View Full Version : looking for traffic ticket lawyer recommendation

02-18-2014, 11:01 AM
Hi all, I acquired my first ever (and hopefully last) speeding ticket over the weekend and I was wondering if any of you can recommend a good lawyer to represent me.

Got ticketed for 153km on Stony Trail, so mandatory court appearance in April is what is written on my ticket.

I was looking into Points, THE TRAFFIC TICKET PEOPLE and a1 traffic ticket defense.


02-18-2014, 11:10 AM

02-18-2014, 11:33 AM
153kph on Stony, another member got caught doing 150+kph out near Banff-Lake Louise - why are people speeding this fast on highways where it is quite well known that there is active enforcement present at many times of the day and night? That said, and I'm not necessarily condoning this, there are secondary highways where one can let it out with quite a bit less fear of being nabbed - nice two laners with good pavement/sight lines that are 30 minutes or so out from Calgary.

02-18-2014, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis

I went thru the whole thread earlier and just saw that the OP went with points and another member said points is not worth it. Tried search function but no real recommendations or reviews. Just 2 people saying that they used points. :dunno:

Originally posted by speedog
153kph on Stony, another member got caught doing 150+kph out near Banff-Lake Louise - why are people speeding this fast on highways where it is quite well known that there is active enforcement present at many times of the day and night? That said, and I'm not necessarily condoning this, there are secondary highways where one can let it out with quite a bit less fear of being nabbed - nice two laners with good pavement/sight lines that are 30 minutes or so out from Calgary.

I usually never exceed the speed limited but I was in a "crappy" situation (pun intended) at 1am when the old guts started rumbling and I got a "little" agitated to get home hence my first traffic offence in 12 years of driving.

crappy deal but now I get to deal with my actions and hope that one of these traffic guys can soften the blow for me :dunno:

02-18-2014, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by Proyecto2000

I usually never exceed the speed limited but I was in a "crappy" situation (pun intended) at 1am when the old guts started rumbling and I got a "little" agitated to get home hence my first traffic offence in 12 years of driving.

crappy deal but now I get to deal with my actions and hope that one of these traffic guys can soften the blow for me :dunno:

I have always wondered, if you got pulled over because you were claiming your bowels were not happy, and then while pulled over you ended up shitting your pants what the cops would do.......

02-18-2014, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by triplep

I have always wondered, if you got pulled over because you were claiming your bowels were not happy, and then while pulled over you ended up shitting your pants what the cops would do.......


02-18-2014, 12:35 PM
Yea it's gonna be a pricey one dude. Probably cost you around $600 from Pointts and you will get let off with an equivalent fine ($600 and have to take the defensive drivers course ($100), ticket reduce to 4 demerits but you get a 3 demerit credit if you do the defensive drivers. So 1 demerit. Not bad not bad. Just don't get caught again within the next two years cause next fine is gonna be triple lol :eek: and 4 or 6 demerits. :eek:

Was it radar or laser? Wouldn't hurt to get a detector. it'll at least allow you to speed a bit more comfortably next time. :D

02-18-2014, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by triplep

I have always wondered, if you got pulled over because you were claiming your bowels were not happy, and then while pulled over you ended up shitting your pants what the cops would do.......

Well the officer that stopped me was nice enough to have me back on the road in about 3 minutes so I made it home just in time. :thumbsup:

Originally posted by max_boost
Yea it's gonna be a pricey one dude. Probably cost you around $600 from Pointts and you will get let off with an equivalent fine ($600 and have to take the defensive drivers course ($100), ticket reduce to 4 demerits but you get a 3 demerit credit if you do the defensive drivers. So 1 demerit. Not bad not bad. Just don't get caught again within the next two years cause next fine is gonna be triple lol :eek: and 4 or 6 demerits. :eek:

Was it radar or laser? Wouldn't hurt to get a detector. it'll at least allow you to speed a bit more comfortably next time. :D

Thanks max_boost, I will get on the phone in abit and do the phone consult with Points then. He wrote down radar on the ticket but in all honesty I am better off not putting my foot down. I don't want to mess around with the nice low insurance rate that Masked_Bandit has me on :)

02-18-2014, 01:06 PM
As I wrote in the other thread, you can usually get the same deal as POINTTS could get you, and save their fee.

Just go to court and speak to the traffic prosecutor - tell him your story about your bowels - but make it clear that's just an explanation, not an excuse. You agree that you're guilty and just want to see if you can work out some reduction of the penalty in exchange for a guilty plea.

At minimum, they will drop the speed to just 50 over, which will not get you suspended and take it down from 6 demerits to 4 demerits. If they're in a good mood they might even let you plead to 30 kph over, which is only 3 demerits and a hell of a lot cheaper.

02-18-2014, 01:10 PM
blah 150 in a modern day car on a straight away in good weather and minimal traffic is nothing.

circumstances my friend. if you were doing 150 on a congested rush hour evening then you are a dick.

Speed safely my friend. speed doesn't kill. doing stupid shit while speeding, kills.

02-18-2014, 01:15 PM
Rob Gregory Ticket Office

02-18-2014, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Proyecto2000
Well the officer that stopped me was nice enough to have me back on the road in about 3 minutes so I made it home just in time. :thumbsup:
The time you spent speeding before you got caught plus the 3 minutes you were stopped would've probably easily gotten you to an exit where there was either a Mac's or 7-Eleven convenience store - thus be very careful how you word your story to the traffic prosecutor. The exception might be the extreme NE of the ring road but 3 minutes wouldn't have gotten you home from that part of the ring road either unless you're living in Skyview Ranch and there's probably a 24 hour convenience store/gas station there as well.

02-18-2014, 01:59 PM
If you have a perfectly clean driving record over the last 12 years, there is a darn good chance you can get that reduced. I use Nadeau and Associates to represent me and I can't say enough about them. Way better priced than points and the results are the same. I have never had to have them look at an excessive speed before, but it would be worth talking to them. My last ticket was 2/3 years ago for doing around 20 over (around the corner of the exit from stoney onto Center Street North. I was speeding up from the lights at the corner to the 80KPH zone a couple hundred meters too soon apparently. Watch that spot... They are there often I see now) and he got all the points dropped and I just paid the fine. I had the option to keep the points and pay the fine or reduce both by some but not all. I was quite surprised as I was always told that they didn't remove all the points anymore but he was able to swing it...

When all is said and done, slow down and save yourself the future headaches...

02-18-2014, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by speedog
153kph on Stony, another member got caught doing 150+kph out near Banff-Lake Louise - why are people speeding this fast on highways where it is quite well known that there is active enforcement present at many times of the day and night? That said, and I'm not necessarily condoning this, there are secondary highways where one can let it out with quite a bit less fear of being nabbed - nice two laners with good pavement/sight lines that are 30 minutes or so out from Calgary.

That uphill stretch on Stoney from bow river up to Sarcee is so inviting for speed.

02-18-2014, 02:45 PM
I got a $402 careless driving ticket which was complete bullshit and POINTTS charged me over $500 to fight it. Then they tried to convince me to take a $118 lesser charge after he went to court for me and got mad at me when I declined. Now I have to go to court myself in a month to fight it, so you might as well just get a lawyer yourself.

02-18-2014, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by tirebob
If you have a perfectly clean driving record over the last 12 years, there is a darn good chance you can get that reduced. I use Nadeau and Associates to represent me and I can't say enough about them.

Used them as well just this past fall, mind you I'm told you can represent yourself just the same these guys know the people down there and get great reductions if your record is relatively clean. My fine was reduced from 280 to 115 and from 3 points to 1.

Give them a call, they can tell you what they can do for you over the phone if anything.

02-18-2014, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema

That uphill stretch on Stoney from bow river up to Sarcee is so inviting for speed.

the entire road is designed for 140 km/h i believe but yes that particular stretch, in anything with a bit of pull, will easily get you to 130+ without breaking a sweat.

i honestly think the 100 km/h speed limit is much to low. it should be 110 in the right, 120-30 in the left, but thats my opinion

02-18-2014, 03:24 PM
I've used Nadeau & Associates for minor tickets in the past and highly recommend them.

For a recent "major" charge, I went with POINTTS and not only was the price absurd, "working" with them has been an absolute shitshow. I'll write up a full review once it's all over, but seriously save yourself the hassle...

02-18-2014, 04:25 PM
thanks Guys, I am stopping by Nadeau & Associates after work tomorrow to see what can be done.

02-18-2014, 05:43 PM
if this is your first ticket ever you can def handle this on your own, 99.9% you will at least manage to change it into a yellow ticket