View Full Version : to the idiot who caused an accident on Glenmore

02-13-2013, 07:05 PM
You are a fucking idiot.


Around 15:30 today I was driving eastbound Glenmore (just over the Glenmore reservoir bridge) on the far left lane, doing about 85 when I noticed a blue Yaris swerving from the middle lane to the left lane.

Immediately, all the cars between me and the Yaris (about 4) started slowing down and abruptly stopped.

Then I see the blonde hair douchebag in his 50's coming out of the Yaris, yelling some shit to another car, getting back in his POS and finally booking it down Glenmore.

I was fortunate enough not to hit or get hit by another car, however a few people behind me weren't so lucky.

Now I don't know the rules when it comes to stopping in the middle of the left lane but this was a case of road rage and I hope the idiot pays in some way.

If anyone here was involved in the crash PM me and I'll try and help you as much as I can.

Blue Yaris Licence Plate: BHN 7439

02-13-2013, 07:15 PM
The Yaris isn't a POS.

02-13-2013, 07:15 PM
Report it to the police, chances are someone else did as well.

02-13-2013, 07:28 PM
If he's a 50 year old dude chances are he's not going to read you post here.

02-13-2013, 07:28 PM

02-13-2013, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by puya.ro
I hope the idiot pays in some way.

If anyone here was involved in the crash PM me and I'll try and help you as much as I can.

Blue Yaris Licence Plate: BHN 7439

As much of an idiot as he is, he won't be paying anything insurance wise. All the accidents were the fault of the people behind who were driving too close, and too great a speed. Regardless of the cause of the stopage up ahead, they should have had time to brake.

Call him in though, since you were a witness. He might get a "stunting" ticket, lol.