View Full Version : 114 Ave SW & 24 St SW Dual Left

05-14-2014, 12:14 AM
Girlfriend just got a job in Douglasdale so I've been picking her up in the evenings and noticed no one treats the dual left at 114 Ave SE and 24 St SE as a dual left.

When turning from west bound 114 Ave onto southbound 24 St. People are using the outside lane to drive straight through, meaning they block this lane while the green flashing turn signal is on, but no one even honks.

It's pretty dangerous considering no one knows (somehow) that that is a dual so the second they get onto 24 St they all just cut the right lane to exit on Deerfoot South.

Just checked Google maps and it looks like it was different when the photos were taken. There is now a dual left sign over the turn signals, and a straight through only sign above the far right lane. Is this brand new, does no one look at signs?

05-14-2014, 12:16 AM
Link to the streetview: https://www.google.ca/maps/@50.953555,-114.00032,3a,75y,265.89h,87.69t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sDugRMFrRiiscwpR-50tlsw!2e0

05-14-2014, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by e.widling
Girlfriend just got a job in Douglasdale so I've been picking her up in the evenings and noticed no one treats the dual left at 114 Ave SW and 24 St SW as a dual left.

When turning from west bound 114 Ave onto southbound 24 St. People are using the outside lane to drive straight through, meaning they block this lane while the green flashing turn signal is on, but no one even honks.

It's pretty dangerous considering no one knows (somehow) that that is a dual so the second they get onto 24 St they all just cut the right lane to exit on Deerfoot South.

Just checked Google maps and it looks like it was different when the photos were taken. There is now a dual left sign over the turn signals, and a straight through only sign above the far right lane. Is this brand new, does no one look at signs?

Streetview is 2 years old.. But yes people do not pay attention to signs.

I had a conversation about this sort of thing with my girlfriend. When you are heading north along 37th crossing bow trail there are signs on the lights saying what the lanes are for but people completely ignore these and when they are in the left turn lane they will go STRAIGHT through.

05-14-2014, 09:13 AM
This is a pretty new change to that intersection so it does not surprise me that there are issues. I only use that intersection at lunch on a regular basis and have not noticed the signs. I think this area of the city is the only place that gets actual gridlock i.e. traffic from multiple directions jammed in the intersection during red lights blocking flow in other directions.

05-14-2014, 09:23 AM
People will simply start using the dual lane and then you will have twice as much gridlock as
everyone still tries to merge for Deerfoot North.

That whole area is a clusterfuck from 4-6 pm...

And its SE...not SW.

05-14-2014, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by Nufy
People will simply start using the dual lane and then you will have twice as much gridlock as
everyone still tries to merge for Deerfoot North.

That whole area is a clusterfuck from 4-6 pm...

[B]And its SE...not SW.
SE - thx.

I was beginning to think I was crazy because I just couldn't figure out the whole SW thing at all.

05-14-2014, 09:32 AM
Seems retarded to even have a sole dual left there anyways. The one lane should be left and straight, and they get the green at the same time (while opposing traffic has red).

05-14-2014, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok
Seems retarded to even have a sole dual left there anyways. The one lane should be left and straight, and they get the green at the same time (while opposing traffic has red).

Agreed, that would make way more sense.

05-14-2014, 10:05 AM
This would be better, if people in this city knows how to drive:


Left lane left only, right lane left or straight. It's too bad that there are idiots in the left lane that go straight and smash shit, so many accidents there because people are retarded.

05-14-2014, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by Nufy
People will simply start using the dual lane and then you will have twice as much gridlock as
everyone still tries to merge for Deerfoot North.

That whole area is a clusterfuck from 4-6 pm...

And its SE...not SW.

It doesn't seem to be quite as bad recently...I wonder if they changed the light cycle or something? But I'm coming out of Quarry Park and head south on Deerfoot so not as bad as trying to go north on Deerfoot.

Lately, I've only had to wait for a couple of lights at 114. Some days a month or so ago, it was consistently one light stops. Prior to that, traffic would be backed WAY up 24th and 18th.