View Full Version : Adopt-A-Wish (Make-A-Wish Canada)

12-17-2013, 11:29 PM
Hey guys,

I sent an email out to a bunch of my co-workers and to the owners own of the company I work for last week suggesting we adopt a wish through the Make-A-Wish Foundation (Southern Alberta). I volunteered to spearhead it in my spare time outside of work and received some pretty positive responses from most people, including people who would be willing to help out.

We donate quite a bit to various cancer foundations, as we had a co-worker pass away from cancer a few years ago and most people have a family member/close friend who has had cancer. I don't think there is anything wrong with us donating to cancer research, but now that I have nieces and nephews, and am planning on having children in the near future, adopting a wish is something that's been on my mind and something I'd really like to do. I know if our kids/family members were sick and wanted to see someplace special or do something exciting, most of us would be able to make that happen for them; unfortunately, not everybody has the ability to do that, which would be pretty heartbreaking to not be able to give your kid/family member that special time, especially given the fact they're facing a pretty heavy situation.

Has anyone taken part is something like this? I've emailed back and forth with the foundation and they all seem like amazing people, but I'm having trouble thinking of fundraising ideas. Would you guys mind sharing your fundraising ideas with me? I know Google is a good friend in this situation, but some local experiences that actually worked would be appreciated.

I'm not looking to get into a discussion about what a better charity choice might be, cancer statistics, children's hospitals, etc - just fundraising ideas/experiences and any experiences with the Make A Wish Foundation.

Thanks a million.

12-18-2013, 10:13 AM

12-19-2013, 12:55 AM
Something I've seen done in SK but not here is steak nights or rib nights. Basically you choose a restaurant or pub to deliver a meal with a drink...you pre-sell tickets for the event. Depending how much you want to make, you charge accordingly. Ex. Restaurant charges $15/person and you sell for $25/person. Other things you can do at the event is gather donated door prizes to give away, raffle or silent auction, 50/50, etc... You'd probably want to give yourself and helpers at least a few weeks to sell tickets.

Good luck!