View Full Version : Post Your Stories Of Paranormal Activity

05-07-2014, 01:43 PM
Having a science education I don't really believe in paranormal things but I have witnessed one or two things I can't quite explain.

4:30am on a Sunday morning a while ago my girlfriend and I both woke up to a ringing phone somewhere in the house and it was LOUD. I popped my head and and listened and then my girlfriend asked, "Is that your phone?" So that eliminates either of us imagining it. I got up and walked out into the open area of the house where it got louder so it was definitely somewhere in the living room downstairs but as I hit the top of the stairs it stopped.

The ringtone was an iPhone stock ringtone and neither of us own an iPhone. I have only one friend with an iPhone and he hadn't been at my place for weeks. Nobody ever mentioned leaving their phone at my place and we never heard it again. I'm also not someone that ever has visitors, I might have one person visit my house in 2-3 months, I don't really like having people over.

How the hell does that happen? Playing through the speakers on one of my stereos? I doubt it. Noisy phone next door (townhouse)? No way, too loud. It was crazy weird.

05-07-2014, 01:59 PM
I've had some interesting experiences in my house, none of them are malicious, I just think someone has been passing through. sometimes they make more of their presence known when they are curious. I'm not a true believer and most stories can be debunked one way or another, but here are mine:

my husband and I on separate occasions have seen something move from the stairs to the mudroom, more like a shadow. Not often, but more than once in the last 4+ years. We've named her Charlene.

Husband woke to some tapping a few months ago in the middle of the night on the outside wall behind his bed on a two story house, never heard it since or before that night. We don't have any pipes on that side of the house or furnace vents.

The light on the ceiling fan in our bedroom randomly turned on, I did not sleep that night.

The one that really got me and I cant decide if it's a dream or something that really happened. I woke up to a dark shadow standing next to me while I was sleeping and it reached out to touch me, which was when I woke up.
All I remember from that was my heart was racing and that feeling

05-07-2014, 02:01 PM

That is all.

D'z Nutz
05-07-2014, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by Mar
I have witnessed one or two things I can't quite explain.

Really? I figured that would have been a daily occurrence for you.

05-07-2014, 02:18 PM
Mar: Sounds like your wife has a secret. Does she own an older RV? Highly skilled in chemistry?

I'll leave this here:

05-07-2014, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by Mar
my girlfriend

I've read a lot of science books also, and also having a hard time believing that you have a girlfriend.

But just finished some reading on Stockholm Syndrome, so I guess it is within the realm of possibility.

05-07-2014, 02:26 PM
Obligatory for OP


Dave P
05-07-2014, 02:30 PM
One of my kids stuipd toys makes noises sometimes at night. Seen way to many terrible horror movies to go investigate haha.

Doesnt matter if it is turned on or off. Still plays randomly a night.


05-07-2014, 02:31 PM
oh man.. I have tons of stories haha
I'll share the one that messed me up for a bit haha

One night I was sleeping in the basement. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a bright blue light in the corner of my basement. I figured I was just dreaming. So I just watched this little ball of light come closer to me. As it came closer, my ears stared to ring louder and louder. I still assumed I was dreaming, so I let this ball of light come closer. Once it was really close to my face my nose started bleeding like crazy and I ran for the washroom. Blood was every where. Didn't sleep in the basement for a while after that

05-07-2014, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Dave P
One of my kids stuipd toys makes noises sometimes at night. Seen way to many terrible horror movies to go investigate haha.

Doesnt matter if it is turned on or off. Still plays randomly a night.


throw that toy ASAP and buy new one !

anyways ill share my experience.

I was sleeping on my bed this one night stomach facing down with my legs kind of spread apart. I felt something moving between like someone was crawling towards me. I had no blanket on or anything and I looked and there was nothing. so then I decided to sleep on my back because I was freaked out. 10-20min passed, Next thing you know there was this shadow.. a figure in the corner of my room whispering fucked up shit and saying my name. I couldn't move or even say anything for some reason. its like I got pinned down to my bed and something covering my mouth. it lasted about 1 min and I finally could move around.. I turn on the lights and never slept that day with lights off :cry: :cry:

05-07-2014, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by Blue

I was sleeping on my bed this one night stomach facing down with my legs kind of spread apart. I felt something moving between like someone was crawling towards me. I had no blanket on or anything and I looked and there was nothing. so then I decided to sleep on my back because I was freaked out. 10-20min passed, Next thing you know there was this shadow.. a figure in the corner of my room whispering fucked up shit and saying my name. I couldn't move or even say anything for some reason. its like I got pinned down to my bed and something covering my mouth. it lasted about 1 min and I finally could move around.. I turn on the lights and never slept that day with lights off :cry: :cry:

that's called sleep sleep paralysis.. used to have them a lot

05-07-2014, 03:07 PM
I was walking downtown in TD mall, and as I walked it felt as if someone slapped my ass and held on for a second.

I looked back and all i saw was this little old Asian lady.. who was too far to "cup a feel"

Muscle spasm? too brief to be.

05-07-2014, 03:10 PM
I went for a dump this morning and I swear to god it felt like I was passing a coke can wrapped in sandpaper. When I looked back to flush, there was nothing there!!

05-07-2014, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Themarkuss
oh man.. I have tons of stories haha
I'll share the one that messed me up for a bit haha

One night I was sleeping in the basement. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a bright blue light in the corner of my basement. I figured I was just dreaming. So I just watched this little ball of light come closer to me. As it came closer, my ears stared to ring louder and louder. I still assumed I was dreaming, so I let this ball of light come closer. Once it was really close to my face my nose started bleeding like crazy and I ran for the washroom. Blood was every where. Didn't sleep in the basement for a while after that

You have a brain tumor.


05-07-2014, 03:51 PM

05-07-2014, 07:41 PM
sleep paralysis is awesome, can be very traumatizing if you do not know what is happening. It is the point of lucid dreaming that kind of goes off course, your body is fully asleep, but your brain activity is that of a dream, usually people see dark figures and scary objects, convince yourself you are sleeping and you can do whatever you want.

We used to have lots of weird unexplained stuff happen in our old house as kids, shadow figures, objects showing up that weren't ours, appliances turning on on their own, toilets flushing, paint not sticking to walls, keys not opening the door whole bunch of weird shit.

One thing stands out that was not too, too long ago, (actually about 10 years now that I think about it, lol) I was sleeping in my bed, felt my dog jump up on the bed, I pet the dog and she laid down by my feet where she always laid, she had just woken me up I went downstairs to get a drink and there is my dog, locked in her cage. I shit bricks lol

05-07-2014, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by Dave P
One of my kids stuipd toys makes noises sometimes at night. Seen way to many terrible horror movies to go investigate haha.

Doesnt matter if it is turned on or off. Still plays randomly a night.


:rofl: a few of my kids toys have done this at night and I've always went down to investigate and kind of shit myself a little every time. Still haven't figured out why they go off.

05-07-2014, 08:31 PM
The weirdest thing that happened to me was during a late night gaming session when I was in college, I was wearing my big old Sony MDR's and heard screaming. Like, bloodcurdling, what-the-fuck level screaming. I whip the headphones off and reach for my phone to dial 911 and.... silence. No screams.

I pause the game (Return to Castle Wolfenstein for those wondering) to put the headphones back on. I pop them on my head, and as I straighten my head up to look at the screen... SCREAMING in the headset. The only time I have ever jumped back from pretty much anything with a loud "WHAT THE HELL?!?!"

I pick up my headset again, and without putting them on, tilt them to head angle, and there is the sound of crying on the headset.

By this point, I am really freaking out. Read below if you want to find out what it was

I turned on my TV in my room, and on CTV (an over the air channel at the time).... they were running a horror movie marathon that was directly in time with the sounds on my headset. -___- The headset cable was picking up the over the air signal at JUST the right angle to get the audio XD

05-07-2014, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by variance
I've read a lot of science books also, and also having a hard time believing that you have a girlfriend.

But just finished some reading on Stockholm Syndrome, so I guess it is within the realm of possibility.
Be careful you don't fall off that bandwagon.

Originally posted by mr2mike
Mar: Sounds like your wife has a secret. Does she own an older RV? Highly skilled in chemistry?
Oddly enough I believe her PhD is in biochemistry or something similar. Sadly no RV though and I don't find the odd erlenmeyer flasks sitting around. Things would have made a whole lot more sense if I found her cooking meth.

Originally posted by Blue
throw that toy ASAP and buy new one !

anyways ill share my experience.

I was sleeping on my bed this one night stomach facing down with my legs kind of spread apart. I felt something moving between like someone was crawling towards me. I had no blanket on or anything and I looked and there was nothing. so then I decided to sleep on my back because I was freaked out. 10-20min passed, Next thing you know there was this shadow.. a figure in the corner of my room whispering fucked up shit and saying my name. I couldn't move or even say anything for some reason. its like I got pinned down to my bed and something covering my mouth. it lasted about 1 min and I finally could move around.. I turn on the lights and never slept that day with lights off :cry: :cry:
Originally posted by Themarkuss
that's called sleep sleep paralysis.. used to have them a lot
Exactly, when you sleep, your brain turns off your muscular system so that you don't physically act out your dreams, but for some people this doesn't quite work so well and they end up sleepwalking or doing other things while they're dreaming. You're the opposite, your system is getting messed up to the point where you're waking up and your brain still doesn't resume your muscular system. Because you're still not quite fully awake, you can still dream to a certain extent and it'll seem very real. Nothing to worry about....

.....unless it really happened.

05-08-2014, 01:05 AM
I had my first sleep paralysis experience about a month ago. Very trippy.

I was just waking up from a night's sleep, it was a weekend so it was one of those times where you wake up but turn over to get a few more minutes before you actually get up, when I did I can see a shadowy figure from the corner of my eye, I try to turn towards it to see what it is but I couldn't move. I notice it coming towards me slowly so I try with all my might to get up but just couldnt. A minute later I'm able to move and where the shadowy figure was, was my snowboard.

05-08-2014, 01:34 AM
Originally posted by CapnCrunch
I went for a dump this morning and I swear to god it felt like I was passing a coke can wrapped in sandpaper. When I looked back to flush, there was nothing there!!

Close thread, you win! :closed:

05-08-2014, 05:35 AM
A few weeks ago my girlfriend freaked me out after coming home from work at night. Apparently she had sworn that I had already come in, she heard the tv in the downstairs living room and said she had heard my voice. I came in about 20 minutes after that and she thought I was fucking with her. The tv was off and she looked like she had seen a ghost when she actually believed I had just came home.

kobe tai
05-08-2014, 05:57 AM
a few years ago i would wake up at 3:33am every night for about 2 weeks. i would hear a loud bang when sleeping and wake up. whats weird is it started the night that i watched the original paranormal activity. it got to the point where i started to wake up my wife to show her the clock. 3:33AM on the dot. I got freaked out but it stopped after about 2 weeks.

05-08-2014, 07:08 AM
Paranormal = figments of your imagination....nobody truly believes in this hocus pocus cr@p do they?

05-08-2014, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by Type_S1
Paranormal = figments of your imagination....nobody truly believes in this hocus pocus cr@p do they?

For the first time in a long time, I can actually agree with one of your posts.

Strange timing for this, but last night around 3:30 I was dreaming that someone was faintly knocking on my apartment door and mumbling out in the hall. Then I woke up, and it wasn't actually a dream. I swear there was noises. Then I heard scratching noises and the door moving like someone's trying to open it. My roommate heard it and woke up as well. Freaky?

No. Turns out it was just a dumb drunk girl. The bitch actually left a bunch of scratch marks on the door.

05-08-2014, 08:22 AM
Originally posted by nickyh

The light on the ceiling fan in our bedroom randomly turned on, I did not sleep that night.

Does your ceiling fan have a wireless remote? Mine does, and does this every once in a while, much less often now than it did before I changed the frequency. The light turns on every once in a while, but other days the fan is going full speed when I wake up. I think our neighbors probably have same branded set and when they turn theirs on, it turns ours on as well. I notice this happens much more often in the summer

05-08-2014, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by Dave P
One of my kids stuipd toys makes noises sometimes at night. Seen way to many terrible horror movies to go investigate haha.

Doesnt matter if it is turned on or off. Still plays randomly a night.

Spooooooooooooky Goddamned furbies... I hate those fcuking things..

My daughter got freaked out once by these rythmic clicking noises. It was scaring the crap out of her in the middle of the night because she figured it was the mange wolves trying to come in her window. I was like WTF... so after a couple of nights of this we traded rooms. In the middle of night, I suddenly start hearing this scary a fuck echo-y click-chunk... click-chunk noise... then it stops.. then it starts again goes for a few minutes, then stops... So, I'm laying there thinking about this, and then it goes screeeeeeeeeeee..... By now, I'm thinking WTF.. no wonder she's scared as fuck. That just sounds NASTY...
So I turn on the lights and start trying to home in on the sound... trace it back to the vent, right under the window...hmm..

So I go downstairs, and into the mechanical room, and it turns out the gear on the humidfier was stripped and was jumping out of it's socket, and the scree noise was when the motor was encountering too much resistance, it would make a little grindy noise.... but it was getting amplified somehow by all the duct work.

Needless to say, I woke up Cassie, brought her downstairs, and showed her what was the cause, and that I could stop it whenever I wanted to, which I did for her in her room, then talked to her through the vent. Once she understood what it was, and that it was "just a broken toy making a funny noise"... no more Mange Wolves scratching at the window...

Reason eats fear like Daddies chew up Mange Wolves for breakfast. :)

05-08-2014, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by Type_S1
Paranormal = figments of your imagination....nobody truly believes in this hocus pocus cr@p do they?

Its more fun to believe though. I find that a lot of the people who buy into this kind of stuff are non-religious, and much like the religious people, i would guess they are trying to find something to make them feel special.

05-08-2014, 08:52 AM
When I was younger in Jr. Highschool every single night I'd wake at like 11:00pm and hear someone stomping up the stairs in my house. It would actually vibrate through the walls and I could feel it in my bed as I lay. I had never been so scared in my whole entire life. Never did I open the door to see what was making the sound - but it was nobody in my family because you learn to tell how each person walks and how it sounds when they walk. So, I knew it wasn't either of them.

This went on for a month, parents began to worry. I told them about it and they said they never once heard the sound. It literally happened ever single night for a month! One night I was coming home from an event with my family around 11:00pm, at the same time I noticed my neighbour pulling his car into his driveway too. Younger foreign guy living alone, he recently moved in about a month ago. As my family got inside taking our shoes off - we ALL heard that sound that I had been hearing for a month. They all freaked out.

As we close the door I can see accross to my neighbours house. The houses were pretty close together. That fucking guy was RUNNING up and down his fucking stairs. Pointed it out to my parents, we all realized that was the sound. He was running for exercise or cardio we guessed - I don't know, but we all saw through the curtain/ light him running up/ down the stairs. The sound was travelling accross and into our house. My bedroom was on that side of the house, parents bedroom was on the other side so they wouldn't normally hear it.

I hated that idiot...

05-08-2014, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by eblend

Does your ceiling fan have a wireless remote? Mine does, and does this every once in a while, much less often now than it did before I changed the frequency. The light turns on every once in a while, but other days the fan is going full speed when I wake up. I think our neighbors probably have same branded set and when they turn theirs on, it turns ours on as well. I notice this happens much more often in the summer

It is actually. That one just spooked me but it could have been a random power surge or something, your answer also seems logical.

It's only ever happened once.

05-08-2014, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by kobe tai
a few years ago i would wake up at 3:33am every night for about 2 weeks. i would hear a loud bang when sleeping and wake up. whats weird is it started the night that i watched the original paranormal activity. it got to the point where i started to wake up my wife to show her the clock. 3:33AM on the dot. I got freaked out but it stopped after about 2 weeks.

witching hour o_0, but this actually happened to us moving into our townhouse, it's an older one with a flat roof, during the deep freeze nights, at about 2-3am a sledghammer noise would happen on the roof intermittently, bang, bang, then a creak. Every night it hit -25 it happened but we had no clue, this was also a few weeks after watching the first Paranormal Activity movie. Stopped after the cold snap, happens every year since now. I guess flat roof causes water to pool, the ice forms/contracts, breaks up from whatever tension and makes a loud noise.

One time though the next door renter came running to my car in the morning after it happened (she was a lady of South or Central American nationality), asked me what it was and if I heard it, I said 'no, didn't hear anything at all, I have no idea, sorry' makes the sign of the cross and leaves :rofl:

05-08-2014, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by eblend

Does your ceiling fan have a wireless remote? Mine does, and does this every once in a while, much less often now than it did before I changed the frequency. The light turns on every once in a while, but other days the fan is going full speed when I wake up. I think our neighbors probably have same branded set and when they turn theirs on, it turns ours on as well. I notice this happens much more often in the summer

Someone changed the channel on my TV once lol.

05-08-2014, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by Type_S1
Paranormal = figments of your imagination....nobody truly believes in this hocus pocus cr@p do they?

Where did my rectum tearing turd go?

05-08-2014, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by Themarkuss
oh man.. I have tons of stories haha
I'll share the one that messed me up for a bit haha

One night I was sleeping in the basement. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a bright blue light in the corner of my basement. I figured I was just dreaming. So I just watched this little ball of light come closer to me. As it came closer, my ears stared to ring louder and louder. I still assumed I was dreaming, so I let this ball of light come closer. Once it was really close to my face my nose started bleeding like crazy and I ran for the washroom. Blood was every where. Didn't sleep in the basement for a while after that

Originally posted by CompletelyNumb
You have a brain tumor.

Definitely visitors.


Next time, clench that sphincter harder. :rofl: