View Full Version : Bridge work along Blackfoot Trail over Glenmore Trail S.E. to begin this June

05-29-2013, 12:21 PM
The City of Calgary will begin bridge deck rehabilitation along Blackfoot Trail over Glenmore Trail S.E. in June of 2013.

This work will impact traffic along Blackfoot Trail S.E. as well as portions of Glenmore Trail S.E. and will continue into the construction season of 2014. In June, The City’s contractor will begin the process of gathering equipment, preparing the road surface for shifted lanes and initiating work on the underside of the bridge. Major bridge deck operations will begin in mid July. Due to the nature of this construction and the unpredictable nature of Calgary weather, exact dates of the start of construction cannot be provided. Calgarians can expect to see crews working in the area as early as late May.

This construction will impact traffic along Blackfoot Trail S.W. by reducing the roadway to three lanes in both directions. There will be a closure of the off-ramp from westbound Glenmore Trail to southbound Blackfoot Trail S.E. and occasional late night single lane closures along Glenmore Trail S.E. between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. During this construction Blackfoot Trail speeds will be reduced to 50 km/h for the safety of crews and drivers.

Daily impacts to travel along Blackfoot Trail S.E. and Glenmore Trail S.E. will be available in The City of Calgary’s daily Road Closures and Lane Restrictions news release in The City’s newsroom and on the Calgary.ca/trafficinfo page.

This project will be completed in three phases, shifting the work from the centre of the bridge, to the west side of the bridge and finishing on the east side of the bridge. The purpose of this work is to replace the existing bridge deck with new concrete and an asphalt road surface. Structural work will be completed as necessary.

More details about this project are available on Calgary.ca by searching Blackfoot bridge.

God damn it.

05-29-2013, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

God damn it.
X2. I use that area/route almost every day. Gonna be a bitch.

05-29-2013, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by C_Dave45

X2. I use that area/route almost every day. Gonna be a bitch.

I live in Fairview, I use both those roads several times a day, and I can't imagine how many people will be using my neighborhood to shortcut now.

This is going to be f'ing wretched.

05-29-2013, 01:18 PM
Looks like McLeod to 42nd Ave for me

05-29-2013, 02:25 PM
If there is one thing that makes me happy about moving away from Calgary, it is the traffic. Stupid construction working times don't help either :nut:

05-29-2013, 02:47 PM
Gonna be cutting through Tik-Tok's back yard as blackfoot is my usual route.

That being said I would rather have to deal with these repairs than have Edmontons roads. :D

05-29-2013, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by sillysod
That being said I would rather have to deal with these repairs than have anythign to do with Edmontons. :D

05-29-2013, 03:18 PM
The city's "contractor" will milk this out and be over completion date and over budget in no time. It always baffles me how every project the city undertakes is a complete disaster. Blows me away how los angeles can redo miles of road and japan can rebiuld entire highways after a natural disaster in a matter of days and it take our city with all of us paying premium taxes years and millions of over budget dollars to get it done. The city needs to really start holding these "contractors" responsible to the people of calgary.

/end rant.

05-29-2013, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by civic_stylez
The city's "contractor" will milk this out and be over completion date and over budget in no time. It always baffles me how every project the city undertakes is a complete disaster. Blows me away how los angeles can redo miles of road and japan can rebiuld entire highways after a natural disaster in a matter of days and it take our city with all of us paying premium taxes years and millions of over budget dollars to get it done. The city needs to really start holding these "contractors" responsible to the people of calgary.

/end rant.

The article clearly tells you what the problem is - unpredictable nature of Calgary weather. It's all Mother Nature's fault :rofl:

05-29-2013, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by civic_stylez
Blows me away how los angeles can redo miles of road
/end rant.

I take it you haven't been to LA in a little while... things aren't what they used to be. :(

05-29-2013, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by sillysod

I take it you haven't been to LA in a little while... things aren't what they used to be. :(

Yeah, but that's just their tax and budget woes.

In March, we were in Maui, and construction crews dug up across a major 4-lane highway, laid cable, wiring, and sewage lines, and had it repaved it TWO DAYS.

Would have taken 2 months here... oh right, it's mother natures fault, lol.

05-29-2013, 08:21 PM
And then once they are finished the road surface will be a washboard like the Calf Robe bridge now ... or have a HUGE dip/bump like EB Glenmore does now, just past the Mcleod Tr underpass after the last summer bridge work that was completed.

Where do they find these winners?:rolleyes:

05-29-2013, 09:16 PM
So presumably the deerfoot exit onto blackfoot south will be extremely backed up in the mornings? Or is this another area?

05-29-2013, 09:28 PM
It's funny, Calgary construction only works during the day, not during the night. I figured that it's more expensive for the city to pay for the workers to work a night shift. Then on the last long weekend, I saw construction crews working during a holiday, which is way more expensive. I don't get this city.

05-29-2013, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by rage2
It's funny, Calgary construction only works during the day, not during the night. I figured that it's more expensive for the city to pay for the workers to work a night shift. Then on the last long weekend, I saw construction crews working during a holiday, which is way more expensive. I don't get this city.

One word.


They don't want to work at night, because nighshift sucks. However they can work a stat during the day and get an obscene amount, so they do.

05-29-2013, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by civic_stylez
Blows me away how los angeles can redo miles of road and japan can rebiuld entire highways after a natural disaster in a matter of days and it take our city with all of us paying premium taxes ...

If we're paying premium taxes at 0.65% I can only imagine what we'd call the 1-1.5% rates they pay down in SoCal.

05-30-2013, 04:56 AM
Originally posted by civic_stylez
The city's "contractor" will milk this out and be over completion date and over budget in no time. It always baffles me how every project the city undertakes is a complete disaster. Blows me away how los angeles can redo miles of road and japan can rebiuld entire highways after a natural disaster in a matter of days and it take our city with all of us paying premium taxes years and millions of over budget dollars to get it done. The city needs to really start holding these "contractors" responsible to the people of calgary.

/end rant.

Depends what tax you look at, comparing taxes on gasoline, yes its a premium.

There definitely needs to be some accountability for construction costs, quality, completion times, and traffic disruption, but you know, our civic politicians have important matters like shark fin soup bans and simple language policies to work on. They need to re prioritize and examine their mandate.
Also I get sick to death of hearing the bleating on and on about construction zones safety, and driving through said zones at ridiculously slow speeds for months while no worker is present. The reason people don't slow down is because the zones have become so over the top stupid in terms of speed reduction and length, no one cares anymore. If the zone made sense, and was reasonable, compliance would be much higher.
Alberta needs a Drivers advocate or association, to start forcing the governments at all levels to do things better and stop making such bad decisions when it comes to roads. We all yelp individually about these problems but until there is a organized voice with clout, they will continue to build bad roads, reduce speed limits till we are doing 15 km/h on bumpy 3 lane roads with traffic lights every 25 feet in a full time constuction zone for double fines. And we pay for this BS.

05-30-2013, 06:39 AM
^^^The other thing to consider is the economic cost to the delays this construction costs. Hundreds of thousands of people sitting in rush hour everyday is expensive.

05-30-2013, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by Maxt

If the zone made sense, and was reasonable, compliance would be much higher.

Tell me about it, you should see Northbound Blackfoot between Southland and Heritage. They're constucting commercial buildings on the east side, have 8' fencing the entire length, and STILL have the right lane blocked off.

I guess just in case a construction worker decides to jump over the fence, he won't get hit by a car :banghead:

05-30-2013, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Maxt

Also I get sick to death of hearing the bleating on and on about construction zones safety, and driving through said zones at ridiculously slow speeds for months while no worker is present. The reason people don't slow down is because the zones have become so over the top stupid in terms of speed reduction and length, no one cares anymore. If the zone made sense, and was reasonable, compliance would be much higher.
Alberta needs a Drivers advocate or association, to start forcing the governments at all levels to do things better and stop making such bad decisions when it comes to roads. We all yelp individually about these problems but until there is a organized voice with clout, they will continue to build bad roads, reduce speed limits till we are doing 15 km/h on bumpy 3 lane roads with traffic lights every 25 feet in a full time constuction zone for double fines. And we pay for this BS.

Couldnt agree more.. i live in the deep south and taking 22X from the cranston area to macleod at 50KMH with absolutely no construction personel there 90% of the time is complete bullshit. My neighbourhood is totally surrounded buy construction zones that are vacant at least 50% of the time and still 40-50KMH enforced zones. I totally understand when workers are present but up the speeds when its quiet.

Time wasted in these zones is a joke as others have said.

05-30-2013, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by Maxt
And we pay for this BS.

The best part. Just gets your blood boiling eh?

I just bang my head :banghead:

05-30-2013, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by StreetRacerX
Looks like McLeod to 42nd Ave for me

gross... i'd just keep on going to 18st and cut through ogden, to ogden road

05-30-2013, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by Maxt
There definitely needs to be some accountability for construction costs, quality, completion times, and traffic disruption, but you know, our civic politicians have important matters like shark fin soup bans and simple language policies to work on. They need to re prioritize and examine their mandate.
Or running a lunch hour game show to see where we should blow $50m+ of tax revenue (hint, it's already been decided that it's transit).

Our mayor is so useless, just does all sorts of positive message bullshit but actually gets nothing done. It's too bad that the majority of the city thinks he's doing a good job. He's just a great social engineer.

Give me Rob Ford anyday! :rofl:

05-30-2013, 10:00 AM
Lucky I don't go to the SE :rofl:

05-30-2013, 03:23 PM
So, the question is, what do we as citizens do about this.
Its a sad commentary that we have to form organizations in order to force government to listen, or to do things correctly. Our politicians are suppose to be our advocates in government, yet it seems at every avenue the public is left to form its own pressure group from the outside to get things done. It makes one wonder who or what is steering the politicians once elected.
I have tried all the normal citizen response mechanisms for trying to stop some of this idiocy that gets foisted on us, but the mechanisms are merely scratching posts so we can feel like we have been listened to. The communication is circular, and is meant in the end just for you to give up. It doesn't matter if its the City of Calgary, towns or MD's, they all resort to buck passing and claiming its been done to the letter of an unchangeable statute.
I have had some correspondence with the Province and the MD over the future of traffic lights at Dewinton/ 2a, its basically letters from 2 entities pointing fingers at each other, and neither one being able to back up their media claims how lights will make it safer, or the how taking a 3 lane road from 110/km hr to 80 km/hr is somehow an upgrade.
I phoned about the current construction zone on Mcleod by the garden center being 60 while no one was there, and even the need for it to be 60. I was directed to 311 to roads, by roads to engineering, from engineering to the police, by police to the Aldermens office, which directed me to 311...

05-30-2013, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Or running a lunch hour game show to see where we should blow $50m+ of tax revenue (hint, it's already been decided that it's transit).

Our mayor is so useless, just does all sorts of positive message bullshit but actually gets nothing done. It's too bad that the majority of the city thinks he's doing a good job. He's just a great social engineer.

Give me Rob Ford anyday! :rofl:
He speaks with confidence and an arrogance that makes a lot of people think he actually knows the right way to do things. A lot of times it doesnt really matter what the message is, its how its delivered.
It irritated me to no end, when he made the comment about the 52 million dollar process, saying " we don't have to be so deathly serious"... 52 million in excess taxation is a pretty damn serious matter if you ask me. To me it showed a disconnect in him from the average joe that he claims to be so in touch with..

05-30-2013, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by Maxt

He speaks with confidence and an arrogance that makes a lot of people think he actually knows the right way to do things. A lot of times it doesnt really matter what the message is, its how its delivered.
It irritated me to no end, when he made the comment about the 52 million dollar process, saying " we don't have to be so deathly serious"... 52 million in excess taxation is a pretty damn serious matter if you ask me. To me it showed a disconnect in him from the average joe that he claims to be so in touch with..

The bigger joke is that people are actually serious when they suggest they give it back to them. Then they will bitch when it didn't get spent on one of the good options.

As for the construction, making it a xx kph road and doubling speed fines when there are workers present is the easiest and best method. Creates a uniform limit for the duration, keeps workers safer while present and makes it easier for motorists to navigate potential lane realignments and grade changes caused by the work.

As far as the comments about unionization go, and since there are only a few potential companies who will be doing the work, they aren't unionized. Working at night is also more hazardous, it is more expensive and typically less productive than a day shift.

05-30-2013, 03:44 PM
As an individual citizen, you can't do much. I pretty much had the same experience as you going through my alderman for issues, just get the runaround, and back to 311. Believe it or not, 311 has been my best resource for getting things fixed.

The Mayor makes it seem like he's readily accessable, but in reality, he will only respond to you publicly (ie twitter) if he can craft a response that makes him looks good to the rest of the Nensheep citizens, otherwise, you'll be ignored. Write/email the mayor's office privately, and you'll get a template response months later.

It's been harder to get the local media to investigate city issues compared to previous administrations as well, since they don't want to rock the Nenshi boat. Most of the city are Nensheeps, and it's in the media's best interests to make Nenshi look good.

I think we're fucked at this stage haha. Maybe if we do co-ordinated letter writing campaigns, ie spam the shit out of the Aldermen by many people, then we might have a better chance.

05-30-2013, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by FraserB

The bigger joke is that people are actually serious when they suggest they give it back to them. Then they will bitch when it didn't get spent on one of the good options.

As for the construction, making it a xx kph road and doubling speed fines when there are workers present is the easiest and best method. Creates a uniform limit for the duration, keeps workers safer while present and makes it easier for motorists to navigate potential lane realignments and grade changes caused by the work.

As far as the comments about unionization go, and since there are only a few potential companies who will be doing the work, they aren't unionized. Working at night is also more hazardous, it is more expensive and typically less productive than a day shift.
The problem with letting the city keep it, as they have yet to prove they can spend responsibly or for that matter build something that actually works.

05-30-2013, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by FraserB
The bigger joke is that people are actually serious when they suggest they give it back to them. Then they will bitch when it didn't get spent on one of the good options.
Nobody will bitch. Nenshi will craft a response about how transit benefits us all and dump the money there. It's already been decided, the whole game show was a stage show to make it look like we have a say at anything haha. Remember, Nenshi can do no wrong!

05-30-2013, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by rage2
As an individual citizen, you can't do much. I pretty much had the same experience as you going through my alderman for issues, just get the runaround, and back to 311. Believe it or not, 311 has been my best resource for getting things fixed.

The Mayor makes it seem like he's readily accessable, but in reality, he will only respond to you publicly (ie twitter) if he can craft a response that makes him looks good to the rest of the Nensheep citizens, otherwise, you'll be ignored. Write/email the mayor's office privately, and you'll get a template response months later.

It's been harder to get the local media to investigate city issues compared to previous administrations as well, since they don't want to rock the Nenshi boat. Most of the city are Nensheeps, and it's in the media's best interests to make Nenshi look good.

I think we're fucked at this stage haha. Maybe if we do co-ordinated letter writing campaigns, ie spam the shit out of the Aldermen by many people, then we might have a better chance.
Maybe its time for Beyond to move into an advocacy role, or have a new sub forum titled "blatant government fuckups" to embarrass the government into better road planning.

05-30-2013, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by Maxt
Maybe its time for Beyond to move into an advocacy role, or have a new sub forum titled "blatant government fuckups" to embarrass the government into better road planning.
haha yea, and look how that turned out for the homebuilders. :rofl:

Only Nenshi can turn a homebuilder's meeting into who they want to support and fund in their elections into an alleged illegal scandal. Of course, nothing came out of it, because nothing was illegal. Nenshi's words were very smart, no chance of libel or slander, press ate it up, Nensheeps ate it up, and now homebuilders are evil. If anything, Nenshi booting the homebuilders off city committes was a worse offence. But all the Nensheeps did was applaude. It's truly impressive what Nenshi has done in terms of public image, to be able to pull that off.

It's like a bizarro Rob Ford media campaign, anyone that disagrees with Nenshi will get fucked in the public eye.

05-30-2013, 04:44 PM
Vote for me.

05-30-2013, 05:07 PM
haha even if all beyond members voted for you, it'll get nowhere. The Nensheeps are strong!

05-30-2013, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by rage2
haha even if all beyond members voted for you, it'll get nowhere. The Nensheeps are strong!

Lol. Maybe. My old neighborhood all my neighbours wanted me to run against Druh lol.

I still think Nenshi is/was the only logical choice from what we had the misfortune of choosing from.

05-30-2013, 05:30 PM
Time to outsource and bring in some Mexicans who will work harder, faster, probably more efficiently too. :rofl:

I swear some of these City workers are outside my parking lot at like 10:30am, come in for a 2hr lunch and as I am going for lunch break, they are still out there chatting! LOL WTF haha (OK slightly exaggerated)

Don't RIP through construction zones or else you will get a ticket! :D

05-30-2013, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Or running a lunch hour game show to see where we should blow $50m+ of tax revenue (hint, it's already been decided that it's transit).

Our mayor is so useless, just does all sorts of positive message bullshit but actually gets nothing done. It's too bad that the majority of the city thinks he's doing a good job. He's just a great social engineer.

Give me Rob Ford anyday! :rofl: Nenshi is actually pushing for a city charter that will allow Calgary to raise money in the same way that Toronto does so we can mimic their long term transit and transportation strategy (though for Calgarians who think they're paying "premium tax" right now they'll be in for a rough ride when it happens). Right now the province screws us in how they fund capital projects (no consistency so long term planning is pretty damn hard) and the feds don't need to give us any money because the votes are already there so they give their hundreds of millions to Ontario and the Lower Mainland for transportation upgrades.

05-30-2013, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by kertejud2
Nenshi is actually pushing for a city charter that will allow Calgary to raise money in the same way that Toronto does so we can mimic their long term transit and transportation strategy (though for Calgarians who think they're paying "premium tax" right now they'll be in for a rough ride when it happens). Right now the province screws us in how they fund capital projects (no consistency so long term planning is pretty damn hard) and the feds don't need to give us any money because the votes are already there so they give their hundreds of millions to Ontario and the Lower Mainland for transportation upgrades.
This is another "game show" BS that'll make Nenshi look like the good guy and Alberta government the bad guy. The province has already said no double dipping on taxation. He can push all he wants, the outcome will be the same today. I believe the municipal affairs minister has already said it's not on the table for discussions, if Calgary wants to raise money for itself, the province will just give the city less money, negating the effects.

I think we have quite low taxes thanks to the natural resources this province has. I agree that Alberta gets shafted by the east as well. I just don't feel Nenshi has really done anything at all for this city, other than make himself look like an angel. If it was any other mayor that's done what he's done, spend money on frivilous things, raise taxes, no real gains, they would be crucified. For the record, I don't blame Nenshi for some of the stupid spending we've done, peace bridge, airport tunnel, extravagent West LRT, as he inherited all those problems. Tunnel, maybe, since he pushed it forward pretty hard.

05-30-2013, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by rage2

This is another "game show" BS that'll make Nenshi look like the good guy and Alberta government the bad guy. The province has already said no double dipping on taxation. He can push all he wants, the outcome will be the same today. I believe the municipal affairs minister has already said it's not on the table for discussions, if Calgary wants to raise money for itself, the province will just give the city less money, negating the effects.

Did the province say this before or after they entered an MOU with Calgary and Edmonton for the ability to develop charters that allow the cities to generate extra revenue? Either way how can one accuse either mayor of grandstanding when it would be the province who signed the deal and then proceed to speak against it (or enter a deal they had no intention of honouring).

I think we have quite low taxes thanks to the natural resources this province has. I agree that Alberta gets shafted by the east as well.

The CPC with their majority counts as "the East" now? If only there were politicians in a political party that looks out for the West!

I just don't feel Nenshi has really done anything at all for this city, other than make himself look like an angel. If it was any other mayor that's done what he's done, spend money on frivilous things, raise taxes, no real gains, they would be crucified.

So a mayor inherits a city with a spending problem, revenue problem and a populace that wants things done but not higher taxes to pay for it or lose any services in the process...seems reasonable to whine when they supposedly aren't getting anything done.

05-30-2013, 06:20 PM
I wonder if the City of Calgary is monitoring this thread.
CPS, 311 all have beyond accounts. it'll be interesting when they come on here to "set the record straight"

05-30-2013, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Our mayor is so useless, just does all sorts of positive message bullshit but actually gets nothing done. It's too bad that the majority of the city thinks he's doing a good job. He's just a great social engineer.

QFT. I thought I was the only one in this city to see it like that.

The guy is a joke and he appeared hip and cool by utilizing social media to grab the attention of the current gen; while effectively getting nothing really done.

by the way, i'm a huge advocate of having it mandatory for all elected officials in this city take the transit to work every day. I'd like what they say about the increasing cost of transit fees vs the service you get; in addition to the utilization of bike lanes in the 6 months of winter.

05-30-2013, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by kertejud2
Did the province say this before or after they entered an MOU with Calgary and Edmonton for the ability to develop charters that allow the cities to generate extra revenue? Either way how can one accuse either mayor of grandstanding when it would be the province who signed the deal and then proceed to speak against it (or enter a deal they had no intention of honouring).
There was no deal. There was no MOU. Nenshi wanted this charter thing and talked about it in the press. The province said no way in the press. This was before any talks between Nenshi and the province even started. Lemme go look it up.

edit here we go:

Feb 21:

Mar 21 (scheduled to finally chat Mar 22):

May 29, admits there's been no chat since Oct. Guess the Mar 22 meeting wasn't for charter talks:

So I guess I was wrong. There's been no official talk about this charter period. Seems like it's just been back and forth banter through the press, Nenshi's specialty haha.

05-30-2013, 09:14 PM
I doubt the City would engage us on a forum they don't have any control over,especially when they would have to defend the indefensible. I posted some comments to a City of Calgary blog once, let just say its heavily moderated.
Rage is right I guess, the people running the City live in an alternate reality and its beyond our power to ever get answers to why things are generally done in such a wasteful and dumb manner.
You'd think in the age of computing, they would be able to draft up a road plan without all the manhole covers to be exactly in the vehicle track on every road.