View Full Version : "Left Lane Bandits" News Report From BC

02-28-2013, 01:11 PM
I wish Alberta would get "Keep Right Except To Pass" signs...

Part 1 (http://bc.ctvnews.ca/video?playlistId=1.1171911)
Part 2 (http://bc.ctvnews.ca/video?playlistId=1.1173582)

02-28-2013, 01:16 PM
In Alberta you can pass on the right legally, by the way.

02-28-2013, 01:23 PM
Trust me the signs do not work. Van island is freakin terrible for slow people clogging the left lane. Calgary left lanes seems to flow better.

02-28-2013, 01:25 PM
the most trouble free way to travel on hwy 2 when it is 3 lanes is to sit in the far right... since not a singe person uses it :nut:

02-28-2013, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by ercchry
the most trouble free way to travel on hwy 2 when it is 3 lanes is to sit in the far right... since not a singe person uses it :nut:
Exactly... Coming North out of Okotoks is bad as well on the 2A... The right hand lane is usually faster than the left.

02-28-2013, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by ercchry
the most trouble free way to travel on hwy 2 when it is 3 lanes is to sit in the far right... since not a singe person uses it :nut:

Amen. I love it when it becomes 3 lanes. I usually pass on the right more than on the left when driving hwy 2. Left lane is brutal sometimes.

02-28-2013, 02:01 PM
The problem is that too many people think they're the fast driver... One person thinking 5km/h over is fast enough can cause a backlog behind them. This is then compounded because anyone that gets over to let someone pass can't ever get back into the left lane because it's so packed with people that think they're fast.

The worst I've seen is the Trans Canada heading west into Vancouver :banghead:

02-28-2013, 02:04 PM
^and the sad thing is that people hogging the left lane don't check their rear-view mirror.
if I see a faster car coming behind me, I'll quickly move to the right lane and let them pass.

02-28-2013, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by you&me
The problem is that too many people think they're the fast driver... One person thinking 5km/h over is fast enough can cause a backlog behind them. This is then compounded because anyone that gets over to let someone pass can't ever get back into the left lane because it's so packed with people that think they're fast.

The worst I've seen is the Trans Canada heading west into Vancouver :banghead:

Man, try that stretch of road on a long weekend. When I was living in Van, and visiting my parents who are in Kelowna on a long weekend, it took me 7 hours to drive home. It normally takes me about 3.5 or so. There wasn't a single accident anywhere, and it was summer. Just idiot drivers and volume, it was insane.

02-28-2013, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by sxtasy
Trust me the signs do not work. Van island is freakin terrible for slow people clogging the left lane. Calgary left lanes seems to flow better.

Yeah, you got that right. I deal with 'Chinese roadblocks' on the drive to & from work every day... except next to no Chinese people live on the Island.

People are stupid wherever you go.

02-28-2013, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by taemo
^and the sad thing is that people hogging the left lane don't check their rear-view mirror.
if I see a faster car coming behind me, I'll quickly move to the right lane and let them pass.

Far too often I see a backlog in the left lane and the person in front would have to be BLIND not to notice the backlog. Especially when it continues for minutes. The people behind them will drift left and right so they appear in the lane hog's side view mirrors. Flash brights. Ride their ass. But the hogs never speed up or move. Possible reasons:
a) they are a speed vigilante, doing it on purpose to keep everyone at 110. Wreckless driving in my mind
b) due to the over enforcement of speed limits, the lane hog is too shit scared to DARE go more than 12km over the speed limit despite what the traffic around them is doing
c) they actually don't notice because they never check their mirrors. If this is the case they should not be driving. Period.

I think about 50% of left lane hogs are doing it because they think they are the fastest. This type reveals itself when you pass on the right and then they change lanes right after realizing they are not, in fact, very fast at all. The remaining 50%...I have no clue. Ignorance I guess.

02-28-2013, 03:06 PM
I've been traveling back and forth from Red Deer to Calgary over the last couple months during my weeks off. People cruising at 115-120kmh in the left lane drive me absolutely nuts.:banghead:

The left lane is there for passing in, not for cruising aimlessly in. I've recently begin to hit the horn after they don't get out of the way, makes for a clear path quickly and is mildly entertaining. Then I proceed change back into the right lane to "show" the other drivers. :rofl:

02-28-2013, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by frizzlefry
Possible reasons: My Mom would do 110 in the left lane on Deerfoot and her thought process was "Well I don't have to get out of the way because I'm already speeding". It had nothing to do with wanting to limit others people's speed or ignorance of the people behind her just that she didn't want to change lanes and she just thought that having no legal requirement to change lanes was justification to not do it.

I always have troubles coming up with an analogy for the situation, I think I said something along the lines of "Imagine you had a pack of gum that never ran out and some stranger asked you for a piece. Would you give them one? You have no obligation to, but it's of benefit to them and no cost to you. Obviously you would give them a piece. This is no different.

You have zero obligation to allow the people behind you to pass, but it's also zero skin off your back to do it. You'd be rude as hell to deny that stranger a piece of gum, so why don't you consider it rude to block people in traffic?"

Obviously there are a handful of other factors that need to be taken into consideration but I don't think a single analogy can teach people everything at once, haha. One step at a time.

02-28-2013, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
she just thought that having no legal requirement to change lanes was justification to not do it.

Tell her the legal requirement is in the signs...

"Slower Traffic Keep Right"

That means if I'm doing 195km/h, and she's doing 190km/h, she still has to legally GTFO of the way, otherwise she isn't obeying the traffic signs.

02-28-2013, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
...I always have troubles coming up with an analogy for the situation,...

Why not just explain to her that it is courteous and helps prevent faster cars behind her from having to pull dangerous maneuvers to get in front of her?

02-28-2013, 03:41 PM
Eh, we looked that up and there is no legal requirement.

When the signs were implemented in the 50s or 60s the Government intended that people in the left lane would go the speed limit, people in the right lane would go less than the speed limit and people would use the middle lane to pass people in the right.

There's no law in Alberta saying that you need to move over for faster traffic, nor is there a law saying you can't pass on the right. There is a charge for obstructing traffic but the spirit of it is obviously not meant for people doing 110 in the left lane on Deerfoot.

Alberta traffic laws are not designed with speeders in mind. Well, sorry, Alberta laws are not designed to accommodate speeders. That's not to say that the laws aren't created with the intention of punishing or profiting from speeders.

Originally posted by Kg810
Why not just explain to her that it is courteous and helps prevent faster cars behind her from having to pull dangerous maneuvers to get in front of her? Because using the word "courteous" when talking about driving goes in one ear and out the other. Nobody sits and thinks about what it actually means or what's required to actually be courteous on the road. Very few people give a single shit about other people on the road and saying something like "It's the nice thing to do" just garners responses like "Well people don't let me merge sometimes so why should I be nice to them?". Other people think that doing one nice thing that other people don't is all that's necessary. I don't know. It's not like like I'm going around trying to teach all my friends how to drive, this was one scenario and it was my Mom so I wanted to make sure I got my point across clearly and politely, lest she get defensive and I pay for it later, haha.

Also, because I like analogies. They make me feel good.

02-28-2013, 04:10 PM

02-28-2013, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by codetrap
Normally I'd stay in the right lane, but if someone honked at me to move over, I'd lock the cruise at 110 and stay left.

and i'd pass you almost touching bumpers all the way around in the top of 3rd gear

02-28-2013, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by codetrap
Normally I'd stay in the right lane, but if someone honked at me to move over, I'd lock the cruise at 110 and stay left.

So you let other people (drivers), influence you for the worst, and not for the better? Seems backwards. :dunno:

02-28-2013, 04:19 PM

02-28-2013, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by ercchry

and i'd pass you almost touching bumpers all the way around in the top of 3rd gear

until that one time you pass that close to someone who does not give a shit about their ride, and blips the brakes or throttle causing you to hit them, and you get an at fault accident on your record.

02-28-2013, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by codetrap

Honestly, in real life, I'm actually a nice guy unless you're a dick to me. I tend to start of by treating people with respect and kindness, until they treat me otherwise. Then I treat them exactly the same way. :)

ditto, normally the high beams, honking only occurs after a grace period when the person you are blocking realizes you are a dick and are not moving over when you clearly can

02-28-2013, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by spikers

until that one time you pass that close to someone who does not give a shit about their ride, and blips the brakes or throttle causing you to hit them, and you get an at fault accident on your record.

nah, cause i have this thing called a steering wheel, it moves my car side to side... but if i have a slow moving vehicle that handle like shit, and its this time of year... i'll just wait it out... then change lanes reeeeaaallly slow in front of you pausing my wheels in the gravel as i go

02-28-2013, 04:30 PM
We need a flash law here, simple, if a backwards country like South Africa can understand it, then it should not be too complicated here. :dunno:

02-28-2013, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by Mibz

EDIT: Because using the word "courteous" when talking about driving goes in one ear and out the other. Nobody sits and thinks about what it actually means or what's required to actually be courteous on the road. Very few people give a single shit about other people on the road and saying something like "It's the nice thing to do" just garners responses like "Well people don't let me merge sometimes so why should I be nice to them?". Other people think that doing one nice thing that other people don't is all that's necessary. I don't know. It's not like like I'm going around trying to teach all my friends how to drive, this was one scenario and it was my Mom so I wanted to make sure I got my point across clearly and politely, lest she get defensive and I pay for it later, haha.

Also, because I like analogies. They make me feel good.

lol fair enough and I guess I would do the same in your shoes.

Haha I enjoy using analogies myself and I agree it is pretty difficult to come up with one for this situation.

For those who sit in the left lane, is it that hard to assume people might have a reason to be in a hurry? I rather have people who need or choose to speed, speed in one lane rather than have them maneuver around cars in multiple lanes. You're never going to know if people have a honest reason for speeding, so just give everyone the benefit of the doubt that they need to be somewhere asap. Honestly, how hard is it to move one lane over for a few seconds while the faster car passes you? I don't understand what's so enjoyable about making other drivers aggravated :dunno:

I always try to stay away from stupid drivers, so I'll do what I need to get ahead of them or let them pass me. If I see someone coming up behind me well over the speed limit, I'm going to assume he/she isn't the brightest driver on the road, and rather than piss them off or have them pull some fast and furious stunts to get around other vehicles and risk causing an accident, I'll just let them continue speeding so I don't have to worry about them. So simple.

02-28-2013, 04:48 PM
Blows my mind that some left lane bandits will slow poke their way past big rigs, going 2km faster. If they are not "speeding" for safety reasons they should realize how dangerous it is to sit beside a big rig. When I am passing one I want it over with as fast as possible. And when a slow moron causes a backlog in the left lane with a number of big rigs in the right lane that just makes it more dangerous for everyone. If one blows a tire, jack-knifes or for whatever reason ends up in the left lane you have got one hell of a pile up.

Supa Dexta
02-28-2013, 04:58 PM
I think you're sposed to cut right back in front of a slow driver, and cross over onto the shoulder slightly to rock spray them into knowing what its like to be behind an asshole..?:dunno:

02-28-2013, 06:07 PM
There are a lot of things that no law saying it is illegal, but that doesn't mean you should be a jerk about it.

02-28-2013, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by ercchry

ditto, normally the high beams, honking only occurs after a grace period when the person you are blocking realizes you are a dick and are not moving over when you clearly can

Hit the nail on the head here.

It's not like I come up behind someone and instantly flash/honk. I've already been behind them, long/close enough where they should have noticed I'm there by now but it's apparent that they haven't checked their mirrors for some time. They need a wake up call, hence why I've started to honk recently.

03-01-2013, 01:09 AM
I think a lot of the problem is due to public perception of the left lane as the 'fast lane', when in fact it should really be known as the 'passing lane'. The problem occurs when you get these people who think that because they're going 5km/h over the limit, they're perfectly ok to be in the 'fast lane' for an extended period of time, regardless of the traffic behind them. If it were universally regarded as the 'passing lane', the message would hopefully get across to move the fuck over unless you're passing.

I do a ton of highway driving so I see this bullshit all the time and I pass people in the right lane often. Drives me nuts. My damn time is valuable. I got shit to do. Waiting behind some jerk who feels like passing a convoy of semi trucks over the course of 5 minutes at 112km/h is a genuine determent to my time management. Some people seem to drive this way for the ever so slightly perceived increase in gas mileage too.

This video is satisfying:


03-01-2013, 08:16 AM
Originally posted by Benny
I think a lot of the problem is due to public perception of the left lane as the 'fast lane', when in fact it should really be known as the 'passing lane'. The problem occurs when you get these people who think that because they're going 5km/h over the limit, they're perfectly ok to be in the 'fast lane' for an extended period of time, regardless of the traffic behind them. If it were universally regarded as the 'passing lane', the message would hopefully get across to move the fuck over unless you're passing.

I do a ton of highway driving so I see this bullshit all the time and I pass people in the right lane often. Drives me nuts. My damn time is valuable. I got shit to do. Waiting behind some jerk who feels like passing a convoy of semi trucks over the course of 5 minutes at 112km/h is a genuine determent to my time management. Some people seem to drive this way for the ever so slightly perceived increase in gas mileage too.

This video is satisfying:


That videos awesome.......tried that here a few times, EVERYTIME the person hammered on the brakes (on deerfoot) and pulled to the left!!!.

03-01-2013, 09:23 AM
So I'm in Germany right now for work. We arrived at Frankfurt and headed towards out destination, which involved highway drive.. not autobahn, but just regular highway. First thing I've noticed. Drivers here are focused on their task at hand.. Driving.

3 lanes

right lane 90-110
middle lane 110-1xx
left lane.. honestly.. there was like no limit.. I got up to 140 in the middle lane, and people were still passing me. I love it here!!! It's like everyone is helping you get home safely and quickly (if you need to).. people that drive the right lane aren't in a hurry to get anywhere so they just chill.

And.. BMW drivers here DO signal!! :eek:

If I came up on someone in the left lane, they INSTANTLY moved to the middle lane, all before I needed to even come close to tapping my brakes. Its automatic for them.

Been here almost a week, and I have never said to myself.. '"fuck me this guy needs to speed up or move out of the way."

Driving in Calgary for 12 years, with a few years of transit driving. I say this the moment I leave my house in the morning. Stoney is notorious for this.

Germany > Canada when it comes to driving, but tell us something we don't already know. :rolleyes:

As long as you maintain following distance of x amount of seconds based on the speed you're travelling. I don't see why someone can't go 160+ in the left lane.. sigh.. gonna hate leaving here when the time comes.

03-01-2013, 09:27 AM
The "slow driver roadblock" is certainly better than the Vigilante that sees you coming in the left lane, usually a few kms over the speed limit and cuts across 2 lanes to stop you from speeding narrowly causing an accident but feels pride that he has upheld the law.

The far right lane he came from was open so I slowly moved over to there, passed the group of 70 in an 80 zoners and did what Supa Dexta recommends.

Originally posted by Supa Dexta
I think you're sposed to cut right back in front of a slow driver, and cross over onto the shoulder slightly to rock spray them into knowing what its like to be behind an asshole..?:dunno:

03-01-2013, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by Traffic_Cop

That videos awesome.......tried that here a few times, EVERYTIME the person hammered on the brakes (on deerfoot) and pulled to the left!!!.

when i first saw this thread i was thinking of that video and also thinking... "nope, would never work here" :rofl:

please tell me you at least gave them a 24hr suspension?

but yeah, let recap last night's drive home highlights:

so at the bridge for dunbow rd a semi decided to try and pass a old pedo van camper... who wasnt holding their speed... they went back and forth for the lead all the way till the hill before the cranston exit when the pedo van took the lead

then... pete the plumber's cube van decided that he'd ride up to the end of the exit lane for blackfoot/17th and come to a full stop attempting to merge with deerfoot... which was at a stand still, for a solid 2min

lots of other crap, like normal... but yeah, cant stand the drivers here

03-01-2013, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Traffic_Cop

That videos awesome.......tried that here a few times, EVERYTIME the person hammered on the brakes (on deerfoot) and pulled to the left!!!.

Isnt that how a traffic guy got hit one year?

Back in 2008 I think a member wanted to pull over a Mustang on the DeerFoot (south of Anderson) and the dumbass pulled into the LEFT hand shoulder and some retard ran into the back of the cruiser and sent the Traffic member to hospital.

03-01-2013, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by YCB
So I'm in Germany right now for work. The UK is exactly the same. I drove a ton when I was there and I never once saw road rage. Never once got upset with traffic myself. Nobody gives a shit what speed you're doing, where you're going or why you could possibly want to get there quickly. They just know "This guy wants to pass, I'm gonna let him pass".

I was on an M road once, in the middle lane with nobody around. A guy merged on, went all the way to the right, passed me and then moved all the way to the left. I felt like a piece of shit for being in the middle lane while not passing somebody. Never made that mistake again.

Their Government also knows what's up, they've got big signs saying things like "Aggravation causes collisions, allow faster traffic to pass".

03-01-2013, 10:49 AM
I propose Left lane speed cameras.
You have to be going at least the max speed limit or else you get a ticket.
Results are:
More revenue for police. Probably more than speed cameras in this city.
People get home faster and can enjoy the performance of their vehicles.

03-01-2013, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by mr2mike
I propose Left lane speed cameras.
You have to be going at least the max speed limit or else you get a ticket.
Results are:
More revenue for police. Probably more than speed cameras in this city.
People get home faster and can enjoy the performance of their vehicles.

So what happens during rush hour when everyone's doing 5?

03-01-2013, 10:59 AM
i'd rather see an advanced road test to allow people to use the left lane. cars can have rfid tags, if they pass a camera without one... ticket

03-01-2013, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by mr2mike
I propose Left lane speed cameras.
You have to be going at least the max speed limit or else you get a ticket.
Results are:
More revenue for police. Probably more than speed cameras in this city.
People get home faster and can enjoy the performance of their vehicles.

Wow, did you think for a second what happens to DF when conditions are not conducive to driving at the speed limit?

(eg DF is a skating rink)

03-01-2013, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by ercchry
i'd rather see an advanced road test to allow people to use the left lane. cars can have rfid tags, if they pass a camera without one... ticket

In a perfect world lol.

The problem is people see driving as their right, not a privilege, so when there's any action to change the way they're allowed to access the roads, people lose their shit.

03-01-2013, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by revelations

Wow, did you think for a second what happens to DF when conditions are not conducive to driving at the speed limit?

(eg DF is a skating rink)

I'm sure you can throw some sort of algorithm in there to determine average speed of the lane and # of cars passing per minute.

03-01-2013, 12:13 PM

Maxx Mazda
03-01-2013, 12:22 PM
I dont get the whole "vigilante" movement. If I want to speed, get the fuck out of my way and let me speed. What if my wife is in labour and I need to get her to the hospital? Who the fuck are you to police my driving? (Although in that case I'd pass your ass on the shoulder if I had to) but seriously, if I speed, and get caught, what the fuck business is it of yours? No, I'm not "endangering you" either. You're doing that yourself by not getting the fuck out of the way...

03-05-2013, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by DeleriousZ

So what happens during rush hour when everyone's doing 5?

Helps balance the AB budget?

03-05-2013, 08:44 AM
What drives me nuts is in THEORY Deerfoot is an excellent road. You pick your speed, be it 100, 110, 120 km/h. You stay in the middle lane, once you are approaching a vehicle in front of you going slower than the speed you are comfortable, you check the left lane, if it's clear, you pass him and then return to the middle lane. When your exit is coming up, you go to the right lane and proceed to exit...

There will always be people wanting to go faster than you, so just stay out of their way. I live down in Shawnessy and when I need to head out to Airdrie I stay in the middle lane the entire way unless I'm passing somebody then I'm in the left lane for maybe 20-30 seconds tops.

There are just so many bad drivers who don't realize you SHOULDN'T be riding the right lane or the left lane the entire time since that is what is causing the congested merges.

It's just like highway drives who stay in the left lane, it blows my mind... a semi will be in the right lane and then grampa will sit in the left lane matching it's speed. Naturally the semi drivers typically slow down since it isnt fucking rocket science that it's not particularily safe to be side by side with other cars when going that fast, and that allows room for cars behind him to pass ahead.

There really needs to be more thorough testing on how people drive. Even a more detailed cognitive test about how roads work.

03-05-2013, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

There are just so many bad drivers who don't realize you SHOULDN'T be riding the right lane or the left lane the entire time since that is what is causing the congested merges.

There really needs to be more thorough testing on how people drive. Even a more detailed cognitive test about how roads work.
Are you sure? I'm more of the opinion that it's a combination of people not speeding up to match the speed of traffic, and people in traffic not allowing them to merge. I also think that congestion is a combination of slower drivers in the left lane, and faster drivers speeding into them. Faster drivers tend to be impatient, so the ride the ass of the slower cars, eliminating the space for people to merge around the even slower traffic on the right. The faster drivers continue to pile up, because let's be honest, everyone here thinks they have a right to drive faster, and congestion get's worse, causing everyone to go slower. If the "faster" drivers went the same speed, allowed a little room between cars, then the congestion probably wouldn't occur to the same extent. But that's just my opinion.

As for revenue generation via tickets? I'd MUCH rather see tickets be for mandatory driving classes focusing on the particular topic, with a skills test at the end where if you don't pass, you don't keep your license. Paid for by the ticketee.

03-05-2013, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by codetrap

As for revenue generation via tickets? I'd MUCH rather see tickets be for mandatory driving classes focusing on the particular topic, with a skills test at the end where if you don't pass, you don't keep your license. Paid for by the ticketee.

Yeah that’s never going to happen. Traffic enforcement is a very nice revenue stream. Usually has nothing to do with safety. Pretty much every speed trap I see involves one random car in a herd of cars all going the same speed (in an area with artificially lower speed limits) getting randomly picked out and waved over, even though its very safe if all cars are going the same speed. Like bow trail heading into downtown just past crowchild. Used to be 70km/h. Then they started construction on the train stations and lowered the speed to 50. Construction has finished, the road has not changed a bit and they have left it at 50. And there is a trap there every other day. And everyone goes from a nice safe flowing pace to slamming on their brakes and trying to change lanes so they don't hit the cop walking into the road to wave over some Oldsmobile in the far lane, turning a very safe situation into a dangerous one so they can issue a ticket.

They don't want drivers educated, they just want the revenue. That’s the problem in BC, they have been making speed the devil for so long, pushing and pushing for cameras and more traps. But clamping down on left lane hogs, who create very dangerous conditions on highways, could be perceived as saying speeding is ok. Hence they don’t come down on them because they may lose some support for the speeding ticket revenue system they have got going.

03-05-2013, 05:57 PM
My dad got his licence in Finland.....and taught me that it was "courteous" to let people by and get out of the far left lane. That is what I learned and practice.

I don't think that others "trained" here have been taught that and hence do whatever they happen to please. There is no guideline.

A friend just moved here from Germany and she said the drivers are "shitty" here and particularly "don't move out of the left lane" - her paraphrased words.


03-06-2013, 01:18 PM
If I have to go around someone driving slower than me in the left lane for some reason after i pass my tires drift into the shoulder full of gravel ;)

03-06-2013, 06:14 PM

03-06-2013, 09:11 PM

03-06-2013, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by Supa Dexta
I think you're sposed to cut right back in front of a slow driver, and cross over onto the shoulder slightly to rock spray them into knowing what its like to be behind an asshole..?:dunno:
This exactly. For an extra slap to the face, make sure you don't signal when cutting back

03-06-2013, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by DeleriousZ

The problem is people see driving as their right, not a privilege, so when there's any action to change the way they're allowed to access the roads, people lose their shit.


There's a chick I took a class with who said she never went above 90km/h in the left lane on Crowchild because that's already 10km/h over the speed limit, moving into the right lane is an inconvenience to her, and any "idiots" who want to speed should go around her.

I'll never understand the mindset of "I own the road, screw everyone else". If you're going to be a "law abiding citizen" and you might as well take the extra step and stay right like slower traffic should.

03-13-2013, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by nicknolte


There's a chick I took a class with who said she never went above 90km/h in the left lane on Crowchild because that's already 10km/h over the speed limit, moving into the right lane is an inconvenience to her, and any "idiots" who want to speed should go around her.

I'll never understand the mindset of "I own the road, screw everyone else". If you're going to be a "law abiding citizen" and you might as well take the extra step and stay right like slower traffic should.

that exact same thing happened to me today except it was on deerfoot during non rush hour and the chick kept braking every 2-3 seconds for no apparent reason... flashed her with my high beams 2-3 times no response... there weren't any cars in front of her and as a result she boxed me in with a semi beside me.. when i finally got a chance to pass her she was completely unphased by what had happened and looked like she didn't know she was doing anything wrong...boils my blood that some drivers are completely oblivious to their surroundings

03-13-2013, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
I remember quite a few years ago when this topic started heating up in Alberta, Rick Hansen said something like "Every lane is the same speed, there is no fast lane" and basically reinforced that people can drive like a dick in the left lane.

In BC I find it a lot easier to comply with this rule, people there for the most part observe it. Here on the other hand I am constantly in the right lane because it is the only place I can actually do the speed limit. WTF is with these clowns doing 65km in an 80 zone side by side all the time. :dunno:
The speed limits here are a joke to begin with. Sarcee by costco for example, 60 where it is all twisty going up the hill, then once it opens up it changes to 50 going towards the stoney overpass but it is 60 all the way down. There was a chat a few months ago on cbc with someone from the police stating that slower traffic keep right really applies to all multi-lane roads. I should have saved it :rofl:

03-13-2013, 12:26 PM
Here is an interesting read

Left lane etiquette (http://m.theglobeandmail.com/globe-drive/car-tips/left-lane-etiquette-and-tailgating-consequences/article4249182/?service=mobile)

03-13-2013, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Moonracer
Here is an interesting read

Left lane etiquette (http://m.theglobeandmail.com/globe-drive/car-tips/left-lane-etiquette-and-tailgating-consequences/article4249182/?service=mobile)

I say everyone should drive the speed limit, period.
Hesson-Bolton says she has no choice but to slow down if someone is following her too closely and she can’t safely get out of their way.

“I will slow down. Not much, maybe a kilometre or two an hour,” she says. “If they back off, I pick up my speed. If they get too close I’ll slow down again and they’ll figure out ‘If I stay farther away from this person, she’ll go faster.’”


03-13-2013, 01:30 PM
Hesson-Bolton should not be on the road let alone teaching young drivers.

The correct way to deal with tailgater is just ignore them if you cannot move to the right at the moment. No need to speed up or slow down.

03-13-2013, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by mucat
Hesson-Bolton should not be on the road let alone teaching young drivers.

The correct way to deal with tailgater is just ignore them if you cannot move to the right at the moment. No need to speed up or slow down.

So what if you need to brake suddenly and because you've ignored the tailgater and he/she is still on your ass?

03-13-2013, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Moonracer

So what if you need to brake suddenly and because you've ignored the tailgater and he/she is still on your ass?

You say this like you have a sure fire way of getting someone to stop tailgating you? Enlighten us.

03-13-2013, 02:04 PM
Just get out of the way. What's so complicated about it? :confused:

03-13-2013, 02:04 PM
Banana peel, works every time.

03-13-2013, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by CapnCrunch

You say this like you have a sure fire way of getting someone to stop tailgating you? Enlighten us.

Rear facing lights. If they can't see, they HAVE to slow down:nut:

Originally posted by max_boost
Just get out of the way. What's so complicated about it? :confused:

Stay at home moms and NIMBYs that think they are police officers. 9 times out of 10 when someone is playing left lane cop, its a woman.

03-13-2013, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by FraserB
Stay at home moms and NIMBYs that think they are police officers. 9 times out of 10 when someone is playing left lane cop, its a woman. I'm gonna disagree with this.

In my experience, the clueless ones are women. The vigilantes that go out of their way to make sure others drive to their interpretation of "safely", and the ones who, for some reason, become mad when they notice a tailgater tend to be men. Very strange men.

03-13-2013, 02:19 PM
the tend to be old angry farmers that have all the time on the world... like yesterday... pulling a horse trailer in the left lane up the hill heading into town on hwy 2 before cranston :banghead:

03-13-2013, 02:38 PM
I don't like to move over because I am usually already speeding and moving over would require me to immediately get stuck behind someone else. I would speed up but that would only put me up the ass of the guy in front of me. Some of you just want to drive faster than everyone else no matter what the circumstances are.

03-13-2013, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by narou
I don't like to move over because I am usually already speeding and moving over would require me to immediately get stuck behind someone else. I would speed up but that would only put me up the ass of the guy in front of me. Some of you just want to drive faster than everyone else no matter what the circumstances are.
I am hoping this is sarcasm otherwise you have hit the issue on the nose :rofl:

03-13-2013, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by CapnCrunch

You say this like you have a sure fire way of getting someone to stop tailgating you? Enlighten us.

Exactly as described in the article. Slowing down a little pretty much always works. Anytime I've ever done it works in about 3 seconds and they're in another lane. And I'm not talking about driving in the left lane, just being tailgated in general.
I'm not a slow driver either but there's always some idiot that constantly rides everyone's ass.

03-13-2013, 04:17 PM
EDIT: Misread

03-13-2013, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by schocker

I say everyone should drive the speed limit, period.


She looks like she'd be an annoying cunt driving or not.


03-13-2013, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Agent_Oorange
She looks like she'd be an annoying cunt driving or not.

I am not sure why I watched that :rofl:
My winter driving kit consists of a scraper/brush and some gloves that I keep so when I shovel the drive way, I can easily grab them from my trunk :rofl:

03-13-2013, 10:19 PM
What bothers me is when I'm going 140-150 km/h on Deerfoot in order for me to pass huge strings of slower moving vehicles, and yet I STILL get tailgated.

Moving into the right simply isn't an option because there are so many slow moving vehicles in the right, and merging would be unsafe.

Why can't some people just learn to wait literally 15 seconds for me to pass the string of cars? I will gladly move out of the way once I pass the string. It's absolutely retarded to tailgate someone going 140-150 km/h when the right lane itself is clearly packed. How impatient can you be?

03-14-2013, 08:19 AM

03-14-2013, 08:51 AM
The people that drive slow in the left lane despite the string of cars honking behind them, are no different than the people who park their store carts in the middle of an aisle and have a conversation.

Some in this thread have tried to explain this type of behavior, but the simple answer is that a lot people are just stupid and oblivious.

03-14-2013, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by Moonracer

So what if you need to brake suddenly and because you've ignored the tailgater and he/she is still on your ass?

And what's the problem?

If someone wants to tailgate you, there is nothing you can do.
If they want to just go around you, they will do it as soon as possible.

03-14-2013, 12:27 PM
What I don't understand happened to me once again. I'm in the left lane passing a line of cars and a car comes flying up my ass as I'm doing it. Whatever so I pull over into the middle lane when there's an openning and they just sit there at 8 o'clock and not pass me. So my space is ending with me approaching the slower mover in my lane and I say, 'fuck it' and cut the guy that was eager to fly up my ass earlier off to make my pass and I move back over. Rinse and repeat. After awhile they either finally pass or fall back and always it seems to do a 3 lane change to their exit

Happens a lot it seems


03-14-2013, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by mucat

And what's the problem?

If someone wants to tailgate you, there is nothing you can do.
If they want to just go around you, they will do it as soon as possible.

I posted what you can do and if they are stubborn and just stick to your ass then I might just take extreme measures. ;)

03-14-2013, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by Moonracer

Exactly as described in the article. Slowing down a little pretty much always works. Anytime I've ever done it works in about 3 seconds and they're in another lane. And I'm not talking about driving in the left lane, just being tailgated in general.
I'm not a slow driver either but there's always some idiot that constantly rides everyone's ass.

I've had people come flying up behind me in the right lane and then start tailgating me. Should I pull to the shoulder so that they don't have change lanes to get around me lol?

03-14-2013, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by CapnCrunch

I've had people come flying up behind me in the right lane and then start tailgating me. Should I pull to the shoulder so that they don't have change lanes to get around me lol?

So have you ever tried the slowing down trick?
Another thing you can do if it's busy and you can't easily move over is put some extra distance from you and the vehicle in front of you. If they have to brake suddenly you'll now have more time/distance to react and lessen the chances the guy behind you will rear end you.

03-14-2013, 02:06 PM
Maui is hilarious for "left lane bandits", everyone drives slow in both lanes, lol. Island full of driving zombies.

03-14-2013, 02:21 PM
haha found this...


03-14-2013, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Moonracer

I posted what you can do and if they are stubborn and just stick to your ass then I might just take extreme measures. ;)

The slow down idea is just dangerous. Accident happens when 2 vehicles are going at different velocities. By slowing down, you just give accident a bigger chance to happen.

What if the driver behind you didn't brake in time?

03-14-2013, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by mucat

The slow down idea is just dangerous. Accident happens when 2 vehicles are going at different velocities. By slowing down, you just give accident a bigger chance to happen.

What if the driver behind you didn't brake in time?

This. A couple of times I have been on the highway passing at about 135-140 and a F-250 or equivalent truck is on my ass. The only thing I can see in my rear-view is a blue oval and some grill. If I have to stop, he physically cannot stop in time. And I would die and he would regale friends about the time the gurth of his truck saved his life and how next truck is going to be bigger.

This is why I have a fast car. These are great opportunities. I can put a safe distance between me and mega truck ass-rider in seconds. Once back in the right lane I drive just a little faster than the truck. Just a little for a little bit. Truck hates being behind people so he speeds up to get in front of me. Then I have a nice, big, lifted silver rabbit I can hide behind while doing whatever insane speed he decides to do to show off how big his dick is. Of course he will flush out the cops for me while the cobra radar detector thats mounted on his dash fails to alert him. :)

03-14-2013, 03:15 PM
LoL.. you guys all take this waaay to seriously.

03-14-2013, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by Nitro5
What I don't understand happened to me once again. I'm in the left lane passing a line of cars and a car comes flying up my ass as I'm doing it. Whatever so I pull over into the middle lane when there's an openning and they just sit there at 8 o'clock and not pass me. So my space is ending with me approaching the slower mover in my lane and I say, 'fuck it' and cut the guy that was eager to fly up my ass earlier off to make my pass and I move back over. Rinse and repeat. After awhile they either finally pass or fall back and always it seems to do a 3 lane change to their exit

Happens a lot it seems


This happens all the time. This is main reason why I don't like to move.

03-14-2013, 03:33 PM
That's because some people have no sense of speed. They'll go 200km/h behind you, as soon as you move out of the picture they are so lost and do 50km/h.

03-14-2013, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by mucat

The slow down idea is just dangerous. Accident happens when 2 vehicles are going at different velocities. By slowing down, you just give accident a bigger chance to happen.

What if the driver behind you didn't brake in time?

lol I didn't say hit the brakes, I said slow down so easing slightly off the gas is the way to go.

03-14-2013, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by lilmira
Banana peel, works every time.

Better hope they don't have a red shell