View Full Version : Commuting from Cochrane

02-24-2014, 09:08 AM
Well after a great battle with the wife, we are moving to cochrane for my job in calgary. With that, as i have learned to accept, i will have quite a commute on my hands. I am wondering what my best options are for getting to work.

My first plan was to park and ride but i am #1284 on the waiting list for a reserved spot at the crowfoot station. So until i can nab a spot, what time would i need to be there to park free?

My second plan was to get a parking spot down town but the idea of letting the LRT do the most of commute plus the $700 per month parking fee kinda puts kinks into that one.

They do have a commuter from Cochrane to downtown which is something that is attractive but i want to get into the swing of things before i commit myself to the fixed pick up times with the commuter. If i miss the bus, i'm SOL.

So what do you guys think would be the best way? Ultimately living closer would have been the best option but i had to compromise with the mrs as she has a bunch of family in cochrane and its less of a shock from her coming from medicine hat.

Any advice would be very appreciated!

02-24-2014, 09:15 AM
You could also try taking the west lrt and parking in the parking lot, it requires payment from 2-10 am but the parking enforcement never checks the parking lot

02-24-2014, 09:19 AM
The Rock Ridge/Tuscany station should open this summer, keep your eyes on that. In the mean time, may be park somewhere residential and catch a connector bus to the train station?

02-24-2014, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by Skidro
You could also try taking the west lrt and parking in the parking lot, it requires payment from 2-10 am but the parking enforcement never checks the parking lot

:werd: I find the 69th ST train to be better. Less crowded, that's for sure, and if you get to the parkade before 7, you'll probably find a parking spot. That's what I used to do when I was on that side of town.

02-24-2014, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by spike98

My first plan was to park and ride but i am #1284 on the waiting list for a reserved spot at the crowfoot station. So until i can nab a spot, what time would i need to be there to park free?

Start work early and you can still park at Crowfoot for free.

Or you could try Brentwood. That what I did when I was right downtown.

There are also lots downtown in the $300-$400 range if you don't mind walking a few blocks, depending on where you work.

02-24-2014, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by klumsy_tumbler

:werd: I find the 69th ST train to be better. Less crowded, that's for sure, and if you get to the parkade before 7, you'll probably find a parking spot. That's what I used to do when I was on that side of town.

That sounds like the best way to handle this. I would leave cochrane at 6:30 and be downtown by 7:30. Much better than having to be at the crowfoot lrt by 6:15.

Originally posted by CapnCrunch

Start work early and you can still park at Crowfoot for free.

Or you could try Brentwood. That what I did when I was right downtown.

There are also lots downtown in the $300-$400 range if you don't mind walking a few blocks, depending on where you work.

Starting early is an option but i need to get into the swing of things before i can decide if its appropriate given the work environment. The hours i think are flexable but i don't want it to impact my performance or perception within the company. No one wants to be "that guy leaving at 2:30 every day"

02-24-2014, 10:37 AM
Take the cochrane commuter bus, it will be the most direct and easiest. If by chance you miss it, drive.

02-24-2014, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by spike98

That sounds like the best way to handle this. I would leave cochrane at 6:30 and be downtown by 7:30. Much better than having to be at the crowfoot lrt by 6:15.

Starting early is an option but i need to get into the swing of things before i can decide if its appropriate given the work environment. The hours i think are flexable but i don't want it to impact my performance or perception within the company. No one wants to be "that guy leaving at 2:30 every day"

I wasn't thinking that extreme, but most places won't even bat an eye if you want to start at 7 and leave at 4.

I haven't taken the train in a while, but if you show up at the Brentwood lot for 6:15, I'd think you could still get into the free parking lot. It's only a 3 or 4 minutes drive from the Crowfoot station at that time of day.

02-24-2014, 11:01 AM
I've been told that the McMahon (Banff Trail) park and ride is usually the least full since it's still a paid lot. I'm not 100% sure on this information, but I'm sure some of you can correct me if I'm wrong. but it's on the way into downtown and straight down Crowchild. At 6:30, it probably wouldn't take you more than half an hour to get there from Cochrane. I live in Rocky Ridge (practically Cochrane) and it only takes me about 20 minutes during rush hour to get to that area.

02-24-2014, 11:23 AM
I have always assumed that the people that park at the H1 petro can overpass are carpooling into town from Cochrane? Anyone you can carpool with?

02-24-2014, 11:49 AM
I live in Cochrane and work DT.

I have parking DT so I drive straight in but my GF works later then I do so we don't go in together. She parks at the Bow Valley Christian Church in Varsity. The church charges $50month and its right next to the station. http://www.bvccweb.ca/index.php/contact

One of my backup plans if I ever lose my parking was to park in Bowness and take the BRT 305 bus into the core. Once the Stoney interchange is done this should be easier than taking Nose Hill. (This bus starts at COP and goes into Bowness then DT) So you could park at COP but I don't know the rules or any fees for parking there.


The Lady next door takes the commuter bus and loves it. (They drink on Fridays on the way home) The only downside is the early hours and depending where you live the late drop off times. And if you miss the last one out then you can always take the train to Crowfoot and get picked up from there. Also heard the bus has WiFi.

I drive the 1A/Crowfoot to Memorial then go under the Centre street bridge. Takes me anywhere from 45min to an hour but if it snows I head down to Bowness and take that all the way to Memorial. This morning took over an hour due to the water main break at the bridge. (This backed up 10st as well)

02-24-2014, 01:05 PM
AFAIK there will not be direct access from the 1A to the new Tuscany/Rocky Ridge LRT...unless you get on Stoney and loop all the way around. On the plus side, once it opens it 'should' relieve some of the congestion from Crowfoot so getting a spot before 7:00 won't be such a hassle.

Otherwise, as suggested Brentwood usually has a bunch of free spots between 6:30 and 7:00. The bus service from Cochrane is ~$250/mo...it costs me less than that for gas and a transit pass otherwise I would have looked into it myself.

ALSO, if you can start earlier you won't regret it. The Ctrain is a disaster after 7am and 4pm and even the commute on the 1A is much more hectic.

02-24-2014, 01:18 PM
Some would consider this weather dependent.

Park and Bike from Home road or Edworthy using the Bow MUP.
Park and Bike sites are free.
Easy down hill ride all the way to downtown, slight grade to climb returning to the car at the end of the day.

02-24-2014, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by darthVWader
I live in Cochrane and work DT.

I have parking DT so I drive straight in but my GF works later then I do so we don't go in together. She parks at the Bow Valley Christian Church in Varsity. The church charges $50month and its right next to the station. http://www.bvccweb.ca/index.php/contact

One of my backup plans if I ever lose my parking was to park in Bowness and take the BRT 305 bus into the core. Once the Stoney interchange is done this should be easier than taking Nose Hill. (This bus starts at COP and goes into Bowness then DT) So you could park at COP but I don't know the rules or any fees for parking there.


The Lady next door takes the commuter bus and loves it. (They drink on Fridays on the way home) The only downside is the early hours and depending where you live the late drop off times. And if you miss the last one out then you can always take the train to Crowfoot and get picked up from there. Also heard the bus has WiFi.

I drive the 1A/Crowfoot to Memorial then go under the Centre street bridge. Takes me anywhere from 45min to an hour but if it snows I head down to Bowness and take that all the way to Memorial. This morning took over an hour due to the water main break at the bridge. (This backed up 10st as well)

Finding a spot downtown for parking shouldn't be much of a hassle. There is a bunch on kijiji and a $390/month impark lot right beside where i am working (livingston place). I would just prefer to have half of the commute for me to start emails, work, ect.

The bus should work out nice i think. Living in sunset it will be 6:15am pickup and 5:45 drop off. Not toooo bad i suppose, especially with drinks on friday haha.

Ill look into the bowvalley church, thats a good lead.

Originally posted by stephen_haxton
AFAIK there will not be direct access from the 1A to the new Tuscany/Rocky Ridge LRT...unless you get on Stoney and loop all the way around. On the plus side, once it opens it 'should' relieve some of the congestion from Crowfoot so getting a spot before 7:00 won't be such a hassle.

Otherwise, as suggested Brentwood usually has a bunch of free spots between 6:30 and 7:00. The bus service from Cochrane is ~$250/mo...it costs me less than that for gas and a transit pass otherwise I would have looked into it myself.

ALSO, if you can start earlier you won't regret it. The Ctrain is a disaster after 7am and 4pm and even the commute on the 1A is much more hectic.

There is actually 36 reserved spots in brentwood available. This might be a much better option until i get into the swing of things.

02-24-2014, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by Myrrinda
I've been told that the McMahon (Banff Trail) park and ride is usually the least full since it's still a paid lot. I'm not 100% sure on this information, but I'm sure some of you can correct me if I'm wrong. but it's on the way into downtown and straight down Crowchild. At 6:30, it probably wouldn't take you more than half an hour to get there from Cochrane. I live in Rocky Ridge (practically Cochrane) and it only takes me about 20 minutes during rush hour to get to that area.

One of the guys that works under me, this is exactly what he does.

He said he leaves Cochrane at 630, drives to McMahon and parks there. Takes the train from there to DT and is at work say roughly 730, maybe 735am. Roughly 1 hour commute, but can do it in 45 minutes pending traffic.

02-24-2014, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1
I have always assumed that the people that park at the H1 petro can overpass are carpooling into town from Cochrane? Anyone you can carpool with?

I believe most are heading west, not into the city.

02-24-2014, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by spike98
Well after a great battle with the wife, we are moving to cochrane for my job in calgary. With that, as i have learned to accept, i will have quite a commute on my hands. I am wondering what my best options are for getting to work.

huh? you make the money so why don't you tell her to suck it and live where you want to live?

02-24-2014, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by M.alex

huh? you make the money so why don't you tell her to suck it and live where you want to live?

I am uprooting her from the only place she has ever known in pursuit of furthering my career. Seems pretty reasonable to compromise. Its also a beautiful place to live, offers more house for our budget, is a great atmosphere for our kid, and is hopefully clear of assholes such as yourself.

Back on topic...

I reserved a spot at the brentwood stations for march first. I think that would be the best bet for getting to work until i get into the swing of things and feel out the acceptable hours to be at the office. Then i might switch to the commuter. It's appealing to just sit and relax, watch netflix, or start the days work while humming along stress free in a nice comfy bus. The longerish days may pose a problem but i should be out of the house by 6:15am and back at home by 5:45pm. Not too bad considering.

I appreciate the feedback so far and have a lot of backup plans and ideas should i have any hiccups. Thanks guys!

02-24-2014, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by spike98

I am uprooting her from the only place she has ever known in pursuit of furthering my career. Seems pretty reasonable to compromise. Its also a beautiful place to live, offers more house for our budget, is a great atmosphere for our kid, and is hopefully clear of assholes such as yourself.

well put sir, well put. :clap: :werd: :rofl:

02-24-2014, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by stephen_haxton
AFAIK there will not be direct access from the 1A to the new Tuscany/Rocky Ridge LRT...unless you get on Stoney and loop all the way around. On the plus side, once it opens it 'should' relieve some of the congestion from Crowfoot so getting a spot before 7:00 won't be such a hassle.

I don't know what the city was smoking when they decided that. The more cars they can keep off crowchild the better.

02-24-2014, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by J-D
I don't know what the city was smoking when they decided that. The more cars they can keep off crowchild the better.
It's a big FU to Cochranites. Keep the lots and station purely for Tuscany and RR residents, forces Cochrane residents to drive further and use Crowfoot.

It's funny when the RR access to Crowchild was cut off, how many pissed off residents there were bitching about it. I'll bet they're happy now that the new station won't be a traffic nightmare for the residents nearby.

02-24-2014, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by rage2

It's a big FU to Cochranites. Keep the lots and station purely for Tuscany and RR residents, forces Cochrane residents to drive further and use Crowfoot.

It's funny when the RR access to Crowchild was cut off, how many pissed off residents there were bitching about it. I'll bet they're happy now that the new station won't be a traffic nightmare for the residents nearby.
Wont people just cut into Rocky ridge and Tuscany from 12 mile coulee and cause more residential traffic ?

02-24-2014, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by rage2

It's a big FU to Cochranites. Keep the lots and station purely for Tuscany and RR residents, forces Cochrane residents to drive further and use Crowfoot.

It's funny when the RR access to Crowchild was cut off, how many pissed off residents there were bitching about it. I'll bet they're happy now that the new station won't be a traffic nightmare for the residents nearby.

It kind of screws over some Calgarians in the process though. Maybe my thought process is different than most people, but the smallest inconvenience between park-and-ride and the train versus just driving downtown will completely shift what I choose for transportation. Probably why I just drive downtown every day even though I'm not a beyond baller :rofl:

02-24-2014, 10:36 PM
Would people really drive from their houses in RR or Tuscany to the station parking lot and park it there? That's like a minute drive, just curious. :nut:

02-25-2014, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by RX-7_TWINTURBO

Wont people just cut into Rocky ridge and Tuscany from 12 mile coulee and cause more residential traffic ?

It's probably quicker to just drive to Crowfoot/ Dalhousie than wind through the subdivisions.

02-25-2014, 08:02 AM
Originally posted by lilmira
Would people really drive from their houses in RR or Tuscany to the station parking lot and park it there? That's like a minute drive, just curious. :nut:

One minute drive or 5 minutes waiting for a 10 minute bus ride. :dunno:

02-25-2014, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by CapnCrunch

One minute drive or 5 minutes waiting for a 10 minute bus ride. :dunno:

Isn't that really bad to a car? I guess most people couldn't care less lol.

02-25-2014, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by lilmira
Would people really drive from their houses in RR or Tuscany to the station parking lot and park it there? That's like a minute drive, just curious. :nut:
I'm sure they'll bike there. Or are there no bike lanes in RR/Tuscany?

02-25-2014, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by rage2

I'm sure they'll bike there. Or are there no bike lanes in RR/Tuscany?

I'll likely bike or walk once it opens, but I live really close to the station.

As far as people driving through the neighbourhood to park there, it's going to be really inconvenient compared to Crowfoot. People will do it if they're more likely to get a spot, I'm sure, but it's an extra 10 minute drive to get from the station to Stoney or Crowchild. Once they took that road out, it increased my commute, and it's made it a bit of a pain in the ass to get out of the neighbourhood. Especially during school bus hours. I'm actually looking forward to the train going in just so I don't have to deal with that nonsense anymore.

02-25-2014, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by lilmira

Isn't that really bad to a car? I guess most people couldn't care less lol.

It isn't the best way to treat a car, thats for sure. But if you save $400 a month parking downtown and cut your gas bill by 3/4, does it really matter?

02-25-2014, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by rage2

I'm sure they'll bike there. Or are there no bike lanes in RR/Tuscany?

Don't give city council any ideas :guns: