View Full Version : CBC: Foreign workers have better work ethic

04-08-2014, 02:04 PM
No surprise - maybe this is why many prefer Japanese branded vehicles made in Japan over North America..


"I can tell you, anecdotally, I’ve had many many emails from small business owners who’ve said that their temporary foreign workers are among the most productive employees, that are doing really high quality work, that have terrific customer service skills and, more than anything, are reliable," Dan Kelly said in a phone interview with CBC News.


04-08-2014, 02:05 PM
why is the picture not showing up? is it because there are two jpg's names in the url?

04-08-2014, 02:12 PM
lemme try


04-08-2014, 02:16 PM
Hi, am erectrician from chrina and i prull d' cabrel.

rocal 4 2 4. prull d' cabrel.

Foreign workers are among the LEAST productive on my jobsites (aside from the irish), and half the time fake their qualifications to get on in the first place.

04-08-2014, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by AudiPWR
and half the time fake their qualifications to get on in the first place.

Yeah. Especially in the engineering field. So many paper P.Eng that knows dick all.

That said, I can understand that some migrant workers work harder because they have something to lose (or gain for PR) where local native become a bit entitled.

04-08-2014, 02:40 PM
The flips at my local timmys are excellent. That about concludes my experiences with TFWs.

04-08-2014, 04:16 PM
I think it makes sense.

TFW with no skills - harder working than your typical entitled Canadian worker with no skills. I believe this 100%.

TFW with skills - group doesn't really exist because they lied about their qualifications so they really belong in the first group.

/end thread

LOL on that note, I do agree that Phillipinos make great workers - they are polite, fast and have a good grasp of English. But go to a Timmies with EI's and it's hell - I don't understand them, and they don't understand me. Not to mention they're not exactly polite..

04-08-2014, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by clem24
LOL on that note, I do agree that Phillipinos make great workers - they are polite, fast and have a good grasp of English. But go to a Timmies with EI's and it's hell - I don't understand them, and they don't understand me. Not to mention they're not exactly polite..

You are not the only one who notices this.....


04-08-2014, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by clem24

LOL on that note, I do agree that Phillipinos make great workers - they are polite, fast and have a good grasp of English. But go to a Timmies with EI's and it's hell - I don't understand them, and they don't understand me. Not to mention they're not exactly polite..

This is so true especially when I am on the phone all the time.

04-08-2014, 05:10 PM
Philippinos do make great workers. When I was fresh out of high school I worked at a car wash detailing cars. There were these two older Philips there. We used to hate them because they made us look bad. :nut: These dudes would work hard. One of them spent his lunch collecting all our bottles, every dime counts. Their wives worked, kids worked, and their families all pooled their cash together enough that one of them was able to buy, in cash, a new CRV. While making 7 bucks an hour.

In an office situation the language barrier gets in the way, depending on the role. If its just "design this based on these as-builds" heavy ESL foreign workers are really productive. But if they need to collaborate to actually design something or troubleshoot the communication issue makes it difficult no matter how hard they work. Worst issue is the constant nodding and agreeing then coming back later to disagree once they understand. Its not a region thing or anything. Just how it is. When I travel and can't understand somebody I smile and nod too.

From my experience South Americans with the proper knowledge and language skills make wicked collaborators/workers. I think they benefit from coming from a place that has the money to use current technology along side ancient infrastructure. So they learn to overcome 3rd world obstacles using 1st world design that's not always abundantly available. Makes them good out of the box thinkers while still having experience with modern tech.

04-08-2014, 05:22 PM
The other day I was on site doing some commissioning work of one of our specialty products.

Enter a FOB asian electrician dealing with a FOB EI engineer :banghead:

Each one can't understand the other, and the EI is extremely aggressive/rude/blunt/demanding about everything. Got nowhere for hours :nut:

04-08-2014, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by AudiPWR
Hi, am erectrician from chrina and i prull d' cabrel.

rocal 4 2 4. prull d' cabrel.

Foreign workers are among the LEAST productive on my jobsites (aside from the irish), and half the time fake their qualifications to get on in the first place.

I seem to remember hearing about a group of nine or so TFWs trying to get though a site orientation on one J-Man ticket. They were "electricians" so it would have been 424 lol. Needless to say, the RCMP got called lol.

04-09-2014, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by frizzlefry
From my experience South Americans with the proper knowledge and language skills make wicked collaborators/workers.


04-09-2014, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by thetransporter
I can tell you, anecdotally, I’ve had many many emails from small business owners who’ve said that their temporary foreign workers ...... have terrific customer service skills

Where the hell is this guy from? Foreign workers have the worst customer service skills, has anyone ever called technical support overseas and thought, "Wow, that person truly understood my problem and seemed genuinely concerned with providing a solution." More like, "This question is too hard, I'm going to put this guy on hold, then hang up, pretending we got accidentally disconnected so I can get to the next call."

04-09-2014, 05:54 AM
Originally posted by FraserB

I seem to remember hearing about a group of nine or so TFWs trying to get though a site orientation on one J-Man ticket. They were "electricians" so it would have been 424 lol. Needless to say, the RCMP got called lol.

Wouldn't have done much the government and hall protects them. All the ones who were busted (and there's hundreds) were given a equivalency test. And if they bombed it the worst they could drop down to was a 2nd year.

The ones who got through the system right now on my site are some of the laziest SOB's around and don't speak a lick of English.

04-09-2014, 06:22 AM
Im not sure if I agree with this. I have worked with alot of foreign workers on site and most of them are super lazy. lol. Combine that with horrible communication and no commen sense.

The flips at my local timmies are getting super annoying. I have to repeat my order every single time. None of them understand. They all talk to eachother in their own language behind the counter which is great and all but dosent do much for greeting the customer or anything...

Not all foreign workers are lazy im just saying from what I have seen I dont think they work harder than Canadians. Again depends on the job I suppose.

04-09-2014, 08:01 AM
And water is wet. I thought this was common knowledge. Foreign workers and immigrants work harder because people come to take advantage of the opportunities here.

04-09-2014, 08:19 AM

04-09-2014, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by Mar

Where the hell is this guy from? Foreign workers have the worst customer service skills, has anyone ever called technical support overseas and thought, "Wow, that person truly understood my problem and seemed genuinely concerned with providing a solution." More like, "This question is too hard, I'm going to put this guy on hold, then hang up, pretending we got accidentally disconnected so I can get to the next call."

Turbotax has a horrible phone support in India, at some point during the phone call, I was explaining stuff to the dude who suppose to answer my question.

On the other hand, Wind mobile and expedia has a nice phone support in Egypt, English is super clear, they suggest ways to save on your trip and overall great customer service.

Don't blame the guy overseas that seized an opportunity to work in a call center, blame the company that hired that call center overseas which such poor standards.

adam c
04-09-2014, 12:13 PM
Anyone who works in IT will understand the pain of calling technical support for vendor products

I remember having to fight with travelocity about a refund and people with some of the heaviest accents I've heard calling themselves Mike and Mary... all I kept saying is no that's not your name, stop trying to sound like an american

04-09-2014, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by osspasha
On the other hand, Wind mobile and expedia has a nice phone support in Egypt, English is super clear, they suggest ways to save on your trip and overall great customer service.

I'd put Wind Mobile at the bottom of the shit bucket. About a millimetre above Telus.

04-09-2014, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by Mar

I'd put Wind Mobile at the bottom of the shit bucket. About a millimetre above Telus.

Why? What's wrong with Telus? *EVERY* time I have had to call Telus (well Mobility) it has always been a white person, or at least someone from Canada who speaks like they are a white person.

04-09-2014, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by clem24

Why? What's wrong with Telus? *EVERY* time I have had to call Telus (well Mobility) it has always been a white person, or at least someone from Canada who speaks like they are a white person.

whenever i call Telus landline or wireless its someone over seas and they are always over generous to give credits

04-09-2014, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by Mar

I'd put Wind Mobile at the bottom of the shit bucket. About a millimetre above Telus. :rofl:

hahaha, oh well, i never had any problems with either, except one time with telus, i had to call them 4 times to stop charging for paper invoices.

04-09-2014, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by clem24

Why? What's wrong with Telus? *EVERY* time I have had to call Telus (well Mobility) it has always been a white person, or at least someone from Canada who speaks like they are a white person.

Remember this is Mar saying Telus is bad.

04-09-2014, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by clem24

Why? What's wrong with Telus? *EVERY* time I have had to call Telus (well Mobility) it has always been a white person, or at least someone from Canada who speaks like they are a white person.
Telus' (main) call centre is here in Calgary so most of the time you call you'll get someone local.

Originally posted by FraserB

Remember this is Mar saying Telus is bad.

I worked there for a year and a half, I was top tier support for things nobody else could figure out. Some of the things that came across my desk I swear a monkey could have figured out, most of it was coachback to the employees that couldn't figure out how to do their job properly or didn't care.

The last incident I had with Telus I got a charge on my bill and had no idea what it was, it made no sense. I wasn't working there anymore so I called and asked them about it, they told me a manager would call me back. No problem. Nobody called me so a couple of days later I called again and asked them to make sure a manager called me. No problem. Instead of a call from a manager I got a collections notice saying I owed them money. What a way to treat your customers.