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02-20-2013, 09:42 AM
The challenge presented by Mcdonalds towards my children is one I've always dreaded.

I don't eat there myself, and hate the thought of my children being brainwashed into begging me for happy meals. My wife takes them there on occasion. She knows I don't like it when she does, but I don't fuss.

Like teen sex, I always figured it was one of those things you have to try to prevent, while at the same time accepting the inevitable.

Nonetheless, since my kids could use a toilet, I've always told them to "flush twice - It's a long way to mcdonalds". I informed them that mcdonalds uses everyone's poop to make burgers, and pee to make mcdonalds lemonade. It was just mischeif making for my own entertainment.

Last week, however, I took them to mcdonalds. We'd been having a nice day down, and they begged me to take them to "old mcdonalds" as we walked by the one in Scotia.

What the hell, I thought. My kids do get plenty real food, and it couldn't hurt.

We each got a cheeseburger and shared some fries.

After eating for a bit, One child asked if I could buy her a Mcdonalds hello kitty toy. I told her that we could get her a hello kitty toy, but not at Mcdonalds. I explained to her that mcdonalds tricked kids into buying shitty food by baiting them in with toys.

She got VERY mad that anyone would try to trick her. She was very indignant. She asked what I meant about shitty food.

So we dissected a hamburger.... and I explained how it was made of poop and sawdust. And I asked them to compare the hamburger to others we've had, at restaurants, etc. The plastic nature of the burgers in front of them confirmed my story.

They got quite mad that anyone would try to feed them poop. They refused to finish their hamburgers.

Several times in the last week, we've driven by a mcdonalds, and the chorus has been "Daddy, please don't take us to old mcdonalds - We don't want to eat poop".

I never set out to turn my kids against mcdonalds, as I never thought I'd be able to go up against their highly sophisticated marketing machine.

But I did. And I won.

Fuck you red haired clown.

02-20-2013, 09:47 AM

DUDE! I laughed so hard at:

I've always told them to "flush twice - It's a long way to mcdonalds". I informed them that mcdonalds uses everyone's poop to make burgers, and pee to make mcdonalds lemonade.

Very happy my office door was closed

Priceless !

02-20-2013, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by LollerBrader
Fuck you red haired clown.


02-20-2013, 09:47 AM
What the fuck.

02-20-2013, 09:51 AM
is this real :) hahah

02-20-2013, 09:52 AM
Works well until they find out the truth and figure out their parents lied to them?

I can see not wanting them to have it.. or maybe a special occasion, but unless its a regular occurrence I cant see the harm. Is it just McDonalds you have a hate on for? Or all junk/fast food in general?

02-20-2013, 09:59 AM
Or, you could let them watch "IT" and get a good look at Pennywise the clown.

Ever since I saw that movie it's all i can think of when we go near one.

Btw: spoken like a true non-parent....

02-20-2013, 09:59 AM
OP's avatar and posting about eating poop.....intredasting....

02-20-2013, 10:03 AM
So for the OP, can't wait to hear how you'll handle things with your kids when it comes time to explain sex or drinking responsibly. We always found that explaining stuff to our kids on a level that they could understand/comprehend was best - over the years we've watched other parents lie/trick/deny their kids and almost always it's come back to haunt them through the kids questioning their parents or the kids going around their parent's backs to seek the real truth or better yet, going over the top when they experimented with something that was "taboo".

02-20-2013, 10:26 AM
I won't let my daughter get the toys with her happy meal. It's funny now when she asks for her order, "chicken nuggets, fries, small white milk and no toy"

On a nutritional level, Macdonalds is about on par with most fast food, and probably not much worse than places like Boston Pizza.

Too much salt, too much fat, not enough veggies.

02-20-2013, 10:41 AM
Yeah.....I dunno. Lying to your kids and making them think they're eating shit doesn't really sound like a victory to me.

To each their own. :dunno:

Originally posted by LollerBrader
She got VERY mad that anyone would try to trick her. She was very indignant.

Imagine how mad she'll be when she realizes her parents tried to trick her. :)

02-20-2013, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by R-Audi
Works well until they find out the truth and figure out their parents lied to them?

I can see not wanting them to have it.. or maybe a special occasion, but unless its a regular occurrence I cant see the harm. Is it just McDonalds you have a hate on for? Or all junk/fast food in general?

werd, what I was thinking too.
what happens once they are teens, more ammo for rebellious kids to their lying parents.

02-20-2013, 10:50 AM
Wait, OP are you ali20 in disguise?

02-20-2013, 10:55 AM
Wow, sounds like you are raising some dumb kids bro.

02-20-2013, 10:57 AM
I find it funny that the OP is proud of himself.

Apparently he must be 12 years old because he couldn't think of any better ways than lying to his kids to encourage healthy eating habits.

02-20-2013, 11:10 AM
This video best respresents the OP vs. Beyond.


02-20-2013, 11:28 AM
I hate McD as much as OP, but I would never tell kids falsehoods :dunno:

I wouldve compared McDs the same as smoking.

Kids dont understand that common things that everyone else is doing might be bad for them, but sometimes its ok to indulge (heck I smoke cigars sometimes).

02-20-2013, 11:30 AM
Why do so many parents I meet have such a hard on for hating mcdonalds? They've bent ass backwards offering healthy meal choices to cater to these wannabe hippie posers while every other fast food joint doesn't offer jack shit and these people still talk about them like they're the anti-christ.

02-20-2013, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by Kramerica
Why do so many parents I meet have such a hard on for hating mcdonalds? They've bent ass backwards offering healthy meal choices to cater to these wannabe hippie posers while every other fast food joint doesn't offer jack shit and these people still talk about them like they're the anti-christ.

This is a pretty good description of how I feel as well.

I recommend people to check out the documentary "Fat Head". It's got some pretty good stuff on McD's, and fast food in general. It's also quite entertaining (and satirical).

Nobody is forcing you or your kids to eat fast food.

02-20-2013, 11:53 AM
I ate a shit ton of Big Macs as a kid, it was an awesome treat when we went to the city. I've never been fat a day in my life. My parents also fed us healthy at home and promoted exercise and playing outside.

Teach your kids balance, not lies. :thumbsup:

02-20-2013, 11:58 AM
IIFYM I guess.

I love me some McDonalds from time to time.

Double quarter pounder w/ lettuce + tomato, side fries (if leg day) or salad (any other day). Diet beverage.

02-20-2013, 12:04 PM
Potential for backfire, high.

Poop related story: I remember a camp guide who picked up a glossette chocolate covered raisin off the ground on a camp trail and proclaimed it as rabbit poop, that it was actually very healthy, and then proceeded to eat it.

Next thing you know, halfway though the hike a kid picks one up and eats it.

Things were just so much more fun when I was a kid.

02-20-2013, 12:08 PM
There's nothing wrong with McDonald's, or any fast food for that matter... the key is moderation and eating an otherwise balanced diet.

If all you eat is carrots, or 98% lean chicken, it's going to make you sick too.

It seems more important to teach this to children, rather than to be blindly and ignorantly opposed to McDonalds. :dunno:

02-20-2013, 12:10 PM
So you are promoting lying to your kids to get them to do what you want, even though you said you accepted the fact that your wife takes them to Mc'ds on occasion. Do you plan on telling them that all fast food places make their food from poop considering they all have similar nutrition values? Have you told your wife what you taught your kids? Do you also plan on lying to them if they ask how babies are made?

02-20-2013, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by DeleriousZ
I recommend people to check out the documentary "Fat Head".


02-20-2013, 12:16 PM
Fuck that, McDonald's is disgusting and factory farming is a problem. :guns: :poosie: :devil:

02-20-2013, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by LollerBrader

Strong post content to avatar ratio

Originally posted by 2Legit2Quit
OP's avatar and posting about eating poop.....intredasting....


Originally posted by revelations
I hate McD as much as OP, but I would never tell kids falsehoods :dunno:

Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Jesus etc?trolling, but still - those are all falsehoods.

Originally posted by FixedGear
There's nothing wrong with McDonald's, or any fast food for that matter... the key is moderation and eating an otherwise balanced diet.

I eat fast food once in a while, but the majority of my diet is clean as hell. I get what you're saying about moderation, but it doesn't change the fact that McDonalds is garbage food.

It's like smoking - you can do it in moderation, but it's still bad for you. Eating McDonalds once in a while might not make you fat or cause any other perceivable maladies, but it's still not good for you.

Same thing with the new coke commercials, promoting a healthy, balanced diet - just because you lead a balanced lifestyle doesn't mean some of the products you consume aren't bad for you, they just don't have the immediate cumulative effect present in overconsumption.

inb4 cool story bro.

Penis McNickels
02-20-2013, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Ntense_SpecV
Do you also plan on lying to them if they ask how babies are made?

I constantly lament to my kids how upset I am that the return period at Walmart has expired and that I am stuck with them.

02-20-2013, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by zipdoa

I get what you're saying about moderation, but it doesn't change the fact that McDonalds is garbage food. It's like smoking - you can do it in moderation, but it's still bad for you. Eating McDonalds once in a while might not make you fat or cause any other perceivable maladies, but it's still not good for you.

I disagree. How is it bad for you? It doesn't contain cyanide, or any chemicals known to cause birth defects in California. (Fast food is not analogous to cigarettes.) On the other hand, looking at the Nutritional Facts for a Big Mac, you can see that it contains calories, fats, sodium, protein, vitamin a, vitamin c, calcium, iron, etc. -- all of which are necessary components of a healthy diet. Fast food is not bad for you, but eating fast food in excess is. Just like eating carrots in excess is unhealthy.

02-20-2013, 12:28 PM
I'll give Zipdoa one point about talking about Santa, and the rest of that statement...I guess I fall into that also. Seeing as how I didn't crush their dreams of telling them Santa etc. isn't real at 3 years old. But to me, I wouldn't put McDonalds on the same level as Christmas, but in a sense it is. I would just tell them NO you can't have McD's and deal with the crying/consequences.

02-20-2013, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by FixedGear

I disagree. How is it bad for you? It doesn't contain cyanide, or any chemicals known to cause birth defects in California. (Fast food is not analogous to cigarettes.) On the other hand, looking at the Nutritional Facts for a Big Mac, you can see that it contains calories, fats, sodium, protein, vitamin a, vitamin c, calcium, iron, etc. -- all of which are necessary components of a healthy diet. Fast food is not bad for you, but eating fast food in excess is. Just like eating carrots in excess is unhealthy.
People blame fast food for obesity, etc. because it isn't balanced. It's very calorically heavy, particularly on carbs/fats, and its very easy to exceed your BMR when eating fast food.

Prime example: I'm going to Five Guys tonight. I KNOW their double cheeseburger is 1,100 calories. Add another 600 for fries (assuming I eat them all). That's a 1,700 calorie meal.

1,700 calories is the BMR for your average woman (probably slightly over TBH), and about 2/3s of what a typically adult male would need. And it's just one meal.

Not everybody will hit the gym and squat (like I will today) and do cardio tomorrow to balance out that intake. Most people will get hungry again in a few hours and eat again. No big deal, right?

If one meal a day is fast food its easy to be 500-800 calories over your BMR assuming you aren't cognizant of that fact. That means you're gaining 1-1.5lbs a week, easily.

02-20-2013, 12:51 PM
Hm... clicked on this thread expecting it was about how you got rid of your ginger kid...

02-20-2013, 01:26 PM
I just let my kids decide what garbage it is. Given the choice my kids 99% of the time want me to just BBQ burgers. But if we are in a town we don't know a restaurant I would rather McD's or BK or another chain have my money because I know what I am getting. I have been sucked into many bad meals hoping that restaurant was good.

02-20-2013, 01:44 PM
So OP are you going to tell your kids that having teen sex results in AID's, cancer, or any other fib you can think of? I can understand a parent not wanting their kids to eat fast food but there are better ways at going about this than fabricating stories.

Edit: Meh I assume that this was probably cut and pasted from someone else anyway.

02-20-2013, 02:50 PM
Let's have some McPoop and wash it down with an ice cold McPee lol!

02-20-2013, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by FixedGear

I disagree. How is it bad for you? It doesn't contain cyanide, or any chemicals known to cause birth defects in California. (Fast food is not analogous to cigarettes.) On the other hand, looking at the Nutritional Facts for a Big Mac, you can see that it contains calories, fats, sodium, protein, vitamin a, vitamin c, calcium, iron, etc. -- all of which are necessary components of a healthy diet. Fast food is not bad for you, but eating fast food in excess is. Just like eating carrots in excess is unhealthy.

High temperature deep frying makes food carcinogenic, much like a blackened steak is carcinogenic.

Just because it contains calories doesn't make it OK to eat.

Fast Food and Pop IS analogous to Cigarettes, and in the future I wouldn't be surprised to see the same sort of warnings on these food products that are currently on cigarette packs.

Most fast food = toxic food. Just because it doesn't kill you instantly doesn't mean it isn't harming you. The same way a cigarette doesn't kill you instantly, but still damages your body.

Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils or trans fats are commonly understood to be bad for you. These are present in the majority of fast foods.

Just because fast food has trace amounts of certain vitamins and minerals, doesn't make automatically warrant inclusion in a healthy diet. Just because Cinnamon Toast Crunch has certain nutrients added doesn't mean it's a healthy choice for breakfast.

Perceptions will change.


And to be clear, I'm not against fast food. I do eat it sparingly. I just don't try to convince myself that because trace nutrients are present that it's somehow contributing to a healthy diet.

02-20-2013, 03:09 PM
I agree with ops take on mcd's. Food habits stick with u from a kid until your an adult, I was never allowed to eat that shite, I still don't and my kids won't. Some kids parents take them to mcd's quite often. It's probably those same kids who are overweight when they get older.

On a similar topic, one of my buddies keeps a drawer full of dead batteries for all the noisy shitty toys his kids get for Christmas. When the batteries die in the noisy toys he puts a dead battery in and says to his kid "oh looks like your toy is broken, no wonder its made in China" :lol

02-20-2013, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by zipdoa

High temperature deep frying makes food carcinogenic, much like a blackened steak is carcinogenic.

Wow hold on, don't you dare dragging a nicely seared, crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside piece of steak into a discussion with poop and pee, curse you!

02-20-2013, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by lilmira

Wow hold on, don't you dare dragging a nicely seared, crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside piece of steak into a discussion with poop and pee, curse you!


02-20-2013, 03:22 PM
good on you man.... I plan on doing the same.

02-20-2013, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by jazzyb
good on you man.... I plan on doing the same.

Ahhh it's only the methodology that's being questioned, not the motive behind it.

02-20-2013, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by zipdoa
Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils or trans fats are commonly understood to be bad for you. These are present in the majority of fast foods.

The sad part is we can thank the health regulation people for pushing for those to be used in the fast food industry, rather than the stuff they were using before which was high in saturated fats, low in trans fats.

02-20-2013, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by zipdoa

High temperature deep frying makes food carcinogenic, much like a blackened steak is carcinogenic.

Just because it contains calories doesn't make it OK to eat.

Fast Food and Pop IS analogous to Cigarettes, and in the future I wouldn't be surprised to see the same sort of warnings on these food products that are currently on cigarette packs.

Most fast food = toxic food. Just because it doesn't kill you instantly doesn't mean it isn't harming you. The same way a cigarette doesn't kill you instantly, but still damages your body.

Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils or trans fats are commonly understood to be bad for you. These are present in the majority of fast foods.

Just because fast food has trace amounts of certain vitamins and minerals, doesn't make automatically warrant inclusion in a healthy diet. Just because Cinnamon Toast Crunch has certain nutrients added doesn't mean it's a healthy choice for breakfast.

Perceptions will change.


And to be clear, I'm not against fast food. I do eat it sparingly. I just don't try to convince myself that because trace nutrients are present that it's somehow contributing to a healthy diet.
Which ingredient of a Big Mac (or any other fast food burger) is high temp deep fried? When it comes down to it, it's bread, grilled meat, veggies, and cheese. The only thing I could see being remotely carcinogenic is maybe processed cheese? Sure the macros or whatever it's called is not optimal ratios, but I just don't agree with it being actually poisonous

Sort of on topic - does anyone remember how cool it was when you parents brought you McDonald's for lunch in elementary? Kids would flock to you asking for 1 or 2 fries lol.

02-20-2013, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by sabad66

Which ingredient of a Big Mac (or any other fast food burger) is high temp deep fried? When it comes down to it, it's bread, grilled meat, veggies, and cheese. The only thing I could see being remotely carcinogenic is maybe processed cheese? Sure the macros or whatever it's called is not optimal ratios, but I just don't agree with it being actually poisonous

How about a crispy chicken or filet o fish?
If you don't think eating mechanically separated scrap meat that's soaked in ammonia to kill the bacteria is poisonous, then carry on.

02-20-2013, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by zipdoa

High temperature deep frying makes food carcinogenic, much like a blackened steak is carcinogenic.

Just because it contains calories doesn't make it OK to eat.

Fast Food and Pop IS analogous to Cigarettes, and in the future I wouldn't be surprised to see the same sort of warnings on these food products that are currently on cigarette packs.

Most fast food = toxic food. Just because it doesn't kill you instantly doesn't mean it isn't harming you. The same way a cigarette doesn't kill you instantly, but still damages your body.

Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils or trans fats are commonly understood to be bad for you. These are present in the majority of fast foods.

Just because fast food has trace amounts of certain vitamins and minerals, doesn't make automatically warrant inclusion in a healthy diet. Just because Cinnamon Toast Crunch has certain nutrients added doesn't mean it's a healthy choice for breakfast.

Perceptions will change.

many foods are also radioactive. OMG THE SKY IS FALLING. BOYCOTT BANANAS!


02-20-2013, 04:03 PM
mmm mcnuggets :drool:


02-20-2013, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by know1edge

If you don't think eating mechanically separated scrap meat that's soaked in ammonia to kill the bacteria is poisonous, then carry on.

Since you have such a strong opinion about this, do you mind explaining the significance of the bolded words?

02-20-2013, 04:10 PM

02-20-2013, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by know1edge

How about a crispy chicken or filet o fish?
If you don't think eating mechanically separated scrap meat that's soaked in ammonia to kill the bacteria is poisonous, then carry on.

Originally posted by sxtasy
mmm mcnuggets :drool:


Not mechanically separated/soaked in ammonia, and those videos are not mcdonalds. I'm probably starting to sound like a mcdonalds spokesman, but here you go:

Those are 3 stories from some random soccer moms they brought to the factory to give a first hand account.

And here's an interesting page as well where they answer any question you have:

But i'm sure nobody will read and instead keep spreading these dumb myths around.

02-20-2013, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by know1edge

you don't know wtf you're talking about. :rofl:

02-20-2013, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by sabad66

Not mechanically separated/soaked in ammonia, and those videos are not mcdonalds. I'm probably starting to sound like a mcdonalds spokesman, but here you go:

Those are 3 stories from some random soccer moms they brought to the factory to give a first hand account.

And here's an interesting page as well where they answer any question you have:

But i'm sure nobody will read and instead keep spreading these dumb myths around.

Look at the dates of those articles and press releases made by Mcdonalds before that date

02-20-2013, 04:20 PM
Are you Caleb H from port coquitlam? I sorted by most recent and the first question was about ammonia lol

02-20-2013, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by FixedGear

many foods are also radioactive. OMG THE SKY IS FALLING. BOYCOTT BANANAS!



02-20-2013, 04:32 PM
What a bland existence you would have if you never did or ate or drank anything that was bad for you.

On the plus side, you could be smug as hell all the way to your grave (which could be sooner or later than someone who ate and drank junk their whole life)

02-20-2013, 04:33 PM
zipdoa, you just appear to have a very superficial understanding of science, which compromises your opinions about human nutrition. :D

02-20-2013, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by sabad66

Not mechanically separated/soaked in ammonia, and those videos are not mcdonalds.

But i'm sure nobody will read and instead keep spreading these dumb myths around. Your right that video may not actually be mcnuggets and it also may not be applicable to Canada.

But, I still think the food is shit. Part of Mcdonalds success is their powerful marketing tailored to kids. Marketing knows that kids have a lot of purchasing power (look at crazy parents fighting over must have christmas toys to keep their kids happy). Winning them over as kids are also more likely to have them as customers when they are teens and adults.

02-20-2013, 05:03 PM
If we stopped enjoying things that were marketed to us we'd stop enjoying a lot of things that are quite enjoyable.

You can't fault a business for doing what it takes to make money. Call it greasy to market to kids if you want, but it's still largely in the parents' hands whether or not the children consume it, play with it or otherwise experience it. You're right that kids who eat McDonalds are more likely to keep eating it when they're older, but to assume that kids who don't eat McDonalds as children will never have it as adults, or that kids who eat McDonalds will never stop eating it, isn't giving people any credit for having the same decision-making skills that everybody in this thread has demonstrated.

If anybody wants to think the food is shit, go right ahead, I don't think people will argue that the majority of fast food isn't healthy at all. However throwing around words like "carcinogenic" and "toxins" shows a significant lack of understanding of the science behind this stuff.

I feel I need to be very clear here. I'm not saying McDonalds is good for you, I'm not saying that people in marketing are angels and I'm not saying that I agree or disagree with OP. Just that I don't think anybody here has presented a legitimate case for everybody to stop eating McDonalds.

02-20-2013, 05:12 PM
Still waiting for the OP to jump back into this thread with more of his nuggets of wisdom.

02-20-2013, 05:17 PM
Haha I eat at restaurants 2-3 meals a week easily. Boston Pizza, the keg, joeys, sometimes fast food. The rest of the time I eat clean food at home.

The way you guys are talking I should be dead by now!

02-20-2013, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by speedog
Still waiting for the OP to jump back into this thread with more of his nuggets of wisdom.

I see what you did there.

02-20-2013, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
I don't think people will argue that the majority of fast food isn't healthy at all... I'm not saying McDonalds is good for you, I'm not saying that people in marketing are angels and I'm not saying that I agree or disagree with OP.

But I would argue that it is healthy. Look at this nutritional information for a Big Mac. Calories, fats, sodium, protein, vitamins... this is a good part of a healthy meal! This Big Mac doesn't contain poison, and there isn't anything wrong with eating it. The problems come when calorie-, fat-, and sodium-rich foods like this constitute a majority of one's diet. It's a diet issue, not a food issue.


02-20-2013, 05:42 PM
Time is short, so I'll respond in bulk.

To those who criticize me for "lying to my kids": I'll start by dismissing most of you as non-parents. For those that are parents, and just block their children with a "No": Good for you, but certainly not my style. I'd prefer to give my children an understanding of my choices towards them, even if a slightly distorted one. If a few of you have actually figured out how to get preschoolers to swear off of mcdonalds on the basis of candid full disclosure, I commend you.

For those who think Mcdonalds is "not so bad in moderation": You're probably right - From an adult standpoint. In regards to the Red Hair clown, however, children don't know enough to exercise moderation, and tend towards polarity: either they'll crave Mcds, or reject it. I'm happy to not have to fight with my kids every time we drive by the pee-colored arches.

Mcdonalds vs other FF: We don't eat a lot of FF. I always carry snacks, and plan ahead. FF to us is Pho, Sushi, or Bahnmi, or falafel. FOOD DOESN'T HAVE TO BE SHITTY IN ORDER TO BE EITHER FAST, OR DELICIOUS. I actually found the smell of the Mcds on my hands disgusting.

That being said, I DO find Mcd's more objectionable than it's direct peers, due to the disproportionate emphasis on marketing to kids that goes beyond simple advertising, into the realm of psy-ops. My young daughter intuits that it's wrong for a business to try to trick its customers - Oddly few of the truth-mongers here have raised this as a concern. Yet I am taken to task for exaggerating the shittiness of their food. Funny.

To the morons who assume I'm some facile one note wonder like themselves who will employ the same strategy for more serious issues later: Phhhhtttt!

To those who question if I stole this posting from somewhere: Of course I wrote it. It's not exactly Shakespeare.

The accusation is flattering,

02-20-2013, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by Mibz

I won't judge you for what you eat or what you feed your kids. What tv they watch, what you buy for them etc is all up to you. Even my wife and I differ on topics related to raising our kid. I know for me personally, I remember a lot of the things that my parents told/raised me with and I find it very influential on how I currently raise my kid, so I guess those things pass down through generations.

You could be the chubby parent with the two chubby kids (not directed at you Mibz :)) slowly pushing a cart through the aisles of walmart in between mcdonalds lunch and dinner feedings, I don't care if your that person. But I know I'm not going to raise my kids like that.

02-20-2013, 06:22 PM
^^I'm a parent and yes I judged you. What I didn't do is judge you on feeding your kids fast-food or not. It was the method of teaching I didn't agree with. My question about whether or not you would tell the truth about where babies come from was facetious as I would like to believe you would tell the truth about much more serious topics. But if you want to answer one more question on this topic...

Did you tell your wife what you did? I'm only asking out of curiosity as I'm sure my own wife would give me a little crap for lying to the kids rather than deal with the tears that just saying 'No' often brings from toddlers. She's a tough mom and I'm a sucker sometimes and I find that it's easier to give in and have happy kids, but there are some issues I won't budge on. I haven't had to deal a whole lot with fast-food issues yet as my youngest is 19 months and my oldest 3.5 years doesn't really eat fast food. I can honestly say she has been to McD's 2 times in her life. I hope to keep it that way...but let's be realistic here.

In a way I'm sure humor is a lot easier to deal with than crying. God knows I certainly could have used humor as a teaching tool then having to deal with tears, but I just find it easier to say no. Which leads into, "because I said so", which is a whole other topic unto itself.

02-20-2013, 06:37 PM
Damn, I was gonna go the McDonalds and then I stumbled across this thread.

Now I don't want to go, I don't want to eat poop!

02-20-2013, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by FixedGear
But I would argue that it is healthy. Look at this nutritional information for a Big Mac. Calories, fats, sodium, protein, vitamins... this is a good part of a healthy meal! This Big Mac doesn't contain poison, and there isn't anything wrong with eating it. The problems come when calorie-, fat-, and sodium-rich foods like this constitute a majority of one's diet. It's a diet issue, not a food issue. The think the only significant difference in what we're saying is that the majority of people in this thread are comparing a Big Mac to other foods that can be found in a grocery store or not-so-fast-food restaurant whereas you're looking at it as an absolute.

Does a Big Mac have nutritional value? Yes.
Are there nutrients that the average person requires to be generally healthy? Yes.
Is eating three Big Macs a day for the rest of your life better than eating nothing for the rest of your life? Yes.

However, I think we can agree that the majority of readily available foods in the average city have better balanced and useful nutrition than the popular items on McD's menu.

EDIT: And yes, like everything else, moderation is the difference between enough and too much.

02-20-2013, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by LollerBrader
FF to us is Pho, Sushi, or Bahnmi, or falafel.

doesn't everyone consider these things fast food? anyway, thanks for listing what you consider as healthy alternatives to McDonalds. Some food for thought:

Pho - absolutely loaded with sodium and carbs

Sushi - sugar-soaked rice - carbs with carbs. If you have it with fish and/or nori, keep in mind that it's also chock full of mercury and other industrial contaminants. Eating fish also contributes to fish sustainability problems.

Bahn mi - loaded with fat, sodium, and carbs.

Falafel - these are artery-clogging, deep-fried, death-doughnuts!!! Falafel has got to be far worse than eating a pile of french fries.

02-20-2013, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by Ntense_SpecV

Did you tell your wife what you did? I'm only asking out of curiosity as I'm sure my own wife would give me a little crap for

I told her. She thought it was funny, in an eye-rolling kind of way, like many of the things I do. Definitely not angry. For the most part, we don't lie to our kids, and definitely not about serious things - But the rule gets quite bent where mischief is concerned. And mischief predominates in my world. Usually my kids know me well enough to know when I'm pulling their legs anyhow.

Curiously, they've doubted the veracity of my mcdonalds/poo claim for years. "Daddy I don't think that's true". It wasn't until we actually looked over a burger that they felt it had some validity.

That's gotta tell you something.

Originally posted by Ntense_SpecV

lying to the kids rather than deal with the tears that just saying 'No' often brings from toddlers.

It is very rare that we say "No". It is not that we say yes either - There are just so many other tools in the toolkit. Plus, as you've observed, this comes at a tear-cost, which in itself can be a time sink. Makes for unhappy kids AND unhappy adults.

For the most part, the only time I deal with tears is at bedtime, when Daddy is tired, and I peter out after two stories. This is the thing they hate the worst.

But they are really just such wonderful kids. We don't have much conflict - But don't take that to mean that the children are submissive, or that the parents are permissive.

Originally posted by Ntense_SpecV

In a way I'm sure humor is a lot easier to deal with than crying. God knows I certainly could have used humor as a teaching tool then having to deal with tears, but I just find it easier to say no. Which leads into, "because I said so", which is a whole other topic unto itself.

You've pretty well hit the nail on the head. We never, say "Because I said so". Not so much that it's a rule, but it would never even occur to us. This is not consistent with our own parenting journey.

02-20-2013, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by FixedGear

doesn't everyone consider these things fast food? anyway, thanks for listing what you consider as healthy alternatives to McDonalds. Some food for thought:

Pho - absolutely loaded with sodium and carbs

Sushi - sugar-soaked rice - carbs with carbs. If you have it with fish and/or nori, keep in mind that it's also chock full of mercury and other industrial contaminants. Eating fish also contributes to fish sustainability problems.

Bahn mi - loaded with fat, sodium, and carbs.

Falafel - talk about artery-clogging deep-fried death-doughnut! This has got to be far worse than eating a pile of french fries.
I heard falafels are just the leftover chick peas that weren't good enough for hommous, and then washed in gasoline to give them the dark colour when deep frying :angel:

02-20-2013, 10:22 PM
that was freaking AWESOME!!!!

02-21-2013, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by FixedGear

doesn't everyone consider these things fast food? anyway, thanks for listing what you consider as healthy alternatives to McDonalds. Some food for thought:

Pho - absolutely loaded with sodium and carbs

Sushi - sugar-soaked rice - carbs with carbs. If you have it with fish and/or nori, keep in mind that it's also chock full of mercury and other industrial contaminants. Eating fish also contributes to fish sustainability problems.

Bahn mi - loaded with fat, sodium, and carbs.

Falafel - these are artery-clogging, deep-fried, death-doughnuts!!! Falafel has got to be far worse than eating a pile of french fries.


Pho has anywhere between 3000-4000 mg of sodium and 150-200g of carbs PER BOWL! I would rather eat 3 large orders of fries with a liter of ketchup.

Bahn Mi as well. Not to mention that most of the meat is processed. How is processed meat better than a beef patty with no other ingredients is beyond me.

Sushi is another good one. Ever watch that show with Mike Rowe (World's Dirtiest Man) where they inspect fish. Ever wonder how many worms are in your sushi?


02-21-2013, 08:12 AM
Originally posted by LollerBrader
Curiously, they've doubted the veracity of my mcdonalds/poo claim for years. "Daddy I don't think that's true". It wasn't until we actually looked over a burger that they felt it had some validity.

That's gotta tell you something.

Your kids are going to have trust issues (when they come to realize that you systematically lie to them to get what YOU want) or they are going to have some serious issue with critical thinking as they get older.

Wonder what is going to happen when your daughters boyfriend tells her she can't get pregnant the first time or when standing up. Or when her boyfriend tells her that he can drive just fine after a few beer.

Why don't you just tell them the truth and deal with the tears for the first couple of times?

02-21-2013, 08:54 AM
Well you don't drink the soup unless you are white. ;)

02-21-2013, 09:00 AM
I agree with the motive behind the op's post but not the way it was carried out. IMO it seems like he's trying to teach his kid "what" to think rather than "how" to think. I personally eat fairly healthy and maybe eat FF once or twice a month. Each a d every time I regret it because I feel like shit after. To add to zipodas point about fast food potentially being carcinogenic, here is a warning sign posted in McD's in California (keep in mind it's California and take it for what it's worth but there has to be a potential for something or there would be no reason for the sign to be there).


02-21-2013, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by jdmXSI
I agree with the motive behind the op's post but not the way it was carried out. IMO it seems like he's trying to teach his kid "what" to think rather than "how" to think. I personally eat fairly healthy and maybe eat FF once or twice a month. Each a d every time I regret it because I feel like shit after. To add to zipodas point about fast food potentially being carcinogenic, here is a warning sign posted in McD's in California (keep in mind it's California and take it for what it's worth but there has to be a potential for something or there would be no reason for the sign to be there).


The last paragraph basically confirms that this is a case of big government appeasing a small minority of irrational people while letting science say that there is really nothing to worry about.

Are the same signs found at all other restaurants serving french fries or baked potatoes?

02-21-2013, 09:19 AM
That's an eye opener! They may ask you to sign a waiver next. Probably some lawyer came up with that while taking a dump.

I eat McDs sometimes just for the convenience and I'm usually sick of it after a few bites. They sure come out different.

I'm raised to enjoy good food so the choice is obvious to me. If I can raise my kids the same way, I'm sure they can make the right decision on their own.

02-21-2013, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by jdmXSI
I agree with the motive behind the op's post but not the way it was carried out. IMO it seems like he's trying to teach his kid "what" to think rather than "how" to think. I personally eat fairly healthy and maybe eat FF once or twice a month. Each a d every time I regret it because I feel like shit after. To add to zipodas point about fast food potentially being carcinogenic, here is a warning sign posted in McD's in California (keep in mind it's California and take it for what it's worth but there has to be a potential for something or there would be no reason for the sign to be there).


But that applies to all food, not just McDonald's.

and although these things are known to be carcinogenic in extremely high doses, the concentration in food is too low to have any effect, which is why the FDA doesn't recommend against eating fried foods. This is why I posted above about radioactive foods (like bananas), which are perfectly safe to eat.

02-21-2013, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by lilmira
Well you don't drink the soup unless you are white. ;)

:rofl: :rofl:

I usually drink most of the broth when I go for Ramen. I know it makes me look like a white boy even worse, but I don't care it's goddamn delicious.

02-21-2013, 10:02 AM
Hahaha I never even knew OP had any credibility on Beyond anyway. Still, he's in for a rude awakening later on in life. I find the more you try to keep a kid away from something, the more they are going to want it. You'll see. You can lie to them now and let them get ridiculed and mocked by their peers, or teach them appropriately now and let them use proper judgment to make better decisions later on.

Hilarious on the banh mi and falafel is good for you bit while McDs is not. Just goes to show how ignorant people can get.

Penis McNickels
02-21-2013, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by clem24
I find the more you try to keep a kid away from something, the more they are going to want it. You'll see.

Like sody pop?

02-21-2013, 10:44 AM
I would eat McDonalds every day for every meal if I could get away with not getting fat. But that's not reality so we go for fast food maybe once a week - DQ, Wendys, Arby or McD. The kids understand it's a treat food and there has never been screaming/tears over it - never had any issues with "I want that" in a Walmart either. They can play with the toy on the ride home.

Also - where exactly are your kids getting hit with the marketing? My kids hardly ever see commercials with all the PVR/PPS shows and only know the big M from the street sign when we go.

02-21-2013, 01:19 PM
I love all of the self-righteous folks who speculate that I'm in for some catastrophic surprise down the road.

I'm sure my children will one day laugh that I told them mcdonalds comes from poo. What they will remember is the time spent, the care taken, the patience, the enrichment, and most of all the connection we enjoy.

Child raising is challenging at all stages - and our experiences with past challenges and outcomes makes me very hopeful for the future.

I wonder how many of the super-parents on here are frequently told they are "The best father I have ever seen", by both family and strangers alike?

But really, what I say, or what outsiders say doesn't count as much as what the kids think - And ultimately it is the children themselves who will pass judgement on the parents, for better, or for worse.

02-21-2013, 01:25 PM

It's true, while the particular tactic isn't agreed upon by everyone it's not like it makes you a bad parent for christ sake and to suggest otherwise is cunty at best!

But come on man, this is Beyond. If we're in for a penny we're in for a pound! :rofl:

D. Dub
02-21-2013, 01:26 PM

Please don't take offense but it sounds like you're making parenting harder than it really needs to be? It's Mcdonalds not facism.

02-21-2013, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by D. Dub

Please don't take offense but it sounds like you're making parenting harder than it really needs to be?


Like so many things, there's a lot of latitude in choosing how much effort to invest.

Outcomes, OTOH, are another matter.

02-21-2013, 02:07 PM
<Shrug> just seems like you target McDonalds with such wrath, but are ok with tons of the other processed shit we are exposed to. A bit hypocritical is all. What restaurants do you eat at?

Unless of course this is your family (pretty cool, olympians and all but seems overkill to me):


02-21-2013, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by Khyron
&lt;Shrug&gt; just seems like you target McDonalds with such wrath, but are ok with tons of the other processed shit we are exposed to.

You overrate your own knowledge of my family's eating habits.

You're funny.

02-21-2013, 02:23 PM
Oh no, he's trying to do what he thinks is best for his own children.


02-21-2013, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

It's true, while the particular tactic isn't agreed upon by everyone it's not like it makes you a bad parent for christ sake and to suggest otherwise is cunty at best!

But come on man, this is Beyond. If we're in for a penny we're in for a pound! :rofl:

No way man, I stopped talking to my parents 28 years ago, the day I found out the Easter Bunny isn't real. My yearly visits from Santa Claus was the only thing that kept me from murdering them in their sleep, and becoming a homeless crack addict.

02-21-2013, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

No way man, I stopped talking to my parents 28 years ago, the day I found out the Easter Bunny isn't real. My yearly visits from Santa Claus was the only thing that kept me from murdering them in their sleep, and becoming a homeless crack addict.

My daughter, at age 3, declared that she didn't believe that the Easter Bunny was real.

I asked her why.

She replied "I don't know - It just doesn't make sense to me".

02-21-2013, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by LollerBrader

My daughter, at age 3, declared that she didn't believe that the Easter Bunny was real.

I asked her why.

She replied &quot;I don't know - It just doesn't make sense to me&quot;.

That's pretty good logical thinking on her part. My own daughter is a very logical thinker. I think most people including myself just didn't agree with the "method" of how you got them to not eat/want McDonald's. The end result is a great result - not eating fast food is a great thing.

Like I said earlier, I in no way think you are a bad parent...but from an outside perspective it looks like a fairly slippery slope of lying to kids to get them to do what you want. You responded that you don't do this (other than this topic) - and I honestly believe you.

Like you said, you use the tools you have to your advantage - humour. I use my stubbornness to achieve the same thing. Now is your way easier/better/worse than mine or others...most likely not. It's pretty easy to armchair quarterback this topic considering we're on the internet and all.

02-21-2013, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by sputnik
I find it funny that the OP is proud of himself.

Apparently he must be 12 years old because he couldn't think of any better ways than lying to his kids to encourage healthy eating habits.

This attitude blows me away. The ends justifies the means when it comes to good health and longevity.

I would rather have healthy kids who didn't eat McDonalds than maintain some unimportant situational integrity with regards to the place... integrity that they neither know, nor give a shit about and likely won't later on down the road.

I suppose you hate your parents for introducing you to Santa too right?

02-21-2013, 04:06 PM
lying isnt educating. kids absorb everything, even terrible parenting.

02-21-2013, 04:09 PM
Small fries + cheeseburger = 520 cals. Not bad for a grown male.

6 piece McNuggets + Side Salad + Balsamic Vinagrette = 440 cals.

Whatever, the point is you can build a not bad meal that doesn't involve you porking out.

02-21-2013, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by jdmXSI
I agree with the motive behind the op's post but not the way it was carried out. IMO it seems like he's trying to teach his kid &quot;what&quot; to think rather than &quot;how&quot; to think. I personally eat fairly healthy and maybe eat FF once or twice a month. Each a d every time I regret it because I feel like shit after. To add to zipodas point about fast food potentially being carcinogenic, here is a warning sign posted in McD's in California (keep in mind it's California and take it for what it's worth but there has to be a potential for something or there would be no reason for the sign to be there).

http://sportyafros.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/wARNING-LABEL.jpg Go to California one day. Those fucking signs are everywhere. There's one at the entrance to Disneyland!

They're so ubiquitous there they've lost all meaning. Or maybe the point is that carcinogens are everywhere.

02-21-2013, 05:52 PM
why is it that anyone who doesn't have kids can't have opinions about parenting, but everyone who is not a professional scientist can have an opinion about climate change? :nut:

typical beyond.

02-21-2013, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by FixedGear
why is it that anyone who doesn't have kids can't have opinions about parenting, but everyone who is not a professional scientist can have an opinion about climate change? :nut:

typical beyond.

Doesn't make those opinions right now does it. You absolutely can have an opinion on parenting even if you don't have kids, but until you are put in that specific situation you can try and believe you would do it exactly as you thought it out in your head...until you come up against the will of a toddler. Now that's resistance - seriously.

D. Dub
02-21-2013, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by LollerBrader


Like so many things, there's a lot of latitude in choosing how much effort to invest.

Outcomes, OTOH, are another matter.

Parent for 18 years and a damn good one ;)

02-21-2013, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by CUG

This attitude blows me away. The ends justifies the means when it comes to good health and longevity.

I would rather have healthy kids who didn't eat McDonalds than maintain some unimportant situational integrity with regards to the place... integrity that they neither know, nor give a shit about and likely won't later on down the road.

I suppose you hate your parents for introducing you to Santa too right?

"The end justifies the means" is pointless if your lesson is built on a stack of lies. So you lie to your kids about the contents of a McDonalds burger. How long do you expect them to believe that? What are you teaching them? Are you teaching them to make good decisions when deciding what to eat all of the time? Or are you just telling them a ridiculous lie to get them to get them to not like McDonalds for a short period of time?

Eventually kids grow older and smarter and will resent the fact that you lied to them over and over again.

I would rather have my kids learn the value of making informed decisions and using their brain and hopefully they won't grow up to believe every Youtube conspiracy video posted on their friends Facebook pages because they were raised to believe everything that they hear.

My parents never used "Santa" as a form of behavioral leverage. My parents left Santa as a mythical figure that is a nice story to teach people about being generous. I was "that kid" who told the other kids that Santa wasn't real and had the kids crying to their parents wondering why they were lied to by the people they were supposed to trust the most.

02-21-2013, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by sputnik

Eventually kids grow older and smarter and will resent the fact that you lied to them over and over again.
This is true. Kids catch on earlier than most parents think and it just annoys the kid if the parents keep acting like that.