View Full Version : Calgary tornado training

05-22-2013, 06:49 PM
Only 4% of the respondent's to yesterday's Global TV poll said "no" to "Do you think tornado safety should be taught in Calgary schools".

Really? I've been here 34 years and don't recall a tornado Calgary and can't support even the slightest thought of re-allocating education monies towards "tornado safety" in Calgary's schools. But 96% apparently disagree with me - seems whacked to redirect education monies to such a remote event, might as well educate our kids as to how to avoid a charging elephant at the same time.

05-22-2013, 06:57 PM
Google searches say 9 tornadoes in the last 40 years in Calgary, none of them significant in any sense. Still seems people are off their rockers in Global's poll.

05-22-2013, 07:00 PM
There was a tornado in Edmonton in 1987 that killed 17 people. It is one of the worst natural disasters in recent Alberta history. There was also a tornado in Pine Lake, Alberta in 2000 which killed 12 people. So it definitely could happen here with the strong winds we often have.

I would assume it would take very few resources to give a brief tornado safety lesson in schools as part of the general emergency procedures that they all ready practice.

05-22-2013, 07:09 PM
Maybe spend the money to teach kids how to cross the street, or train parents to help kids cross the street?:dunno:

05-22-2013, 07:14 PM
You have to consider that most of the people who answer those polls are retards as well. Good rule is to take the choice that makes sense and it will be the loser.

05-22-2013, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by Dilmah
Maybe spend the money to teach kids how to cross the street, or train parents to help kids cross the street?:dunno:
Or train parents how to cross the street lol. The bust out between cars jaywalking with kids in school zones is ridiculous in the mornings. Prob save way more lives than tornado training haha.

05-22-2013, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by Dilmah
Maybe spend the money to teach kids how to cross the street, or train parents to help kids cross the street?:dunno:

I think they already do that, don't they? These days they probably also teach what to do in a school shooting situation. Both of which probably have similar statistical chances of resulting in a kid's death as a tornado.

05-22-2013, 07:17 PM
How is it a bad idea?

People travel all the time... what if they go to grandma's house in small-town alberta and one hits?

Better safe than sorry... not like it will cost anything at the end of the day. Maybe 30 minutes in school?

05-22-2013, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by sabad66
How is it a bad idea?

People travel all the time... what if they go to grandma's house in small-town alberta and one hits?

Better safe than sorry... not like it will cost anything at the end of the day. Maybe 30 minutes in school?
People travel all the time?

So use our tax dollars to train our city kids about the dangers of grain augers just because they might be out on uncle's farm a couple of times during the year?

This comes down to common sense and wisely using school tax dollars and for 96% of the respondents to think that "No" wasn't a good answer with respect to tornado training when tornadoes in Alberta for the most part are quite rare seems folly to me.

With respect to grandma's house in small town Alberta. if the tornado risk is higher there, then I would expect that grandma would be well learned in tornado safety procedures and would most likely ensure that her grand-kids would maybe know what to do.

Odd thing is that I've lived all over southern Alberta (including many small towns) for my many decades on this big ball of dirt and I have never once experienced a tornado in any of that time - closest was a funnel cloud near Aldersyde some 15+ years ago.

Anyhow, what would these 96% expect of tornado training as none of our schools or homes for the most part have any appropriate shelters built into them - guess that would be the next thing, for all of these 96%ers to get on the bandwagon to mandate tornado shelters in every home and school.

Christ, this train for the remote possibility shit can certainly be taken just a bit too far.

05-22-2013, 07:49 PM
Wonder what else this "training" consists of besides running..

With or without training, there's not a whole lot of hope for people living in trailer parks.. and I'm sure they account for a good portion of the fatalities.

05-22-2013, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by XXXXXX
Wonder what else this "training" consists of besides running..

With or without training, there's not a whole lot of hope for people living in trailer parks.. and I'm sure they account for a good portion of the fatalities.
Didn't see any trailer parks in the news from Moore, Oklahoma and yet there's more dead there than needed to die.

05-22-2013, 08:01 PM
Just another knee-jerk reaction to a natural disaster. The people who live in "Tornado Alley" are used to putting their head between their legs and kissing their ass goodbye, then blaming\thanking Jeebus for ending\sparing their life.

They should be teaching kids the dangers of the NE or associating with it's residents. :D

Actually, they should just shut the hell up and teach Math, Science, instead of stupid nonsense.

05-22-2013, 08:01 PM

05-22-2013, 08:05 PM
I was talking more so about Alberta's trailer parks.

Doubt any amount of training could have prevented what happened in Oklahoma.

This shits starting to sound like gun laws and when there's a shooting people think it all could have been prevented and start pointing fingers and looking for answers.. Its devastating but its also a normal part of life.

I guess hurricane training is going to be the next topic.

05-22-2013, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Or train parents how to cross the street lol. The bust out between cars jaywalking with kids in school zones is ridiculous in the mornings. Prob save way more lives than tornado training haha.

Yeah and then they give you a dirty look cause some how they expected you to know they where behind their giant SUV's :nut:

But back on topic Tornado training is super easy

1. If you have a basement get in it
2. If you don't have a basement well you're pretty much fucked

05-22-2013, 08:16 PM
The only "training" for a tornado is to hide in a basement or a shelter. Done. 15 minutes of your child's life that would otherwise be wasted by them pretending to pay attention to Ancient Greek studies in social.

I can't see it being a huge waste of tax dollars as you assume.

05-22-2013, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by sabad66
The only "training" for a tornado is to hide in a basement or a shelter. Done. 15 minutes of your child's life that would otherwise be wasted by them pretending to pay attention to Ancient Greek studies in social.

I can't see it being a huge waste of tax dollars as you assume.
Two questions; one - did you get tornado training in school and two - if not, how did you, as an adult, figure this shit out?

05-22-2013, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by speedog

Two questions; one - did you get tornado training in school and two - if not, how did you, as an adult, figure this shit out?

The Movie Twister obviously :dunno: