View Full Version : Registry office road test

01-04-2014, 01:36 PM
Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section, this is my first post here.

Anyway, my boyfriend needs his class 5 drivers license. So far, he has failed 4 times. When he's driving with someone he knows, he drives perfectly fine and he's calm. However, after failing the first time, he now gets incredibly nervous with the driving test and its pretty much an instant fail.

The traffic in Calgary really isn't helping his nerves, so are there any smaller towns around Calgary with a good registry office? I'm willing to drive up to around 60-80 km one way, we live in the NE.

I'm not from Canada, so I'm not really familiar around here, thats why I'm asking. Just looking for a place where the traffic isn't as busy.

Thanks. :)

01-04-2014, 01:43 PM
Quit trying to enable a poor driver on the streets. He needs practice as a learner. Your excuses are contradictory. Don't put another bad driver on the street.

01-04-2014, 01:47 PM

01-04-2014, 01:47 PM
If he has failed the GDL exit test 4 times already, the test is not the issue (considering you're allowed 75 points off beore you fail). He should have his old sheets that show exactly where he needs to practice and improve, start there.

By the time you're ready to take the test, you should have close to zero deductions.

Mista Bob
01-04-2014, 01:48 PM
What spikers means to say is, we will need pictures of yourself to better determine what area would be best and give as accurate of an answer as possible.

01-04-2014, 01:50 PM
Thanks spikers, but that really doesn't answer my question.

His driving is fine, he's had a ton of practice. The only thing that I'm kinda 'eh?' about is his parallel parking, doesn't always get it perfect the first try. Or second, haha.

FraserB, you mean -75 points? Last time he had -30. He took too long to start driving when the light was green and he was going too slow at a school zone (holidays). Is that what you mean? I'm not familiar with the driving tests in Canada honestly, sorry.

Mista Bob, I don't have huge tits so that's okay, you don't need a picture.

01-04-2014, 01:53 PM
Is he going from a learner's DL (Class 7) to a GDL Class 5? Or from a GDL Class 5 to a full Class 5?

I'd have to look, but the school zone speed issue might have been an automatic fail.

01-04-2014, 01:54 PM

01-04-2014, 01:57 PM
He's going from a learner's DL to a GDL class 5. He's had the luxury of me driving him to/from work, but I'm leaving in a month so he really needs to get it. I'm kind of stressing it.

I totally agree that he could benefit from lessons, we just moved into a new place tho, our car needed a ton of repair and we're totally broke. Seriously, I've sold my underwear on craigslist to pay the rent, lol.
How much are driving lessons in Calgary?

01-04-2014, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Lindaap
Thanks spikers, but that really doesn't answer my question.

His driving is fine, he's had a ton of practice. The only thing that I'm kinda 'eh?' about is his parallel parking, doesn't always get it perfect the first try. Or second, haha.

No his driving is not fine. He has failed his road test 4 times, and by your own admission is nervous. He is not comfortable driving in stressful situations. You want him to get his licence when he is not in heavier traffic, why, because it is a stressful situation. What about adverse weather?

He is obviously not ready for his full driver's licence. You trying to find a way around it, not only puts his life in danger by throwing him into those situations, but everyone else as well.

The driver's licence is already a joke that people can get in a box of cracker jacks, how much easier do you want it to get?

Seriously, unless you want to be his sponsor on the next episode of Canada's worst driver, you will get him some lessons, instead of finding loopholes to slide him through.

01-04-2014, 02:19 PM
I honestly do believe his driving is fine. He just gets extremely nervous during any test, he's scared of failing. Heavy traffic normally would not be a problem, he's done that again and again. Heavy traffic during the test, hell yeah. I can even see him making dumb mistakes during the test when there is no heavy traffic. Its the nerves.

I can understand how to you it would seem he's a shitty driver tho. When I see people driving around here, no one knows how to turn on their damn signal and for some reason everyone thinks its okay to go way below the speedlimit in the fast lane. So him not passing his license when I know his driving is fine, is beyond frustrating.

01-04-2014, 02:24 PM
^ Confidence is key to not "freaking out" during the test which I assume he has quite little of. Id also be quite worried about how nervous he'd get in driving conditions like we had yesterday.

Originally posted by spikers

No his driving is not fine. He has failed his road test 4 times, and by your own admission is nervous. He is not comfortable driving in stressful situations. You want him to get his licence when he is not in heavier traffic, why, because it is a stressful situation. What about adverse weather?

He is obviously not ready for his full driver's licence. You trying to find a way around it, not only puts his life in danger by throwing him into those situations, but everyone else as well.

The driver's licence is already a joke that people can get in a box of cracker jacks, how much easier do you want it to get?

Seriously, unless you want to be his sponsor on the next episode of Canada's worst driver, you will get him some lessons, instead of finding loopholes to slide him through.

This X1000. Posts like hers make me sick. As if there isn't enough retard drivers on the streets, coming onto a CAR forum and asking for advice so we can have yet another one is asinine.

Personally Id feel a lot more comfortable with him having to get rides from others, then some how squeak by a test elsewhere, then were stuck with him behind the wheel.

To the OP: if hes bad at parallel parking, perhaps try to fix that by setting up some garbage bins/cans/pylons in an empty parking lot so he can perfect it without potentially hitting another car. ;)

01-04-2014, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by Lindaap
I honestly do believe his driving is fine. He just gets extremely nervous during any test, he's scared of failing. Heavy traffic normally would not be a problem, he's done that again and again. Heavy traffic during the test, hell yeah. I can even see him making dumb mistakes during the test when there is no heavy traffic. Its the nerves.

I can understand how to you it would seem he's a shitty driver tho. When I see people driving around here, no one knows how to turn on their damn signal and for some reason everyone thinks its okay to go way below the speedlimit in the fast lane. So him not passing his license when I know his driving is fine, is beyond frustrating.

It does not matter what you believe.

He failed his test 4 times. I would imagine (and assume probably at least 3 different examiners), so it is safe to also assume that 3 different examiners share that opinion.

He is not ready for his licence.

01-04-2014, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by Lindaap
I've sold my underwear on craigslist to pay the rent, lol.

How much for two pairs, unwashed, in ziplock baggies? :clap:

01-04-2014, 02:56 PM
I used to charge about $80-100 a pair. Now I live in a basement tho, and with the upper tenants, its just awkward. They might think I'm sellin crack, lol.

I'd love to give him rides every day (...yeah), fact is I'm leaving Canada soon for a fairly long time and I won't be able to.

What driving schools do you guys recommend then? Is it possible to just get a couple hours of lessons instead of a whole package?
Any experience with 'Quality driving school' from Calgary?

01-04-2014, 03:30 PM
Oh man where do I start!

First-any violation will cause an immediate fail irregardless of points.
As for his four failures-he is not ready to drive. It's a privilege not a right. You aren't helping him by getting the road test done in Cochrane or High River and you certainly aren't helping by coming here and not disclosing the whole truth (you just moved into a place and are totally broke yet you are leaving Canada soon for a fairly long time?).

And it doesn't matter the size of the boobies-still need pics! :poosie:

01-04-2014, 03:41 PM
Not disclosing the whole truth? We live together, just moved into a new place. I am leaving Canada at the end of this month, as I am not Canadian and I have stuff to take care of in my home country. My study, job and my horses, since you love details. I'm returning to Canada 4 months after that, to leave again after a month or 3-4. And so the cycle continues. I am not a Canadian resident thus I can not work/study here and have to return 'home' from time to time.

I buy return tickets so there's nothing to pay right now which is good cause yeah, I'm broke.

Don't be so paranoid, I'm not Satans little butthole spreading lies and filth. :)

I actually know a guy who passed his GDL class 5 while speeding in a school zone and a rolling stop at a stop sign, this was in Okotoks. hehe.

01-04-2014, 03:42 PM
$100 a month. Its called a bus pass.

Please do not make excuses for this guy of why he CAN'T get his license.

His confidence sucks and you need GOOD confidence within ANY situation at ANY time to a GOOD driver. And to be a good driver takes YEARS of experience.

Do yourself and him a favor and just get him a bus pass. If that won't work move elsewhere that is more convenient.

A drivers license is a PRIVLEDGE not a right.

01-04-2014, 03:57 PM
Firebane, living in Calgary, you should know public transit sucks here. Also, he works night shifts. We checked, he could take the bus to work, but there is no bus/train going back when he gets off work.

Also, as I said before, I'm fine with looking for a driving school, but again, I don't know any. So if you could recommend me one, go ahead. If you're gonna say whats been said before, it is of no use.

Of course he's not a perfect driver and something like a refreshment course will do him good.

01-04-2014, 04:00 PM
You've gotta understand Lindaap that what you're basically asking is how to help him cheat his way around passing the test. The things he failed for are all essential skills. If there is even ONE situation he's too nervous in while driving, he shouldn't be behind the wheel. What if one day he's driving his boss, gets freaked out in Calgary traffic, and smashes his vehicle up? Do you want any part in having empowered that?

Quite frankly, I think someone who isn't confident driving is more dangerous on the roads than someone who is so drunk they can barely stand. Therefore, the only advice I can give is that he needs WAY more practice until he can actually drive up to a standard. Until then, he shouldn't have a class 5 license. This has to deal with his safety, your safety, and the safety of anyone else on the roads. Nobody on a car forum is gonna tell you how to get around the test...

01-04-2014, 04:09 PM
How many KM does he realistically have behind the wheel? This might be part of it too.

01-04-2014, 04:15 PM
Whatever you do, dont use these guys for driver training .... (southland driving academy).


01-04-2014, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by Lindaap
Firebane, living in Calgary, you should know public transit sucks here. Also, he works night shifts. We checked, he could take the bus to work, but there is no bus/train going back when he gets off work.

Of course he's not a perfect driver and something like a refreshment course will do him good.

Really? there are a ton of options. Take the bus to work, cab it home, or get a co-worker that lives close by to drop him off for compensation. I know a handful of people in a very similar situation that do just that.

Lastly, he can always ask for a different shift, or look for a new job. There is TONS of work in Calgary, this isn't a big deal.
Trying to bend the rules so he can drive out of convenience to him, and a great inconvenience to everybody else is unacceptable.
Rather then look at ways of him basically cheating a drivers test, perhaps forget that for now and instead look at other ways of making sure hes competent behind the wheel, or at least look for work related solutions until that actually happens.

Like I said before, I'd wholly disagree that it is merely "nervousness" that led to him failing his test 4 times. When I was 16, I was nervous too, but with a sincere knowledge of what to do, and what NOT to do behind the wheel, I passed with an almost perfect score. His nervousness tells me he's grossly incompetent and lacks most common skills needed to be a good, safe driver.

Perhaps google calgary driving schools, and check the ratings for each where possible. Id say any training at this point would be quite beneficial. I've also trained quite a few people over the years, all of them are still accident free to this day, so if you cant find a school, I can always help out too.

01-04-2014, 05:47 PM
I also agree on him taking some professional driving lessons. With a quality teacher, there is no reason why he shouldn't catch on after 3-5 sessions.

01-04-2014, 08:03 PM
Alright, so, since no-one has commented with actual driving school names, lemme try a couple. Firstly, Young Drivers of Canada and AMA (Alberta Motor Association) are both what i would consider "quality" driving schools. They are alittle more expensive (compared to the el-cheapo), but offer consistent training methods, properly equipped driver training vehicles (with passenger side brake pedal for the instructor) and standardized testing for course completion. There are others, but keep ratings in mind. I do understand living on a budget, but in calgary, like alot of other places, you do get what you pay for.

Now, having said that. I do completely 100% agree that he is not ready to be driving on his own yet if he has failed the test four times. HOWEVER, there are ways for people to get around without driving, all of which were mentioned in a previous post. I would recommend seeing if one of his coworkers would mind giving him a lift home for compensation. $30 a week to cover the added wear&tear and gas should be a reasonable amount to start with, and he can then take the bus TO work. No, its not necessarily convenient, but guess what, if he gets into an accident, he'll be taking the bus anyways...

01-04-2014, 08:30 PM
^ I originally took Young Drivers when I was 16. They're a decent place to go, but they only have a handful of techniques which put them above the rest. Fortunately even though that was a LONG time ago, I still remember what all of them are. Perhaps I'll post them here in this thread for everybodies benefit.

01-09-2014, 07:16 PM
Ha, that video.

Sorry for replying so late, completely forgot.
He went for a good 5 hour long practice yesterday and took another test today and passed, so all is good.

Thanks everyone for the tips and I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I just got way too nervous about me leaving so soon and him not having a license. :)

Graham_A_M, thanks for the offer, that was cool. And thanks for the names HumbleGeek.

01-10-2014, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by spikers
It does not matter what you believe.

He failed his test 4 times. I would imagine (and assume probably at least 3 different examiners), so it is safe to also assume that 3 different examiners share that opinion.

He is not ready for his licence.
We need a LOT more of these examiners.

01-11-2014, 03:24 AM
Another shitty driver on the roads. Nice

Originally posted by Lindaap
Mista Bob, I don't have huge tits so that's okay, you don't need a picture.

Prove it...

Supa Dexta
01-11-2014, 06:30 AM
Ever listen to Dr Laura?? I can just hear her now screaming 'why didn't you choose a real man!?'

:rofl: She cracks me up on long drives.

01-11-2014, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by Lindaap

He went for a good 5 hour long practice yesterday and took another test today and passed, so all is good.

5th time is the charm?

01-11-2014, 11:44 AM

01-15-2014, 03:50 AM
Originally posted by Graham_A_M
^ I originally took Young Drivers when I was 16. They're a decent place to go, but they only have a handful of techniques which put them above the rest. Fortunately even though that was a LONG time ago, I still remember what all of them are. Perhaps I'll post them here in this thread for everybodies benefit.

And that sums up why proper driver training is soooooo important.... How many years have you been driving and you still remember what those techniques are? Its all about starting off with the right techniques and habits, and your driving personality evolves from there. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.

01-20-2014, 07:41 PM
Oh yeah, that is totally what I look like. Where'd ya find that photo of me? Its one of my favorites.

I wonder why everyone here thinks they are awesome drivers. I've been driving in Calgary for 3 months now and all I see are complete retards who don't know how to turn on their signal or how to merge. Or park. Or turn on their lights. Etc. Where are all the good ones at?

Guess I'm in a shitty neighbourhood.

01-20-2014, 08:02 PM
You're on a car enthusiast site. It's full of people who race, track and generally push their cars to the limit of what they were designed for. Stands to reason that most are better than the average driver who looks at his car as a tool and nothing else.

Your original question is exactly why there are so many shitty drivers. People are hand-held through the driving "education" process and allowed to control thousands of pounds of steel even when they can't pass a simple test without failing multiple times. With a real licensing program, you'd probably see 30% fewer people on the road.

01-20-2014, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by Supa Dexta
Ever listen to Dr Laura?? I can just hear her now screaming 'why didn't you choose a real man!?'

:rofl: She cracks me up on long drives.


Taking that long drive..

01-20-2014, 10:58 PM
I was going to offer to go for a ride with him so he could practice the awkward drive with a stranger thing.

Glad to hear he passed.

01-20-2014, 11:57 PM
fly to germany and do your exam there, its super easy

01-21-2014, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by Lindaap
Not disclosing the whole truth? We live together, just moved into a new place. I am leaving Canada at the end of this month, as I am not Canadian and I have stuff to take care of in my home country. My study, job and my horses, since you love details. I'm returning to Canada 4 months after that, to leave again after a month or 3-4. And so the cycle continues. I am not a Canadian resident thus I can not work/study here and have to return 'home' from time to time.

I buy return tickets so there's nothing to pay right now which is good cause yeah, I'm broke.

Don't be so paranoid, I'm not Satans little butthole spreading lies and filth. :)

I actually know a guy who passed his GDL class 5 while speeding in a school zone and a rolling stop at a stop sign, this was in Okotoks. hehe.

Wait. So you guys were completely broke......couldn't afford lessons. BUT you have horses?

Maybe you should have let your boyfriend ride a horse instead.

01-21-2014, 01:30 AM
Originally posted by GQBalla

Wait. So you guys were completely broke......couldn't afford lessons. BUT you have horses?

Maybe you should have let your boyfriend ride a horse instead.

Horses don't have insurance. that's the last thing any one wants is a horse trampling over their car. LOL:D

01-21-2014, 01:59 AM
Originally posted by amear

Horses don't have insurance. that's the last thing any one wants is a horse trampling over their car. LOL:D

Cyclists don't either. No one wants a cyclist side swiping their car and putting a nice long scratch down the side..... Yet it does happen.

01-21-2014, 02:21 AM
Originally posted by 16hypen3sp

Cyclists don't either. No one wants a cyclist side swiping their car and putting a nice long scratch down the side..... Yet it does happen.

Which is why our city forked a shit load of money for bike lanes. Still pathetic.

01-21-2014, 03:11 AM
Originally posted by amear

Which is why our city forked a shit load of money for bike lanes. Still pathetic.

Couldn't agree more. Many towns and cities seem to have reducing traffic lanes in favor of bicycle lanes a top priority.

Not sure about Calgary or Edmonton, but in Red Deer, there was so much public backlash over new bicycle lanes, that the city admitted it was poorly planned and removed a whole whack of them. Spent money on putting them there, and then spent more money removing them.