View Full Version : How serious are cops about tint on front driver/passenger?

05-05-2013, 01:07 AM

I looked up some old threads in regards to window tinting. I have read that on the front windshield, 15cm from the top is acceptable. However, I'm interested in your opinion about how serious CPS actually take window tinting.

Maybe the rule is being enforced alot more than I think, but I drive around the city alot and see quite a few cars with the front driver/passenger windows tinted. Enough to make me wonder if tinting is one of those laws that nobody really gives a shit about.

It ranges from 35% to 60%.

Do most cops give a fuck? Are cops only in the habit of enforcing it if you act like an assclown?

Maxx Mazda
05-05-2013, 01:17 AM
I have limo (5%) on all my windows. Only ever gotten a ticket when I was pulled over for something else.

05-05-2013, 01:43 AM
my nissan was 5% also 2 years no ticket

05-05-2013, 02:13 AM
I've had 20% tint on my front windows for just over a year - received one ticket. It was 9AM on my way to work downtown and they were waiting near F.A.T.S. to pull people over on turning right on the red light which is illegal there.

Of course, you could clearly see the cops so no one was doing it so they ended up just pulling me aside since they had nothing else to do. $60 ticket or something like that, more of an annoyance than anything.

Otherwise, driven by many cops and no problems.

05-05-2013, 06:55 AM
Just remember it gives them probable cause to pull you over at any time.

05-05-2013, 08:21 AM
had a cop once slam his brakes from the opposite direction, jump the curb like he was Knight Rider, then speed through traffic almost killing people just to catch up to me and pull me over. My crime? I think I had like %80 tint or something so light I didn't even know it was tinted. Came that way with the car when I bought it. Cop came running out of his car like I was a murderer, huffed and puffed and proceeded to hand me a $25 or I forget the amount ticket saying I cant have tint on my front side windows. Ok buddy, great work. The city is now a safer place. :nut: So depending on the cop, some are as serious as a heart attack about it

05-05-2013, 08:30 AM
Seems to depend on the kind of car you drive. I got a ticket for tint (and nothing else) a few years ago on the QE2 (cars were speeding past me at easily 140+ on the QE2, but the cops were out that day cracking down on tint).

I got rid of the car and will stay away from tint in the future. I'm not going to give the cops that satisfaction again.

I'm with Tom and would add that there's a higher probability of getting pulled over if you have a boy racer car versus a more "mature" car. I never once got pulled over in my Corvette, but it was a different story with my CRX/Prelude.

05-05-2013, 08:32 AM
i have the second lightest tint, no tickets, but one comment from a retired rcmp to tell me i could get one. my back window is limo, so the light tint on the side almost isn't noticeable.

05-05-2013, 08:54 AM
The lightest tint still looks pretty dark at night. I use to tint but that anxiety every time I see a cop wasn't worth it so now its fishbowl.

05-05-2013, 08:55 AM

05-05-2013, 09:03 AM
We had it on the EVO, drove it for 2 years and didn't have any problems...the tint on the new car is darker, but I hate not having tint, so if the ticket comes it comes.

05-05-2013, 09:04 AM
Never had a problem on my old car ('97 legacy, had it for 4 years) but a week after owning my STi I received a tint ticket. Depends how much attraction your car brings, and how you drive. If you get a tint ticket, consider it the price of having tint on your windows.

Haven't had any tickets in over a year.

05-05-2013, 09:21 AM
All my vehicles have had tint on the front windows, however its always been 40% on the front and 5% on the back which made the fronts look like they had none.

In 10+ years, NEVER had an issue - even when pulled over for other things.

05-05-2013, 09:26 AM
Optima has been tinted since the day I got it. 35% rear, 50% front (I believe). Slightly lighter in the front.

Only ticket I've ever gotten was in Lethbridge from a cop that followed me for 20 minutes.

The Mustang has been tinted since the day I got it. 10 days and no issues so far lol.

05-05-2013, 09:51 AM
I've owned some 40 vehicles, and the ones I kept for any extended period of time (including the CX9 I have now) generally had tinted front windows.

In almost 20 years of driving and two provinces later, no ticket yet.

05-05-2013, 09:55 AM
Just keep the attention to yourself low. It primarily comes down to how you're driving , secondly will be what you drive.

Don't drive like a douchebag because if a cop sees you speeding but didn't clock you, they can't pull you over and guess how fast you were going - but they can pull you over and give you a ticket for the tinted windows. So yes it will bring some heat to you, but only if you're asking for it.

05-05-2013, 10:49 AM
As you can see from this thread, depends on what you are driving. If it's a kia, american car, or a van/suv, you will probably be fine. If it's an acura TL or something, or a tuner car, you're gonna get pulled often, especially east of deerfoot

05-05-2013, 11:37 AM
I've had tint on my front windows for the past 6 years. Got my first ticket in February and it was because I was driving at night and the cop said he couldn't see if anyone was driving. $60 ticket and no demerits so not a huge deal to me. It does give them one more reason to pull you over though.

05-05-2013, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by skandalouz_08
the cop said he couldn't see if anyone was driving.

:rofl: :nut:

05-05-2013, 12:43 PM

05-05-2013, 01:09 PM
I have front tint on my B5, and I have gotten a warning once, and a ticket once as well within one year of driving it.

05-05-2013, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by rx7boi

Do most cops give a fuck? Are cops only in the habit of enforcing it if you act like an assclown?

It isn't what most cops think, it's just what the one guy who might pull you over thinks.

05-05-2013, 07:57 PM
I have 40% Supreme Front and Back from Shadow Tinting that I had installed a year ago because I think it looks odd when the back is darker on a 4 door. I didn't want to put tint on my car for years because 1, for the clean factor and 2, because I didn't want to get tickets. I'm really glad I went with 40% because it's not too dark. I think it looks classy and you can tell that there is tint. I wanted to go a shade lighter, but they said it wasn't a lifetime warranty with that one.

I had cases where the cop would stop right next to me at night. Twice in downtown, but I'm surprised I wasn't followed. Yesterday, I passed by a cop car at night, and turned right to look at him. He was looking right at me, but I wasn't followed. So I guess I have been lucky.

05-05-2013, 09:12 PM
Depends on the cop.

Ask the people at a wsc timmies meet who were not causing any ruckus, where a cop walked up and down the row of cars (that had been parked for a while, with a group of police hanging out at a nearby table) handing out tint tickets.

I had limo tint on my subaru, it looked good but for the most part was just a big pain in the ass. Couldn't see shit at night and was always worried about getting pulled over for it.

05-05-2013, 09:21 PM
30% tint all the way around on an Evo for a year. One ticket. Was speeding so that is what got us pulled over in the first place, cop was nice and just ticketed for tint.

I will admit though if I am going to be stopping at a light beside a cop etc... I roll the fronts down.

05-05-2013, 10:22 PM
35% on my cars for 10+ years. 2 live stop speeding but 0 tint tix.

Cooked Rice
05-05-2013, 10:30 PM
All my friends that drive cars with modifications always get the tint tickets. While everyone I know that drives a stock car with just tint, never get tickets. Guess I will find out, getting a new daily this week and leaving it stock other than getting tint. Doing 35 in the back, 50 in front.

05-05-2013, 10:56 PM
Hmm interesting.

It really does seem weird that it's such a inconvenient law at best, my rear windows are 5% but I really hate the fishbowl glass on my fronts.

I may look into something like 40% tint since it will help even some of the contrast out with my rears.

For anyone wondering, I drive a red Genesis Coupe so it's not the most inconspicuous car and definitely not the flashiest either.

05-06-2013, 09:35 AM
End of the day, tint is just an excuse to stop you if you are being an ass on the road.

I don't think anyone has been stopped just for tint, it's always something else.

05-06-2013, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by DeleriousZ
Depends on the cop.

Ask the people at a wsc timmies meet who were not causing any ruckus, where a cop walked up and down the row of cars (that had been parked for a while, with a group of police hanging out at a nearby table) handing out tint tickets.

Wow, douche move. :thumbsdow

05-06-2013, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by slinkie
As you can see from this thread, depends on what you are driving. If it's a kia, american car, or a van/suv, you will probably be fine. If it's an acura TL or something, or a tuner car, you're gonna get pulled often, especially east of deerfoot

Haha I drive a Black 2010 TL - limo tint in the back and 20% in the fronts. No other mods but it looks sketchy as @#$@ haha. As mentioned earlier in the thread though - only pulled over and ticketed once and it was because they were already looking to give out tickets for something else.

It's a pain in the ass but I have nothing to hide, no record, and a $60 ticket isn't TOO bad. I figure I'll probably get another ticket or two over the next five years of owning it but it's the risk I take I suppose. Tint on a black car looks :bigpimp:

05-06-2013, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by Canmorite

Wow, douche move. :thumbsdow

Agreed, cops like that are the ones that give cops everywhere a bad image.

05-06-2013, 10:17 AM
The Audi A5 has 5% on the back, 20% on the fronts and haven't had an issue in the year or so I've had it.

The Volvo C30 has 20% in the back, 40% in the fronts and I got one tint ticket in the roughly 3 years it's been tinted. It probably could have been avoided though. I saw the cop stationed in the median and I rolled my windows down due to paranoia. He made a big deal about me rolling the windows down, asking me how many times I've pulled that "trick" and everything. I really think if I didn't roll them down he wouldn't have done a thing.

05-06-2013, 10:29 AM
actually cops can pull you over anytime without reason.

05-06-2013, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by hrdkore
actually cops can pull you over anytime without reason.

Whatever happened to probable cause?
They can't just pull you over because they feel like it, they need a reason or suspicion.

05-06-2013, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by hrdkore
actually cops can pull you over anytime without reason.
this is correct

05-06-2013, 10:59 AM
I've had tint on my front windows for the last ~4 years on various cars. From 20% to 50% on the front windows and I've got 1 ($57) ticket in that time.

I don't drive aggressively, and when pulled over I roll down my windows immediately.

If you apply tint to the front, you're 100% entitled to a ticket and 0% entitled to bitch because of it. :poosie:

05-06-2013, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by 98type_r

Whatever happened to probable cause?
They can't just pull you over because they feel like it, they need a reason or suspicion.

According to my lawyer, they can just make one up later if it goes to court.

05-06-2013, 12:18 PM
Just watch out for the Red Deer RCMP they have a serious hard on for giving out tint tickets. Also since May long is coming up the check-stops going into the big camping spots are always checking for tint that weekend too.

05-06-2013, 12:26 PM
I was actually considering tinting all my windows too. I think I might just do it this summer.

I remember there was a period (I think sometime either last year or the year before) where I swear I saw a "I just got a ticket for tinted windows" thread pop up on beyond at least 2 or 3 times a week. Which is kinda funny because my buddy has tint on all his windows and he got 2 tinted window tickets (one for each front window :rofl: )

05-06-2013, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by 98type_r

Whatever happened to probable cause?
They can't just pull you over because they feel like it, they need a reason or suspicion.

checking for proper documentation is a reason. insurrance, registration, drivers lisense. afaik

05-06-2013, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by 98type_r

Whatever happened to probable cause?
They can't just pull you over because they feel like it, they need a reason or suspicion.

They can pull you over for having a tinted glass.
It happened to me , unmareked cop was driving on the other direction turnaround and stopped me.
He didn't give me a ticket he gave me a warning and asked me to remove the tint .

05-06-2013, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by ganesh

They can pull you over for having a tinted glass.

I have a tinted glass and I haven't been pulled over yet.

**Knock on a tinted glass**