View Full Version : Picture of Fit interior plastic moulding jut-out by left knee

10-26-2013, 01:03 PM
I test drove a fit and am now trying to get a heads up on two things. First is a list of all the Canadian/Ontario taxes and surcharges that one will be shocked to see after settling on the price of the car itself. Just for budget/planning purposes. I didn't reflect this question in the title because it is secondary to the main question. I found info at http://gordnwright.blogspot.ca/2011/05/what-fees-must-i-pay-on-new-car.html, and I'm just seeing if there are any items missing.

Second, and more importantly, I found that the jut-out in the plastic moulding by the left knee is problematic. I contains an anti-skid button and unused slots for two other buttons. I want to talk to body shops (or other types of expert shops that you think are more appropriate) to replace that removable jut-out with a custom flat panel that is flush with the surrounding surface rather than jutting out. I was wondering if anyone had a picture of that so I can refer to it when I talk to the body guys. Otherwise, I will visit a dealer with flashlight and cellphone to take a grainy picture (not an orthodox visit by any means).


10-26-2013, 02:57 PM
SPAM SPAM SPAM and IF the left knee issue is an issue, yer a fucking midget. No way the plastic is an issue at all.

Reporting the post ("Report this post") on Beyond is useless as the Beyond link page is DOA and has been since I can recall.

10-26-2013, 03:05 PM
Should I click the link?

10-26-2013, 03:09 PM

10-26-2013, 03:13 PM
Do a search on fitfreak its a honda fit specific forum. Your fit is the GE not the GD

10-26-2013, 03:15 PM

10-26-2013, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

They may both have the panel, depending on the trim. is that right? I didn't know that mine has a wallet holder there

10-26-2013, 07:03 PM
I visited a dealer. They were pretty understanding about my mission. He didn't have a DX, but said the moulding should be the same in the sports version. Here are the pictures, which look like 01RedDX's:


I have to sit up close because it mitigates discomfort from back problems. I doubt the jut-out would be a problem for the general population.

01RedDX, I'm curious as to why you would not make the change. The choice of a car is (to me) a complex decision and changing the choice due to a wrinkle that could be fixed with a few hundred bucks seems like a overreaction. I hope I'm not coming across as unappreciative of your advice (just the opposite). I'm just trying to think of it impartially from a decision optimization perspective.

I was a bit perturbed by the fact that today, the panel did not seem as easy to remove as last week when the sales person fussed around for just a few seconds before having it removed. The seam around the removable piece (if it is evey removable in this model) seems larger, too. Perhaps the sports model is not as identical to the DX as people think?

The sales person was also helpful in clarifying that I wouldn't be looking for a body shop. I would be looking for people who do car upholstery -- they also modify interiors.

Thanks for the referral to fitfreak, roll_over. They have a forum on interiors mods.

10-26-2013, 07:04 PM
Frig. Are those photos ever big. To bad the img code doesn't provide arguments to control size scaling.

10-26-2013, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by WithinDotCa
Frig. Are those photos ever big. To bad the img code doesn't provide arguments to control size scaling.



change () to []

10-26-2013, 08:28 PM
On a lighter note............

Aren't the Fit's sold in Canada supposed to be made in China?

10-26-2013, 10:25 PM
Thanks for the tip about bimg, firebane. How does it determine the width? I can't find anything via google about bimg.

As for this lighter note about Fits made in China...is this a fact, or a joke (and hence the reference to a lighter note)?

10-26-2013, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by WithinDotCa
Thanks for the tip about bimg, firebane. How does it determine the width? I can't find anything via google about bimg.

As for this lighter note about Fits made in China...is this a fact, or a joke (and hence the reference to a lighter note)?

Its an option set by board admins.

10-26-2013, 11:54 PM
No joke, just thought you should know.



10-27-2013, 10:20 AM
Yeah, I immediately went to Google. On one hand, I'm all for developing countries learning how to stand on their capitalist feet. The quality of goods have been disappointing, shocking at times, but it seems to be on the upswing. And from what I've read, there's no noticable gap in quality due to offshoring to this country, likely due to the processes involved. On the other hand, the main reason I'm moving to Honda is because of what might be materials quality. My only two cars were of the same brand (not Honda) known for robustness, etc etc. I experienced air quality problems with both, and not all my friends detected it, but a few did. Probably has to do with ones physiology and the plastic in the ductwork. I'm not sure if rigorous production processes would pick up on material quality issues. Just speculating, but it is a source of concern. I will test-drive again, with the heater running. Not sure if it will catch it cuz it takes some exposure time to figure it out. Ah well.

Rat Fink
10-27-2013, 11:51 AM