View Full Version : Lost: Samsung S4

05-20-2013, 11:30 PM
So, I've lost my brand new Samsung S4 after literally using it for a day. This happened on Saturday night in the NE at Falconridge/Castleridge area. Where the Cowboys/Safeway is.

I also think that there is a good chance that I might have left it in the cab that I took while coming back home. I've tried calling it but it goes straight to voicemail. 'Find my phone' through the Samsung account services doesn't do shit and just shows it as offline.

I know the likelihood of me getting it back is next to none but I guess there's no harm in trying. I called the cab company on Sunday and they said their lost and found won't be open until tomorrow, so I will call them again. But of course that depends on if the cab driver hands the phone in and I highly doubt that.

Other than all these things...is there anything else at all that I can do to increase the chances of finding it? Any suggestions? At the very least, if I can't have it I would want that no one else should be able to use it either. Thanks!

05-21-2013, 12:11 AM
Did you have a PIN lock or any form of password on it?

05-21-2013, 06:13 AM
Shak, go here:

It is called Plan B, great for android devices, because you can use it AFTER you lost your phone.

you go there, register, and then tell it which device to download to. once you have selected the device, as soon as the device is powered on, it downloads and installs the program.

next, it will turn on the GPS feature (if off), and then start sending you maps with the GPS location of it to your email every 5 mins.

I have used it a few times, and works really well.

05-21-2013, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by shakalaka
. This happened on Saturday night in the NE

It's gone.

There's probably a higher chance of you getting it back if you didn't leave it in a cab though. I've had terrible luck with cabbies - credit card stolen 4 times from cabs, and I hardly ever take them. So many of them are crooks. Maybe you can call your provider and have them brick it?

05-21-2013, 12:43 PM
Thanks Spikers, I will try that. I called the Lost and Found today and it wasn't even a real person I spoke to. The machine said, just leave your details and that's it. I highly doubt anything is going to come out of it.

Going to speak to Fido to see if they will do anything about it, but I really doubt it.

EDIT: Yea, I spoke to Fido and they said they can't do anything like that. Big shocker I guess. Got an e-mail back from associated cab lost and found as well saying that no such phone has been turned in.

05-21-2013, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by spikers
Shak, go here:

It is called Plan B, great for android devices, because you can use it AFTER you lost your phone.

you go there, register, and then tell it which device to download to. once you have selected the device, as soon as the device is powered on, it downloads and installs the program.

next, it will turn on the GPS feature (if off), and then start sending you maps with the GPS location of it to your email every 5 mins.

I have used it a few times, and works really well.

I tried this, but when I go to install it, it just says that the item is not compatible with your phone and it's greyed out. So doesn't let me install it.

05-21-2013, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by shakalaka

I tried this, but when I go to install it, it just says that the item is not compatible with your phone and it's greyed out. So doesn't let me install it.

That's so weird, it is running the same version of OS as the S3, so it should be compatible...

05-21-2013, 12:58 PM
Who knows....I think I might as well forget about it I guess. Just wasn't meant to be.

05-21-2013, 01:00 PM
nah, keep trying. that program keeps a list of IMEIs, if they decide the S4 is compatible, you may still be able to install it remotely at a later date.

05-22-2013, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt

It's gone.

There's probably a higher chance of you getting it back if you didn't leave it in a cab though. I've had terrible luck with cabbies - credit card stolen 4 times from cabs, and I hardly ever take them. So many of them are crooks.

I hate to lay such a huge stereotype but I HATE all cab drivers. They are such crooks when it comes to things being left in their vehicles. I even had a guy try to take advantage of me being drunk and taking my phone and trying to confuse me by having a smoke. I don't smoke. I said give it back and he made me get out.

Originally posted by shakalaka
Thanks Spikers, I will try that. I called the Lost and Found today and it wasn't even a real person I spoke to. The machine said, just leave your details and that's it. I highly doubt anything is going to come out of it.

Going to speak to Fido to see if they will do anything about it, but I really doubt it.

EDIT: Yea, I spoke to Fido and they said they can't do anything like that. Big shocker I guess. Got an e-mail back from associated cab lost and found as well saying that no such phone has been turned in.

Associated? The worst.

05-22-2013, 04:18 PM
Well my mom left her blackberry torch (totally worthless phone) in a cab just after xmas and when I called the next day the cabbie answered and dropped it off at our office.

Didn't charge or even mention anything. I had to run out of my office and catch him to give him a $20 for his troubles. And he was about as hardcore E.I. non English speaking cabbie as you can get.

So there is some hope out there, they aren't all dicks.

05-22-2013, 04:28 PM
It's the second time this has happened to me. First time was in Edmonton, could even trace the phone to an apartment building but was pretty much SOL.

This time the phone appears to be turned off or battery has died. Obviously the cabbie knows where I live since he dropped me home. For all we know he turned it in and they are like screw it and telling me they didn't find anything. Just bloody sucks.

05-22-2013, 10:58 PM
Left my tablet in a cab once, was turned into their lost and found.

There are good people out there.

05-22-2013, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by spikers
Shak, go here:

It is called Plan B, great for android devices, because you can use it AFTER you lost your phone.

you go there, register, and then tell it which device to download to. once you have selected the device, as soon as the device is powered on, it downloads and installs the program.

next, it will turn on the GPS feature (if off), and then start sending you maps with the GPS location of it to your email every 5 mins.

I have used it a few times, and works really well.

I'm wondering how this would help. I'm not trying to put down you post whatsoever. I'm just genuinely wondering how it would help. GPS would give you a rough location. Best case scenario it would give an exact address, but you'd have to knock in the door and get them to admit they kept your phone. If it gives you the location of a public place, I'm not sure how you'd find the person who has it. Even if you saw someone with an S4, who's to say it's yours and not someone else.

Like I said, I'm not trying to bash your post. I'm just wondering if you've recovered a phone using this app, and if so, how did you go about doing it?

05-23-2013, 12:18 AM
Dude. Welcome to the internet. Thieves have been busted by apples lost iphone app all the time.

I lost my note2 at the airport and ran the program and found it at the tim hortons.

When I was doing the beyond scavenger hunt, I dropped my phone in nose hill park. Ran it again and it got me to within 3m of it.

A friend if mine left his on the bus. We used it to track the bus down while it was still doing its route.

I have also helped many clients use this program, sometimes with the help of a police officer.

The program works really well. All there is to it.

05-23-2013, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by spikers
nah, keep trying. that program keeps a list of IMEIs, if they decide the S4 is compatible, you may still be able to install it remotely at a later date.

Hey spikers... on the link you posted it says "NOTE: Plan B only works with 2.0 - 2.3 versions of Android" which is really old. I'm using 4.1.1 on my S3 so it doesn't look like it will work for me either. I wonder why it doesn't work on newer versions, maybe google restricted this functionality?

05-23-2013, 12:31 AM
Weird. I havent used it for awhile. Let me check into it.

Edit - try this one.

05-23-2013, 12:49 AM
This one looks pretty good. I installed it just in case I end up losing my phone.... thanks spikers.

05-23-2013, 12:50 AM
You can also try this one. Works with 2.2 and up and is remotely installable.


Shak. Try this one!

05-23-2013, 02:31 AM
Shoulda waited a few months before losing it, as Canadian carriers are going to join the rest of the civilized world in blacklisting lost/stolen IMEI's by September, allegedly..

05-23-2013, 11:22 AM
Thanks Spikers, I will install it once I get home from work. Although as the days pass by the hope obviously dminishes as well.

Thanks toor, I will try to lose the next one after September.