View Full Version : Witness - March 18 University Dr x 16 Ave NW

03-19-2014, 02:23 PM
Any witnesses? Yesterday....

I was at a full stop at the Yield sign getting on 16th Ave W from University Dr N (constant heavy volume) . After a gap of about 5 secods, I heard a car's brakes, looked into my rearview mirror and saw a White truck swerving to the left , got on the embankment and then his front right bumper hit the rear left side of my car just above the tire. I noticed dents and scratches on my car but no noticable damage to his vehicle. We started exchanging some insurance information, but the traffic was getting backed up and we were being honked at. I suggested we pull over into a parking lot so we both drove to the parking lot behind the Keg on Uxbridge Dr NW where we exchanged more insurance information and I took more photos of the damage.
I took photos of the damage but not where his truck ended up. And I didnt note down any witnesses....I thought it was going to be a straight forward rear-ending claim but now his insurance company claims I fishtailed and am at 50% fault!??


03-19-2014, 09:41 PM
Are you sure you didn't start to go and then stop again? That's such a common accident scenario at a yeild.

Still, if he rear ended you, he is 100 percent at fault. That's so stupid they are trying to put it on you. Do you have comprehensive insurance? Have your insurance help you.

03-19-2014, 10:25 PM

03-19-2014, 10:44 PM
Oh this was at 7.35 am yesterday.

Originally posted by JustinMCS
Are you sure you didn't start to go and then stop again? That's such a common accident scenario at a yeild.

Still, if he rear ended you, he is 100 percent at fault. That's so stupid they are trying to put it on you. Do you have comprehensive insurance? Have your insurance help you.

No, I was at a complete stop. He swerved to the left to avoid the collision but then I guess he was skidding of the road so he over corrected and hit more on the side than directly behind. I figured this would still be considered a rearending accident.
I have 3rd party insurance on this vehicle so I will have to deal directly with his insurance. My insurance adjuster basically informed me that they are saying it's a 50% fault.... which is total bull.

03-19-2014, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by k1l4m
Did you go file a police report?

You said you took more photos after you moved your car, so you should have some photos showing what/where/how it happened prior to moving it?

I just took multiple shots of the actual damage, not the position of the cars after the accident. My first vehicle collision so I wasnt thinking straight. Shouldve taken photo of position of cars and gone and spoken to drivers behind us to witness. But I still thought this would be a simple rear ending case on a 1 Lane ramp.

I did goto police station but they wouldn't take a report till the damage is assessed to be over $2000 so I have to wait till I get it checked at a shop.