View Full Version : Garage sales

09-21-2013, 06:37 PM
Just hosted one today and shared our space with the neighbors from a couple doors down, learned that people approach garage sales with entirely different mindsets.

I look at a garage sale as a chance to get a bunch of stuff together you no longer want, and charge people anywhere from 25 cents to a couple of dollars to take things away.

For others it's a chance to make some money.

I sold over half my stuff today, but made less than $50

She sold only a handful of things, had to pack almost all of it back to her house, but made well over $100.

I felt like I had the better day as far as garage sales go, but was wondering...

Which camp are you in?

09-21-2013, 08:02 PM
I go garage sailing quite often. Found some good finds and great deals.
Passed on many places because people are selling things almost equal to retail for junk, or just ridiculous prices ($50 for a VCR).

If I were to host a garage sale, I'd just have my stuff going for cheap. To give the opportunity for people to have my stuff for prices I don't care about because I'd probably just donate or toss it anyways

09-21-2013, 08:44 PM
My wife just had a garage sale today. Thankfully I was at work for most of it! haha.

Having a garage sale, i see them more as a way to get rid of shit thats taking up space in my basement. Thats how I thought of it today. I didnt really care how much money we made as long as we got rid of a bunch of crap I dont ever want to take with me when I move again. Thats how they should be. An "Estate Sale" I feel differently about.

I do however like garage sales because I like trying to find old vintage tobacco pipes and vintage double edge razors.

09-21-2013, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by HomespunLobster
I go garage sailing quite often.

do you take your garage sail boat?


09-21-2013, 09:03 PM
Wife loves going to garage sales, myself if I don't see tools or car stuff I'm not interested

Hosted a sale a few years ago, had my old Kona Hei Hei for sale for $300 obo.This Lady offers me $25!? for her Grandson. I countered at $200 stating this was a high end bike when new and worth every penny, She storms off loudly saying how Can Tire has brand new bikes for less and I was trying to take advantage of a Senior on fixed income!

Yep, then we had about a dozen Hudderites show up, they offer 10 cents on the dollar for everything....I hate frickin garage sales!

09-22-2013, 06:06 AM
I remember driving by a garage sale that had a pair of 12" subs, turned around and asked the guy how much, he responded with $200. 5 min later we drove away with them for $20. flipped them down the road for better subs lol

Im with corsvette on this, i don't go to them unless i see something car related that really grabs my attention. been 2 years i haven't stepped close to a garage sale.

09-22-2013, 03:35 PM
If I'm trying to make money I sell online or in kijiji, garage sales are for easily getting rid of stuff IMO, cheap prices

09-22-2013, 03:58 PM
Once you have kids, they make more sense - more just to pass on toys and kid crap. Larger ticket items like swings or strollers go fast on kijiji. Or anything like a laptop or 100+ tv.

People offer stupid prices, just say no. Freecycle is good for stuff that is big and a hassle to move but still in good shape that someone might want.

09-22-2013, 07:07 PM
If I have shit I dont want or need, I usually take it to Value Village so it doesn't pile up. If I have shit thats worth money that I need to sell, Kijiji or I sometimes take it to a pawn shop like Cash Converters.

For the comparison? I'll usually dump it for a low cost just to get rid of it.

Better that then hold on to it and just have more shit taking up space.

Some wicked deals to be had though, YEARS ago, my uncle tried to unload $5k worth of dirtbikes for a few hundred bucks. Thank god nobody knew what they were worth, or what to do with them.

:thumbsup: HUGE bonus for me though, :D :D :clap:

09-22-2013, 08:42 PM
Found an old Longines watch at a garage sale a few years ago. Paid $20 for it. Sold it on ebay for $300 :)

Have never seen another deal like that since...

09-22-2013, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by amear
I remember driving by a garage sale that had a pair of 12" subs, turned around and asked the guy how much, he responded with $200. 5 min later we drove away with them for $20. flipped them down the road for better subs lol

Im with corsvette on this, i don't go to them unless i see something car related that really grabs my attention. been 2 years i haven't stepped close to a garage sale.

glad to hear one of your many low balls paid off :D

09-23-2013, 04:02 AM
Originally posted by dirtsniffer

glad to hear one of your many low balls paid off :D
:rofl: what can i say, Student budget :D

Actually i was gonna offer him $100 until my buddy threw an offer for $20, the guy agreed in seconds lol.

09-24-2013, 07:21 PM
I do a little of both depending what it is. If I know I can get a good price for it on Kijiji or if I know someone will eventually pay what I want I list it up. But as the day goes by my prices drop and I usually have a big free pile by the end of the day. When I go to garage sale I look for the ultimate deal and tend to buy things like kids clothes in big lots for huge discounts.

09-24-2013, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by btimbit
If I'm trying to make money I sell online or in kijiji, garage sales are for easily getting rid of stuff IMO, cheap prices
:werd: I like to stop by any garages sales I see and some of the things people try to sell are ridiculous and I would either trash it or give it away for free. Anyone who knows me knows that I give good stuff away for cheap so my garage sales are dirt cheap to the point the wife is like, WTF are you doing?? haha. I think we may have one more before it gets too cold.