View Full Version : Has anyone here driven the Demspter highway?

03-24-2013, 08:40 PM
I'm seriously contemplating it this summer. A roof rack, two spares and a couple Jerry cans just in case. Plus a tent and some food. I've read a few trip reports and everyone says it's absolutely amazing.

And I'd love to go to the arctic circle...

03-25-2013, 05:34 AM
Have not done it, but two spares on rims, extra fuel, and camping gear to survive for a few days should be sufficient.

I'd make sure your camping gear includes something to purify water, not just a few jugs of water. A water filter could keep you hydrated for months, but jugs or bottles could get punctured or spilled pretty easily.

Also, bring some of the strongest bug repellent you can find. I'd suggest Bens.

03-25-2013, 06:01 AM
I haven't done the whole thing, but I've done part of it twice. I really like it around Tombstone Park - great scenery and a nice campground.

Another good drive up there (when the weather is clear) is the Top of the World Highway. Definitely beats driving the Klondike Highway both directions.

Generally speaking I'd say the reports of the roads being really rough and hard on vehicles are overblown, and a way to keep the mammoth RVs and trailers off of them. They're really not much different than any other gravel road. The first time the road was smooth and you could blast along it no problem. The second time it hadn't been touched up by a grader for a while, so it was wash-boardy and had quite a few potholes.

Supa Dexta
03-25-2013, 07:00 AM
Ive never had a problem drinking water out of streams and ditches for that matter.. But Im a country boy.. Not sure how your city guts will handle that.. But I would think water should be easy to find up there.

03-25-2013, 07:11 AM
My only concern is the low profile tires on the Coupe might be a little more vulnerable to damage. But from pictures and stuff, the road doesn't look that bad most of the time.

03-25-2013, 07:46 AM
Two guys from the Corvette club did that highway a few years back, just their stuff and factory spec runflats. They had some amazing pictures and would have done it again. One thing to make sure is having 3M or even a bra, one of the Vette's seriously came back looking sandblasted on the front and lower bodywork.

03-25-2013, 07:56 AM
3M, and I'm gonna painters tape all the rocker panels and then duct tape over the painters tape for a little extra armour. It'll be well protected.

03-25-2013, 09:41 PM
Ooo me me me. I used to live in Inuvik before I moved to Yellowknife, then here.

Two mounted spares is a must, that gravel sheds tires mercilessly.

Also, fuck bug repellent, wear this


Also I'd recommend noise canceling earbuds, the constant road noise WEARS on you, man.

03-25-2013, 11:02 PM
I wore enough of that shit in the army haha.

03-25-2013, 11:35 PM
I have, it was a great highway to drive! (I grew up in Whitehorse)

03-26-2013, 05:54 AM
Originally posted by AaronK
I have, it was a great highway to drive! (I grew up in Whitehorse)

Are the stories as bad as people say?

03-26-2013, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by corsvette
Two guys from the Corvette club did that highway a few years back, just their stuff and factory spec runflats. They had some amazing pictures and would have done it again. One thing to make sure is having 3M or even a bra, one of the Vette's seriously came back looking sandblasted on the front and lower bodywork.

Car and Driver did one a while back with the C6: http://www.caranddriver.com/features/the-road-to-remorses-the-road-to-divorces

I want to do this trip as well, but not with anything I value greatly. I'd probably pick up a cheap hilux or other 4x4 and do a "Top Gear challenge" with some people.

03-26-2013, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by SideSwipe

Car and Driver did one a while back with the C6: http://www.caranddriver.com/features/the-road-to-remorses-the-road-to-divorces

I want to do this trip as well, but not with anything I value greatly. I'd probably pick up a cheap hilux or other 4x4 and do a "Top Gear challenge" with some people.

Dempster Highway $500 car challenge would be a blast.

03-27-2013, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by SideSwipe

Car and Driver did one a while back with the C6: http://www.caranddriver.com/features/the-road-to-remorses-the-road-to-divorces

I want to do this trip as well, but not with anything I value greatly. I'd probably pick up a cheap hilux or other 4x4 and do a "Top Gear challenge" with some people.

This is exactly what crossed my mind too haha. $1000 4X4 off kijiji Top Gear style.

03-28-2013, 05:53 AM
I did it and loved it.

I wrote it up on my travel blog: