View Full Version : DHS bought 1.6B rounds of ammo, preparing for domestic war

04-08-2013, 01:55 PM

I've asked this question of many of my contacts, and what I keep hearing is that an economic collapse is fast approaching, and DHS is likely going to use all this equipment to try to maintain government power during the chaos and riots that are sure to follow the economic collapse. This equipment will all be needed to "maintain order on the streets," I'm told.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/039345_DHS_arms_race_armored_vehicles.html#ixzz2Pu59p4P5

Conspiracy theory or something going on here....

04-08-2013, 01:59 PM
What kind of truther/prepper website is that?

04-08-2013, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by sputnik
What kind of truther/prepper website is that?



04-08-2013, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema

Conspiracy theory or something going on here....


US military has more then enough boots in the USA to handle a war with it's citizens

04-08-2013, 02:05 PM
Every time I see something quoted about 9/11 being an inside job or how Monsanto is going to kill us all, it's from the "Natural News".

04-08-2013, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
Every time I see something quoted about 9/11 being an inside job or how Monsanto is going to kill us all, it's from the "Natural News".

Monsanto did 9/11. Monsanto Oracles saw that the World Trade Center needed to be brushed aside to make way for the One True Potato, leader of GMO foods.

04-08-2013, 02:28 PM
You guys's avatar's confuse me

04-08-2013, 02:34 PM
They do so much training it's insane. One of the LE guys on one of my other forums said they put about 300 rounds a week through their weapons.

04-08-2013, 02:56 PM
That website in the OP may be a loony tune one, however the 1.6 billion round order is fact, you can find stories about it on CNN, Faux News, pretty much every major carrier. There are many reasons for the order being that large, price being one of them.

There are 100,000 armed people in the Department of Homeland Security. Sixteen thousand rounds per agent/person is a very LARGE order, but it only seems disproportionate to what the typical US agency, including the military, get in their budget.

One of my first instructors when I was training to be an instructor with Sig Arms Academy, Bank Miller, first ran the FBI's weapons training program, and then went on to the Air Marshall program, as well as various other agencies. He told me that these agencies where pistol skills are very high on the list in terms of training, 16k rounds in a year per person isn't out of the realm of possibility. On an average 2 day advanced course at SigArms, or any of the top tier gun fighting schools similar to it - and I've trained at a 1/2 dozen of them - shooting 2k rounds in a weekend is typical.

As FraserB said, other agencies other than say the FBI or Air Marshalls where pistol training isn't typically high on the agenda are now focusing more and more on these skills, and hundreds of rounds per week is very easy to tear through in even a modest training schedule.

So, 1.6 billion rounds may "seem" like a conspiracy theory worthy topic, but it really isn't. 100,000 officers getting increased training could very easily burn through that ammunition in a year or less, and this order is for a period much longer than a single year.

Supa Dexta
04-08-2013, 03:48 PM
Very rough math - is this right?

1.6B x 20 grains per bullet (avg between pistol/rifle round) / 7000 grain per lb = 4.57 million lbs of powder? :nut:

04-08-2013, 04:12 PM
This nutjob's own article makes very clear how insignificant 1.6B rounds of ammo really is:

U.S. ammunition manufacturers are currently producing over one billion rounds per week. All that ammo is flying off the shelves, with virtually nothing remaining in stock anywhere.

So average Americans are buying >1B rounds per week... and the government puts in an order 1.6B that may even be intended to be spread out over multiple years and this is even a newsworthy event why?

04-08-2013, 05:45 PM
Department of homeland security buys hollow point, which is illegal for use in war by Hague convention (precursor to the Geneva convention) because of brutality of the hollowpoint.

The US is having a run on bullets yes. No problems with dollars though, plenty of those to go around. Although if you think of bullets as money, then there is a bank run going on right now in the US.

2,000 rounds per prepper in the US seems to be normal, but many will have small explosive devices like grenades capable of taking out a few people at a time. I can imagine no amount of bullets would make one feel safer past a certain amount (would 100,000 bullets make you feel safer than 2,000?)

16,000 rounds per homeland security agent may seem like a lot, but then again is 1,000 pennies per person a lot?

In a straight up bullet fight with North Korea, the US army could arguably lose unless they recalled all their troops around the world.

Thats a lot 'o bullets.

04-08-2013, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
Every time I see something quoted about 9/11 being an inside job or how Monsanto is going to kill us all, it's from the "Natural News".

I'm still on the fence of the whole Monsanto issue. Have you read the paper?


Foods with GMOs are labelled in Europe, not here. Just weird. Like the whole orange dye thing in KD. The only place in the world it has it is North America, but why? Anyways thread derail ended.

04-08-2013, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by msommers
I'm still on the fence of the whole Monsanto issue.

Agreed. But I'm not on the fence about the natural news lol

04-10-2013, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by FraserB
They do so much training it's insane. One of the LE guys on one of my other forums said they put about 300 rounds a week through their weapons.
Ha. 300 a week? Personally I can shoot that in one range session.

The Alberta Sheriffs get 200 rounds per YEAR. And thats usually right before their annual range qualify.

04-14-2013, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by DEATH2000

Ha. 300 a week? Personally I can shoot that in one range session.

The Alberta Sheriffs get 200 rounds per YEAR. And thats usually right before their annual range qualify. Per person right? Isn't the qualifier a full magazine plus whatever remedial they need?

04-17-2013, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by CUG
Per person right? Isn't the qualifier a full magazine plus whatever remedial they need?
From what I have been told from a Sheriff, their allowed 200 "issued" rounds per year to train with. They are required to re certify on a course of fire every year.

Personally, 200 rounds a year is a joke. You want someone to be profficent with a firearm you should give them at least 200 rounds per month! Every officer should have a paid range day at least once a month. Ive met a few guys who are Sheriffs and while they say the odds of ever drawing their gun, let alone firing it are slim, their may be that one day you need to know what the fuck your doing.

Whitecourt was a good example of how things can go bad in a hurry. A Sheriff in edmonton told me about one time when he was on duty at the court building and a prisoner jumped the bench and went for another Sheriff's gun. He was second in to the court room after hearing people screaming. The guy never got a hold of the firearm, but they would have had to have shot him if he did.