View Full Version : cocksucker cab companies in calgary sue fastcab app.

02-20-2013, 09:02 AM
What a bunch of diuchebags. Everyone of these companies needs their licenses revoked to pave the way for a real cab company instead of being allowed to hold the limited cab licenses hostage.


02-20-2013, 09:12 AM
I thought the app didn't work anyway.

02-20-2013, 09:17 AM
Toma, shit cab companies aren't localized to Calgary. They're just as fucking useless here in Saskatoon, the entire industry is a bunch of crooks. They couldn't be more mismanaged if they were run by government.

02-20-2013, 09:35 AM

02-20-2013, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
Taxi Cab Driver against app: “It’s not safe. I don’t know who’s calling me”


FFS, you are a cab driver... that kind of goes with the territory. Do you think the dispatcher gets to know every caller over dinner or something?


02-20-2013, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
Taxi Cab Driver against app: “It’s not safe. I don’t know who’s calling me”


FFS, you are a cab driver... that kind of goes with the territory. Do you think the dispatcher gets to know every caller over dinner or something?

I LOLed over that too. I was just thinking that this guy was in the wrong industry.

02-20-2013, 10:12 AM
You probably couldn't come up with a better ad for it than this.

02-20-2013, 12:57 PM
Fact is that the big brokers bought and paid for city council a long time ago.
With this current fiasco, if Colley-Urquhart had kept her trap shut and just had the wording changed, it would have blown over. But fuck no, she had to go public which compelled the brokers to act.

Not sure what basis the cab companies have to sue though. They still get their full stand rent. Maybe they can't stand the idea of dem uppity-ass scumbag drivers making a living?

Are they also going to sue to stop Code 8's and flags off the street?

And where are the cops and MADD? Both them keep yapping about calling a cab if you've been drinking and then when someone comes along with something to make that easier only to be fucked over by the cab companies, they puss out and say nothing. Fucking hypocritical assholes.

02-20-2013, 01:23 PM
cab companies are probably pissed because this app enables drivers to take the calls on their own, thus giving them the opportunity to make unknown $$ that may or may not go to the cab company.

02-20-2013, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip
cab companies are probably pissed because this app enables drivers to take the calls on their own, thus giving them the opportunity to make unknown $$ that may or may not go to the cab company.

for that to happen they would have to be off the meter... no?

i think its more so for the independent cabs that are now able to get fairs

02-20-2013, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

FFS, you are a cab driver... that kind of goes with the territory. Do you think the dispatcher gets to know every caller over dinner or something?

You would thing someone with a smartphone and paying for a data plan is already a cut above randoms on the street.

That's said, I can understand the lawsuit. The cabbie that sign up are working like independents thru this app, that's the last thing those cab companies wants.

Originally posted by ercchry
i think its more so for the independent cabs that are now able to get fairs

Does such mythical creature actually exists? I thought the cab companies own all the licenses and there are no independents in Calgary.

02-20-2013, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip
cab companies are probably pissed because this app enables drivers to take the calls on their own, thus giving them the opportunity to make unknown $$ that may or may not go to the cab company.

Unless things have changed a bunch since I drove cab, the companies only made their money by charging a flat stand rent per car.

Then the owner of the car would either drive it themselves or lease it weekly to other drivers for a 24hr shift (harsh) or 2 - 12hr shifts charging each driver enough to cover the stand rent, maintenance and make a profit.

The drivers would then take as many trips as they could to make enough to cover their lease payments, fuel and wash expenses. Anything left over was theirs.

So all down the line, as long as the company (broker) got their stand rent and the car owner got their lease money, both of them could give 2 shits if the drivers made a dime.

If a driver never booked on to the dispatch system but still managed to cover lease, nobody cared. Well until they got busted for dealing or pimping that is.

Until I figured out how the game worked, there was lots of times that I'd do a 12hr shift on a Sunday night just to make lease on Monday.

The whole industry is built on treating the drivers like indentured servants and milking them for every penny.
Cab companies don't make any money from transporting people around, they make it by charging poor fuckers for the use of a plate and insurance so those guys can assume the risks and good times of being a cab driver.

02-20-2013, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema

Does such mythical creature actually exists? I thought the cab companies own all the licenses and there are no independents in Calgary.

sounds like it? :dunno:

The city released 55 new, non-transferable accessible taxi plate licences that went to drivers, not brokers. They come with conditions, including that cabs must be accessible and available to the public Friday and Saturday nights until 4 a.m.

The city also wants cabs to report their whereabouts through GPS, so it can better monitor where taxis are and at what hours.

It was the first change to the city’s 1,411-cab fleet in about five years, when independent drivers were given the city’s first 100 accessible taxi plates.

Read more: http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/calgary/Calgary+taxi+firms+over+that+hails+cabs+faster/7987487/story.html#ixzz2LTRXrSQr

02-20-2013, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by Duckman

Since launching FastCab late last summer, 3,200 users have signed up, and 250 are cab drivers, founder Jeff Doepker said.

Read more: http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/calgary/Calgary+taxi+firms+over+that+hails+cabs+faster/7987487/story.html#ixzz2LTSYZy5v.

If that number hasn't increased exponentially, I would think that the cabs would still have more of a market from people calling #TAXI or individual cab numbers...
What is different from this app and people calling individual cab drivers?

02-20-2013, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema

Does such mythical creature actually exists? I thought the cab companies own all the licenses and there are no independents in Calgary.

Oh yeah, they are out there in full force.

I see taxis all over the place, especially the NE with no livery plate with weird and random names.

The "Flames Taxi" always gave me a giggle with the flaming "C" logo on it. I kept wondering how long it would take for them to get pinched, but I kept seeing the red van for years.

02-20-2013, 02:51 PM
The cab companies are such a joke. I phoned for a cab after a night of hard drinking, they told me something like 30 minutes and I explicitly told them I wanted a call when the cab is here and they said they would. 45 minutes in no phone call and I'm getting impatient, I go outside and there are about three cabs parked there so I decide to just poach one.

5 minutes into my ride through conversation it comes out that I poached my own cab, the guy had been sitting there for ~10 minutes. I don't get how any cab driver is against this, it makes their job easier and the customer's experience 10 times better.

02-20-2013, 02:55 PM
God, compared to the cabs in Panama City, we have it good. This one cab we took I swear was held together by duct tape and paint..... BUT ... they were EVERYWHERE and independent (just paint your car yellow).....never wait more than a few minutes.

If the apps helps out the drivers a bit, then great. I wonder with what grounds they plan on sueing, isnt it a competition?

02-21-2013, 12:34 AM
Im so tired of hearing issues against tech savy consumers, consumers who avoid loan sharks, and consumers who take action. Good for them for making the APP. The taxis should start using technology.

I onced asked a taxi if he accepted debit? he rudely shouted "DOes my car look like it has a phone jack" in a rude voice ...

“They market their services as a ‘tech-savvy’ product that will allow the travelling public greater access to taxicabs, when in fact all they create is a queue-jumping system for people with smartphones in a position to pay an incentive,” reads the five-page statement of claim.

Read more: http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/calgary/Calgary+taxi+firms+over+that+hails+cabs+faster/7987487/story.html#ixzz2LVr2DN7C

Supa Dexta
02-21-2013, 05:46 AM
Back home in my small town theres a guy we call scabcab.. Hes awesome! haha.. Call him anytime of day, or night and throw him 5 or 10 bux, 20 for a car load.... The real cabbies hate him, and the cops give him a hard time now and then, but hey - we're just friends getting a ride. :rofl: He makes some good money at it,

Maxx Mazda
02-21-2013, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by Supa Dexta
Back home in my small town theres a guy we call scabcab.. Hes awesome! haha.. Call him anytime of day, or night and throw him 5 or 10 bux, 20 for a car load.... The real cabbies hate him, and the cops give him a hard time now and then, but hey - we're just friends getting a ride. :rofl: He makes some good money at it,

THIS just made my day! :thumbsup:

02-21-2013, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by Supa Dexta
Back home in my small town theres a guy we call scabcab.. Hes awesome! haha.. Call him anytime of day, or night and throw him 5 or 10 bux, 20 for a car load.... The real cabbies hate him, and the cops give him a hard time now and then, but hey - we're just friends getting a ride. :rofl: He makes some good money at it,

Actually I've always thought about this.. Say I am driving my wife's minivan to work and I pass by a bus stop and ask who's going downtown and charge $5/head. Doesn't cost me any more and I make at least $5..

02-21-2013, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by thetransporter
“They market their services as a ‘tech-savvy’ product that will allow the travelling public greater access to taxicabs, when in fact all they create is a queue-jumping system for people with smartphones in a position to pay an incentive,” reads the five-page statement of claim.

Read more: http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/calgary/Calgary+taxi+firms+over+that+hails+cabs+faster/7987487/story.html#ixzz2LVr2DN7C

....that's the point!
I'm willing to pay to jump the line, opposed to sitting on hold with #TAXI for an hour and never getting through (or calling the cab co. directly and getting busy signals til I begin to wonder if driving myself isn't such a bad idea).

02-21-2013, 02:30 PM
Thanks for the app suggestion!

02-21-2013, 04:26 PM
i remember driving downtown at night, random people would ask for your rides since they could not get a taxi.

just start up a company say you provide tours ?
or start up a company and say you sale test drives as a passenger?

02-21-2013, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by thetransporter
i remember driving downtown at night, random people would ask for your rides since they could not get a taxi.

just start up a company say you provide tours ?
or start up a company and say you sale test drives as a passenger? Is it illegal to provide a ride for a fee without having any license to do so?

Supa Dexta
02-22-2013, 08:10 AM
Yes. I believe scabcab from my story went and got a chauffeur endorsement to help with the heat.. But you're still supposed to have special insurance and licences and shit.

02-24-2013, 11:03 AM
What about a member only beyond driver? Tips only, and a $50/yr fee?

02-24-2013, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by gamman
What about a member only beyond driver? Tips only, and a $50/yr fee?

I take it you didn't read the thread about gratuities? :rofl: