View Full Version : Automatic exterior lights?

03-07-2013, 01:08 PM
Does anybody have these set up at their house? The type that turn on automatically at dusk and off at dawn?

What do you need to set these up?

I have one light that I want to keep on all night, but it's a PITA to get to the switch, as it's in the far corner of the garage behind a bunch of crap. (I just discovered it yesterday, weird old house, crazy wiring lol)

My other option is just to get a low watt led light and leave it on 24-7.

03-07-2013, 01:47 PM
30 bucks for a timer


03-07-2013, 01:58 PM
There's some sweet little solar powered LED floods kicking around too - come on automagically at dusk, Just screw them in and forget them... Can spend from 15$ - 5000$ depending on your needs/desires.

We've got a little cheap one on the camper (12$ Princess auto special) - lights up the front yard enough on the darkest nights to at least get to the front door, runs about 3 days straight when the panels covered in snow and not charging (like today).

03-07-2013, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by JustinMCS
30 bucks for a timer


Wouldn't I have to adjust that every few weeks to account for the changes in sunrise and sunset? I want something lazier lol.

03-07-2013, 02:07 PM
Timer is probably your cheapest bet. I would recommend thisTimer (http://www.aubetech.com/products/produitsDetails.php?noProduit=78&noLangue=2) over the timer listed in the post above.

There pretty much the same except this one is rated at 20a instead of 15a and the aube unit autimatically adjust for the time of season. You just put in your latitute and longtitude and it knows when to turn on and shut off so you dont have to re-adjust the timing every summer and winter. Automatically adjusts for daylight savings time and can be put in manual mode and used like a normal light switch. The only thing with timers is that they require a neutral and most switches only have a switch leg and a hot. So you may have to go about fishing a neutral into the box which can be a pain.

I've got over 100 of these installed in various buildings and have only had one fail.

The other easy option you have is to get a light fixture with a photocell built in. Then you could just take your current switch out blank off the box and install the new fixture and the photocell will turn it on in the dark. Most outdoor fixtures can be ordered with a photocell.