View Full Version : iPhone question

01-09-2014, 10:16 PM
Wife tried to turn on her phone after a week in the safe in Mexico and it was dead. Hoping it was in airplane mode entire time. When charged and turned on all messages popped up that were missed.

2 questions, if a message comes in and isn't acknowledged and if phone dies, when charged will that message pop up again?

If iphone 4 dies in airplane mode, when u charge it and turn it back on, will it still be in airplane mode? Or will it turn on and try to get a signal (off airplane mode)
Hoping a phone wasn't left on in Mexico, there was no text sent about roaming and such so I'm hopeful.

01-09-2014, 10:20 PM
Incoming texts are free, even when roaming.

01-09-2014, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by colinderksen

2 questions, if a message comes in and isn't acknowledged and if phone dies, when charged will that message pop up again?

If the phone is charged up again, and turned on with access to the cell network, within 5 days of the message being sent, yes, she will get the missed message. If more than 5 days, and the message is not able to be delivered, the system deletes the message as non-deliverable.

If iphone 4 dies in airplane mode, when u charge it and turn it back on, will it still be in airplane mode? Or will it turn on and try to get a signal (off airplane mode)

When you turn it back on, it will boot up normally, not into airplane mode.

01-09-2014, 10:30 PM
Your biggest concern would be data charges. Fortunately, on iPhones (and most other smart phones, im sure) roaming data is turned off by default.

01-09-2014, 10:31 PM
Ok thanks. Telus said they couldn't give me up to date info. Found it odd they could only give me info up to Jan 1.

01-09-2014, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by rage2
Incoming texts are free, even when roaming.

Busting you on that one. (at least with telus, not sure how the others do it)

The only time you would be correct with that, is by purchasing a "roaming pass"

if you are roaming in mexico, without a roaming pass, you are charged $0.60 per text, even with a sms bundle.

01-09-2014, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by colinderksen
Ok thanks. Telus said they couldn't give me up to date info. Found it odd they could only give me info up to Jan 1.

I just gave you up to date info on TELUS.

01-09-2014, 10:38 PM
Well that is gay. Telus is the only one that charges for incoming texts while roaming. It's stupid to charge for it because you can't turn off incoming texts and you have zero control over it.

edit - looks like Mobilicity and Koodo charges for it too. Bell and Rogers do not charge.

01-09-2014, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by rage2
Well that is gay. Telus is the only one that charges for incoming texts while roaming. It's stupid to charge for it because you can't turn off incoming texts and you have zero control over it.

edit - looks like Mobilicity and Koodo charges for it too. Bell and Rogers do not charge.

Yeah, agreed, it is weak.

having said that, you can control it yourself by logging into your account online, and there is a spot you can turn off messaging.

I know for myself, when I travel down to the states, I shut my phone off about 10kms north of the border, and don't turn it back on till I am at the same spot, headed north.

01-09-2014, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by spikers

I just gave you up to date info on TELUS.

I'm meaning by calling telus and asking if the phone had any charges from Mexico in the past week, they couldn't tell me. They said they did not have any of that info yet.

01-09-2014, 10:52 PM
oh, and looks like Rogers may charge for incoming sms while roaming too.

Plus, if you purchase a text messaging Travel Pack, you will not be charged for any text messages you receive.

as for bell, they don't actually come out and say if incoming sms will be charged. The only time I see mention of it is in their roaming bundle stating unlimited incoming with purchase of the bundle.

01-09-2014, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by colinderksen

I'm meaning by calling telus and asking if the phone had any charges from Mexico in the past week, they couldn't tell me. They said they did not have any of that info yet.

ahh right, yeah, it can take up to 90 days for billing information to be submitted back to TELUS from international carriers. Does not usually take that long, usually we have that info within 2 - 3 weeks.

01-09-2014, 10:57 PM
Biggest thing telling it was never actually on was there was no telus text talking about buying a package for international and such

01-09-2014, 11:07 PM
I have definitely been charged for incoming sms on rogers while roaming. I would love to switch away from rogers but I can't give up the data speeds or coverage.

01-10-2014, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by UndrgroundRider
I have definitely been charged for incoming sms on rogers while roaming. I would love to switch away from rogers but I can't give up the data speeds or coverage.

I received plenty of texts in Nassau and in Greece and was not charged for any of them. I am on Rogers and do not a message roaming plan.

I was however charged for the ones I sent, and by charged I mean absolutely bent over.

01-10-2014, 12:29 AM
^same, except I was in Tokyo. I hate all of our mobile carriers. :(

01-10-2014, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by Kavy

I received plenty of texts in Nassau and in Greece and was not charged for any of them. I am on Rogers and do not a message roaming plan.

I was however charged for the ones I sent, and by charged I mean absolutely bent over.
+1, I'm with Rogers, and I'm never charged for incoming SMS. Most recent trip was to Hawaii in November.

The advent of iMessage plus free hotel wifi makes SMS nearly obsolete when travelling, though.

01-10-2014, 09:18 AM
Incomming texts do cost, I got in crap from my work phone people once.

Also, bbm had imessage beat for years with the free texts through wifi data thing.

Also, iphones suck. I miss my flip phone.

01-10-2014, 09:50 AM
fido/rogers does not charge you for roaming/ incoming txt (even international)
if they did charge you, you should probably contact them and get it sorted out

01-10-2014, 02:27 PM
i checked my rogers bill

Messaging Bundle - Incl - Sent 109 Msgs $0.00
Canada & Roaming - Received 103 Msgs $0.00
While Roaming Intl - Sent 4 Msgs $3.00

2nd line states Canadian and roaming received/incoming texts were free
3rd line explicitly states sent texts while roaming international bends you over per text


and part 2:
i put my iphone in airplane mode just now and turned it off
turned it back on and it turned on in airplane mode
had to manually go to settings and turn airplane mode off
so looks like the setting stays even through a power off (assuming it stays if the battery dies as well?)