View Full Version : Got owned by CPA, easiest recourse?

04-11-2014, 11:58 AM
So, I got a bogus parking ticket, also my first parking ticket ever after 14 years of driving. I got a ticket for being in a free 2hr parking zone for too long, even though I was only there for 45 mins (was at a doctor's appt.).

I know I can appeal it, but the "I didn't do it" defense doesn't sound like it will fly, since literally everyone is going to say that.

Am I screwed? It's $40 I don't really care, but if I can get rid of it easily obviously I would like to.

04-11-2014, 12:10 PM
What time was your doctor's appointment and what time did it say on your ticket when it was written?

If you can get the doctor's office to provide proof of when your appointment was scheduled for and if that time compared to the time of the ticket is well within that 2 hour window you could probably have it thrown out if you go down to the CPA office on 9ave.

04-11-2014, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
So, I got a bogus parking ticket, also my first parking ticket ever after 14 years of driving. I got a ticket for being in a free 2hr parking zone for too long, even though I was only there for 45 mins (was at a doctor's appt.).

I know I can appeal it, but the "I didn't do it" defense doesn't sound like it will fly, since literally everyone is going to say that.

Am I screwed? It's $40 I don't really care, but if I can get rid of it easily obviously I would like to.

Appeal the ticket.


I used that when I got a bogus ticket and the ticket was removed. Nobody ever called me to talk to me about it either.

04-11-2014, 12:13 PM
I'll have to double check the ticket (not with me now) but I'm pretty sure it just said that my offense was being in a timed zone longer than the allowable time, or something to that effect. There aren't any exact time ranges of my "offense" on the ticket. It seemed rather ambiguous. So, I don't know how I could ever prove that I wasn't in the spot for less than 2 hours, Dr's Appt. or not. Depends how lenient they are I guess.

I will appeal the ticket regardless though, thanks guys. Sounds like they are somewhat lenient.

04-11-2014, 12:21 PM
They should have to write down the date and time that the ticket was being filled out for the offense.

The link that Kenny provided should work well. Good to see they have something like that.