View Full Version : What's with lazy wives

02-13-2013, 01:12 PM
So I have a couple of friends, they work hard everyday to provide for the kids and home life.

It is starting to be a common theme for them that they are the ones having to do all the work.

Come home from work, clean the house, cook dinner, clean up after dinner, do laundry, take care of the kids and pets, put kids to bed, make sure that the bills are paid. All before they can enjoy dinner themselves.

They are married, and have good jobs and nice houses.....

But they are getting tired of the SO going out 3 times a week with friends, not feeding the kids, not cleaning, even when they stay at home all day and watch tv.

But god forbid when one is laid off, cause then it all turns into they are no good.

And even though they are working under the table for family, and collecting EI,

the SO has the gall to bitch about not being able to buy the new things or go on a trip because :"They are not doing enough....they are smothering me, and they are being mean asking me to get a job and help support the family."

I have heard the term "They like to roll with the biggest wheel" and in Calgary there is not a truer statement.

And yet, after all this, they are still, in the eyes of the SO, a deadbeat, and a waste of time, a bad choice, not a good partner, because they are not providing the niceties of life for the SO. "Accustomed to the lifestyle which they were living in at the time" and they have been told that they should EXPECT this as they deserve it.

I do not know ANYONE who expects to be a slave for someone because they deserved it.

so ya....other side of coin?

02-13-2013, 01:15 PM
:D I see what you did there. :clap:

02-13-2013, 01:19 PM
This really needed another thread?

02-13-2013, 01:23 PM
Yep it did, cant let you girls have all the bitching priority. Gotta keep it FAIR and EQUAL

02-13-2013, 01:25 PM
And my friends girlfriend. Fuck. I live in strathmore and all of this is ridiculously true out here, as 80% of men out here work the rigs(probably exaggerating the #, but a lot) and these women are just sitting around doing fuck all, going for brunch with their friends in the escalade without a care in the world, except when they are laid off.

Then they aren't getting the things they want and then there's divorce talk bla bla bla. This is the norm in this town. Everyone I know here except 1 couple have split or are very close and that 1 couple who hasn't, still go through this shit, but buddy can't do anything because he's trying to be aa good dad for his kids and not leave the broad.

Wow, I've said a lot today. I'm gonna just read from now on lol

02-13-2013, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip
And my friends girlfriend. Fuck. I live in strathmore and all of this is ridiculously true out here, as 80% of men out here work the rigs(probably exaggerating the #, but a lot) and these women are just sitting around doing fuck all, going for brunch with their friends in the escalade without a care in the world, except when they are laid off.

Then they aren't getting the things they want and then there's divorce talk bla bla bla. This is the norm in this town. Everyone I know here except 1 couple have split or are very close and that 1 couple who hasn't, still go through this shit, but buddy can't do anything because he's trying to be aa good dad for his kids and not leave the broad.

Wow, I've said a lot today. I'm gonna just read from now on lol
I grew up on the acreage between Chestermere and Strathmore, and sadly, a lot of what you just said is true.

People these days, of both sexes, suck.

02-13-2013, 02:35 PM
That's the thing with vaginas. There's always a line of men waiting to be the next inside of one.

02-13-2013, 02:53 PM
Is this a rant for white couples?

02-13-2013, 02:55 PM
^^^^ lol!!!!

02-13-2013, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
Is this a rant for white couples?
LOL, :werd:
Only lazy types of couples I've seen to stereotype about are white people and fob Koreans.

02-13-2013, 03:04 PM
My wife is going to school to be and engineer, she does laundry, and ........

Must just be an Asian thing ;)

02-13-2013, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by kvg
My wife is going to school to be and engineer, she does laundry, and ........

She's likely engineering an exit strategy. :eek:

02-13-2013, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

She's likely engineering an exit strategy. :eek:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

02-13-2013, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

She's likely engineering an exit strategy. :eek:

Could be :dunno: Thanks for the heads up :rofl:

02-13-2013, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
Is this a rant for white couples? Really, Sam? Haha


02-13-2013, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip
And my friends girlfriend. Fuck. I live in Strathmore and all of this is ridiculously true out here, as 80% of men out here work the rigs(probably exaggerating the #, but a lot) and these women are just sitting around doing fuck all, going for brunch with their friends in the Escalade without a care in the world, except when they are laid

I lived in Strathmore for 16 years as a child-young adult(just down the block an around the corner from Go4Long), an what you just listed, isn't too far from the truth...
I stopped in to visit some friends a few weekends ago, just kids with all types of stupid swag! WTF, did that place take a big down turn?

When I stopped in @ Wal Mart to grab some things, this man child was throwing a temper-tantrum cause his mother wouldn't buy him a few video games.. ..Wow my 5 year old son doesn't even pull crap like that. Back in my day if i did something like that. My mom would have went old school on my ass!

02-13-2013, 04:58 PM
My ex roomate is in this boat, but he's not exactly a smart one himself. Him and his gf both have a kid from another relationship, and then they just had another kid. they're both under 21. He quit his job to pursue the ACN MLM Scam, His gf sits at home and bitches at him and literally cries when he doesn't buy her boston pizza everyday, take her shopping, get her whatever thing she wants. She's never worked a day in her life either, odd part is that shes not really attractive..well neither is he but whatever.

Edit: also forgot to add her alcohal/drug addiction. I bought beer and kept it in the fridge once, I got oxycodone/percacet for a real bad pain once. They were both gone the second I left the house, she used to dig through my room for money.

02-13-2013, 05:00 PM
3 kids, and under 21? That is sad.

02-13-2013, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by Disoblige
3 kids, and under 21? That is sad. And all 3 kids from 4 diff people.

02-13-2013, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by Dalking
And all 3 kids from 4 diff people.

sounds almost like 4 kids...
..any chance that you casually suggested to him about getting "fixed"? that many children @ his age, I couldn't begin to imagine how that will play out in 5 years time.

02-13-2013, 05:21 PM
I'm white. And I make my wife do all sorts of things at home. ;) :poosie: :devil: :bigpimp:

02-13-2013, 05:22 PM

02-13-2013, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by THE GOVERNATOR

sounds almost like 4 kids...
..any chance that you casually suggested to him about getting "fixed"? that many children @ his age, I couldn't begin to imagine how that will play out in 5 years time. his gf pokes holes in the condoms lol.everyone knows but him. :rofl:

02-13-2013, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip
And my friends girlfriend. Fuck. I live in strathmore and all of this is ridiculously true out here, as 80% of men out here work the rigs(probably exaggerating the #, but a lot) and these women are just sitting around doing fuck all, going for brunch with their friends in the escalade without a care in the world, except when they are laid off.

Then they aren't getting the things they want and then there's divorce talk bla bla bla. This is the norm in this town. Everyone I know here except 1 couple have split or are very close and that 1 couple who hasn't, still go through this shit, but buddy can't do anything because he's trying to be aa good dad for his kids and not leave the broad.

Wow, I've said a lot today. I'm gonna just read from now on lol

Originally posted by A790

I grew up on the acreage between Chestermere and Strathmore, and sadly, a lot of what you just said is true.

People these days, of both sexes, suck.

Born and raised in this area. 100% true. The only couple I see last are the farmers and their highschool sweethearts. All the other folk around here are a different breed.

02-13-2013, 05:40 PM

02-13-2013, 05:42 PM
Relationship is almost always pair up one go getter and one deadbeat. And the go getter will inherit all the work loads.

At best, work load may be shared but never equal. One will always lose more than they gain in the deal.

02-13-2013, 05:45 PM
Ouch, That sucks

My wife is amazing, Cooks ....Like fine dining for me, cleans, takes care of all the kids extra activities. I just concentrate on work she pretty much takes care of everything else.

Good luck.

Supa Dexta
02-15-2013, 05:00 AM
Yeah be more choosey.. Its more of an Alberta problem though from what I see, as there are a ton of guys around, making good money, often working away.. etc. Women can land one for a few years and get paid to do nothing.

Im a serial POF'er and there are soooooo many chicks on there in their late 20s/early 30s with 2-3 kids and a divorce under their belt. (funny thing is, its never their fault???)

02-15-2013, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by Tomaz
Born and raised in this area. 100% true. The only couple I see last are the farmers and their highschool sweethearts. All the other folk around here are a different breed.
There were some damn fine farmers daughters in our high school, that's for sure. Can't say it'd be a bad life.... lol

02-20-2013, 10:08 AM
That is what happens when you marrry a girl because she is hot, or whom ever comes along because you reach an age you feel obligated to get married at.

It a women can't take care of herself when you meet her, no good job, messy house and life, why the hell wpuld she change afrer marriage?

02-20-2013, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by JordanLotoski
Ouch, That sucks

My wife is amazing, Cooks ....Like fine dining for me, cleans, takes care of all the kids extra activities. I just concentrate on work she pretty much takes care of everything else.

Good luck.

She's definitely getting cock on the side.

02-20-2013, 04:51 PM
I know a few guys in relationships like this - I feel bad for them at first before I realize they knew full well the level of lazy bitch they were getting with. they should find a woman that WANTS to contribute and be independent. A good woman knows how to take care of herself.

02-20-2013, 05:02 PM
The problem with this is the age old problem. When they get to have their cake and eat it to, it changes them. Most people would be more than happy to contribute, until there is an easier way that they can use because humans are inherently lazy.

As for seeing it before marriage.....well that is a whole can of worms onto itself.

Have you not heard the joke "Fastest way to stop having sex....get married"

It is an age old joke for a reason.

02-21-2013, 09:52 AM
10 years with the same woman, we both earn our own money, we split everything when we go out, vacation, etc, we buy our own stuff, she has her own place and it's HER place, not OURS. She has her money, I have mine. We have our ups and downs like any couple but for the most part we don't argue about things that tend to be "burden" issues in "normal" relationships. I know so many guys that refer to their GF's stuff as "theirs", THE car. THE condo, THE savings, etc, like fuck off and grow a pair already. Most women are smarter with money and then some guy who can't manage 100k/yr (not that I properly can either, just sayin') comes along without a pot to piss in and now the burden's on her. Not cool. I don't know because I've never lived it but it seems to me, that raising a couple kids seems like a full time job in itself and before putting all the blame on all women being lazy you have to look at all the men, who think they're superheroes just because they work full time and feel that their contribution to a relationship ends right there. News flash, PEOPLE WORK FULL TIME, it's a part of normal life (unless you're a baller)and nobody deserves a medal for that.

02-21-2013, 10:11 AM
13 years with the same women, 2 5 year old daughters.

In all seriousness, we do everything jointly, money, house, food, all bills.

She has been watching the kids since they were born as I had asked her to stay home to watch them as I did not want a daycare to and I would support all of us.

This was agreed upon by both of us.

I work full time Monday to Friday as well I am on call 24/7, many a days I have not been home because of work, and I do this because I want to provide for my family.

The day comes when I all of a sudden have to start cooking dinner for the family, and cleaning and numerous other things because "raising kids is a full time job"

This line is BULLSHIT!

I was out of work for a month (the kids were 3), took care of the kids and the house, (cooked, cleaned, shopping, even had time to build shit), tried to find full time employment, and work part time just to bring in money.

Yet everyday I was the one who had to do everything because well, I was not working, so I can do it while she takes a break.

For that month, I took over household chores and raising the kids, and doing all the other things necessary to keep a household functional, and you know what "raising the kids" took about 20-30 percent of my time.

I had enough time to do a myriad of other things, and stuff that she could not do because "raising the kids" took to much time away from her being able to do other stuff.

If I can rebuild PC's, build shelves, a shed, as well as take care of the household, do the chores, watch the kids, work part time, and look for a job, all at the same time, why can't she?

"Raising the kids" is not a full time job, I have a full time job.

A full time job requires working full time, not an hour in the morning to get the kids to school, then sitting around till 3 when you pick them up, then picking up the phone to order dinner because you do not have the time to cook anything.

this is only MY view on this and in no way reflects anyone else's reality.

02-21-2013, 11:07 AM
Since my wife and I welcomed our first born into the world on October 9th, my wife has become a lazy slug of a woman.

To start, I totally understood. She had to undergo a C-section and that rather massive trauma takes some time to recover from, so I did all the housework in addition to my daily job. But she recovered inside about a month and since then has complained she simply can't take care of her child while doing any housework as well. Women prior to the 70's and 80's all seemed to find a way, but my wife appears incapable.

I can't do everything myself, since I found I was burning out from working every waking moment of my day for weeks on end. So our castle is becoming a ruin. So be it.

02-21-2013, 11:31 AM
Jesus H. this thread is depressing :cry:

02-21-2013, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by Kloubek
I can't do everything myself, since I found I was burning out from working every waking moment of my day for weeks on end. So our castle is becoming a ruin. So be it.

We hire cleaners to come by every 2 weeks. Vacuums, mops, wipes down all visible surfaces, cleans the dust off everything... House is spick and span!

Thing is, with young ones (and we have 3, oldest just turned five a 2 weeks ago), we hardly have any free time, and of the free time we do have, chores are just aren't high on the priority list. But I hear ya.. Not saying my wife is lazy (she's not) but having a kid (and especially the 2nd and 3rd) means more work for the husband, who's usually not used to doing menial tasks that their mommy (and then their wives) used to do for them. It's responsibility.

If your wife sits around and does nothing all day including neglecting your child, then you have a case. Otherwise, taking care of a child is a full time task and is way more draining than going to work. Heck, me going to work is almost like a vacation.

[edited for grammatical errors]

02-21-2013, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1
Jesus H. this thread is depressing :cry:

Only if you are reading the posts written by deadbeat husbands who assume that they can get home from work and be waited on hand and foot while playing video games until they go to bed.

Most couples with kids (particularly under the age of 4) recognize that there is WAY more work dealing with needy toddlers during the day than a couple of school aged kids who are gone for the majority of the day.

We have a 3 year old boy and a 5 month old girl. I have to help out around the house a bit after work these days but know that things will change once at least my oldest is in school full time.

That said, while the laundry may not get folded at least the house is clean when I get home from work. That is really all I need.

02-21-2013, 12:02 PM
It also depends on the tempermant of the wife too. Some women assume they want kids, and that wil be automatically "fulfilling." The reality is much more complex than that, and having two kids home all day, is much much harder than people realize. Looking afte two kids for a few hours is tough, doing it all day for several years is downright debilitating.

I have cleaners every two weeks as well, and I don't begrudge that fact.

02-21-2013, 12:13 PM
Damn, this thread IS depressing.

The gf's sister is about my age, has three kids, one daughter and twins, a boy and a girl. The boy has mental and physical issues, which the family has a history of. The sister has absolutely zero mothering skills, and has about the same amount of maternal instinct. The husband fits pretty well into the other thread about husbands, the whole family is just dysfunctional in general. I dread visiting, and it's always a shit show when it happens.

I always wonder why couples like these a. decide to get married, b. decide to have kids, and c. decide to have more kids when they have no chance of affording it. If you're not ready for kids, don't have them. If she gets knocked up, there's options for that too, but that's a whole other topic entirely.

02-21-2013, 12:19 PM
LOL at kids being a full time job. Maybe a new born but once the hit 2 or 3 they are not very much work. I babysit my little cousins all the time and I just watch tv and pass a ball to them, play with a toy car etc.

Woman should be making their husband a dinner every single night if he is working. I can understand cleaning is a hassle and may be tough to do all the time. Hire a maid every few weeks and life should be great. Once the kid goes to school the wife better be cleaning and cooking though!

02-21-2013, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by Type_S1
LOL at kids being a full time job. Maybe a new born but once the hit 2 or 3 they are not very much work. I babysit my little cousins all the time and I just watch tv and pass a ball to them, play with a toy car etc.

Parenting and babysitting are so vastly different - to even try to say they are comparable just makes me :rofl:. I take it from your example that you have no kids, so let me refer you to this thread I once made:


02-21-2013, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Type_S1
LOL at kids being a full time job. Maybe a new born but once the hit 2 or 3 they are not very much work. I babysit my little cousins all the time and I just watch tv and pass a ball to them, play with a toy car etc.

Woman should be making their husband a dinner every single night if he is working. I can understand cleaning is a hassle and may be tough to do all the time. Hire a maid every few weeks and life should be great. Once the kid goes to school the wife better be cleaning and cooking though!

:facepalm: Fail on so many levels lol, go hang out with a teething child at 3 am. If only parenting were a 9-5 desk job lol

02-21-2013, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by Type_S1
LOL at kids being a full time job. Maybe a new born but once the hit 2 or 3 they are not very much work. I babysit my little cousins all the time and I just watch tv and pass a ball to them, play with a toy car etc.

If you tried doing this with your own kids they would be restless in a few days.

The most frightening times in my house is when my house is quiet and our kids don't need us for something.

It is usually at this time when we get a new crayola mural on the playroom wall or a box of cereal has been liberated from the pantry downstairs.

02-21-2013, 01:29 PM
seems like alot of guys made some life mistakes here, marrying and having kids, either too early, or with the wrong mate. ppl need to think this shit through way more, as raising a family is hard work, from both sides. but the guys here bitching about their woman, forget that they didnt carry kids in their belly for 9 months. or throw up at weird hours, or sacrifice their looks and physical prowess. its a two way street and relationships are about compromise. if you feed your mate with a silver spoon, dont be surprised when they ask where the spoon is when you dont give them it.

just because you work hard, doesnt mean you are entitled to be treated like royalty when you arrive home. if you wife is lazy, maybe suggest activities to keep her occupied, or a part time job volunteering. maybe set up a schedule where you help sometimes or hire help if you can afford it. to let your family life suffer because you feel like you should be treated a certain way is foolish. seems like some guys have reached the point of no return in their marital lives, and now are stuck wondering why they even made these decisions.

id never marry a woman that i didnt think could be the mother of my kids. if you marry for looks, well sad to say, those go just as fast as your cash.

good luck to the guys out here who actually are having a bit of trouble despite doing their best to maintain a work life as well as a home one.

02-21-2013, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by Type_S1
LOL at kids being a full time job. Maybe a new born but once the hit 2 or 3 they are not very much work. I babysit my little cousins all the time and I just watch tv and pass a ball to them, play with a toy car etc.

Woman should be making their husband a dinner every single night if he is working. I can understand cleaning is a hassle and may be tough to do all the time. Hire a maid every few weeks and life should be great. Once the kid goes to school the wife better be cleaning and cooking though!

see what happens when you take them to a park or playground. they will tire your ass out before you know it. now think about doing that everyday for 5-6 years.

02-21-2013, 01:40 PM

02-21-2013, 01:49 PM
Oddly (or perhaps not), I DO like to play video games in the evening. But make no mistake about it - I totally help out and don't expect my wife to do everything. I take out the garbage, vacuum, do the dishes, fix all the stuff around the house, and I'm in the process (though I'm making incredibly slow progress) renovating our basement. Plus, of course, my actual full time job. I also try to help take care of our son - though he has only recently stopped screaming when I look at him.

This isn't the 60's and I don't expect my wife to do it all. But I think saying that taking care of the baby is a full time job isn't *quite* accurate. Yes, a baby requires constant supervision... but he's quite happy when mom puts him in the swing and talks to him as she does something for 20-30 minutes. He also takes naps.

I'm not expecting the house to be 100% flawless or anything... I just wouldn't mind the bathrooms being cleaned on occasion, or perhaps a dust here and there. I really don't think that is too much to expect is it?

As far as hiring a cleaning service - it is entirely possible.... but also quite expensive. With the wife making less than normal on maternity and the fact I'm not exactly an executive, I'm not sure we could afford that.

02-21-2013, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by clem24

We hire cleaners to come by every 2 weeks. Vacuums, mops, wipes down all visible, surfaces, cleans the dust off everything... House is spick and span!

Thing is, with young ones (and we have 3, oldest just turned five a 2 weeks ago), we hardly have any free time, and of the free time we do have, chores are just on the priority list. But I hear ya.. Not saying my wife is lazy (she's not) but having a kid (and especially the 2nd and 3rd) means more work for the husband, who's usually not used to doing menial tasks that their mommy (and then their wives) used to do for them. It's responsibility.

If your wife sits around and does nothing all day including neglecting your child, then you have a case. Otherwise, taking care of a child is a full time task and is way more draining than going to work. Heck me going to work is almost like a vacation.

Originally posted by ExtraSlow
It also depends on the tempermant of the wife too. Some women assume they want kids, and that wil be automatically "fulfilling." The reality is much more complex than that, and having two kids home all day, is much much harder than people realize. Looking afte two kids for a few hours is tough, doing it all day for several years is downright debilitating.

I have cleaners every two weeks as well, and I don't begrudge that fact.

I've been debating doing the same thing since my wife is going to school to take some of the stress off her. Can you guys text me or PM with some of the details about the service you use please.

02-21-2013, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by Type_S1
LOL at kids being a full time job. Maybe a new born but once the hit 2 or 3 they are not very much work. I babysit my little cousins all the time and I just watch tv and pass a ball to them, play with a toy car etc.

Woman should be making their husband a dinner every single night if he is working. I can understand cleaning is a hassle and may be tough to do all the time. Hire a maid every few weeks and life should be great. Once the kid goes to school the wife better be cleaning and cooking though!

I asked this in another thread but never got an answer.

How old are you?

We know you're at least old enough to babysit...

02-21-2013, 02:22 PM
I don't even want to think about having kids until I'm early 30s lol.

02-21-2013, 02:28 PM
Forget that noise! My youngest will be 18 when I'm 41, I won't be to old to enjoy life after kids :D

02-21-2013, 02:40 PM
I was a stay at home mom, then took in neighbors kids before I went back to work full time. I never really had issues with the housework, but I found I lost a piece of myself. Everything was tied to being mommy or a wife.Hell I used to envy my ex's commute time because it was time he had alone, able to listen to music on blast lol. For you guys whose wives stay at home, make sure they have some time to themselves, something that is just them. Kick her out of the house for a little bit without the kids, and don't call her while she is out. And if you don't want to help with housework okay, just don't bitch about it:-p

02-21-2013, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by Type_S1
LOL at kids being a full time job. Maybe a new born but once the hit 2 or 3 they are not very much work. I babysit my little cousins all the time and I just watch tv and pass a ball to them, play with a toy car etc.

Woman should be making their husband a dinner every single night if he is working. I can understand cleaning is a hassle and may be tough to do all the time. Hire a maid every few weeks and life should be great. Once the kid goes to school the wife better be cleaning and cooking though!

I'm not even a parent and I find this hysterical. And to say it gets easier at 2 or 3? HA!!! Good one.

02-21-2013, 05:33 PM
I have a ton of family of all ages that I've had to take care from a 1 year old to a 12 year old.

1 yr old - dont want to be around the thing. Cries and poops and does nothing.
2 - starting to do some cool stuff and isn't as whiney. Potty trained by now.
3 - can play, take it to the park, feed it normal food.
4 - starts to learn cool things, can talk, ask questions.
5 & up - in school the majority of the day so how can you complain. They will play sports with you, play video games and generally are a happy bunch.

I admit I have never have had to deal with kids at night so the crying and constant waking up is probably stressful. From my experience the dad also gets up at night to help out so not always on the mom. I can understand how having a newborn is taxing but as they get older the work gets less and less.

Maybe some people just can't handle stress & workload as well as others? If my grandma raised 5 kids, had a clean house and cooked everyday I don't see why someone nowadays can't. I guess if i was constantly on my iPhone texting my friends about where to go for lunch, which mall to hit, playing games or complaining about how busy I am I wouldn't have time to cook it clean either (personal experience from a lazy woman who married into my family)

Maybe I am completely wrong and will realize this when I have a kid and maybe the woman in my family are superhuman because it had always been an expectation and seemed to work fine. But really if a kid is really that much work and it's that big of a deal hire a maid and split cooking duties and you are set.

02-22-2013, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by Type_S1
I have a ton of family of all ages that I've had to take care from a 1 year old to a 12 year old.

I can't tell if you're a kid, a troll, or an idiot.

02-22-2013, 01:14 PM
My Wife cooks, cleans, does the laundry, has a high profile corporate position, and makes 6 figures.


02-22-2013, 01:26 PM

02-22-2013, 01:49 PM
if you think the sound of someone else's kids is annoying, wait till it's your own. 10x worse.

02-22-2013, 01:55 PM

Supa Dexta
02-22-2013, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

Ouch dude... to be fair my wife likes to watch me play video games ;)

This made me laugh.. :nut:

02-22-2013, 03:15 PM
Too many women out there think they are entitled to some higher level because they are women. Its the ones that have no education and ambition that really piss me off. Just cause they have a pussy they think its worth something but the funny thing is that pussy can be had cheaper then marrying the wrong girl in the long run.

End rant.

02-22-2013, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

See, I am the opposite... I think your 20's and 30's are the best time to enjoy life without kids!

Then again I am starting to think that my 40's and 50's would be better off without kids too... I see no real benifit to having kids. Plus I can't stand when I hear other peoples kids crying, they should invent some kind of mandatory soundproof helmet for kids in public.

A bunch of my friends are just starting their families and so glad I started early, but in all fairness it's riskier because most of the people I know who got married and had kids aren't together anymore.

02-25-2013, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by Type_S1
I admit I have never have had to deal with kids at night so the crying and constant waking up is probably stressful. From my experience the dad also gets up at night to help out so not always on the mom. I can understand how having a newborn is taxing but as they get older the work gets less and less.

It's not just the fact that the situation is stressful... It's the fact that you are sleep deprived. Broken sleep sucks dude.

Originally posted by cjblair
I can't tell if you're a kid, a troll, or an idiot.

At least 2.

Originally posted by ExtraSlow
if you think the sound of someone else's kids is annoying, wait till it's your own. 10x worse.

Really? I really don't like kids.. But I love my own. This seems to be a fairly common sentiment. I find other kids' screams and wails are annoying. With mine, at least I can smack them on the side of the head/tell them to shut up.. :rofl:

02-25-2013, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

Worse yet is most of the people I know with kids generally seem pretty miserable.... but insist strongly they are not. Then in the same breath try to sell me on having my own kids. I think it is some kind of sadistic primal instinct to make sure other people are as miserable as you are.

Pretty much everyone I know that doesn't have children has said this exact same thing, lol.

02-25-2013, 10:53 AM
^^ completely agree lol. my sister and 2 of my sister-in-laws have new borns under 6 months, and they look like shit. their husbands look even worse for some reason... misery loves company!

my wife and i were thinking of having kids soon, but after seeing our sisters we've postponed that thought for a few more years :rofl:

02-25-2013, 11:17 AM
^^ Lol I agree with the last 2 posts! I now have a great relationship with my daughter but lemme tell ya, I couldn't think of a better time to have to go to jail 12 years ago then when my ex was pregnant lol I see how run down most other parents look when I go to her school events, no thank you. I'd pay 10x what I'm paying now in child support if my only other option was to be a beat up drained of all life family man.