I hear you

01-16-2013, 05:00 AM
Originally posted by FixedGear

I'd feel like a failure if my daughter was a virgin at 30.

i d be very proud but thats cause i have a daughter

would you be more proud if she were a stripper, you and your friends could throw loonies at:dunno:

01-16-2013, 07:47 AM
The question that needs to be answered is why would you marry/date someone with a different religious leaning?

I would put religious compatibility much higher than attitude surrounding premarital sex.

01-16-2013, 07:50 AM
Originally posted by sputnik
The question that needs to be answered is why would you marry/date someone with a different religious leaning?

I would put religious compatibility much higher than attitude surrounding premarital sex.

01-16-2013, 08:02 AM

01-16-2013, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1
Sometimes people's attitudes boggle my mind. I can see where people are coming from, but really, it still just doesn't sit right in my head.

There is just one thing you got to realize in all of this, is that even though Beyond demographic as a whole is getting older, there are still plenty of junior high kids on here who never had any, and will comment like they are a god's gift to menkind.

Regardless, as someone mentioned, religios compatibility should be number one. I don't practice any religion, neither does my wife, and shit just works, even though we are from complately different cultures. That should be the number one thing in my opinion, I don't think I could date a religious person....why would I want to cause that kind of stress to myself.

As for sex, I think it is really up to the couple, and not the girl only. If they both have the same beliefs, then it will work out, if not, dump em haha. Had a friend in Uni who got married right out of uni to this girl, and they were both uber religious, so they got married fast only so that they could have sex. They already have like 2 kids, so their values are obviously different.

Do I personally believe in withholding sex until after marriage, no I do not, not because of "try it before you buy it" mentality, but simply because there is no reason to limit oneself, if it feels right, go for it, why hold back.

01-16-2013, 09:19 AM
Wouldn't a solution for this be to convince her that its okay to throw it in her backdoor, because technically she'd still be a virgin still, and you could at least perform some kind of "test drive".

01-16-2013, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by J-D
Deal breaker. Sex is awesome and religion is awful.

Couldn't have said it better myself lol.

01-16-2013, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by 4bier

i d be very proud but thats cause i have a daughter

would you be more proud if she were a stripper, you and your friends could throw loonies at:dunno:

Right, because everyone who has sex before 30 is a stripper. Shake your head dude - whoever taught you that sex is a bad and immoral thing was wrong.

IMO, anyone who is a virgin at 30 has some serious socialization problems.

01-16-2013, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by FixedGear
IMO, anyone who is a virgin at 30 has some serious socialization problems.

That is a strange correlation.

Couldn't the same be said about the 16 year old giving it to the entire high school hockey team to be "popular"?

01-16-2013, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by sputnik

That is a strange correlation.

Couldn't the same be said about the 16 year old giving it to the entire high school hockey team to be "popular"?

uh, yeah.. it would go both ways... you are way the hell out of the bell curve on both examples :dunno:

01-16-2013, 10:41 AM

01-16-2013, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by codetrap

Both girls have issues... however, the girl who is a virgin at 30 in this day and age is allowing a religion to do her thinking for her. By that age, I would expect a well adjusted woman to understand herself and her own sexuality. I would also expect that she would have fallen in love a few times, and had her heart broken, and be much wiser in the ways of the heart. Knowing what she truly wants, instead of some idealized fantasy. Someone who is denying a HUGE portion of themselves in order to hold standard to some outdated religious requirement is not someone I'd want to spend the rest of my life with. Placing the requirements of some invisible super-friend over a healthy well adjusted balance in your life is just stupid. Sex is as natural as breathing, and those outdated victorian inhibitions shouldn't apply anymore as they're not necessary. All that is necessary is proper education and understanding of the consequences.

In marriage, if the sex is good, it's only 10% of the relationship.. if it's not, it's 90%....

Oh, and the "team girl'... she's got issues.. of an entirely different order...


edit: it may not only be religion, but maybe this person has issues talking to people, making friends, having relationships, trusting people, is a basket case, whatever... but IMO, all of those are bad things. Like I said, if I have a daughter who is a virgin at 30, I would feel like I failed.

01-16-2013, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by FixedGear
Like I said, if I have a daughter who is a virgin at 30, I would feel like I failed.

If my daughter (who is 3 months old now) lost it in high school or even university with some random guy she dated for a week, I would feel like I failed as a father.

01-16-2013, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by sputnik

If my daughter (who is 3 months old now) lost it in high school or even university with some random guy she dated for a week, I would feel like I failed as a father.

when is it okay for your daughter to start dating? 16? 18? so over 4-6 years if you daughter's longest relationship is only a week... you failed as a father

01-16-2013, 11:05 AM
i couldnt do it, but i find if they give it away too fast that i am not interested anymore. A bit of chase/wait is good, means they arent jumping from bed to bed..

01-16-2013, 11:15 AM
If a girl loses her virginity to someone because he pressured her into it before she was ready to give it up, then she doesn't have self respect. Why would anyone want to be with a girl like that for the rest of their lives? If a guy pressures a girl to do something she's not comfortable with, then he's the wrong guy and she should move on. Girls have it pretty rough. If she puts out too easily, she's a slut. If she wants to wait, she's a prude. We can't win. I would never wait, but that's me. I have friends that want to wait until marriage, or at least until they've found the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with, and I totally respect them for that!

01-16-2013, 11:36 AM

01-16-2013, 11:40 AM
virginity was also important because women were (and in many places are) viewed as property. brand new copies are obviously more valuable than used copies of the same item.

01-16-2013, 11:44 AM
Intimacy is a huge part of a relationship. It's where people learn to trust one another, share their secrets/passions/desires. A major part of that intimacy is sex. It allows two people to connect on a non-superficial level, if even only for a few minutes. It lets two people share what they want without words. It makes both people pay attention to their partners and only their partner.

Yes, you have intimacy in other forms, but you get distracted in any other forum. For example: Dinner out, holding hands talking - then the waiter arrives. Sitting at home, watching a movie and cuddling - the phone rings. Long drive in the mountains - distracted by the shitty drivers on the road.

In a sexual forum, it is you two in your own world in a physical/mental state.

Lots of relationships are solid at the beginning because the sex is new and exciting. The kids arrive and sex gets put on the backburner until the kids leave home. By then, its been 18-20 years and when the husband and wife sit down with each other, they realize the intimacy they once had is gone - which then leads to a divorce because the effort to regain the intimacy is huge.

I guess what I'm trying to say is.... I would have respect for the girl who wouldn't have sex before marriage, but it is such an integral part of a relationship, that I wouldn't do it. Before marriage, you need to know if you are compatible on all levels to ensure the intimacy in your relationship lasts.

01-16-2013, 12:09 PM
Chances are if she's doing it, it's for religious reasons, and that alone turns me off. Have to try before you buy, and you have to be sexually comfortable with someone before committing long-term. If the sex is garbage and there's no spark, ain't going to last long :rofl:

01-16-2013, 02:56 PM
What if your other was a virgin by choice, and not religious principle?

01-16-2013, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana
Fine with me. That means she has no level of expectation. I can set the bar super low and convince her that's as good as it will ever get from anyone

Originally posted by sexualbanana
What if your other was a virgin by choice, and not religious principle?
I'm pretty dissapointed at your responses in this thread. Look at your fucking name for God's sake (no pun intended).

Supa Dexta
01-16-2013, 03:31 PM
I like that this has created quite a topic, with answers all over the board.

Its really not an issue for me personally, atleast not yet.. I just noticed random girls on pof who believe in this and wanted to see what others thought.

01-16-2013, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by Supa Dexta
I just noticed random girls on pof who believe in this and wanted to see what others thought.
They probably just say this because 95% of guys who message them just want some action. There is also a chance that girls tell you they "believe" in this, yet really what happened was that they have been used and hurt in the past many times before and they don't want that anymore.

01-16-2013, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by Supa Dexta
I like that this has created quite a topic, with answers all over the board.

Its really not an issue for me personally, atleast not yet.. I just noticed random girls on pof who believe in this and wanted to see what others thought.

hahahahaha girls on POF that claim to be virgins? c'mon man, really? If anything they are "born again" virgins, pof is the ultimate in "dating" sites for finding strange...I'm sure you know that already though with your monthly pregnancy scares ;) :poosie:

01-16-2013, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by Myrrinda
If a girl loses her virginity to someone because he pressured her into it before she was ready to give it up, then she doesn't have self respect. Why would anyone want to be with a girl like that for the rest of their lives?
Losing virginity and being with that someone for the rest of your life have nothing to do with each other...

01-16-2013, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe
Send her packing or change her fucked up mind.




You won't let your daughter drink pop, but you'd have no problem if she was getting plowed by the football team?

01-16-2013, 04:04 PM
Nope. I'd be worried about them having emotional issues, being manipulative and last being religious.

Originally posted by sputnik

If my daughter (who is 3 months old now) lost it in high school or even university with some random guy she dated for a week, I would feel like I failed as a father.

That is how it happened to practically everyone. Curious, how would you treat a son towards sexuality?

01-16-2013, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by M.alex


You won't let your daughter drink pop, but you'd have no problem if she was getting plowed by the football team?

Pop is just empty calories and sugar, sex has been proven to be a good workout that burns calories.

01-17-2013, 07:07 AM
Originally posted by FixedGear

Right, because everyone who has sex before 30 is a stripper. Shake your head dude - whoever taught you that sex is a bad and immoral thing was wrong.

IMO, anyone who is a virgin at 30 has some serious socialization problems.

if and when you have a daughter i hope she makes you proud many times ...and whats wrong with stripping?


01-17-2013, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by Maybelater

That is how it happened to practically everyone. Curious, how would you treat a son towards sexuality?

Practically everyone YOU knew/know. It always surprises me how little people think outside the sphere of who they hang around/associate with.

Most people I know who had sex by the age of 18 typically were in longer term relationships of about 6+ months.

I've always held this opinion that really, kids will have sex whenever they want and there isn't anything a parent can do about it, but instilling the idea to wait until they are 18 isn't a bad thing. Emotionally, I personally feel (and have saw it time and again) that kids don't quite grasp everything involved. That is why I believe there are so many broken chicks with no self-esteem around (among other reasons).

And I was having fun when I was 17, just so we are clear ;)

01-17-2013, 10:35 AM
I didn't know that no sex before marriage still exist. Sex is part of the relationship and one of the best discovery of mankind. Why limit it? Just be responsible about it. :dunno:

01-17-2013, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

Practically everyone YOU knew/know. It always surprises me how little people think outside the sphere of who they hang around/associate with.

Most people I know who had sex by the age of 18 typically were in longer term relationships of about 6+ months.

I've always held this opinion that really, kids will have sex whenever they want and there isn't anything a parent can do about it, but instilling the idea to wait until they are 18 isn't a bad thing. Emotionally, I personally feel (and have saw it time and again) that kids don't quite grasp everything involved. That is why I believe there are so many broken chicks with no self-esteem around (among other reasons).

And I was having fun when I was 17, just so we are clear ;)

Okay okay, I know my statement was a bit exaggerated. But I don't think having sex to early is going wreck your self-esteem, girls with low self-esteem have impulsive sex to fill voids and are easily manipulated into it.

I'm not saying it is bad to inform your children and teach them values in the matter, just don't be surprised if they have already had sex before 18.

01-17-2013, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Disoblige

I'm pretty dissapointed at your responses in this thread. Look at your fucking name for God's sake (no pun intended).

There were a few people saying they would never be with someone so religious, so I was just wondering what their reaction would be if we took religion out of the equation and made it a personal decision.

01-17-2013, 07:12 PM
i have found the solution!


01-17-2013, 08:46 PM

01-18-2013, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip

Lol before i met my wife, i was kind of a jerk. The only thing that matters now is that im faithful to my wife and i always have been. Shes lucky #2 that ive been faithful to haha

The entire relationship or just since marriage?

01-18-2013, 12:34 PM

01-18-2013, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by ercchry
i have found the solution!


I've seen them on Just For Laughs. They're really funny.

01-18-2013, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by sdevils15

The entire relationship or just since marriage?

Since day 1 man, so over 10 years being cheat free lol

01-19-2013, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by Cos

I'd take it to the blond.

Id give it to both. :thumbsup: I just wish they had bigger racks. if so I'd be down for good. :D

Both of them are tasty as hell.

01-22-2013, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek
You know what they say too... sex tends to dwindle after marriage, and ends after kids. (Of course, this doesn't apply to everyone but seems to be somewhat accurate from people I've talked to)

I thought this would be the case but it's not true.. Sure it takes a little longer to warm up the engine but holy fuck sex life now 20x > sex life in our 20s.

We dated when she was 20 and I was 22. I was hell bent on waiting till sex after marriage but said fuck it after 11 months. I can't believe I even waited that long hahaha. And she was the only person I ever dated in my whole life (but I was her 2nd). Initially I had a hard time dealing with the fact that I was her 2nd but now I do kinda wish I'd had explored a bit more (but I was pretty shy and quiet in HS and first year uni). But none of this stuff bothers me now.

To the peeps who say "they'll probably wonder what it's like with others", I'll have to admit this is true. At the same time though, my life is very satisfying.

01-22-2013, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by clem24

To the peeps who say "they'll probably wonder what it's like with others", I'll have to admit this is true. At the same time though, my life is very satisfying.

If your life is fine then what is there to wonder about? If some other sloot would be willing to suck your dick more frequently? :dunno:

01-22-2013, 10:00 PM
He said his life was very satisfying, he didn't say it was perfect. I mean I can understand why you would think about others, but the truth is, you'll wonder about others no matter how much sex you had before you got married. Married people don't just stop being sexual attracted to people, they just understand losing something great for sex is a pretty stupid move.

01-22-2013, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by M.alex

If your life is fine then what is there to wonder about? If some other sloot would be willing to suck your dick more frequently? :dunno:

That's one of those life's little mysteries you'll have to find out yourself when you grow up. Stop focusing on the what IF's and start accepting what IS.

01-23-2013, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by M.alex

If your life is fine then what is there to wonder about? If some other sloot would be willing to suck your dick more frequently? :dunno:

Why can't I wonder what it might be like, say, with a white chick (since my wife is Asian)? I think others said it best.. Even after bedding xxx chicks, you'll probably still want more. Fuck walking down the mall you probably wonder what it's like with half the chicks you come across.

In any case, if I wasn't satisfied and was wondering, I'd be out cheating.

01-23-2013, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by TomcoPDR

That's one of those life's little mysteries you'll have to find out yourself when you grow up. Stop focusing on the what IF's and start accepting what IS. Jesus take your own fucking advice then. LOL