View Full Version : More Latino than white students admitted to University of California

rob the knob
04-22-2014, 05:45 PM
More Latino than white students admitted to UC
Friday, April 18, 2014

LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- For the first time, more Latino than white students in California have been offered admission to UC schools this fall, officials said Friday.

According to preliminary admissions data, 17,589 Latino students have been accepted as freshmen at one of the UC's nine undergraduate campuses, or 29 percent of all in-state applicants who got in. That compares to 16,378 white students who were admitted.

It's the first time this has happened statewide at the University of California. At UC Irvine, Hispanic/Latino applicants have outpaced white students for the past three years.

"Those numbers describe the change in demography of the state of California and, of course, Orange County," said Douglas Haynes, UCI associate vice provost for equity and diversity.

Nearly 40 percent of California's population is Latino. While more are enrolling in colleges and universities, they still lag behind white students when it comes to graduating.

At UC Irvine in 2009-2010, just over 60 percent of Hispanic/Latino students graduated in four years, compared with more than 70 percent of whites. University officials say there are a number of reasons for this.

"Many students, I think, take more time in part because of the cost of higher education," said Haynes.

Asian Americans remained the largest single ethnic group represented in the accepted freshman class this fall, making up 36 percent. Black students received 4 percent of the admission offers.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

(Copyright ©2014 KABC-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.)

Arash Boodagh
04-22-2014, 06:10 PM
I guess the Nordic whites in Cali are smartening up...

Canadian youth are being extorted for education (3min news clip)
Direct link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BOUX0T95qs

04-22-2014, 07:30 PM
I bet those same "extorted" youth are the ones who went to school, got a degree in poetry and are now stressed because they have $50k in debt and can't get a job for some mysterious reason.

But I'm sure you'll come back with something about how the banks or the 1% forced them into school and into taking on loans for useless degrees.

Arash Boodagh
04-22-2014, 07:39 PM
Like the guy in the video said, it isnt inflation that make a college education so expensive... its purposely unaffordable to keep an indebt consumer to exploit in the work force.

The real schools with degrees are kept to the elite in places like Oxford.

04-22-2014, 09:39 PM
Didn't you get the memo? If we want to exploit, there is a government program for that. Something about foreign workers.

Its also a mindset set by alumni that insist on the degree for cushy white collar positions.

And to OP, we don't have to go far to Cali. UBC is 2/3 Asians where general population of the area is only 1/3.

Robin Goodfellow
04-22-2014, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by FraserB
I bet those same "extorted" youth are the ones who went to school, got a degree in poetry and are now stressed because they have $50k in debt and can't get a job for some mysterious reason.

But I'm sure you'll come back with something about how the banks or the 1% forced them into school and into taking on loans for useless degrees.

Holy unrelated tangent, batman! Got an axe to grind? Hate education for it's own sake? Inability to do the old 5-7-5 cost you some pussy?

Sarcasm aside, I found the newsclip a bit weak. Was buddy interviewing his friends?

Nonetheless, I tried to give it a fair hearing. The gist I got was that deregulation was giving corporations greater power to exploit workers, many of whom felt vulnerable due to debt - Debt created by education costs that have increased over an above inflation over the years.

This is probably true, but not really news. That Canadian youth should be worried about anything at all in their fairytale land of plenty underscores what a bunch of candyass pussies Canadians are.

A Canadian's fear is not of hunger, death, or worse, but of not having as much status as his neighbor.

My own tangent aside, I ask myself about who I know (or knew) that are struggling. The answer is telling, and in no cases does it have anything to do with choice of degree.

Take a moment yourselves. Think of those you grew up with, or came up with, who got left behind in the journey of life. Was it education? Choice of degree? Something else?

It can take a moment to remember the forgotten, but is instructional.

Robin Goodfellow
04-22-2014, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema
Didn't you get the memo? If we want to exploit, there is a government program for that. Something about foreign workers.

Opportunities to exploit are not limited to the wogs.

Exploitation is fundamental to capitalism, and capitalism misses no opportunity.

Originally posted by Xtrema
Its also a mindset set by alumni that insist on the degree for cushy white collar positions.[/B]

Agreeably, It's a bit of a one-size-fits-all construct, but it does guarantee a baseline of understanding before investing more in their education.

I excel in a particular field, yet won't touch anyone who hasn't done their own training DD: I don't want to spend time on ephemeral newcomers covering the 101, when my attention could be spent on those with talent and potential.

In any field, there's going to be individuals of talent that circumvent circumvent such restrictions.. And more power to them. But keep the restrictions in place. Please.

Originally posted by Xtrema
And to OP, we don't have to go far to Cali. UBC is 2/3 Asians where general population of the area is only 1/3. [/B]

Excellent. Glad to hear they are keeping their calculators close, and the hispanics out.

04-23-2014, 10:15 AM
Press TV... Such a reputable source.


The only reason why I don't have Arash on ignore is because at one point his posts were actually entertaining. Now they're just annoying.

04-23-2014, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by Arash Boodagh

The real schools with degrees are kept to the elite in places like Oxford.

because those are free? :rofl:

if anyone should know the old saying "it takes money to make money" it should be the guy with the failed half baked idea :rofl:

04-23-2014, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by clem24
Press TV... Such a reputable source.


The only reason why I don't have Arash on ignore is because at one point his posts were actually entertaining. Now they're just annoying.

Huh, I just assumed it was Arash's station of choice because the hosts talked at a speed he could follow.

04-23-2014, 10:45 AM
Been to the U of C lately?? Driven by a high school?

Whitey is a minority, even in Canada. It's been a huge demographic shit since I went to school. LOL, WAY back then, even elementary, there were 21 white kids, 2 Chinese kids, and the token black kid lol


cancer man
04-23-2014, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by Toma
Been to the U of C lately?? Driven by a high school?

Whitey is a minority, even in Canada. It's been a huge demographic shit since I went to school. LOL, WAY back then, even elementary, there were 21 white kids, 2 Chinese kids, and the token black kid lol


Start breeding.White power.lol.
Good people are good people.