View Full Version : What do you miss about when you were young?

01-24-2013, 10:30 AM
Was sort of thinking about the "old days" (I'm only 29... almost 30...) when I was reading about the pussification thread in the society section of our forum and how different things were when I was growing up and I just started thinking:

-I miss hanging out with friends on the weekend. I mean, I go for beers now, but I miss renting a video game and movies and going over to their house for a full weekend playing the video game friday night, next day going bike riding and having water gun fights, then coming home to pizza or an awesome home cooked meal, then watching the movie. After that, usually building a fort and then playing the video game until we crashed asleep in the fort, only to take up the next morning and go biking all over again.

-Speaking of renting stuff, I miss Blockbuster & Rogers , or when I lived in Stettler from grades 1-5, I miss the small mom & pop rental store. I miss loading into the truck and driving down there and looking for a movie or game to rent with family and friends. Or I miss when a new video game was released and taunting each other in school about who's mom would make it to the video store first to rent it for us :rofl:

-I miss playgrounds and having unlimited energy. Seriously, think about it. When you were a kid, you were a friggen superhero. Monkey bars? no problem, I used to be able to swing on these and pull myself up all day. Playing soccor in the afternoon then hockey in the evening? Sure, no problem!

-I miss celebrating things. I miss the freedom and lack of fear of having to offend people by doing things that made me have fun. Why should I feel guilty for celebrating Christmas or Halloween ? Those holidays are awesome! Even if you don't follow the beliefs - you get butt loads of candy and you get time off work/school. Not to mention, it's a great time to have family/friends together.

-I miss saturday morning cartoons. I tried to LOOK for cartoons to watch a few months back on a saturday and there was hardly anything , and anything I could find was seriously mind fuck stuff that would Ren & Stimpy to shame. Not to mention, that appears to be very little, or no plot at all in the shows now... least Ninja Turtles had some form of a story/consistancy ... even if it was just made to sell toys ;)

That's just a few, curious to see what you guys will drum up.

01-24-2013, 10:35 AM
I just miss the relatively stress free life you have as a kid. At the time it feels stressful because of school, exams etc and you can't wait to be done with it all and start working. But when that happens you miss the old times and actually want to return to them as it is even more stressful in 'real' life.

I always looked forward to being done with studies and never having to do them again after finishing university, getting called to the bar etc. But I am realizing now that the field I picked, I will be 'studying' one way or the other all my life haha. That being said, I wouldn't change it for anything in the world and I thank God for bringing me this far and hopefully taking me farther.

I also miss not knowing anything about love/romance/relationships as a kid. Be absolutely free to do whatever and not think about anyone, miss anyone or suffer any heartache and pain.

01-24-2013, 10:35 AM
I was just talking about this same thing yesterday.

I blame the Internet on the pussification.

Street Hockey is probably my favorite thing I miss as a kid.

Do Kids still play street hockey? Or is there some sort of Social media App for it?

01-24-2013, 10:39 AM
When I was in wpg - got lost on a side street and saw the whole "car"! Thing.. Haha. Brought me back for sure, it was also then that I realized you don't really see kids playing street hockey much!

... So probably an app for that, besides - kids playing on the street is pretty dangerous!!! You know a car could run them over..
Would somebody think of the children!!

01-24-2013, 10:39 AM
summer holidays... 2 full months of no responsibility. no need to make an income. just two month to do whatever you want... :(

01-24-2013, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

That's just a few, curious to see what you guys will drum up.

You pretty much nailed everything on the head, lol.

I also miss old school comic strips, like Calvin & Hobbes, and The Far Side.

01-24-2013, 10:42 AM
I miss taking a full roll of quarters to the arcade in Beddington Town Square and going nuts on R-Type all afternoon.

01-24-2013, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by ercchry
summer holidays... 2 full months of no responsibility. no need to make an income. just two month to do whatever you want... :(


01-24-2013, 10:47 AM
I miss playing in the woods with friends.

I miss building snow forts and having snowball fights.

Building our own dirtbike trails.

01-24-2013, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by G
I miss taking a full roll of quarters to the arcade in Beddington Town Square and going nuts on R-Type all afternoon.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiidge RACCCCCCCCCCCCCERRR!

Easy street in Chinook. Best ever.

01-24-2013, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by ercchry
summer holidays... 2 full months of no responsibility. no need to make an income. just two month to do whatever you want... :(

+1. :(

01-24-2013, 10:55 AM
Big wheels with hand brake.

01-24-2013, 11:06 AM
GYM CLASS!!!! my only good subject!:love:

01-24-2013, 11:20 AM
I miss having a body that a) didn't jiggle at all, and b) didn't hurt constantly.

Seriously... now I have bouts of gout in my feet, gallstones, and a chronic sore back. To get my ass out of bed and out the door feels like I'm walking around in a 60 pound lead suit most of the time. Carting around my 16 pound baby in my arms makes my back feel like it's on fire after 15 minutes.

I'm 37 and not even probably halfway through my life. I can't even imagine how I'm going to feel come retirement.

On the flip side, I started getting very serious migraines starting around grade 2-3 and subsiding around grade 9 or 10. I'd gladly deal with the shit I'm dealing with now if it means I don't have to deal with those headaches. (And the accompanying nausea)

D'z Nutz
01-24-2013, 11:20 AM
Touching minors without legal ramifications! Ammiright guys?!


01-24-2013, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by Darkane

Street Hockey is probably my favorite thing I miss as a kid.

Do Kids still play street hockey? Or is there some sort of Social media App for it?

They fucking made a bylaw against it.

I miss things like GT Snowracers with teh giant metal brake, riding my bike on the sidewalk, no helmet.

Wizards Castle for sure!

Renting nintendo games, and leaving the damn NES on all weekend so you can finish Megaman 5, or Bubble Bobble with your buddies.

Tree houses

Bigwheels, Fanny packs.. (lol).. etc.

D'z Nutz
01-24-2013, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by Alterac
They fucking made a bylaw against it.

Are you fucking serious? Please tell me you are making this up or someone tell me he has it wrong.

01-24-2013, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz

Are you fucking serious? Please tell me you are making this up or someone tell me he has it wrong.


Basketball nets, skateboard ramps and hockey nets are not permitted on City streets, even temporarily

Skateboards or in-line skates are permitted on most City sidewalks or boulevards unless otherwise posted. They are not permitted within the Central Traffic Zone.

Children younger than 14-years-old may ride bicycles on the sidewalk.

In cases where a wheeled vehicle is permitted to be ridden on a City sidewalk or boulevard, it must be done in a safe manner that does not interfere with pedestrians.

So, you can't use a hockey net, doesn't say anything about using makeshift ones though, (ie orange pylons, or whatever). Rather dumb bylaw, considering a net would STOP a puck or ball, rather than have it smash someones car window, lol)

01-24-2013, 11:38 AM
I miss nothing about it. Will go as far as saying I hated it.

No money=No fun

No vacations, no sports, no going out, it sucked.

01-24-2013, 11:40 AM
Although I am still younger than almost all of you, I miss stress free life, skiing with my dad on weekends and playing endless games with friends, capture the flag, when I was 16-18 spending every penny on my car (which was a terrible idea).

01-24-2013, 11:42 AM
Couple other threads on Beyond about that already:



We need to reverse these crappy bylaws.

01-24-2013, 11:46 AM
GT snowracer downhill demo derby's!!! (I guess I have a big kid GT now but wrecking my 28k sled isnt nearly as much fun as a you would think)

I miss just hopping on my BMX and aimlessly riding around all day, I grew up in castledowns in edm and used to ride my BMX from my house to the track in St Albert a couple times a week!

Playing with lego, and getting new lego sets!

Consumers Distributing...best catalog ever

01-24-2013, 11:46 AM
I miss playing outside or going for bike rides until the street lights come on. Now, parents won't let their kids go to the convenience store a few blocks away without an adult. It's ridiculous.

What's even more ridiculous is that I barely see kids play on jungle gyms and monkey bars anymore 'cause the internet and iPads keep them indoors.

01-24-2013, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by Alterac
Couple other threads on Beyond about that already:



We need to reverse these crappy bylaws.

I would agree with you, however the unfortunate problem is that parents aren't teaching their kids about respect anymore. "Back in our day" we'd move out of the way as soon as anyone saw a car coming anywhere close, and we'd do it in a mad rush. Now kids don't give a crap about common courtesy.

There's some that play street hockey close to me, and they take their sweet ass time moving. A couple of times I had to blare on the horn because they wouldn't budge even after seeing me :facepalm:

01-24-2013, 11:49 AM
I missed when time used to pass so slowly. Birthdays used to take so long to come by, now it's like it's my BDay already? WTF did I do the whole year??

01-24-2013, 11:49 AM
For those of you who miss thing like playing in forts, watching cartoons, playing rediculous make believe games. Have kids. I am more up to date on Dora, Jimmy Two Shoes and Johnny Test than i am about real "adult" shows.

PS I still make awesome forts, some even come pre-made!


01-24-2013, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

I would agree with you, however the unfortunate problem is that parents aren't teaching their kids about respect anymore. "Back in our day" we'd move out of the way as soon as anyone saw a car coming anywhere close, and we'd do it in a mad rush. Now kids don't give a crap about common courtesy.

There's some that play street hockey close to me, and they take their sweet ass time moving. A couple of times I had to blare on the horn because they wouldn't budge even after seeing me :facepalm:

When i played, if you saw a car, it was Game Off... move shit quick.. Wait.. Wave at driver, they wave back, Bring nets back out, Game ON!.

Yup. Parents... (Ipads keeping kids inside = parent problem, no respect = parent problem)

01-24-2013, 12:07 PM


01-24-2013, 12:15 PM
I still do most of the things I did as a kid today.

Pick up an old comic book and read? aw yeah.
Find my original gameboy and play pokemon? yea (batteries didnt die after a decade) :)
pick up basketball or football on the weekend yeah
10 man game of nhl before the superbowl. better believe it.
snowboard? yea

things that are different.
I don't walk anywhere sober
I don't have to phone my friends parents to talk to them.
rental stores
5 cent candies seem to be harder to find in bulk, or they arent 5 cents.

01-24-2013, 12:19 PM
I miss the punk scene and how it used to be in the 90's.
We used to go out on weekends to a small indian 'friendship center' and a local punk show organizer would bring in some random punk bands, choke, layaway plan, gob, tripwire, afi etc etc.

The kids in school that had garage bands and hanging out watching them practice in their basement and just being amazed at the talent.

Back in the day, I was able to walk up to Tom from Gob and be face to face with him and give him some quick comments after the show and he would respond directly to me. I remember asking him for his guitar pick and probably still have it today hidden away somewhere.

I was young and so pumped after the show i went up and meant to tell him great show, can I have you're guitar pick and it came out as "Can I have your fuckin' pick man?"
He responded "My fucking pick?" then gave it to me.
I was probably 13 years old.

01-24-2013, 12:23 PM
I miss the energy I had, playing in the snow (I hate snow now lol), running around outside and just laying down in the grass on a sunny day, street hockey, those rare hide and seek games when you'd get all 20 neighborhood kids playing at once, no stress, no work, no commuting in traffic, scrambling to find your mom when you heard the ice cream guy roll around.

01-24-2013, 12:34 PM
Dickie Dee!

I never knew that it was a Winnipeg thing.



01-24-2013, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
I miss nothing about it. Will go as far as saying I hated it.

No money=No fun

No vacations, no sports, no going out, it sucked.

Wow this is the saddest thing I have ever heard.

Childhood was amazing even in the hood. Had tons of friends, played sports every single day for hours on end. Hung out with my friends every day, rode bikes and learning new tricks, nerf gun wars, water gun battles, street hockey all they time, learning new moves in soccer, playing on all the school sports teams, sitting in your friends basement and playing a video game all weekend to beat it well eating garbage food.

Not to add not having a care in the world and all the vagina one gets as a 15/16 year old, starting to hit the clubs and casino at 16/17, the rush of having a fake Id and thinking you are the coolest kid around..life was awesome.

Now I am constantly in the hunt to make more money, constant stress for success. Dealing with bs from work, family bs you didn't care about as a Kid, my whole body hurting allday long from all the sports I played as a kid. As an adult you also start caring about girls and their feelings which can bring stress into your life. Childhood no doubt is the best time of life, I feel sorry for those who didn't get to experience it.

01-24-2013, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
I miss nothing about it. Will go as far as saying I hated it.

No money=No fun

No vacations, no sports, no going out, it sucked.

I didn't get a vacation until I was 24. My family has been in a pretty bad state with bad luck.

When I was in about grade 1, my grandpa was hit by a drunk driver so my dad spent a lot of our extra money helping him out.

Then when I got to college and turned 19 my parents were in a motorcycle accident and my mom now has permanent brain damage so I spent a lot of time helping my mom out for the first few years, so it took awhile for me to save up enough money to get away and finally go to Disneyland with the girlfriend... now we almost go annually.

Childhood was what we made of it though. I had MAYBE 4-6 video games total, owned growing up, but you see kids now with LIBRARIES of video games because they don't do anything else. I spent most of my time biking as a kid or just doing stupid shit like climbing onto my friends roof and just sitting up there with him and his brothers for the only reason being "because we could" ... and because we would get in trouble if we got caught :rofl:

It's true though, you no longer see the neighbourhood kids play street hockey anymore, or go toboganing in the winter... I remember my dad worked as a volunteer firefighter in Stettler and they used one of the trucks to fill our backyard with water and we made our own hockey rink. I'd be out there in -40 weather and wouldn't care... now when it gets -15 I complain lol.

I miss Jr. High and loading up our back packs with water and granolla bars and heading out into fish creek on our bikes and spending the entire day there just exploring new paths.

01-24-2013, 12:54 PM
Nicky Nicky Nine Doors :rofl:, water fights, bike riding for hours and getting lost in random places

01-24-2013, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by G-ZUS
Nicky Nicky Nine Doors :rofl:,

I remember when doing this was being a "bad kid" and doing it to kids you hated :rofl:

Now kids just troll each other on Facebook

01-24-2013, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
I miss nothing about it. Will go as far as saying I hated it.

No money=No fun

No vacations, no sports, no going out, it sucked.


Mo money, no problems.

01-24-2013, 01:13 PM
I miss Grounders. And four square (not the app; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_square)

01-24-2013, 01:26 PM

01-24-2013, 01:46 PM
Sugarphreak, you mean you miss being stupid? :D
Me too haha.

01-24-2013, 01:58 PM
I really miss video arcades. I remember at one point, nearly every mall in Calgary had a video arcade. Then, one by one they shut down.

01-24-2013, 02:10 PM
Walking everywhere, there wasn't a rush to be somewhere.Being able to bike down to fish creek for hours at a time without worrying about the dogs or being late for work. Having the summer off and just hanging out.

As mentioned above GT destruction derby's and sat morning cartoons before going to play soccer for the day.

01-24-2013, 03:10 PM
Ya, I miss being able to be stupid without looking stupid like we would now lol. Living in the hood, we had some hood games, stealing shopping carts and having races was awesome until I broke my arm.

Built a ramp to go up the side of the chicken coops( real hood right here lol) only rode my bike so far up it until gravity wouldn't keep me up any longer and yep, broke my other arm lol

Use to do jumps on the hills on the albert park irrigation ditch off of 17th and deerfoot. Split my ass open pretty good going off some stupid 20 or 30 ft jump.

Winter glove boxing fights in our front yard in the summer, lots of old folk yelled at us for this, thought we were going to kill each other, mom wasn't too impressed lol

Basically everything as a kid was either stupid or criminal that I did, minus rollerskating like a boss at rollerland, that might have been criminal too, since I was so gangster at it!

Actually I did do some innocent stuff like renting mike tysons punch out almost every weekend when I was at my grandmas house and ya, keeping it on all night and day so I wouldn't lose anything lol

Among other things that were innocent but I don't remember much of that stuff, that's pretty bad now that I think of it haha

01-24-2013, 03:37 PM
I miss noticing the seasons.. when you were a kid you always got excited for all the seasons coming. Now with work its just non stop and a year seems to go by so fast i dont even notice it.

I miss when having a 2 dollar bill in your pocket was big money. That was a whole load of 5 cent candies. Total jackpot.

Water fights with the super soaker 50 and if you were a big dog you had the 100 or 200. Water balloons were heavy artillery.

Building forts. Plain and simple that shit was bad ass.

Pulling all nighters to play video games with friends.

Its sad how youth just seems to stop. When youre a kid all you want to do is be a teenager because the can drive and then you want to be 18-21 to be a real adult. All in all, being care free is what i miss most.

01-24-2013, 03:58 PM
Having a good set of knees.... oh how i've abused my patellas...

01-24-2013, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip

Winter glove boxing fights in our front yard in the summer, lots of old folk yelled at us for this, thought we were going to kill each other,

YES! We'd do this in the summer on my friends trampoline since that would be the "ring" ... wow did my friends parents not like that... had to start doing it when his folks would be gone for a few hours

01-24-2013, 04:09 PM
2 months of straight chillen', street hockey games, riding around on bikes to get places, scraped up knees and elbows, finding change to rent a movie or get slurpees, crazy carpets, super soaker fights.

:cry: I miss it haha

01-24-2013, 04:18 PM
Being able to play video games all day long.

Now I don't even have time to touch my wii, ps3 or xbox 360. :cry:

01-24-2013, 04:34 PM
Oh how i miss my energy levels, I was running around in the snow with some of my nieces and nephews at Christmas and was almost doubled over after 10 minutes of them doing laps around me :( Also pulling the all nighters to play video games was a weekend norm, I tired to stay awake last night to watch the weather on the 11oclock news....didnt make it :cry:

01-24-2013, 04:56 PM
One of my friends posted this on FB today.



01-24-2013, 05:02 PM
I miss always having a big scab somewhere on my body and my parents telling me not to pick at it lol.

01-24-2013, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by civic_stylez

Water fights with the super soaker 50 and if you were a big dog you had the 100 or 200. Water balloons were heavy artillery.

Building forts. Plain and simple that shit was bad ass.

Pulling all nighters to play video games with friends.

On point on all statements. These especially. I remember I didn't have memory cards, and we'd play vids until the game is finished. We did this for Resident Evil and Dino Crisis. lol.

01-24-2013, 05:15 PM
Honestly, I just miss the freedom and lack of responsibility. Just being able to be a kid was so much fun. Super Soaker fights, bombing around on my bicycle.... Man until I was about 14-15 I put probably 1500km's on my mountain bike pretty much all in Fish Creek. Then I got my first motorcycle, and found out how cool it was to have an engine that'll do all the work. :D (Cops cant tell your age when you have a helmet on, which was damn cool). :)

-I miss playing SNES along with ALL the awesome games that were out for it.
-Tobogganing with my GT snow racer on some hills in Fish creek.
-Trying so hard to get drunk off one beer when I was 13. LOL, all the stupid shit we did back then at this rodeo....

You dont realize just how easy you once had it until those days are LONG gone. :(

01-24-2013, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by DENZILDON
One of my friends posted this on FB today.



I still have my POG smasher haha.

01-24-2013, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by guessboi

Now I don't even have time to touch my wii ...

Chin up! You just need to find the right girl to do it for you!

01-24-2013, 05:40 PM
Perception of invincibility.

01-24-2013, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by ercchry
summer holidays... 2 full months of no responsibility. no need to make an income. just two month to do whatever you want... :(

A luxury I won't give up.

I miss staying up late bc I have no obligations in the morning. Lately I've been going to bed at 8pm. :(

01-24-2013, 06:33 PM
lead in gasoline

01-24-2013, 07:06 PM

01-24-2013, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini
-Speaking of renting stuff, I miss Blockbuster & Rogers , or when I lived in Stettler from grades 1-5, I miss the small mom & pop rental store. I miss loading into the truck and driving down there and looking for a movie or game to rent with family and friends. Or I miss when a new video game was released and taunting each other in school about who's mom would make it to the video store first to rent it for us :rofl:

Well i can assure you Jim's Video is still in Stettler. I stayed @ a friends place in Donalda 7 Days off an we rented a whole mess of Xbox 360 games.

things i miss

-I miss working part time, an when having $170 pay check was boss.
-I miss when gas was 79.9
-Defiantly miss Arcades. it really sucks when you grow up with arcades everywhere am they just disappear all within a few years.
-Being able to eat McDonald's with out getting mad gut rot an the farts!.
-All night skateboard sessions.
-Making modified "Grown Up" GT Snow Racers
-Inner tubing in the winter.
-my 1985 Mazda B2000 an my 1986 Mazda RX-7

01-24-2013, 07:50 PM

01-24-2013, 08:01 PM
I miss Dirtbiking all summer......sometimes my dad would join in on the fun on his Honda Big Red
3 Wheeler :burnout:

Supa Dexta
01-24-2013, 10:32 PM
I miss how much time there seemed to be! Hell even after school it seemed like you played for a long time before supper time.. Summer vacations lasted a long time.. etc

Now time whizzes by and you hardly get shit done..

That and just how easy it was... To just live, and not have to worry about much... Float thru highschool.. etc

And remember how easy it was to stay in shape? And get beat around, but bounce back! haha I feel like a rickety old man now though. I was thinking the other day of how longs its been since I had the wind knocked out of me.. It was never cool at the time, but its a feeling I hardly remember at this point.

01-25-2013, 12:49 AM
Basically doing stupid shit and being able to get away with it. Whether it was physical stupid shit (running up the playground slide while other kids pushed gravel down it, jumping off the swings to see who lands the furthest, riding down prairie winds hill on a bike and hitting the jump....and trying to land it lol) or stupid shit that would now get u in the back of a police car haha (amateur pyrotechnics lol )

Sore thumbs and calluses from button mashing the snes controller from street fighter or mortal kombat

Just playing on a the damn playground (do schools even have playgrounds anymore?? Lol)

Trick or treating in one direction, going to a buddies and dropping off the pillow case full of loot, then go off the other direction...even if it was -25 who gives a shit I gotta get my candy haha

playing outside for hours and hours. Seriously knew every single back alley and street of the couple communities in my old area...

Having to man up when I fall off my bike while doing "crazy skids" in back alleys or streets on gravel...and having a knee full of gravel and blood lol. It was either man up or become a pussy in front of the other kids...and trust me it was not fun to be a pussy in front of kids in the hood lol. None of "mommy daddy jimmy wont play with me" bullshit I hear these days. I seriously over heard one mom saying to the other that she thinks it's unfair that nobody plays with her "cute little johnny, who's an angel for telling his teachers that some kids were dangerously riding their bikes" or some shit... Mob mentality when it came to rats as a kid haha

01-25-2013, 05:30 AM
- GT snow racers. My buddies and I would have carmegeddon type races down the hill. Smashing into each and throwing footballs to knock the other friend off. Crashing into the fence at the bottom of the hill to see who could knock the most fence boards down. Fixing the gt with old skis and duct tape and hot glue.

- sunrise to sunset marathons of street hockey on saturdays.

- discovering that a raquetball goes so much farther than a tennis ball when hit with a bat, yet still won't break a window.

01-25-2013, 08:29 AM
Originally posted by Modelexis
I miss the punk scene and how it used to be in the 90's.
We used to go out on weekends to a small indian 'friendship center' and a local punk show organizer would bring in some random punk bands, choke, layaway plan, gob, tripwire, afi etc etc.

The kids in school that had garage bands and hanging out watching them practice in their basement and just being amazed at the talent.

Back in the day, I was able to walk up to Tom from Gob and be face to face with him and give him some quick comments after the show and he would respond directly to me. I remember asking him for his guitar pick and probably still have it today hidden away somewhere.

I was young and so pumped after the show i went up and meant to tell him great show, can I have you're guitar pick and it came out as "Can I have your fuckin' pick man?"
He responded "My fucking pick?" then gave it to me.
I was probably 13 years old. I don't know whether this is true or if I just got old, but it seems like the punk scene in the city died with the Multi. Obviously I don't look that hard anymore, but I can't remember the last punk show that was filled with local or lesser known talent. I know we're still getting some good bands from here, I think one guy from This Is A Standoff posts on Beyond, but I've never seen any of them live.

You know what, nevermind, it's totally me. I'm thinking of all this and it's completely because I'm not actively looking to see these shows anymore.

What do I miss from my childhood? Being able to go to a show and have the time of my life, zero fucks given, and being surrounded by people doing the same. There's nothing stopping me from doing it now except a strange sense of "I'm too old for this shit".

I've still got signed/bloody clothing from shows I went to as a teen. Nowadays it's like "If I want a signed shirt I'll buy one off eBay, I'm not waiting in that line" and "The hell I'm going in there, I'll probably get knocked down, my glasses might break".

01-25-2013, 08:57 AM
80's arcades filled with a huge variety of video games and pinball machines.

Now, you need to spend $20.00 and have a users manual just to learn how to play the overly complex games.

01-25-2013, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by THE GOVERNATOR

Well i can assure you Jim's Video is still in Stettler. I stayed @ a friends place in Donalda 7 Days off an we rented a whole mess of Xbox 360 games.

Jim's Video! That's it! Thanks for the nostalgia :thumbsup:

Originally posted by EK69
Having to man up when I fall off my bike while doing "crazy skids" in back alleys or streets on gravel...and having a knee full of gravel and blood lol. It was either man up or become a pussy in front of the other kids...and trust me it was not fun to be a pussy in front of kids in the hood lol. None of "mommy daddy jimmy wont play with me" bullshit I hear these days. I seriously over heard one mom saying to the other that she thinks it's unfair that nobody plays with her "cute little johnny, who's an angel for telling his teachers that some kids were dangerously riding their bikes" or some shit... Mob mentality when it came to rats as a kid haha

This indeed. When you wiped out in fish creek or out with friends, you'd just man up and keep on riding. I mean you weren't going to be the one to bitch out and walk your bike back, the day had only started ;) So you just kept on riding

01-25-2013, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by max_boost
I miss nothing about it. Will go as far as saying I hated it.

No money=No fun

No vacations, no sports, no going out, it sucked.

Honestly, I think we may be unique cases, but I also miss nothing about it, except I used to have way more fun playing video games.

I enjoy everything more now in my 20's, including sports etc. I didn't mind summer vacation but used to always get bored... maybe my childhood wasn't that great? lol

01-25-2013, 10:22 AM
Haha ya and for the record I'm not bitter or anything but it was the reality of the situation. Money was tight, my parents were fobs adjusting to North American lifestyle, it would have been cool to be exposed to organized sports. But I really appreciate it so much more now though. It is a challenge learning these things now and someways my body hates me, however damn it, so much fun. Haha

01-25-2013, 11:29 AM
For me, I grew up in Asia so my childhood was simple; Tag, Marbles, Kick the Can, playing in the rain (unless there's a flash flood then GTFO), and Power Rangers on TV. I never did sports because they were expensive there.

Then when I moved here, I found my childhood to be different but still fun nonetheless!

Now I can do sports so I'm catching up! :thumbsup:

01-25-2013, 11:35 AM
Like somebody else said... jailbait :whipped:

But seriously, living on the farm; no bills/worries; not having to cook; mom's laundry (seriously, I can not get my clothes to smell as fresh as she did); quadding around the farm in evenings; taking dinner to dad in the field during harvest and eating out there; the dog running around; going for "adventures" in the coolee behind the house; plinking gophers all day sundays; super mario 3; makings plans and actually sticking to them (none of this "sorry running late/can't make it" text messages/cell calls); the cute girl down the road...who got pregnant at 16 (dodged one there lol)

01-25-2013, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
Touching minors without legal ramifications! Ammiright guys?!

Dude your sister doesn't count. :D

Agreed with Kloubek.. Although I don't have the problems he faces, I totally miss the energy that I used to have. Now, I am huffing and puffing and achy after running up the 4 levels from my parkade.

We had those once a month fitness test days in JH where we'd do continuous laps for 30 minutes around the gym and push ups and sit ups the next with absolutely no ramifications the next day whatsoever.

The only thing I wish I had when I was younger is more self confidence and being less shy. And no, I don't miss schooling one bit hahaha.

DJ Lazy
01-25-2013, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by DENZILDON
One of my friends posted this on FB today.



I got chills down my spine when I saw the part about Pogs! :rofl: That nostalgic feeling rushed back with that scene.

Pretty dumb ad though. Showing all the great things we all miss just to advertise a stupid tablet and web browser to keep us away from those things. :nut:

Gotta agree with most of you on the things mentioned...

Walking down to the local shop for 5 cent candies, street hockey, biking in the woods along the river all day, ever-lasting energy, no body pain on a daily basis, POGS :D, care free life, no bills, no rent, no car payments. The only thing I do more now than back then is Video games, mainly because my parents never bought me a game console of ANY sort during my childhood because they didn't want me sitting in front of a TV for hours on end when I was a kid. Only time I got to play video games was at few of my friends houses. Looking back, Props to my parents on that decision! :thumbsup:

.... Summer vacation.... What I wouldn't give for 2 months off work without having to worry about a single thing. Now I get 2 weeks a year that I have to plan out and use wisely. :thumbsdow

Fuck Adulthood! :rofl:

01-26-2013, 02:27 AM
I miss getting excited about shit. I mean REALLY excited. I loved looking forward to sleepovers at a friend's house, going on trips, Christmas time. I still look forward to stuff but that giddy feeling I had as a youth rarely happens probably because life is just so busy now with family, work, and everything in between. I had an awesome childhood and consider myself rather fortunate to have had the upbringing I did.

01-26-2013, 12:17 PM
Whats the definition of "young" in this thread? HS ? Elementary?

Id have to say elementary for me - HS was too much like adulthood - without the money.

I miss the long summer days and evenings when our middle-class neighbourhood kids in Vancouver would get together and play baseball right on the sreet (with those big plastic bats and soft balls), tag, hide and seek and apple stealing from a cranky old ladys tree. Living in Vancouver in the 80s meant that we had all colours of kids - it didnt matter as we were all the same to each other and spoke english as our first language. Of course, the punishments for disobedience were different for different kids (feather dusters). :nut: .... so we kept that in mind.

Rat Fink
01-26-2013, 06:43 PM