View Full Version : Stopping for pedestrians...

05-06-2013, 05:17 PM
Maybe its just me but it drives me nuts when you yield/stop for a pedestrian only to have them step back and stand there waving you by! And not only that but they seem to wait till I'm completely stopped to wave at me.

I don't have an issue stopping, its part of road rules, but please if I stop don't stand there for 2 min then flap your arms around to go.

05-06-2013, 05:23 PM
At least they are aware of your presence.

i have a bigger issue with those that are on their smartphones standing still for more than a few seconds while you're attempting to do a right-hand turn on a green light. And then mid-turn they start crossing the street with their faces still glued to the phone...

05-06-2013, 05:29 PM
I especially love the ones who just walk right into the cross walk without slowing down or looking like they're Denzel Washington out of the movie training day.

05-06-2013, 05:31 PM
I'm in China right now and there's no way in hell anyone would stop for a pedestrian here, if they step out into traffic, simply drive ariund them, people seem to figure out that if you step out in front of a car there's a good chance you're going to get hit. You get one honk of the horn as a warning nothing else.

05-06-2013, 05:33 PM
I hate the ones that are crossing and you come up a bit fast and brake late and they just stop and stare like oh shit he's going fast, get your butt across instead of wasting more of my time.

05-06-2013, 11:21 PM
I dont stop... In my opinion no one should.. pedestrians should wait their turn to cross the sidewalk when it is free and clear of traffic. I think stopping is the hazard. I've seen cars get rear ended because they suddenly stop for pedestrians. not to mention, like some of the comments above. people are generally so fucking stupid. It also causes traffic... and it wastes gas. I'm from Slovakia, and like China, expect to get run over if you get in front of a car. I have no idea why its a rule here in canada to have to stop. and yes I get yelled at sometimes, I just yell right back at em to shut their traps.

05-07-2013, 06:33 AM
My pedestrian gripe is on 3rd st sw where the city put a crosswalk half way up the block between 7th and 8th ave between the mall doors.. Every government is griping about people being fat and getting no exercise, yet the city makes a crosswalk essentially 50 ft from a set of lights at 7th and 8th on top of that, there is a plus 15 right above the cross walk.
What makes it bad, is it screws up traffic trapping cars in the intersections when someone crosses, and also it is shaded. So when its nice and sunny and you drive into the shade, its hard to see people, and being the typical Calgary pedestrian, they walk right out in front of your vehicle without even looking or thinking.
Its probably the dumbest pedestrian crossing in Calgary.

05-07-2013, 06:53 AM
Yup, some pedestrians are just stupid and think they are king of the road. I look at it this way, if there is a car vs pedestrian accident and regardless of who's fault it is, who do you think is going to the hospital with potentially life changing injuries?

05-07-2013, 07:14 AM
haha. I was talking about this yesterday, they should change the pedestrian symbols to proceed and dont you fucking move. whats with this 3 stage crap?

Once it goes 'don't you fucking move' you are now jaywalking and better get your ass off the street. Also cars should just drive around them.

Also, for the ones that never look i will sometimes time it so that i stop right as they are in front of my car. and by stop i mean late brake the fuck out of him.

05-07-2013, 07:17 AM

05-07-2013, 07:19 AM
I don't mind pedestrians at all, no problem stopping. I do however have a major problem with:

1) People who start crossing when the intersection lights are yellow. Once some security guard did this, I was in the intersection. I honked, he turned around and spat on the hood of my car. Thank god I was driving a rental, if it was mine things would have ended differently... By the time I got to turn, the light had already been red for 4-5 seconds since I entered the intersection when it was green and just turned yellow.

2) People who cross at intersections which say "No pedestrian traffic" or "Intersection closed, use other street". Regularly construction workers cross, I have NO problem with construction workers who are working as this is their job, and as a driver I believe it's all of our responsibility to provide the right of way to all road construction workers, and ALWAYS slow down. However what pisses me off is normal fucking idiot pedestrians who run across a closed intersection. One year on 8th ave I had 4 people in a period of 3 months run out on a yellow in a closed intersection for pedestrian traffic and almost get smoked by my side mirror. Then they get angry at me? wtf....

3) People who don't dismount from their bikes when crossing. It's a huge piss off when people just ride right out thinking they are pedestrian traffic. And they get mad at you when they almost ride in to your car... I see little kids do this all the time, I have NO issue with the little kids as it's not their fault and I always stop for them, however adults have no excuse. And adults should be teaching their kids to dismount when crossing. There's a family in the McKenzie towne area that rides their bikes everywhere, they have 2-3 little kids that are always riding along with them. The kids ride sometimes 30 feet ahead of their parents, or 30 feet behind, they never dismount when crossing intersections, neither do the parents. I see people regularly have close calls with them, the parents always get angry and don't seem to understand why.... I hope those kids stay safe...

4) People who stand and hang out at street corners... LIKE WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKKK..... I pull up to a 4-way stop, they just stand there... I wait, they stare at me and do nothing, I wait longer, etc... Finally 30 seconds go by of them staring at me giving me this puzzled look as to why I'm not moving and why I'm looking at them and they realize that I'm waiting for them to cross.... They waive me on since they are waiting for their kids to be dropped off by the school bus... YOUR WAITING ON A FUCKING CROSSWALK FOR YOUR KIDS? #Fail...

5) Jaywalkers. HEY GUYZZZZ, I'm just going to walk out in front of all your cars with my kid in the stroller. Jaywalkers used to be little shitheads trying be cool, however in the last year I've seen more and more mothers with strollers, mothers with kids, fathers with kids, just walking right out.... GREAT IDEA, teach them while their young!


05-07-2013, 07:52 AM
^ Great rant! I agree with all of it. I think the only way to reverse the damage is public shaming, I will stop and call them out on it if I have time, tell them how stupid they are and that their inevitable death will be a great relief for the human race, Most people don't like being made fun of, especially in front of their kids, so they might learn? I hope.

05-07-2013, 08:08 AM
I like the ones standing on the corner of an intersection, they'll stare at you and all but they are not crossing. I stop and they turn around, WTF?

05-07-2013, 08:12 AM
I hate it when pedestrians congregate to chat at the top of the escalator, blocking the path and forcing everyone to squeeze around them.

Nice troll attempt InRich.

05-07-2013, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by InRich
I dont stop... In my opinion no one should..

I'll remember that, should I ever see you in a crosswalk.

05-07-2013, 08:30 AM
Good luck, InRich doesn't walk, ever.

05-07-2013, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
Good luck, InRich doesn't walk, ever.

I'll call him up for an estimate, and when he opens his vehicle door, I'll plow into it :rofl:

05-07-2013, 08:35 AM
I think that North America is the only place in the world where pedestrians have the right of way.

Everywhere else you get run the fuck over if you step out in traffic.

05-07-2013, 08:35 AM

05-07-2013, 08:36 AM
Isn't he in India? Can rage2 teleport?

05-07-2013, 08:48 AM

05-07-2013, 08:59 AM
He has the Black Series now. Has a small tag under the "AMG" lettering.

As for pedestrians, if they have the right of way I will stop. If they don't, I'll do what I feel is safe to do in order to keep from hitting them. If it is unavoidable to hit them, tough luck. Then they can defend a lawsuit from my insurance as well.

05-07-2013, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by benyl
I think that North America is the only place in the world where pedestrians have the right of way.

Everywhere else you get run the fuck over if you step out in traffic.

I feel this is the best system for sure. Seems to me there would be less pedestrian injuries/fatalities as well.

05-07-2013, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2
I especially love the ones who just walk right into the cross walk without slowing down or looking like they're Denzel Washington out of the movie training day.

:rofl: Those are the ones just asking to be plowed over. I'll stop for pedestrians and I appreciate it when they stop for me.

However if I have to slam on the brakes at the last second because you just arrived at the crosswalk as I'm about to drive by, I'd rather risk a ticket than get rear ended :thumbsdow

05-07-2013, 10:03 AM
Pedestrians in marked crosswalks = no problem. Slow down, stop, let them cross, etc.

Jaywalkers = (tear hair out)

If I can take the 60-90 extra seconds to walk down to a crosswalk, cross safely, then continue on my on the other side, I'm fairly sure others can too. (rantrantrabblerabble)

05-07-2013, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
I hate turning right downtown at rush hour from streets to avenues; you get a minute of green light to enter the intersection and turn right… but you have to wait for all the people walking, and of course well after the sign starts flashing “Don’t Walk” people are still running to make the light and blocking traffic. So only when it is a late yellow you can finally get through. Out of a giant line of 20 cars maybe 3 get through as a result of pedestrians.

Funny, I think I was stuck in this exact traffic situation yesterday directly beside Rage2’s matte black AMG… although he keeps his windows rolled up like a shifty gangster so no way to verify for certain.

I agree. TONS of traffic problems would be alleviated if they just started enforcing the "Don't Walk" signs.

Although this isn't a major piss off of mine, it's one of those "would be nice" things.

05-07-2013, 10:16 AM
As a driver I hate pedestrians, and as a pedestrian I hate drivers, but no matter what the mode of transportation, I always hate bicyclists.

05-07-2013, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by benyl
I think that North America is the only place in the world where pedestrians have the right of way.

Everywhere else you get run the fuck over if you step out in traffic.

Actually it's just Canada pedestrians don't have the right of way State side.

Originally posted by Tej.S
As a driver I hate pedestrians, and as a pedestrian I hate drivers, but no matter what the mode of transportation, I always hate bicyclists.


05-07-2013, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by Tej.S
I always hate bicyclists

I absolutely hate bicyclists that:

1. Rides their bikes on the sidewalk then just ride straight into a crosswalk without even slowing down and looking first.

I understand that you might be too lazy to dismount your bike, but at least let me know your intention is to cross first.

2. Bikes that skips ahead of cars lining up at a traffic light by squeezing through the gap between cars and the curb.

If you're biking on the road, you're considered a vehicle. Line up at a traffic light like everyone else. Sooner or later you're gonna get smoked by a car right-turning at a red light as you try to squeeze in beside them.

05-07-2013, 01:43 PM
I've intentionally swerved towards vehicles travelling the other direction that showed no signs of stopping for pedestrians at marked crosswalks, if you're from some neolithic part of the world that doesn't or can't appreciate common sense and courtesy then maybe adapt or get the fuck on a plane, we have rules here and one of those is that pedestrians have the right of way no matter how stupid they may be.

05-07-2013, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by heavyfuel
I've intentionally swerved towards vehicles travelling the other direction that showed no signs of stopping for pedestrians at marked crosswalks, if you're from some neolithic part of the world that doesn't or can't appreciate common sense and courtesy then maybe adapt or get the fuck on a plane, we have rules here and one of those is that pedestrians have the right of way no matter how stupid they may be.

You seem mad.

05-07-2013, 02:07 PM
My favorite is when the two wheeled tards sit like an
inch away from your car at a light. I watch them like
a hawk..self righteous cyclists anyways.. :banghead:

05-07-2013, 02:39 PM

05-07-2013, 03:23 PM
i can live with all wat u guys mentioned, wat kills me r cyclist ranting about their rite to share the road and how they r not pedestrains, but when the traffic is red or there is a stop sign they suddenly become pedestrians.

I hit a cyclist before in ottawa cuz he blew the stop sign, lucky for me he actually told the police he didnt stop at the stop sign when the officer asked him, dumbass didnt know he has to stop, he paid for damages on my car and got 3 point ticket on his drivers license !

05-07-2013, 03:23 PM
How about cars that don't stop at the stop line or behind the crosswalk, if I have to walk around a car because they're in the middle of a crosswalk they're getting their bumper/fender kicked.

05-07-2013, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by whiskas
How about cars that don't stop at the stop line or behind the crosswalk, if I have to walk around a car because they're in the middle of a crosswalk they're getting their bumper/fender kicked.

Yea, sure they are tough guy :rolleyes:

05-07-2013, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by M.alex
Yea, sure they are tough guy :rolleyes:


Twice in my life I've physically hit a vehicle that almost took me out of a crosswalk.

One guy took a right, from my side of the street right after I stepped into the crosswalk and damn near nailed me with his truck. I jumped backwards and while he yelled at me I did my best to punch his window out with a hammer-fist. Unfortunately, it didn't break....

Second time was walking through with the light and an asshole didn't stop nearly soon enough. Jumped up, landed on his hood and walked off. Fuck that guy too.


Originally posted by Tej.S
As a driver I hate pedestrians, and as a pedestrian I hate drivers, but no matter what the mode of transportation, I always hate bicyclists.

This says it best! And I love riding bikes! :rofl:

05-07-2013, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
Twice in my life I've physically hit a vehicle that almost took me out of a crosswalk.

One guy took a right, from my side of the street right after I stepped into the crosswalk and damn near nailed me with his truck. I jumped backwards and while he yelled at me I did my best to punch his window out with a hammer-fist. Unfortunately, it didn't break....

Yeah but didn't Simon the Safety Bear teach you to look both ways before crossing the street? Making sure cars are stopped before stepping into the intersection? And make eye contact with drivers?

I call pedestrian super FAIL.

05-07-2013, 04:01 PM
^^ Yup doesn't matter if it's the drivers fault for running you over when you are bleeding out into the gutter cause you didn't look first.

People need to treat cars like heavy equipment on a construction site and assume that they aren't looking for you.

05-07-2013, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by sillysod
^^ Yup doesn't matter if it's the drivers fault for running you over when you are bleeding out into the gutter cause you didn't look first.

People need to treat cars like heavy equipment on a construction site and assume that they aren't looking for you.

So you look behind you to your left for the entire first half of the crosswalk? Because you could easily be 1/4 way through, and have someone zoom up to the intersection, take a right, and take you out.

05-07-2013, 04:05 PM
^^ Yup doesn't matter if it's the drivers fault for running you over when you are bleeding out into the gutter cause you didn't look first.

People need to treat cars like heavy equipment on a construction site and assume that they aren't looking for you.

I saw a lady get absolutely nailed one winter morning going to work on Douglasdale BLVD. It was dark she was crossing the cross walk and the road was very busy because deerfoot was backed up and everyone was cutting through Douglasdale.

I was about 3 cars back going 50 / 60km/h and suddenly BOOM I see a lady wearing a black business skirt and black jacket go flying up over the first car like a rag doll. I stopped in time but the car in front of me ran over her. She was bleeding everywhere and coughing blood. Blood was coming out of her ears and right eye by the time EMS showed up. No idea if she pulled through or not.

She was on a crosswalk, but it was dark out and she was wearing black. Who knows the driver could have been texting but he still went home at the end of the day.

05-07-2013, 11:48 PM
Pedestrian just walked in front of a concrete truck earlier today. Didn't survive.


05-08-2013, 07:53 AM
Witness said he was wearing headphones, didn't even turn his head. Otherwise, it's pretty hard to miss the sound from a concrete truck. :dunno:

05-08-2013, 08:46 AM
That's very sad..people are so tuned out these days texting/headphones etc. My younger brother used to ride his bmx on the road with no helmet/gloves and an ipod. I gave him so much shit for that. So glad he never got seriously hurt.

05-08-2013, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by lilmira
Witness said he was wearing headphones, didn't even turn his head.

I see this all the time. What are people thinking :nut:

05-08-2013, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by Hallowed_point
That's very sad..people are so tuned out these days texting/headphones etc.

Or how about my point above that's even sadder - people just blindly crossing the street while NOT wearing headphones or texting - just simply assuming that cars will stop for them.

05-08-2013, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by clem24

Or how about my point above that's even sadder - people just blindly crossing the street while NOT wearing headphones or texting - just simply assuming that cars will stop for them.

Those 2 white stripes of paint will protect me.

05-08-2013, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by clem24

Or how about my point above that's even sadder - people just blindly crossing the street while NOT wearing headphones or texting - just simply assuming that cars will stop for them.

I'm curious what happened with the latest accident...

There's been numerous times where I've been driving, and there's someone jogging along the sidewalk on a long stretch of road with headphones, and out of nowhere they just change directions doing a 90 degree sharp turn and run out on to the road.

There is a cross-walk, so they are allowed to cross, however the fact they are running/jogging, and didn't turn their head to check for traffic and the fact they just bolted out on the to street makes me wonder how those types of situations are handled if anyone were to ever get hit.

I always pay close attention and haven't had any close calls with these people, but I could totally see someone hitting them as they quickly turn and bolt out on to the street.

05-08-2013, 09:19 AM
And to add another post...

We just have way too many issues on the road right now.

We have issues with bad drivers who shouldn't be driving, drivers who don't pay enough attention to the road and their surroundings, drivers that are constantly being distracted.

We have issues with bad pedestrians, not paying attention, not being aware of their own surroundings, and not following proper crossing techniques, and jaywalkers.

I think all in all, we shouldn't be paying attention to specific circumstances, but instead focus on people in general.

People NEED TO WAKE THE FUCK UP! PAY ATTENTION! Soo much attitude. So many people thinking "Ima fuckin do what I want cuz people will stop yo".

05-08-2013, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by clem24

Yeah but didn't Simon the Safety Bear teach you to look both ways before crossing the street? Making sure cars are stopped before stepping into the intersection? And make eye contact with drivers?

I call pedestrian super FAIL.

Yes, because that will work so well when you're crossing with the walk light in your favour and then a guy in the car 10-15 feet behind you on your left (you know, back behind that other crosswalk at the red light), who WAS stopped, decides to execute a right hand turn without looking......riiiiiiiight. :rolleyes:

And that will work so well when you've already passed two rows of cars who ARE stopped at the red where they should be and the guy in the third row doesn't bother stopping in time because he's not paying attention as you walk into that portion of the crosswalk.......mmmmmhmmmm.

Please, explain how to do better. Show me how to cross the street.

Super fail. :)

Originally posted by Tik-Tok

So you look behind you to your left for the entire first half of the crosswalk? Because you could easily be 1/4 way through, and have someone zoom up to the intersection, take a right, and take you out.

Exactly. It seems the these two geniuses have devised a way to walk in one direction while constantly surveying a 360 degree field of vision to ensure that what was safe, remains safe.

I can only assume they cross the street while continually whirling in a circle, much like a dancing hippy? :confused:

05-08-2013, 01:36 PM
Problem is sometimes not paying attention but more often its someone moving around under the bubble of right of way. People zone out of their surroundings because they have a white line or a sign that says they have the right of way and they rely on those signs to protect them.

Thats why shared spaces in Europe have been proven to slow people down and make everyone pay attention. No one has right of way so everyone pays attention to what the fuck is going on. Drivers slow down, pedestrians pay attention.

Closest north american equivelant is parking lots. Who drives like a bat out of hell in a parking lot and which pedestrians walk in parking lots without paying any attention? Not very many. People move with extra care and attention because no one feels as if they have the right of way.

Of course there would have to be some serious infrastructure changes for that kind of thing to be possible here....won't happen.

05-08-2013, 02:25 PM
People are frightfully stupid, technology will eventually save lives... just like airbags and ABS/stability controls have.

Heres a glimpse of the future:

Pedestrians (and other motorists) will carry a device that emits a small, localized, frequency (perhaps a mobile phone app??) which the vehicle will detect and assess the likelyhood of collision - its similar to what TCAS (ACAS) does in aircraft now.

If conditions are likely to produce a collision, the vehicle will sound its horn and automatically brake and/or avoid the object.

Google has already patended the idea.


05-08-2013, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by revelations
Pedestrians (and other motorists) will carry a device that emits a small, localized, frequency (perhaps a mobile phone app??) which the vehicle will detect and assess the likelyhood of collision - its similar to what TCAS (ACAS) does in aircraft now. I'd rather have a personal shield, like on star trek. And a phaser, in which case I'd NEED the personal shield......

05-08-2013, 10:55 PM
i would say thats not an issue - in Calgary were are not that social compared to other places - people always say "good morning" or waive or say hello. here if someone says good morning to another person they think that person is crazy.

05-09-2013, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

Yes, because that will work so well when you're crossing with the walk light in your favour and then a guy in the car 10-15 feet behind you on your left (you know, back behind that other crosswalk at the red light), who WAS stopped, decides to execute a right hand turn without looking......riiiiiiiight. :rolleyes:

And that will work so well when you've already passed two rows of cars who ARE stopped at the red where they should be and the guy in the third row doesn't bother stopping in time because he's not paying attention as you walk into that portion of the crosswalk.......mmmmmhmmmm.

Please, explain how to do better. Show me how to cross the street.

Super fail. :)[B]

Alright you're right - I read your post wrong and thought it was a car coming up to your side, not from behind, sorry. I guess in that case not much can be done.

But still.. I still stand by point that on the whole, pedestrians simply don't do enough to ensure their own safety.

05-09-2013, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by clem24
But still.. I still stand by point that on the whole, pedestrians simply don't do enough to ensure their own safety.

This is true. And today, that response of mine sure looks bitchy hahaha! :)

05-10-2013, 05:31 PM
Seemed appropriate...

05-10-2013, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by sillysod

People need to treat cars like heavy equipment on a construction site and assume that they aren't looking for you.

This. Assuming that your safe crossing because drivers are supposed to be alert, sober, and qualified........ya right. Might as well wish for a pony while you're at it.

I expect drivers to be drunk, or high, or distracted, or purchased their licence from Uncle Pupinders AAA Driving Academy. More-so when I'm on the motorcycle.

So not only are distracted drivers killing pedestrians, we have distracted pedestrians killing themselves because they can't bother to look if it's SAFE. TO. CROSS. THE. FUCKING. STREET.

05-10-2013, 06:42 PM
So apparently the rule in China is the pedestrians have the right of way, there are markings on the road saying this. However, nobody obeys this, if they did then traffic would never move, there would be a steady flow of pedestrians 18 hours a day...

05-10-2013, 07:15 PM

05-13-2013, 01:04 PM
Lets try to resist the temptation to emulate shitholes like India, China, and Slovakia because some pedestrians act like assholes.

05-13-2013, 03:45 PM
I will stop if it is a designated crosswalk and where you are permitted to cross. I will not stop for anyone else (ie: jaywalkers, pedestrians on 'Don't Walk' lights)