View Full Version : LF: Outdoor home glass cleaner for pressure washer

07-08-2013, 09:57 PM
Looking for a good glass cleaner that I can use with my home pressure washer.
Tired of using a soap type product and then it leaves a haze still on the window.

What's a good one that you've used for a one time, perfectly clean?

07-08-2013, 10:40 PM
I use a 50/50 mix of Simple Green and summer "bug and tar" windshield washer fluid from WalMart. I then mix that 50/50 with water and spray it on the windows with the low pressure suction feed on my gas pressure washer. I'll spray all the windows on one side of the house like that, and then come back to the first window and do a high pressure water rinse. Repeat on each side of the house. I make about 10 litres of solution but I also do the siding and BBQ and still usually have some left over. Super squeaky clean, no residue, no spots, nothing. Bright and clean.

07-09-2013, 12:04 PM
Being a window guy, I cant say that this is a good idea and could result in water infiltration either through the glazing or in extreme cases, around the window frame onto the RO of the hole. Most NEW windows are designed to withstand pretty good wind loads and rainfall (CSA A440: A3B3C3 or better in this region for the most part). But they are not tested to withstand a 1600PSI shitstorm... Just saying. lol

I obviously cant stop you, I just want to make you aware. :thumbsup:

07-09-2013, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by Tomaz
Being a window guy, I cant say that this is a good idea and could result in water infiltration either through the glazing or in extreme cases, around the window frame onto the RO of the hole. Most NEW windows are designed to withstand pretty good wind loads and rainfall (CSA A440: A3B3C3 or better in this region for the most part). But they are not tested to withstand a 1600PSI shitstorm... Just saying. lol

I obviously cant stop you, I just want to make you aware. :thumbsup:

Good point, but I should note 1600psi is nozzle tip pressure. Anyway I don't use the highest pressure nozzle, so maybe 1000psi nozzle tip pressure? I'm at minimum 6' back just to keep myself dry. I'm sure there's a calculation for pressure drop and distance if someone cared. I'll put it to you this way; I'd let you pressure wash me from 6' on that nozzle. Wouldn't even sting....much. :rofl:

07-09-2013, 09:26 PM
Same. Thanks for the concern but I'm just using it to clean the surface dirt off. Not getting to aggressive. It's just easier to do with a washer rather than bucket and sponge then hose.

07-10-2013, 10:00 AM
Picked up some of the bug and tar stuff. I am going to try it with some rain-X biodegradable car wash stuff.

I did see some dedicated pressure washer fluid but looked mostly for cleaning concrete and siding. I could see it leaving a residue on windows. Or eating the seals of the windows.

07-11-2013, 01:56 PM
Good stuff guys. Yeah, you would be amazed what I have seen in my time. lol

It sounds like you guys might be interested in something called NEAT Glass. Its produced through Cardinal Glass and it is a exterior film that uses UV rays and an extremely smooth surface to break down dirt to make it just slide right off with rain or a spray with a garden hose. Some clients are telling me that they are only washing windows once every few years instead of 2 or 3 times a year. I don't know if there is anything in the aftermarket world that can do it, but would be worth looking up!