View Full Version : 6 disgusting things about giving birth...

01-16-2014, 03:57 PM

I can pretty much hear many of your biological clocks ticking from here, and while I think parenthood is a valid choice to make if that’s your path and you’re not doing it to get on Teen Mom, I feel like you need to be warned about what exactly you’re getting your ass into.

There are so many completely perfect things about having a baby. It’s empowering. It hard and then you do it and then for the rest of your life, you rarely doubt your ability to do anything. If that’s not the best possible takeaway from an experience, I don’t know what is. I seriously take issue, however, with the bullshit idea that pregnancy and birth are these lovely, mystical, dreamy things. Having a baby is not 9 months of sitting on a tuffet, eating ice cream, and becoming a glowing embodiment of Life, followed by a few hours of sweaty grunting before easing immediately into a blissed out love-zone with your new baby. That is not how it goes.

The reality is so unglamorous, it hurts. It’s gross. You are gross. Your baby comes out gross. Your whole body pauses everything it was previously doing, thinks of the grossest possible shit it could do, and unleashes it all over your unsuspecting life. Eventually everything settles and goes back to normal (an entirely new kind of normal, but still, normalesque life does return at some point), but for a solid year or so, you’re likely to have your entire sense of reality – about your body, your preconceived ideas about pregnancy, birth, and parenthood, and basically everything else in life – turned all the way on its ass.

And while that’s happening, a series of less life-altering, but way more vomit-inducing things will come your way. Here are a few you can look forward to:
•In the days and weeks after you give birth, you might do what your doctor or midwife will call “pass some small blood clots” which is just your uterus shaking out the leftover bullshit that’s still in there from when it was housing a human. What they don’t tell you is that “small” can mean the size of a fucking egg, and you will think you are dying or giving birth to some undetected, underdeveloped twin who didn’t get the eviction notice. It’s horrifying. A blood egg.
•Mucus plug. It would be gross even if I just wrote those words and didn’t explain it but I’m going to because we’re already doing this so fuck it. So you probably know about the “water” which likes to “break” quite dramatically in movies with a splashing sound as it cascades to the ground (even if the woman is wearing pants? Whatever.) That’s the fluid in your uterus that the baby is floating around in. The mucus plug is exactly what it sounds like, basically a giant vagina booger, that is clogging up your cervix to keep the “water” from spilling out and leaving your uncooked baby high and dry. So when you go into labor, not only does your water break at some point, but you lose your mucus plug. This can happen for hours or even days before you actually pop the kid out, meaning you can feasible be living your life for days with snot coming out of your vagina.
•Poop. Everyone talks about how you’re likely to make number two in front of god and everyone while pushing out your babyfriend, but let me be very clear: you will give less than zero fucks about that. The nice (and strange and scary) thing about being in labor is that your brain shifts; parts of your brain that are normally engaged go to sleep, and other, more primal parts of your brain light up like never before. You aren’t thinking like your typical self, which is good because your typical self would likely be panicking about what was happening to your vagina, be really intimidated by the logistics of getting a small person out of your body through a relatively tiny hole, and mortified at the notion of shitting in front of other people. Your birth brain is channeling all the big, cosmic, ancient, built-in survival instincts that we don’t access in our everyday lives; in that moment, everything about your existence is focused on one single, powerful task. If the weak ass mortals in the room want to bug out because they see you poop, let them wallow in their embarrassingly basic discomfort about it. You’re a little busy being a conduit for all that is powerful and holy in the universe, NBD.
•I digress; poop: shitting during birth is not the problem. The harsh task is pooping after you’re done getting un-pregnant. I’m having a hard time even writing about this. It’s…this is my Vietnam, you guys. It was scary and brutal and traumatic and it’s really hard for me to talk about and there’s no possible way you can relate unless you were there. Let me try to describe: after pushing out a baby, your ladyspace is swollen and sore. It bounces back and you’ll feel mostly cool again in a few days, but right after, it hurts like a motherfucker. And it’s possible you have stitches down there, which is not a thing anyone should have to deal with. So at some point, you’re going to need to poop, which is strange enough because all of your internal organs are hastily migrating back to their proper places after being shoved together in a corner for 9+ months. And when poop o’clock is upon you, it’s going to feel like your going to rip yourself open all over again. And honestly, you might. You might bust a stitch. You might bleed. You might have to get restitched. Maybe not, but regardless, it’s not going to feel awesome, and it’s going to be possibly the most tenuous moment of your life. Pro tip: take a lady pad and hold it against you vaj while you poop. It’ll make you feel less like you’re going to explode your sex parts in half. (I warned you guys this was going to be painfully real. Use condoms.)
•Hemorrhoids. You’ve probably heard an old person talk about these, or seen commercials for products that treat them but only vaguely allude to what they are, which alone should tell you they’re not even remotely cute. Luckily, I didn’t personally have to deal with this particular hell, but a great many pregnant ladies do, so let’s discuss: they’re veins in, on, or near your asshole that get inflamed, swollen, and apparently hurt in a way that cannot be imagined. Something about the way your blood flow and pressure changes during pregnancy, plus all the added pressure on your pelvic nabe can cause these to occur frequently in knocked up persons.
•Your placenta. Throughout your pregnancy, you know there’s some weird new organ hanging out next to your baby, feeding it through a tube, and that’s fine in theory. It’s cool, it keeps your baby alive, so like, yay placenta. What you might not have considered is that not only are you giving birth to a child when the big day arrives, but you’re also going to have to get the placenta out. The person delivering your baby, as soon as that guy is out of there, will suddenly be quite preoccupied with not only making sure the placenta comes out, but that all of it comes out. Because it can pull apart (of course. What a dick), and if bits of it stick around in your uterus, you can get really sick and it can turn into a real shit show. So to make sure the whole placenta GTFO, they push on your stomach hard. You just finished doing what you assumed was the hard part and suddenly you have someone basically punching you in the stomach and trying to pull out something else, which I should add, is almost the size of a baby itself.
•The good news: Once the placenta is out, you can eat it and it’ll give you super powers. I’m not joking. This is not just some weird hippie shit that weirdos do. January Jones did it and she’s arguably the least weird person on earth. I did it. You should do it. I’m all for respecting people’s right to make their own choices and do what they want with their bodies, babies, and births, but this is one thing I stand behind so fucking fully. Eat that shit. Really hardcore people will have it blended raw into a smoothie and just down it, but I’m admittedly a bit of a pussy, and I wanted to draw out the many benefits as long as possible, so I had my placenta dried, ground up in to pills, and popped those things for months. It helps replenish your body of lost nutrients, balances your hormones (which will be spinning out of fucking control in the days/weeks/months after giving birth), helps mitigate post-partum depression, and can help you boobs produce valuable titty leche. OMG shut up and just eat your placenta already. TC Mark

01-16-2014, 03:59 PM
I have two children. I had front row seats for both of them. I'm fully aware of what's involved in children.

01-16-2014, 04:38 PM

I think anyone who gets into it realises it's not like shitting rainbows or something. It's hard work. Or so my wife said.

01-16-2014, 05:24 PM
Is the author trolling re: eating placenta? Is that "normal"?

01-16-2014, 05:41 PM
You mean it's not just like taking a big dump? Who knew it'd be hard!?!?!

01-16-2014, 05:51 PM
Placenta smoothie.

Supa Dexta
01-16-2014, 05:52 PM
I've delivered 100's of animals and been up to my shoulders pushing them back in and turning them around..etc I've taken part in C sections and episiotomys.. But yet I have no desire to be on the business end of my own children's deliveries.

01-16-2014, 06:11 PM

01-16-2014, 06:18 PM
Once the placenta is out, you can eat it and it’ll give you super powers. I’m not joking. This is not just some weird hippie shit that weirdos do. January Jones did it and she’s arguably the least weird person on earth. I did it. You should do it. I’m all for respecting people’s right to make their own choices and do what they want with their bodies, babies, and births, but this is one thing I stand behind so fucking fully. Eat that shit. Really hardcore people will have it blended raw into a smoothie and just down it, but I’m admittedly a bit of a pussy, and I wanted to draw out the many benefits as long as possible, so I had my placenta dried, ground up in to pills, and popped those things for months. It helps replenish your body of lost nutrients, balances your hormones (which will be spinning out of fucking control in the days/weeks/months after giving birth), helps mitigate post-partum depression, and can help you boobs produce valuable titty leche. OMG shut up and just eat your placenta already.

Allllllrighty then.

01-16-2014, 06:20 PM
I've delivered babies in my ambulance, in people's homes, in hospital. It's... pretty awful... :eek:

01-16-2014, 06:20 PM

01-16-2014, 06:22 PM

01-16-2014, 06:51 PM
I'd like to know what the fuck the point is in this being posted?

I dont think people who can actually have children go into it knowing it's going to be a hollywood magical story and live happily ever after.

01-16-2014, 07:06 PM
I gave male "childbirth" to a 7mm kidney stone earlier this week :P

01-16-2014, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by Twin_Cam_Turbo
I gave male "childbirth" to a 7mm kidney stone earlier this week :P

Jeessssus christ, ouch

01-16-2014, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by Twin_Cam_Turbo
I gave male "childbirth" to a 7mm kidney stone earlier this week :P

Fuck nearly choked from laughing so hard

01-16-2014, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by Twin_Cam_Turbo
I gave male "childbirth" to a 7mm kidney stone earlier this week :P

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Jeez....did you eat it afterwards? Pics of the stone haha

I've seen both my boys born....jebus what a mess.

And I can say...that pussy was never the same. I remind the first boy being 8lbs 4oz when born that he wrecked his mom's vag.

01-16-2014, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by Cos
No kids yet but soon. Hopefully in that timeframe we revert back to the 1950's where I wont be allowed in and I can be waiting in the waiting room with a Cigar and Scotch.

Sadly dont think it is going to happen. Both my wife and I agree that anyone going past the waist is not happening. She said she has heard of people wanting a mirror too. That also is not happening.

Once you're in the room you'll forget that and then one of the nurses will ask you to help with something then wham, you see something that your brain will never let go of...

My wife just had our second last week and I saw the whole thing. For both kids now I've also cut the cord.

The plecenta is a crazy looking thing. I know it's gross but once it's in the pan I can help but look at it.

01-16-2014, 08:47 PM

01-17-2014, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by Kijho

Fuck nearly choked from laughing so hard

pretty much!!! I can honestly say this almost made me fall off my couch with laughter!!!

01-17-2014, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by ekguy

pretty much!!! I can honestly say this almost made me fall off my couch with laughter!!!

I think you need a new couch?

01-17-2014, 12:27 AM
Also, I've heard from my nurse friends, you can rip your vag so hard it will literally connect to your asshole, making what is scientifically known as a "super-hole".

01-17-2014, 06:36 AM
If you ever needed a list of reasons why a super car is a better dw issuing than a child, that is it.

01-17-2014, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by ReflexFX
Also, I've heard from my nurse friends, you can rip your vag so hard it will literally connect to your asshole, making what is scientifically known as a "super-hole".

4th degree tear :eek: not very common

01-17-2014, 09:18 AM
I've got 3 kids, 1 delivered at the Foothills, 2 delivered at home. Childbirth is fucking messy. Witnessing it is very emotional, but I wouldn't call it amazing. I struggle with understanding how people can even contemplate eating the placenta. The placenta is pretty gross - especially when they hold it up, stretch open the membrane and go "your baby was inside here". After the creampuff incident after my last child was born, I can't eat creampuffs anymore because it reminds me of a placenta.

01-17-2014, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by hampstor
I've got 3 kids, 1 delivered at the Foothills, 2 delivered at home. Childbirth is fucking messy. Witnessing it is very emotional, but I wouldn't call it amazing. I struggle with understanding how people can even contemplate eating the placenta. The placenta is pretty gross - especially when they hold it up, stretch open the membrane and go "your baby was inside here". After the creampuff incident after my last child was born, I can't eat creampuffs anymore because it reminds me of a placenta.

What creampuff incident? I wanna hear about this haha.

My wife is the typical tiny Asian broad. Again pregnancy was a mess for her but I don't recall any cream puffing haha.

01-17-2014, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by nickyh
I'd like to know what the fuck the point is in this being posted?

I dont think people who can actually have children go into it knowing it's going to be a hollywood magical story and live happily ever after.

lol I posted it because it was funny, and I figured I would share the story with beyond!

01-17-2014, 12:08 PM
HOLY FFFFFFF!!! My mind is blown right now that eating planceta is a thing people actually do.
And there are chefs who will come to your house and cook your planceta for you... http://lmgtfy.com/?q=eating+placenta

01-17-2014, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by Unknown303

Once you're in the room you'll forget that and then one of the nurses will ask you to help with something then wham, you see something that your brain will never let go of...
First... congratulations!

Second, I have to clean my keyboard & wipe my shirt off because I started laughing at this while drinking coffee..... I SO know what you mean, and I'm sure that anyone that watched their child coming out of mom will never forget that image... I'm pretty sure that series of memories is etched onto the inside of my skull...

01-17-2014, 12:46 PM
I haven't had any kids yet, but I've always been very grateful that my head is at the opposite end of my vagina.

Thomas Gabriel
01-17-2014, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by codetrap
I'm sure that anyone that watched their child coming out of mom will never forget that image... I'm pretty sure that series of memories is etched onto the inside of my skull...

Like bad memories? Does having bad memories of your wife affect your relationship?

I read an article recently where a doctor suggested men shouldn't be in the delivery room. Men being present during childbirth was rare before the 1960s. He claimed many men became scarred and never regain sexual attraction to their wives.


01-17-2014, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by Myrrinda
I haven't had any kids yet, but I've always been very grateful that my head is at the opposite end of my vagina.
This is sooooo true:rofl:
I've given birth and am so glad I didn't have to watch it happen, and that I can't remember a lot of it.

01-17-2014, 01:20 PM
A girlfriend of mine asked me to be in the birthing room with her and her husband. I told her that I would as long as I didn't have to stare at her vag while a baby popped out. Well, where did I get shuffled to?? The motherfuckin vag. Front and center.

Watching that, was enough birth control to last my lifetime.

01-17-2014, 01:35 PM
I watched both my kids being born.

No issues here. Thought it was pretty cool and I was proud of my wife for doing it without any pain killers.

Some of you guys must get light headed putting a raw steak on the grill.

01-17-2014, 06:04 PM
From everything my friends in med love to tell me about child birth, I'm surprised any of them would ever consider kids.

01-17-2014, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by sputnik
I watched both my kids being born.

No issues here. Thought it was pretty cool and I was proud of my wife for doing it without any pain killers.

Some of you guys must get light headed putting a raw steak on the grill.

Who cares if they use pain killers or not? Its not some kind of competition. I personally think its dumb to go through that much pain when there are meds that can make it much more bearable.

01-17-2014, 06:32 PM
I'm in no way offended by gore, I've peeled fat out of my own open wounds before just because it looked fucking rad. That being said, when it was go time for my son I happily walked out of the room and sat in the waiting area, I don't have any interest in seeing that. :dunno:

01-17-2014, 07:42 PM
Both my kids were born in my house. I've seen enough things that I've got fucking PTSD like a goddamned vietnam vet.

01-17-2014, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
I'm in no way offended by gore, I've peeled fat out of my own open wounds before just because it looked fucking rad. That being said, when it was go time for my son I happily walked out of the room and sat in the waiting area, I don't have any interest in seeing that. :dunno:

Real men watch the whole thing. Then a month later or whatever you're supposed to wait you still get rock hard when she takes her clothes off. :bigpimp:

01-17-2014, 07:55 PM
Watched all 3 of ours pop out. First one was a bit of a shock, especially when the head comes out. It almost doesn't look real/possible. The Placenta coming out is pretty nasty too. Never had the urge to eat it though.

We actually had my sister in law record them as my wife wanted to watch it later. :nut:

01-17-2014, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by Unknown303
Real men watch the whole thing.

That's an opinion. :dunno:

01-17-2014, 09:30 PM

01-17-2014, 10:53 PM
Meh. Just went through this 5 days ago for the second time.

01-19-2014, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by BokCh0y

What creampuff incident? I wanna hear about this haha.

My wife is the typical tiny Asian broad. Again pregnancy was a mess for her but I don't recall any cream puffing haha.

The student midwife put the placenta in an old creampuff container and left it in the fridge rather than throwing it out. I guess she figured I was planning on eating it? :barf:

Hampstor went to make beef barley soup the next day and was looking for some leftover roast beef that was also in the fridge, happened upon the creampuff container full of gorey, bloody placenta and well, obviously he's now scarred for life. Then Melinda was kind enough to bring over more creampuffs the next day and when I offered him one, all he could say was "NO! Creampuffs....Equal....PLACENTA!"

What a baby. ;)

01-19-2014, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
I'm in no way offended by gore, I've peeled fat out of my own open wounds before just because it looked fucking rad.
LMAO. I got a little dizzy just reading this :rofl:

.. Mainly because of memories when I cut my thumb open once and saw the fat while blood was pouring out and I had to lay down due to shock haha.

D'z Nutz
01-19-2014, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by abyss

The student midwife put the placenta in an old creampuff container and left it in the fridge rather than throwing it out. I guess she figured I was planning on eating it? :barf:

Hampstor went to make beef barley soup the next day and was looking for some leftover roast beef that was also in the fridge, happened upon the creampuff container full of gorey, bloody placenta and well, obviously he's now scarred for life. Then Melinda was kind enough to bring over more creampuffs the next day and when I offered him one, all he could say was "NO! Creampuffs....Equal....PLACENTA!"

What a baby. ;)
HAHAHA! :rofl:

01-19-2014, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by abyss

The student midwife put the placenta in an old creampuff container and left it in the fridge rather than throwing it out. I guess she figured I was planning on eating it? :barf:

Hampstor went to make beef barley soup the next day and was looking for some leftover roast beef that was also in the fridge, happened upon the creampuff container full of gorey, bloody placenta and well, obviously he's now scarred for life. Then Melinda was kind enough to bring over more creampuffs the next day and when I offered him one, all he could say was "NO! Creampuffs....Equal....PLACENTA!"

What a baby. ;)

BWAHAHAHA :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That is gold, thanks for the 411.

01-23-2014, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by infamous
So to make sure the whole placenta GTFO, they push on your stomach hard. You just finished doing what you assumed was the hard part and suddenly you have someone basically punching you in the stomach and trying to pull out something else, which I should add, is almost the size of a baby itself.

Great post! But slight correction here: I believe they push on your stomach not to make sure it's out, but to stop bleeding. If you think about it, these huge blood vessels were connected to it a few minutes ago delivering enough blood to sustain life.. And now they just break free.

Anyway birthing is one of those things that definitely doesn't look like what's portrayed on TV. All 3 of our kids were delivered at home and I actually delivered our second by myself as she just couldn't wait. For all parents to be, biggest thing you can do is get informed! Learn the birthing process and watch tons of videos. We went through the Bradley courses and when I was done, felt I had so much knowledge I could deliver a kid.. And I did!

01-23-2014, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by clem24
We went through the Bradley courses and when I was done, felt I had so much knowledge I could deliver a kid.. And I did!

+1 for the Bradley Method

02-01-2014, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by abyss

The student midwife put the placenta in an old creampuff container and left it in the fridge rather than throwing it out. I guess she figured I was planning on eating it? :barf:

Hampstor went to make beef barley soup the next day and was looking for some leftover roast beef that was also in the fridge, happened upon the creampuff container full of gorey, bloody placenta and well, obviously he's now scarred for life. Then Melinda was kind enough to bring over more creampuffs the next day and when I offered him one, all he could say was "NO! Creampuffs....Equal....PLACENTA!"

What a baby. ;)

It wasn't the day after, it was 2 hrs after you had the baby that I found a placenta in the fridge in a creampuff container while I was looking for roast beef. :barf:

02-01-2014, 07:31 PM
It kind of looks like a big pile of beef. Or a lung...