View Full Version : Should I get a body armor permit?

02-21-2014, 12:02 AM

Whaddya think? Is it worth the $50 per year.

I still think that someday, Rob Anders is going to wake up with a Putin complex and go postal on everyone with a french accent, or caught wearing a toque.

02-21-2014, 12:11 AM
I'm not sure if your tinfoil hat technically qualifies as body armour. Maybe if you were to make a suit out of nickels. :thumbsup:

02-21-2014, 12:21 AM
Not too far off:

Tinfoil hat would protect against radiation (microwaves, gamma rays) Its perhaps more important than bullet resistant armor (nickel and kevlar armor)

I'd assume a coat made of kevlar with a foam backing would be considered armor, but I'm not to sure if a radiation suit would be considered armor (I'm assuming it would)

There were quite a few coats made back in the early days of cellphones where they had a specially lined pocket that you could use that would reflect the radiation away from the body. Nowadays, nobody cares.


Nice tape on the feet.

BTW: As for "reason" I wonder if they will reject me if I put "Because I think Rob Anders is going to go postal."

This might be fun.

02-21-2014, 12:27 AM
I think you should get a firearms licence and kill two birds with one nickel.

02-21-2014, 09:19 AM
You need a permit? Oops!

02-21-2014, 09:20 AM
Do they offer a straight jacket permit? I'll pitch in if you want.

02-21-2014, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by Tomaz
You need a permit?

How else will the government know you're a danger to society?

02-21-2014, 10:08 AM
I do have several welding shirts, which are flame resistant. I tend to not wear them because their efficacy diminishes with each wash.

Technically, that is pretty much armor against the most common type of munition used by the masses, the molotov cocktail (next to stones that is)

But it would also fall under "safety equipment", as well as the one in a million chance that one might have to rescue someone from a burning building.

I figure a welding jacket with a kevlar overcoat is probably the most useful piece of armor that a person in Canada could have. Warm thick leather to protect against cold, and fire resistant on the off chance of some sort of fiery conflagration. Metal sucks here, as all it does is get ice cold.

Tinfoil liner or at least a pocket is a useful idea. That would protect sensitive electronic devices from being destroyed in a EMP bomb.

Far more important is probably a radiation sealed wallet (so that your personal information cannot be stolen remotely)

While welding jackets and shirts are readily available, I do have great difficulty finding welding pants... Only aprons.

Canada: Where prostitution is legal, but I can't wear a kevlar vest to protect against a psycho knifer looking to eat my liver.


02-21-2014, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok
How else will the government know you're a danger to society?

Yes, yes...

:werd: Happy face protestors :drama:

02-21-2014, 11:42 AM
A kevlar vest isn't the best option to defeat your "psycho knifer" to begin with.

The same armor rated to stop high velocity impacts in the 2, 2a, 3, and maybe even 3a rating can be defeated by all kinds of stabbing weapons, there is even some carbon fiber ice pick like designs specifically made to defeat bullet resistant body armor.

They do make slash and stab resistant vests specifically for defeating edged and stabbing weapons, but it's rare to find a vest that does both slash/stab and high velocity impacts. They do exist, but are uncommon. Soft armor will offer some protection vs slashes, and even stabs, but a determined attack with the proper tool can and will defeat it.

Also, unless you get ceramic plate armor, you're still vulnerable to most rifle fire out there even with a 3a level vest. The Shooting Edge sold some 75gr 9mm frangible ammo back in 2003 or so that was going 1600fps and then some. We hung some old 2a and 3 level panels up. That round would go through two panels of either of those, so be aware, there is even pistol ammunition that will defeat soft body armor around, even in common calibers.

A PAL license gives you a legal reason to own body armor as well, and it's probably easier to just get that IMO if you're wanting armor of some kind.

02-21-2014, 11:52 AM
So someone with a (R)PAL wouldn't need this license as they are under the exempt section... sweet!

02-21-2014, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps

Whaddya think? Is it worth the $50 per year.

I still think that someday, Rob Anders is going to wake up with a Putin complex and go postal on everyone with a french accent, or caught wearing a toque.

I think he would threaten rage2/kenny etc. to out you. Would the real ZenOps plz stand up!

02-21-2014, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by max_boost

I think he would threaten rage2/kenny etc. to out you. Would the real ZenOps plz stand up!

I think ZenOps really is Rob Anders, posing as being anti-Anders, to make anyone against him look like nutjobs.

02-21-2014, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok
I think ZenOps really is Rob Anders, posing as being anti-Anders, to make anyone against him look like nutjobs.

Or Rob Anders could have hacked my account login and is pretending to be me, pretending to be anti-Anders.

Now theres a conspiracy.

I hate Rob Anders in real life, but hes sort of like Donald Trump. You can hate the man, but respect their pure evil ability to undermine confidence, upstanding behaviour and nobility - and bring the world to the brink of extreme intolerance and Armageddon.

Politics is one of those rare professions where the ugliest of human traits can be used to advantage. In that way, I love Rob Anders - I love you man.

Terrorists all.

02-21-2014, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis
I think you should get a firearms licence and kill two birds with one nickel.


Get some level 4 plates

02-21-2014, 11:01 PM

02-21-2014, 11:39 PM
It's part and parcel of the anti-gang strategy, and they do a lot of things that are quasi-legal other than the body armor restrictions. Removing people who have been determined to be known associates, friends, even family of organized criminals on "the list" are often removed from pubs and bars, even restaurants, by the anti gang task force, often without the request or cooperation of the establishment. The task force officers will often detain people without cause, other than suspicion of "knowing" a "known" person, and take their photograph and even DNA sample without a warrant or permission.

I am not defending organized crime people in any way shape or form, however the government has enacted restrictions that can and do affect the rest of us in the prosecution of their war against them. Initially the body armor control act was going to apply to everyone, unless you were in a business that required it, and a PAL wouldn't qualify. After a few weeks of getting hundreds if not thousands of calls from shooters who use them for safety reasons on the range, or even just own armor for a huge variety of reasons, they back peddled and decided a PAL license was "good enough", as typically their target audience, the "organized criminal", won't get a PAL application through the background checks anyway.