View Full Version : Reviews of Toyota Dealerships

10-18-2013, 08:16 AM
Finally had time to write this up - thought I'd share my purchasing experience to the community

Since I had a kid and the fact that the wife started to work across the city, we've been searching for a small car that is roomy, fuel efficient and reliable. The choices that we had were:

- Nissan Juke (tossed this as the boot was waaaay too small, can't even fit the stroller)
- Honda Fit (liked the interior, exterior is nice, drive is nice, however can't justify paying that much for it)
- Scion iQ (well, we liked the idea of it, but it is just not practical since you can't even fit a backpack in the back and it's just feel unsafe to drive especially w/ a kid in the back haha) -thanks for the advice I've received from beyonder on this
-Mazda 3 - they are nice and all, but it's getting dated

Finally we've decided on a Prius b/c the wife likes the spacious interior and to be honest, I actually like the looks of it. :poosie: I've did my research online and found the invoice price and had a number in mind to go in and buy. We didn't need a test drive as we had the opportunity to drive this before on a trip so that should save some time on both sides.

First Stop - Henniger Toyota
We've bought 2 toyotas (Previa and 4runner) here before so this was the first on our list.
We were there just before the long weekend and was browsing around and a sales person approached us. We've talked over some features (which I've researched upon already) and talked about pricing. It was getting late so we told him to call us back after the long weekend to go thru the details b/c we'll be out of town. Guess what? Nobody called so his business card was tossed.

Second Stop - CountryHills Toyota
Went to CH because they have a clearance event going on and they are giving away Gas cards or Wintertires. We thought this might be a good deal. Walked around the place, sat in the Prius for good 15min, nobody come find us, I then walked to the reception and while I was lining up, a salesman came and approached us.

So, same deal again, talked thru some features and sat down for numbers. This time we've actually negotiated and finally agreed on a deal. Put down my deposit and I was a happy man as I've finished all this in 3 hours or so...
Awesome right? Later in the evening, I've sent them an email to confirm the delivery schedule and this is the email I've received on the following Monday:

Hi Mike

We had a really busy day yesterday,sorry for the late reply so far there is only 3 2013 Prius w/ Solarpanel package in-town Calgary. we are trying to relocate the Prius with the most less mileage and once we have confirm and the car has landed in our dealership then me and my finance will send you your VIN number for your Prius to do your insurance. I will call you as soon as the car is in our store.

best regards

later in the day...


The only 3 Prius’ available in town will have (KN3DUP-BB-070) have 390kms, 800 kms and over 1000kms.
Please let me know how you wish to proceed.which one would you like to take they are all the same color brand new.

I can secure the one with 390kms with no issues.


Up to this point, I was just pissed off as they are not giving me what I've asked for and agreed upon - a brand new 2013 white w/ solarpanels. I've then phone the salesman directly and told him that this is not acceptable and they are not delivering what they've promised me (i.e. New car not a 390km demo). After a couple more email/conversation exchanged, I've told him that I'll be coming in to get the deposit back from them. In the meanwhile, the general sales manager emailed me and asked if I needed any assistance (I assumed that the salesman has talked to him about the situation) and this is my reply:

Hi Rahul,

Thanks but we've come to a conclusion that there's no car in the inventory that fitted what I was looking for. I was quite surprised that the sales team (not only Robert) has asked me to put down a deposit for a sale commitment without actually having the car in the lot or available elsewhere. I’m coming into the dealership this Saturday to have my deposit returned and I don’t anticipate there will be any issues of CH returning what I’ve originally put down as a lock on the vehicle.

I’ve tried to make this as easy as it can to complete the transaction but unfortunately, the hassle that I’ve been through has simply exceeded my patience. Before coming to the dealership, I’ve looked up the invoice report on the web (funny enough that you’ve contacted me as you were listed as the certified dealer on the report I’ve gathered.), factored in the commission as well as the package costs, added the tax and Freight/fees etc and walked in on Saturday to commit to buy knowing that CH has a deal going on. I was thinking – Great, free gas or winter tires, I can take advantage of this.

To give you an idea what has happened that day: Got into the dealership and walked around the grey Prius Plus that CH has at the front of the dealership for a good 10-15min, I believed there was an asian salesman beside me but never approached us, I’m not sure the rationale behind that was since he was free, but I’ve then decided to go to the reception and ask for a salesman. I would like to let you know the guy in front of me (lining up to the reception) is also looking for a salesman to help him out. I’m sure CH is busy, but honestly I’m not sure exactly how busy it would be to have more than one customer waiting for a salesman. Robert has walked in while I was waiting to talk to the reception and he has offered help. I appreciated that. He then asked me what I was looking for and showed me the White 2012 Prius w/ Solar Panel package upstairs at the dealership. I told him that I don’t need a test drive and is committed to buy when the price is right. We've then sat down and I’ve given him the number that I had in mind and told him that I’m open in colour options. I told him that I’m willing to take White/Grey/Blue/Red. Everything has been smooth up to there and back and forth negotiation was exchanged (fair enough as I know how sales work) and then we’ve finally shook on a Out-The-Door price on a 2013 White Prius w/ Solarpanel Package. He has then brought me into the finance manager’s office (I believed his name is Faird but cannot confirm since I was not given a business card). Anyway, he asked me to fill out some forms, complete a credit check and put down a deposit. Now stop for a moment and think about this. If you/finance manager/CH asked me to put down a deposit, that means 2 things to me: 1) Buyer (me) and Seller (CH) has agreed on the said price I shook on w/ Robert (Our the door price, no hidden fees, no BS) and 2) the car is available (either in the lot or you are able to find one for me). I’m sure that's what a deposit is meant – to lock down so that both parties are protected and for buyer to show commitment that they are not wasting time. After the finance manager took my deposit, he said that I’m good to go and mentioned that I should be able to know if I’m approved latest by Monday. Up to this point I was quite happy because 1) I think I had a decent deal 2) time it took was short so that both of the parties are happy 3) I like what I’ve been seeing so far as I was promised that I will have a car by the week after the coming one (Oct 7th’s week).

Monday – no calls but I did receive an email from Robert saying “Hope you had a great experience” and I wrote back to confirm with him the out the door price and my situation of the delivery

Tuesday – no calls, and I’ve resent the email to Robert’s own email address as the first email was from a general sales mailbox. Later in the afternoon, Robert emailed me and advised that there’s three “new” Prius with 390km, 800km and over a 1000km on them and which one I’d like to take. I was puzzled when I saw that email because 1) I don’t think we are on the same page of what “new” means 2) I wonder if my deal would have gone thru and 3) It was never mentioned what I’ve requested in my original email – confirmation from finance manager my Out the Door price that . With that in mind I told Robert to call me to discuss further

Wednesday – Robert called and I told him that new doesn’t mean as it has 390km on it and I’ve given him the option to keep looking or find me one with different colour as I wasn’t picky on the colour. He told me that he cannot get access to other dealership’s inventory and that he couldn’t confirm the credit nor the out the door price for me as the manager is off. I told him that CH has TWO managers and I’m sure he can assist him to do so. If not, I think the online inventory via various dealership website should be able to give him an idea. With that in mind, I told him to look again. Later the day he called again and asked if I’d consider a 2012 and try to sell to me that it’s essentially the same vehicle. Let’s take another time-out. If I take a 2012 vehicle to the dealership and trade in, how much would you offer it to me? Now let’s look at the same car but with year 2013 on it, what would you have offered me? Again, this is basic supply/demand and depreciation concept and I’m sure you get what I’m trying to say. On the ground, I’ve told Robert to find me a 2013 vehicle and to hold up with whatever it was promised before and what we had agreed and shook upon. One final call from Robert in the afternoon and he said that he cannot find a 2013 vehicle and that if I would consider a 2014. Time-out number three. Firstly – I appreciate that 2014 is newer however, under general – again supply/demand concept – the 2014 will probably NOT have the incentive that 2013 offers (0% financing at 48months). At least not at the beginning of the year when they try to sell it. But most importantly, my question still holds since day one – what happened to my deposit? Did it lock down a vehicle for me? Does it go to the salesman/finance manager? Does it represent that I’ve committed to buy and CH is committed to find me that vehicle in the price we agreed on? If it doesn’t hold a vehicle for me, then what does a deposit do? I then told Robert that I’m not interested in a 2014 and he needs to call me back to have this sorted out when the manager is back.

Thursday (Today) – I called Robert and left VM and he called me back today and told me that there’s only 3 (the mentioned 390km/800km/1000km) Prius w/ the package I want. Fair enough, I told him that I’ll come by and pick up the deposit this Saturday and I’ll do the search of the Prius I want on my own.

I tried to make this an easy task for the both of us. I did my research, factored in a commission so that I'm not low-balling you/your team/CH. I denied a test drive to save time and went straight to talk numbers; we shook on a deal in less than 3 hours... Isn’t that easy money for the dealership? I thought that a few hundred dollar in commission in less than 3 hours is pretty good since he can then go on and find other opportunities in the dealership. In my job field, time and opportunities are always the most valuable thing in a sale. However, in the end, the car that I shook on and promised was never there, I’ve wasted 3 hours of my time, given up my information for a credit check (which by the way will decrease my ratings since a finance institute has pulled the report). From a win-win situation to a lose-lose. Now...I don’t have a new car next week and I have to go to a dealership to negotiate again and for you - CH is without a few hundred dollars (may not be a big loss on your end) but let me say this: my family has been a loyal Toyota fan and will continue to be one – We’ve owned Previa/4runner and ready to own a Prius. Where my next purchase of the Prius will be - well, it was supposed to be CH, but now I'm just doubtful on this.

So – to answer your email with one line – are you able to find me a 2013 White Prius w/ Solarpanel package on the OUT-THE-DOOR price that I’ve negotiated (My deal also included a free lifetime oil change at 3 locations (CH/South Pointe/Mayfield in Edm), 2 sets of mats and CAD 1000 gas card (I believe Robert said it’s from PetroCan).

Let me know,


The general sales manager then emailed the sales manager and he (the sales manager) replied my email that he's going to give me a few options and we'll talk further on saturday.

Saturday came, and I've walked into the dealership and the salesman showed me the showroom 2012 model again and I told him I don't want a 2012 and we finally went to the finance manager and got my deposit back. BTW - the sales manager that told me that they have some options for me never came to greet us which is IMO a poor salesmanship.

I'm glad that they've given the deposit back to me, but at the same time, I'm pissed that they promised me something that they don't even have to begin with...

SO right after this, I went to my last stop Charlesglen and the salesman (John) advised me that there's no 2013 white w/ solarpanel but they have a few w/ different options for me to choose. I've finally decided to get the one w/ Plus package since there were cash incentive on this.

The experience I had at Charlesglen was much more straight forward, no BS, no run around and ppl were friendly and helpful.

I hope this will give you some thoughts when you go and talk to the sales crew at Hennigner and CH.

Coles notes:
-wanted to buy a Prius
-went to Henniger, talked a bit but salesguy never called back
-went to Countryhill and finialized on a OUT-THE-DOOR price but ended up they never had the car to begin with nor was able to track one down
-went to Charlesglen and was told there isn't a car in their inventory that matched my criteria in western Canada and I've locked down a car w/ a different package.

10-18-2013, 08:45 AM
I've bought two cars off of Charlesglen Toyoya. One used, one new. Both experiences were good.

10-18-2013, 09:07 AM
+1 for Charlesglen. When I bought the Yaris, I went in there after work, went on a test drive, agreed on price, and bought the car. The whole experience took an hour, although they couldn't deliver the car that night because I went in pretty late. Their service has been top notch over the years, even replacing the transmission after warranty expired.

10-18-2013, 09:11 AM
Interestingly enough, I'd dare say that there's people that have had great experiences at all three of the aforementioned Toyota dealerships.

This is kind of like when people come into our shop looking for a recommendation for a good veterinarian - after a number of years in the pet industry I've heard both great, in-between and bad reviews of every vet out there. The vet we used to take our animals for over 20 years who has since retired - well we thought he was great and we never had a bad experience with him and yet I have customers who have nothing but bad to say about him. Another vet clinic where we've had some poor experiences - I've had rave reviews of the same place from some of our customers.

Hard to say why some get a different feel/experience then others do - might be something you're bringing to the table, might be just the wrong day that you happened to be there. Who knows. Just look at the thread on the 32nd Ave NE Minute Muffler - people reporting horrible experiences there and people reporting great experiences there. The biggest variable at play are the people involved - both the customers and the retailers. Hell, we've let people go because the customers were not getting a good vibe/experience from them even though those employees really knew their stuff - problem is that most times an employer will not start getting the real reviews of their staff until that staff member is gone.

10-18-2013, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by rotten42
I've bought two cars off of Charlesglen Toyoya. One used, one new. Both experiences were good.

+1 for Charlesglen. When I bought the Yaris, I went in there after work, went on a test drive, agreed on price, and bought the car. The whole experience took an hour, although they couldn't deliver the car that night because I went in pretty late. Their service has been top notch over the years, even replacing the transmission after warranty expired. [/B]

Agreed. The only reason I went to Henniger first was it's closer to me (I'm in the deep south) and CH 2nd was for their incentives... I think it's definitely worth the drive up to Charlesglen b/c of the experience. Only thing bad is that I need to drive the car 'naked' with no 3Ms on crowchild all the way back home :cry:

Here's a pic of the car: (Haters pls stop hatin LOL)


10-18-2013, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by speedog
Hard to say why some get a different feel/experience then others do - might be something you're bringing to the table, might be just the wrong day that you happened to be there.
Probably. I went in there, and an asian sales guy talked to me. I didn't even have to request it. Asians work harder from what I heard. :rofl:

Originally posted by Phihalo
Really like those wheels.

10-18-2013, 10:13 AM

Jokes aside, what is the beyond consensus of South Pointe Toyota? :dunno:

10-21-2013, 01:36 AM
My parents bought a venza from Cochrane, they were awesome and I would recommend them! They got us exactly what we wanted and it was a good deal. My sister just ordered a rav4 from them as well!

10-21-2013, 01:41 AM
Originally posted by dtrieu
My parents bought a venza from Cochrane, they were awesome and I would recommend them! They got us exactly what we wanted and it was a good deal. My sister just ordered a rav4 from them as well!

You signed up just to post this "unbiased" review?

It's the absolute worst when companies make fake reviews.

10-21-2013, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by snowcat

You signed up just to post this "unbiased" review?

It's the absolute worst when companies make fake reviews.

No sorry, my other account actually got locked. "Trieuth" when I swapped couldn't use my work email anymore when I went back to school. This just happens to be the first post I've made.

10-21-2013, 02:28 AM
Originally posted by Tomaz
Jokes aside, what is the beyond consensus of South Pointe Toyota? :dunno:

My girlfriend (at the time) bought a 2009 Matrix off their used lot in 2012. We walked into the showroom, were approached within a few minutes and asked if we needed help, wanted any coffee/water,etc. Salesman comes with us to take a look at a few outside, the second one we looked at looked good, drove it, liked it, negotiated smoothly, yada yada yada, bought it. Very smooth overall.

The next day I noticed that the hard rubber floor mats that were in the car when we test drove it were gone and replaced with thin cloth ones. We called the salesman, he said he'd talk to the detailers and call us back by the end of the day. Two hours later he calls us back, says the detailers didn't notice any other matts but that he'd grab a set from a 2012 they had in stock and put them in his office to grab. Kinda suspicious that they went missing in the first place, but we got what we wanted and I swung by after work and picked them up.

No problems here, A+ experience.

Few months later when I was looking for a truck I test drove a Tacoma, then the next day got 3 calls asking when I was coming in to buy. Told him I wanted to take a look at other trucks in the market first. Fast forward 2 weeks, I've gotten called by this salesmean at least twice a day. After a few days I stopped answering but he was always leaving long voicemails. That drove me away from buying there. Then 3 MONTHS later, I started getting calls from another salesman saying the one I was dealing with was gone, and he wanted me to come buy a truck from him. Never answered one of these calls, but he called once a day for a whole week after that. To be fair I probably could have stopped those calls by answering and saying I wasn't interested, but it was still annoying.

Overall, I'd go back. Sales tactics like that annoy me but they're to be expected, and my girlfriend had a very positive experience.

10-21-2013, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by btimbit

My girlfriend (at the time) bought a 2009 Matrix off their used lot in 2012. We walked into the showroom, were approached within a few minutes and asked if we needed help, wanted any coffee/water,etc. Salesman comes with us to take a look at a few outside, the second one we looked at looked good, drove it, liked it, negotiated smoothly, yada yada yada, bought it. Very smooth overall.

The next day I noticed that the hard rubber floor mats that were in the car when we test drove it were gone and replaced with thin cloth ones. We called the salesman, he said he'd talk to the detailers and call us back by the end of the day. Two hours later he calls us back, says the detailers didn't notice any other matts but that he'd grab a set from a 2012 they had in stock and put them in his office to grab. Kinda suspicious that they went missing in the first place, but we got what we wanted and I swung by after work and picked them up.

No problems here, A+ experience.

Few months later when I was looking for a truck I test drove a Tacoma, then the next day got 3 calls asking when I was coming in to buy. Told him I wanted to take a look at other trucks in the market first. Fast forward 2 weeks, I've gotten called by this salesmean at least twice a day. After a few days I stopped answering but he was always leaving long voicemails. That drove me away from buying there. Then 3 MONTHS later, I started getting calls from another salesman saying the one I was dealing with was gone, and he wanted me to come buy a truck from him. Never answered one of these calls, but he called once a day for a whole week after that. To be fair I probably could have stopped those calls by answering and saying I wasn't interested, but it was still annoying.

Overall, I'd go back. Sales tactics like that annoy me but they're to be expected, and my girlfriend had a very positive experience.

Same problem with the repeat calls after looking at a vehicle, and they did keep calling me when I told them I had decided not to purchase which really annoyed me.

10-21-2013, 07:18 AM
Originally posted by Phihalo

Agreed. The only reason I went to Henniger first was it's closer to me (I'm in the deep south) and CH 2nd was for their incentives... I think it's definitely worth the drive up to Charlesglen b/c of the experience. Only thing bad is that I need to drive the car 'naked' with no 3Ms on crowchild all the way back home :cry:

Here's a pic of the car: (Haters pls stop hatin LOL)


Look like Black Chrome IS350 rims.

10-21-2013, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by Neil4Speed

Look like Black Chrome IS350 rims.

I googled them and they do look alike, these rims are probably one of the better factory ones I've seen/own

10-21-2013, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by Twin_Cam_Turbo

Same problem with the repeat calls after looking at a vehicle, and they did keep calling me when I told them I had decided not to purchase which really annoyed me.

Had a friend who had a interview for a sales position at south pointe. Sales manager said that for an hour a day, they all sit in the conference room together and spend the hour calling anyone that's left their number. Friend turned down the job after that. This is probably common, but it annoys the hell out of me. Whenever looking for a vehicle now I leave my fax number that no calls can get through too, unless I'm 100% sure I'm going to buy it.

However I did go back there to look at a Rav4 for my girlfriend this August and had the least pressure salesman ever, that was very refreshing. He and I chatted about Tacomas and Formula 1 while my girlfriend looked around, and he still answered all her questions. Wish I remembered his name

10-21-2013, 10:58 PM
Always give out fake # unless you plan on buying it.

If I mess up I simply tell them I took the car for a joy ride and have no intention of purchasing lol.

10-22-2013, 01:01 AM
I've dealt with the parts department at the Sunridge location and also Heninger, and both have been good. Had service done at Heninger and again was quite pleased with how things went. No experience buying a new Toyota unfortunately.

10-22-2013, 08:16 AM
I just bought a highlander for my wife at canyon creek Toyota and they were excellent.

Southpointe is crap. Won't go back.

10-22-2013, 06:12 PM
Oh ya forgot about Canyon Creek. That's where I did my title and warranty transfer and looked at a used SUV before that. Both instances were very professional.

10-22-2013, 06:47 PM
I've always gotten the annoying follow up via email/phone looking at vehicles anywhere... Part of the game i guess.

Just started looking for fleet vehicles for work - talked with a sales guy on the phone from southpointe, gave him my info - no dice, week later haha.
This place is just convenient, guess i'll be calling some other places looking for someone to get back to me hah.

10-22-2013, 06:54 PM
I recently bought a highlander from charlesglen and they were excellent except when we initially walked into the dealership, it took probably 25mins of us wondering around - sitting in the showroom model etc before anyone talked to us. Infact we had to ask reception for a salesman because no one had approached us and they werent even busy the night we did go in.

10-22-2013, 07:06 PM
CDN dealerships are night and day from those in the states from my experience at least.

Went to a GM dealer in Seattle for some parts - sales guy opened my door asking if i was looking for a new car lol, then happily directed me to parts, another guy jumped in front of me when i walked in the door to try and help - he too kindly directed me to parts... never experienced anything like it!

Best service i've ever seen anywhere. Almost would go down to Seattle to that dealer to buy my next truck - but thats kind-of a pain haha

10-22-2013, 07:20 PM
I went to get a key cut at southpointe Toyota on a friday afternoon since it was the closest to our home. But normally I go to Cochrane because I used to live close and they cater somewhat to the 4WD clubs.

Anyways, we didnt take more than 3 steps out of our vehicle before we were approached by a salesman asking if he could help. We told him we were looking for key cutting. He walked us half way to the parts counter until we could see it.

Parts guy helped us promptly (2 on shift) took the key and said he would be back

Decided to look throughout the showroom. My g/f and I were approached 3 times in 10 mins. Always friendly, we just told them we were waiting on parts.

Key cut. No charge. Would go back.

10-22-2013, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by thinmyster
I went to get a key cut at southpointe Toyota on a friday afternoon since it was the closest to our home. But normally I go to Cochrane because I used to live close and they cater somewhat to the 4WD clubs.

Anyways, we didnt take more than 3 steps out of our vehicle before we were approached by a salesman asking if he could help. We told him we were looking for key cutting. He walked us half way to the parts counter until we could see it.

Parts guy helped us promptly (2 on shift) took the key and said he would be back

Decided to look throughout the showroom. My g/f and I were approached 3 times in 10 mins. Always friendly, we just told them we were waiting on parts.

Key cut. No charge. Would go back.

Stay away from Geno. He's an idiot.

10-22-2013, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by nzwasp
I recently bought a highlander from charlesglen and they were excellent except when we initially walked into the dealership, it took probably 25mins of us wondering around - sitting in the showroom model etc before anyone talked to us. Infact we had to ask reception for a salesman because no one had approached us and they werent even busy the night we did go in.

I dont expect it anymore. If I'm not tire kicking I ask for a salesman immediately. I put them to work, no different than a realtor.

Really, you can't blame any specific dealership for any of these incidents. It all depends on the time of day, which manager is in and which salesmen are in.

10-22-2013, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by AE92_TreunoSC

I dont expect it anymore. If I'm not tire kicking I ask for a salesman immediately. I put them to work, no different than a realtor.

Really, you can't blame any specific dealership for any of these incidents. It all depends on the time of day, which manager is in and which salesmen are in.

Agreed. I don't mind having to go to reception if I'm serious. I also don't like being bothered if I'm just tire kicking :rofl: lose-lose for the dealers, no matter what they do they'll be annoying somebody

05-24-2018, 11:42 AM
I hate bumping up old threads, but figured it might be worthwhile for 2018 updates.

Anyone recommendations for Toyota Dealerships these days? I'm open to anywhere in Southern Alberta.
I'm open to contact recommendations too.

05-24-2018, 12:08 PM

Jokes aside, what is the beyond consensus of South Pointe Toyota? :dunno:

I went there last year to test drive a Matrix. I was approached after a bit by a east Indian sales guy, good test drive, straight forward and no bullshit. I was impressed.
They would not budge on the price though. It was a older model, gear ratios felt off and equipment was.. shit. I did not buy it, but the sales experience was pretty good.

I can only compare it to the two Honda dealerships. Each time they were hell bent on selling me something I did not want, forcing me to finance and kept using scare tactics. It just felt like I was constantly being pulled into a verbal fight. All I wanted was a specific spec (white, civic hatch, manual), or a Honda Fit Manual 2015 onwards. Potential cash purchase and asked them to call me if they came across one. Thats it. Simples. I got called a week later with them trying to sell me automatic Civic. :facepalm:

05-24-2018, 12:51 PM
Phil Dao @ Charlesgen sold me my taco (when he was at Heninger) in about 4 minutes as he had no fluff.. i'd highly recommend touching base with him. Think he's more finance now.

05-29-2018, 10:05 PM
Chat at South Pointe Toyota was pretty good. I helped my parents get into a Camry from there last year and it was a pretty straight forward buying process, no BS. Of course, we haggled back and forth on price but nothing out of the ordinary when buying a used car.

06-04-2018, 10:07 PM
Of all the Toyota stores in Calgary, IMHO the two worst are without a shadow of a doubt, South Pointe and Heninger. I have long time friends that I have known for years that have worked at both stores, and have shared their personal horror stories/experiences from working there with me.

One of the the catalysts for the malaise in the car business today comes from the blatantly greedy manufacturers whom constantly apply pressure on their franchise stores to increase sales. Don't get me wrong, Toyota builds a high quality product. The money they spend on R&D is staggering ($12.947 Billion CDN in 2017), and their engineering depth is way beyond immense. The Board of Directors are under constant pressure to meet sale targets and increase sales from the previous year, and this filters down all the way to the Dealership network and the people that work there.

Now, let us go back to South Pointe and Heninger. These two Dealer Principle groups do not like one another. During their weekly Saturday sales meetings, which all sales staff are required to punctually attend or face dire consequences, management are always trash talking their rival competition stores, brainwashing their staff to believe that they are superior and righteous. As Micheal Corleone once said in the Godfather, "this is business, it's not personal."

The problem is, both stores suffer from excessive corruption and greed, originating from the two Dealer Principle groups that own these stores. Both stores have highly toxic work environments, making them undesirable places to make a living. They both have big problems retaining staff, and suffer from high turnover. Ask anyone who knows the insider Toyota landscape in Calgary, and the consensus is South Pointe is the absolute worst to work for. Followed by a very close second is Heninger.

Not so long ago, when a good buddy of mine worked at South Pointe, he told me that the only sales staff that received a Christmas bonus were East Indian. It's no small coincidence that the Dealer Principle group are also East Indian, as well as most upper Management. When this was discovered by the non East Indian sales staff, needless to say it caused big problems. Their treatment of staff is simply deplorable.

Then there are the shysters over at Heninger. Jack Heninger. who started Heninger Toyota, had one of the worst reputations in the car business. He liked to portray the image of being a pious God fearing Morman, but if you bought a car from him he would stuff you sideways on pricing so fast you would leave bleeding from your asshole. Moreover, he use to love shagging hookers in the afternoon in the old run down motel that use to be next to the store. When his thieving son Brian took over the business after Jack passed away, there was a huge internal family fight over ownership shares. Apparently, Brian, being the fair, compassionate individual that he wants everyone to believe he is, bought all the shares in the business from his siblings for pennies on the dollar when the store wasn't doing so well. The economy turned around, sales went up, share values increased, and Heninger family members realized that Brian had pulled a fast one on them all. Salivating lawyers and lawsuits were the order of the day before it was somehow all settled.

Today, Brian has 10% ownership of the store, but retains ownership of all the land, giving him a huge rent cheque every month. He sold the old location across the street to Co-Op for a paltry $7 Million. It's sits empty to this day, contaminated with absbestos in the buildings and hydrocarbons in the soil. Moreover, the entire present ownership group that bought into the store were all financed through him. None of them had the means to do so on their own, yet they like to parade around the store like peacocks with their limp dicks hanging out from their trousers, acting like millionaires. Apparently, the GSM and Co-Owner (Bickert) at Heninger is a real slimy piece of shit, thoroughly despised by a majority of his staff. He allegedly once took out a 100 dollar bill at a Saturday morning sales meeting and burned it with a lighter, ranting in front of the entire sales staff that he would not share windfall profits with any sales staff unless they were deemed worthy of it. If anybody will listen, he loves to brag and beat his chest about how rich he is. The problem is he's too stupid and arrogant to realize he has destroyed the store with his idiotic management style. Again, all this negative toxicity filters down the sales staff.

Both South Pointe and Heninger have terrible service departments, and are the last places you want to take your Toyota. All my friends that are Toyota owners consistently tell me this. Something to think about.

Hence, with all the uber negative toxicity circulating within the workplace, compounded and encouraged by Toyota Canada and their corporate greed, why would anybody in their right mind want to purchase a vehicle from these crooks ? I sure in hell do not, and neither should you. Caveat Emptor .

It's getting late, and I have said enough for now. I have plenty more stories about the other Toyota stores in Calgary. If I have the time, I will post them tomorrow.



06-04-2018, 11:06 PM
Based on your opinion, where would you go for a Toyota dealer in Alberta then? Lol

06-05-2018, 07:54 AM
Based on your opinion, where would you go for a Toyota dealer in Alberta then? Lol
To a Honda dealer.

cancer man
06-14-2018, 05:41 AM
I would like to respond to this post but i'd be banned.All i say stay away from SP and CH. Always a bait and switch.

06-14-2018, 07:29 AM
I would like to respond to this post but i'd be banned.All i say stay away from SP and CH. Always a bait and switch. sadly thats not terribly unique.

06-14-2018, 09:56 AM
Take a drive to the Toyota Dealership in Red Deer and deal with Redlyne_mr2. Support an Old School Beyonder.

06-14-2018, 10:00 AM
Take a drive to the Toyota Dealership in Red Deer and deal with Redlyne_mr2. Support an Old School Beyonder.
Oh wow, I didn't know he was at Toyota now. That pretty much answers my question of where to go LOL.
I'm going to give him a shout for a quote.

06-14-2018, 10:10 AM
Take a drive to the Toyota Dealership in Red Deer and deal with Redlyne_mr2. Support an Old School Beyonder.

Anyone have an email address for him? I was going to go to Southpointe but would rather deal with him.

06-14-2018, 10:30 AM
[email protected]

EK 2.0
06-14-2018, 10:52 AM
I dunno....I like CHT....:dunno:...But maybe I am biased??...

06-14-2018, 11:15 AM
I dunno....I like CHT....:dunno:...But maybe I am biased??...
Just for parts. ;)

EK 2.0
06-14-2018, 11:32 AM
Just for parts. ;)


02-07-2019, 09:30 AM
Let me share what I have recently found out about regarding the never ending sleazy events going on at Heninger Toyota.

Michael Bickert WAS the General Sales Manager and co-owner for a number of years. Very much a sleazy and underhanded character with a bad case of narcassitic personality disorder, hated and ridiculed by his entire staff, was recently unceremoniously fired from Heninger. Apparently, the ownership group at Heninger finally realized that it was time to get rid of him. So, one morning, Brian Heninger, with all the other co-owners with him, walked into his office, told him to clear out his office and fired his bush-league ass.

Apparently, this had been brewing for quite some time. Bickert had pissed off and offended one too many people, and had ruined the dealership with his incompetent management style and decisions. Sales were way down, red ink was appearing on the ledgers, and the axe came down.

What makes the entire scenario even more amusing is that Bickert's wife was sleeping with one of his Manager's.....:rofl:

One more thing. Since my last post on this thread, the used car department at Heninger has had
two different management changes.

Surprise, surprise, surprise......:rolleyes:

02-07-2019, 11:45 AM
Really funny as just two weeks ago I spent a day in Calgary to buy a 2019 Rav4 for my mother in law. I was on the southside so I went to Canyon Creek, South Pointe, and Heninger.

Heninger was by far (and I mean really far) the best experience of the 3 and where I ended up buying. Don't want to make a big post, but the both the sales guy and the manager were great to deal with. I don't remember the managers name though (I wasn't there to make friends lol) but he came to me to offer me 3 hats after everything was done. One for me and each of my inlaws. I took the two for them and told him I didn't need one. He asked why and I politely told him I wouldn't want to advertise a brand I don't really care for. We ended up talking for some time about cars and he told me I had good taste and wanted to see my G70 (but I had my Jeep) and then asked me to hold on and he came back to me with 4 Canada touques for everyone in my family and asked if I would take it. I said sure and he said "now everytime you see one of these you will think of me" lol Seemed like a good guy as all of this time was spent after the deal was done and I was ready to go.

Just read your comments on South Pointe and that was definitely the worst one to deal with. Sales guy was a total uninformed idiot and the manager was so sleazy. 3 times of back and forth on price and he was still above MSRP and telling me that was a good deal for a Toyota. lol I pointed to the Toyota website on my phone and the small print next to msrp that said "dealer may sell for less" and asked where it said dealer may sell for more? He insisted the had a lot of value added features like where they pay for your deductible if you get into an accident. Just horrible.

02-07-2019, 11:54 AM
Parts and Service department at Heninger have been good to me. Parts at Sunridge as well.

Charlesglen service quotes are always higher than everyone else - must be the neighbourhood I guess.

04-22-2019, 11:38 AM
Recently received a Heninger Toyota update from an old friend that works there. Rumor has it that good old Michael Bickert is threatening to sue Heninger over his severance package, after they fired his lame ass.

Furthermore, he tried getting the General Sales Manager job at Charlesglen. When existing staff at Charlesglen caught wind of this, especially staff that use to work at Heninger who now work at Charlesglen, they all threatened to quit..... :facepalm:

Hence, the managment at Charlesglen thought better of their plan, and Bickert was not hired.

Ha, ha.....I guess karma really is a bitch, served on a cold platter......:D

04-22-2019, 11:56 AM
Recently received a Heninger Toyota update from an old friend that works there. Rumor has it that good old Michael Bickert is threatening to sue Heninger over his severance package, after they fired his lame ass.

Furthermore, he tried getting the General Sales Manager job at Charlesglen. When existing staff at Charlesglen caught wind of this, especially staff that use to work at Heninger who now work at Charlesglen, they all threatened to quit..... :facepalm:

Hence, the managment at Charlesglen thought better of their plan, and Bickert was not hired.

Ha, ha.....I guess karma really is a bitch, served on a cold platter......:D
All your posts seem to be some information about various seemingly sleazy dealerships.
What's your beef with Michael Bickert personally? Did he do something to you? Genuinely curious, unless you just have a large distaste in general for sleazy people working at dealerships.