View Full Version : Moral Monday protest draws ~100,000....

02-17-2014, 12:59 PM
In North Carolina, protesting the Conservatives attack on everyone but the top "1%".

I didn't see it on Fox news lol. Did they really ignore it??


The day began cold and cloudy, a fitting metaphor for politics in North Carolina last year. Since taking over the legislature in 2010 and the governor’s mansion in 2012, controlling state government for the first time in over a century, North Carolina Republicans eliminated the earned-income tax credit for 900,000 North Carolinians; refused Medicaid coverage for 500,000; ended federal unemployment benefits for 170,000; cut pre-K for 30,000 kids while shifting $90 million from public education to voucher schools; slashed taxes for the top five percent while raising taxes on the bottom 95 percent; axed public financing of judicial races; prohibited death row inmates from challenging racially discriminatory verdicts; passed one of the country’s most draconian anti-choice laws; and enacted the country’s worst voter suppression law, which mandates strict voter ID, cuts early voting and eliminates same-day registration, among other things.

The fierce reaction against these policies led to the Moral Monday movement, when nearly 1,000 activists were arrested for nonviolent civil disobedience inside the North Carolina General Assembly. Rallies were held in more than 30 cities across the state and the approval ratings of North Carolina Republicans fell into the toilet. Sample signs at Saturday’s rally: “OMG, GOP, WTF. It’s 2014, not 1954!!!” “Welcome to North Carolina. Turn Your Watch Back 50 Years!” (See my Twitter feed for photos of the rally.)

02-17-2014, 01:22 PM
Gotta take away some freedoms to pay off the massive free beer tab the US has accumulated over the last 40 years or so.

I'd suggest a minimum $1,500 fine for running a red light. Raising the US mail stamp cost from $0.43 to $1 will also encourage efficiency. Taxing food and eliminating the food stamp program will also increase revenue (like the way we tax food in Canada, but instead of 5% I'd suggest a 15% food tax in the US)

They should also be confiscating excessive copper bullet hoarding, and recasting them back into pennies or into electrical wiring so that cities in the US will not have to go without electricity this summer.

Freedom to not pay people back money you owe, isn't what the founding fathers had in mind. Sacrifices must be made, no more fatties... no more fatties.

Whip those americans back into shape :whipped: