View Full Version : Sink won't drain

01-16-2013, 09:14 PM
I have kind of a strange issue, and I was wondering if anyone has experienced this before.

The sink in my en suite won't drain (I live in a condo building if that matters), but there is nothing obstructing the water.

I'll try to explain this the best I can, it's a little bit strange. I have removed all plumbing between the sink itself, and the wall where the pipes disappear. There is 100% for sure nothing obstructing it, and water flows freely through those components. As soon as I hook it all back up, water accumulates quickly in the sink (way before it would have a chance to run far down the pipes and encounter a stoppage), and will not drain no matter what, even if I leave it for a day or two. As best I can tell, it fills up from the P-trap up to the sink, and won't drain, but there are definitely no blockages in that section of the plumbing. I've put a snake down the pipes in the walls as well, probably a good 20 feet, and there were no obstructions. In the 3.5 years I've been in my building, all this sink has ever seen is straight water, and was hardly used.

It's behaving exactly as if there is back pressure in the piping system - is that sort of thing possible? Perhaps with a vent clogged somewhere else, or something like that? I really have no idea.

The issue just started randomly one day. Every other drain in my condo is fine.

Any ideas?


01-16-2013, 09:48 PM
if your tub/shower is working then the stack is probably clear (or your upstairs neighbor would have issues)

so... that leaves the vent for the sink itself (well, overflow)... you see a hole in the sink somewhere? see if thats blocked.

thats all i can think of if you had pulled your sink stopper out and it isnt full of hair n shit :barf: (90% of the time thats what i find blocks a sink)

01-16-2013, 11:24 PM

01-16-2013, 11:41 PM
Alright well I pulled out the sink stopper and it looked brand new, not even a single strand of hair. All this sink has seen is straight water and a bit of soap. I shined a flashlight down the sink with the stopper out, and it looked almost brand new. I could see the polish marks on the inside of the metal piping.

I inspected the sink vent best I could, and can't tell if anything is blocking that. Nothing's ever been down there, so have no idea how it could be plugged.

Originally posted by DustanS
Is the drain back grading? Make sure there is sufficient slope by loosening the trap adapter and sliding the whole p-trap assembly up the tube extension.

Was the p-trap clear when you removed it? You'd be surprised at what ends up in those bastards. Like errchy said, could be hair? Soap? Toothpaste/gel? Lots of shit will collect over time and create a blockage.

I pushed the piping up the tube extension hard enough to put a very noticeable grade downwards from the back of the P-trap into the wall piping, and it did nothing (the pipe going into the wall was noticeably downward). Also, it had been working fine for 3.5 years without me touching anything so it's very strange.

I pulled the P-trap off and held it under my bathtub tap, and water went in one side and out the other like a fountain - I am quite certain there is nothing clogging that SOB.

I appreciate the ideas guys, it's more than I had before for sure. Unfortunately nothing has changed - I tried running the water again and almost right away it sounds like you're filling a water bottle that is slowly getting to the top (the pitch of the water sound changes), and then it just starts filling the sink.

I was thinking of trying some 1-second plumber, but in order to take my sink stopper out to make use of that, there is a fitting on the tube extension that holds in the bottom end of the sink stopper mechanism that has to be removed, and that would leave a hole for pressure to get out. I could plug it somehow I guess with a rag or something. Is 1-second plumber a bad idea? Will I make the guy in the unit next to me's toilet or something explode? Haha.

01-17-2013, 12:08 AM
If you live in a Condo, this is typically something you call the mgnt company about. Its likely a blocked vent somewhere, perhaps even snow.

01-17-2013, 12:21 AM
In my old house I had moderate success by using a plunger on the sink. You have to plug up any vents like you would with 1 second plumber, but unlike 1 second plumber you can keep pumping away until the blockage has been cleared.

I only say "moderate success" because I was really just delaying underlying problems in an old ass house.

...just don't be cheap and use the same plunger as your toilet :rofl:

01-17-2013, 01:18 AM
I've had a small amount of success - the water drains, but VERY slowly. It's possible I never noticed this before because the tap would only be on for a few seconds while I washed my hands, and it wasn't long enough to fill up the pipes. In 3.5 years all I've used this bathroom for is the occasional middle of the night piss, so the sink sees a very small amount of use period. Before, it wouldn't even drain for 5 days, and now it drains after an hour or so. The only thing I can think of that I did was increase the downward slope on the pipes going into the wall. My other bathroom sink's pipes aren't sloped at all as far as I can tell, and it drains flawlessly, so I really have no idea.

The plunger isn't a bad idea. I don't even own one haha - my toilets are impossible to plug so I've never needed to even think about one. I really don't think I have a blockage anywhere though, I snaked the shit out of the pipes a good 10-20 feet down and nothing stopped me.

Right now, I'm more convinced that its either a blocked vent (snow, debris) or the slope of the pipes, because it does drain now, but only after a long time, but that's better than not at all. It also happened suddenly, so that supports the blocked vent idea. My success today could be snow melting in a vent somewhere, or the new increased downward angle of the pipe - I really have no way of knowing.

I'm 99% sure there is nothing actually clogging it anywhere along the way.

01-17-2013, 10:03 AM
yeah, there might be a sink vent that ties intot he stack... which would be damn tricky to snake... i'd give it a good plunge and see what happens. wet rag over the sink overflow. make sure your stopper is up and you have water in the sink

01-17-2013, 10:27 AM

01-17-2013, 03:22 PM
I'll maybe try a plunger, nothing to lose.

Originally posted by codetrap
Well. if you think the stack is iced over.. why not blow warm air from a hair dryer into it?

Where would this stack be? Would I just blow the hair dryer into the pipes? (I don't own a hair dryer either lol). I don't really understand how all the drainage systems work in a building. I assumed this vent, where ever it may be, is somewhere high up on the building's exterior.

01-17-2013, 03:27 PM
yeah, grab your kettle and hit the roof :rofl:

but no. if you have someone above you, they would have draining issues if it was the stack. the sink vent (not sure if all are built like this) would be like this:


your best bet would be to tell your condo board to do some preventative maintenance and get a company out to snake the stack. they will toss the snake down and run some water with it all the way down each and every stack... its good times

but if your system is like this pic, there should be a clean out between "wet vent" and "solid stack" snake up from that and you should be able to snake out the branch vent

01-17-2013, 03:45 PM
Ahh I see, that makes much more sense to me now thanks.

When I snaked it, I have no way of knowing if it went up the vent stack or down the wet vent though, so maybe there is a blockage in the vent stack and the snake went the wrong way.

I sent an email to my condo board, but no reply yet - I could try my management company as well.

01-17-2013, 03:48 PM
yeah from p-trap the odds of you getting up the stack are slim... look for a clean out and send it towards your sink, you see the Y pipe? much easier to get into than a T

01-17-2013, 04:25 PM
depending on the location of your sink relative to the main stack, you could be flowing directly into the main stack and not a branch vent.

| |
\________/ | | <-Main Stack
|| | |
|| =============| |
||=|| | |
| |
| |

01-17-2013, 04:26 PM
Damn! My line diagram got all fucked up.

01-17-2013, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by blitz
depending on the location of your sink relative to the main stack, you could be flowing directly into the main stack and not a branch vent.

yeah thats why i ask if he has above neighbors... but also he has no issues with any other drain. it would be pretty damn rare for a stack to ONLY serve one sink

01-17-2013, 04:52 PM
I do have neighbors directly above, I am on floor 4 of 6.

All other drains are fine, including toilets and shower/bath both in that bathroom and my other one. The only problem is with that damn sink, which now drains but very slowly, apparently.

01-17-2013, 05:14 PM
OP dont email the board, CALL the mgmt company and get a persons NAME if you want any resolution.

Trust me, I know.

01-17-2013, 08:50 PM
OP I don't know how much an hour your time is worth but at some point you need to call a professional. I suspect that moment passed many hours ago and you are now working for free. Call the mgmt company, this is why you pay those high condo fees.

01-17-2013, 09:27 PM
I really doubt the slope of the pipe would make a difference. Dont risk damaging something by forcing a slope into it..

Have you tried running water down there while the snake is in place? The snake might act as a conduit for air to escape if it's the kind with a hollow center. Might be something to try, anyway.

01-17-2013, 10:32 PM
I agree, I don't think the slope did anything. My other sink piping between the P-trap and wall is level and drains flawlessly.

Also, I have spent no more than about an hour of my time, because it did not take very long to verify that the plumbing on my side of the wall is clean & clear, so it's not like this is causing me major frustrations, but at the end of the day I'd rather have a sink that drains properly than one that doesn't.

My dilemma is as follows:

My condo management company said they have a plumbing guy, however if they deem it to be my problem, I pay. If it's something with the building, they pay. How that is determined, I have no idea. All I know is the pipes between my sink and the wall are 100% clear. It's possible they find some blockage and blame it on me, even though it for sure was not me - I suppose I won't know that until it's too late.

So, since this is causing me no inconvenience really, I'm inclined to wait and see if the issue resolves itself. A week ago it wasn't draining at all, and now it drains slowly with nothing else changing, so my hunch is that it may resolve itself. Really, I haven't a clue though haha.

Oh, I should also add that they told me they haven't had any complaints like this from anyone else.

01-17-2013, 11:46 PM
plunge it. drains dont fix themselves very often

01-17-2013, 11:47 PM
Pour a bottle of liquid lightning into the drain. It was the only thing that opened my kitchen sink. Tried a snake, drano, a plunger but that stuff worked miracles.

01-18-2013, 12:16 AM
I will try both the plunger and draino/liquid lighting this weekend.

The only thing is there is no obstruction anywhere near my sink, yet the sink backs up WAY before the water would have a chance to go 10-20 feet down the pipes and back up from whatever blockage might be there. That is the curious part of this whole situation.

I'll try anything though, so we'll see!

01-18-2013, 08:40 AM
Grab yourself a bottle of Chemfax STRIKE, Wolesley carries it, I typically use it on urinals for the mineral build up and it works just as well on lavatory sinks, and kitchen sinks depending on the distance to the blockage.

Be warned it is caustic stuff, be sure to read the directions before purchasing.

01-18-2013, 03:44 PM
Is Chemfax safe for PVC and metal pipe both? I'm nervous to use anything that may cause a problem for anyone else in the building.

I think the plan is to pick up a plunger, and a bottle of this "Zap Professional Strength Drain Opener", and see where it gets me:


Because I'm in a condo building, I'm hesitant to use any crazy powerful chemicals.

Plus, I don't see how this stuff is going to go beyond the P-trap, which is 100% clear, and nowhere near the potential problem, but we will see I guess.

All I know is that if there's a blockage, I didn't cause it because there isn't a single hair in my plumbing side, and the sink has only ever seen straight water.

01-18-2013, 07:41 PM
Plastic will be fine, STRIKE may damage galvanized and stainless steel pipe, with STRIKE you don't leave it overnight, if you don't get results within 20 seconds its not going to work. STRIKE is heavier than water, presuming the lavatory trap is 1 1/2" ABS it will take less than half a bottle before its on its way.

EDIT: Do not contact building management, you are liable for the drain being plugged.
Reason: It only backs up when YOU use it, if it were a common stack/drain line whenever someone above you runs their lav it would be coming up your sink, meaning the drain line that is plugged serves only you.

As for where the blockage likely is;

I have no idea of the layout of your ensuite but if its small with fixtures close together this is likely how its run. The "I" represent the vertical stack serving your bathroom group.
I-------------- Lavatory
I <Blockage Start
I<Blockage End

Basically you run the lavatory and it backs up, this tells me that more than likely the blockage is in the stack portion between the lavatory tie in and the tub tie in as nothing comes up your tub when you run the lav.

EDIT: Hahaha I didn't see the bathroom group already explained on the first page(I like mine better though)

01-18-2013, 08:04 PM
just go fix it Kevin! :poosie:

NOTE: if Kevin's company is your plumbing company and there is a car meet (and he is on call at the time) DO NOT call them, you wont like the quote :rofl:

01-18-2013, 08:18 PM
Hey if I didn't dodge calls I wouldn't have time to sleep and I don't do drains anymore(unless that division is undermanned) , high quotes don't stop a lot of no heat calls though.

01-18-2013, 10:06 PM
Well I used a bunch of that Zep commercial stuff and it did fuck all, supporting my theory that nothing is actually blocking the drain, and it's a venting issue.

I have a plunger to try, along with more applications of Zep but I'm probably wasting my time.

I might pick up some STRIKE if all else fails, but again, I am almost certain I don't have a blockage - the sink has only ever seen water.

EDIT: After I tested the drain with water, I poured in more Zep and it drained WAY faster than before...the water may have pushed it somewhere for it to do it's job - stay tuned haha.

EDIT #2: Looks like the Zep is probably just heavier than water. The water doesn't drain for shit, but the Zep goes through pretty fast.

EDIT#3: I think I got it! I poured a bunch of Zep down then plunged the hell out of it and after that, water seems to be flowing....so far. I don't have a clue what could have blocked it, it must have been from another unit, or something to do with the venting. I'll see if it stays unclogged.

So what did all you guys do with your Friday night? LOL :rofl:

01-19-2013, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt

So what did all you guys do with your Friday night? LOL :rofl:
haha I also cleaned my P-trap under my master bathroom sink tonight.
words cannot describe the nastiness that came out..

01-19-2013, 10:17 AM

01-19-2013, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by RX-7_TWINTURBO

haha I also cleaned my P-trap under my master bathroom sink tonight.
words cannot describe the nastiness that came out..

I made my wife clean the stopper in the shower after I cleaned the master bath sinks. Mine looked clean as a whistle. Her's looked like I removed a dead rat.