View Full Version : Suburban parking woes

05-27-2014, 11:58 AM
Created this thread so as to hopefully keep the 'Pay to park in front of your home' thread on topic.

Lots of people in that other relating stories of their parking woes in what would be considered suburbia - communities where the multi-story home is king. Alleys may or may not exist but for the most part front drive attached garages and usual double garages are the rule as well. Lot sizes are probably in the 40 foot range meaning that you'll only have at best one legal on-street parking spot in front of your home after taking away some 20 feet or so of driveway.

So throw into the mix the reality that many garages are storage spots or that the driveway may have an illegally parked RV vehicle/trailer and possibly multiple families living under one roof (remember - mcmansions) and you'll run into the parking mess that is in places like Tuscany where my Sister-in-law owns a home and yeah, her family would be the typical example - 40 foot wide lot, 2 story mcmansion with a double front drive garage on the basement level including a double front driveway where two more vehicles could be parked. 5 drivers in the house with 6 vehicles of which there is only ever one actually ever parked in the actual garage (often none in the garage). This means some of their vehicles will be parked in front of the neighbors - nothing is parked in the yard because of the over-sized shed (read: illegal) as well as a boat trailer that is often parked in the rear yard which basically reduces the rear of the rear yard to a postage stamp. Often they also have either their sailboat trailer or fifth wheel trailer parked illegally in the alley as well.

Up the street from them, another double garage front drive mcmansion, with 2 people living in it that has 7 vehicles at last count - meaning lots of their extra vehicles on the road (usually 4).

So how to fix this in suburbia? I certainly don't have the answers and can't even begin to surmise how to fix it.

05-27-2014, 12:06 PM
3 drivers in the house, 3 daily drivers and 1 toy. All currently on the street due to renovations.

Neighbors have 4 drivers, 2 cars in the garage and 1 on the street. People across from us have two DDs in the garage and 1 on the street.

None of this is an issue though since everyone finds a spot to move them for sweeping or sweeps their spot if they can't. Never been a space issue getting by or anything else. Probably helps not have douche neighbors though, in 20 some odd years, no one has complained to bylaw or the city about anything as far as I know.

05-27-2014, 12:18 PM
In all honest, why does it need to be fixed?

Illegally parked boats, trailers, and RV's are one thing, but cars parked on the street? Oh my!

05-27-2014, 12:20 PM
Of note, when I was young, single and renting an apartment, I did have three registered vehicles - two were (el Camino and motorbike) underground in a spot rented from another apartment dweller who didn't use their spot and my other vehicle was on the street. So yeah, I contributed to the problem - wasn't like that for long because I got rid of the third mostly unused vehicle.

Fast forward some 30+ years to today and between my wife and I, we only have two vehicles and I can say that once we are retired that we would get by fine with one. In fact, with the availability of good rentals, the Car2Go's (our community is within their zone) and the nearby shops that we can actually easily walk or ride to, being car-less is not out of the realm of possibilities. In fact, we never had a second registered vehicle until our oldest was 15 and we were a family if 5 - it's all how one prioritizes/balances things. I cycled or walked to work and would still do so if it wasn't 35 kilometers across the city to our shop. Our two oldest usually take transit, cycle or longboard to the UofC and the youngest walks to high school 3 blocks away. All three levels of schooling, swimming pool, outdoor rink and community center were within walking distance as well.

So when I look at suburbia, things just aren't close - Tuscany for a long time meant a 20 minute trip for things as simple as a jug of milk and schooling, well none of my in-laws kids ever went to school in their own community. Swimming pool - had to drive to that, outdoor hockey rink - nothing within walking distance. Even to this day, there is much in Tuscany that is not within easy walking distance - it's just the way newer communities are designed and obviously a lot of people like this type community. Now toss in mcmansions with possibly multi-generational families and the parking problem is exasperated.

Just no easy fit IMHO in suburbia.

05-27-2014, 12:24 PM
There isn't really much you can do.... you can't limit cars per household and the city can't do controlled parking patrol everywhere. The city will never allow lots to grow in size cause it kills density.

I knew I was going to have more vehicles than parking spots so I made sure to buy a house that has ample parking across the street (along the side of someone's house). I only have a double rear garage and 1 stall in front of the house so the rest get parked across the street.

As long as everyone living there is respectful of not always parking in front of each others homes I have no issue with it. Shit happens when people have company over but whatever, it's usually only for the night or a weekend, no big deal. However the corners of my street are a gong show, I would never live in a corner lot where there's no frontage to park on, that would straight up suck haha.

My only suggestion is that the city enforces that people must keep their rear parking pad, not rip it out and then park on the street.

05-27-2014, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by blitz
In all honest, why does it need to be fixed?

Illegally parked boats, trailers, and RV's are one thing, but cars parked on the street? Oh my!
In the other thread; nickyh, ZiG-87, n1zm0, Sugarphreak, Stealth22, Kloubek, idriveabox, Asian_defender, schocker, firebane, sputnik and others have all relayed parking problem stories and not ecessarily illegally parked stuff - it is a problem that irks people.

So how to fix it?

05-27-2014, 12:38 PM
Out in the burbs I see so many people who just have their garage full of shit so they have to park their vehicles on the driveway or street. I grew up with an Italian dad who made sure we learned to keep our garage tidy at all times. It was a thing with him.

I have two vehicles that are always parked in the garage. It just eliminates the possibility of break-ins. I could fir three more cars on my driveway as well so I never park on the street.

05-27-2014, 12:39 PM

05-27-2014, 12:41 PM
I sense an offer to park my Jeep at your house.

05-27-2014, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
Should be 24hr parking limits on the street... if a car is more than 24hrs, neighbours should be able to complain and have it fined. More than 48hrs after the fine, it should be towed.

That would mean the city would actually have to listen and then respond to earn their money via fines.

It's much easier for them to introduce a yearly charge for everyone and continue ignoring the problems.

05-27-2014, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by speedog

So how to fix it?

Just because something bugs people, doesn't mean it's a problem that needs to be fixed. Certainly not with tax dollars.

05-27-2014, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
Should be 24hr parking limits on the street... if a car is there more than 24hrs, neighbours should be able to complain and have it fined. More than 48hrs after the fine, it should be towed.

The less cars parked on the street, the more room there is for bikes, better visibility for kids, and it just generally makes the neighbourhood feel more upscale and classy.

I feel like this thread (and this post) should be black holed before Nenshi see's it. Don't be giving him any ideas.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

05-27-2014, 12:47 PM
WTF is a McMansion? :dunno:

05-27-2014, 12:47 PM

05-27-2014, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
Ever been to Tuscany? A good majority of it looks like shit because of the problems mentioned above.

Maybe that's how Tuscany should look. Can't force a neighbourhood to look classy :dunno:

05-27-2014, 12:53 PM

05-27-2014, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by roopi
WTF is a McMansion? :dunno:

Anything over 2000 sqft that fit into a lot less than 30' wide.

05-27-2014, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

It is kind of a weird area; people take pride in their homes, keep up the lawns and work on the house. Just too bad you can't see anything except a giant parking lot of cars with roof peaks when you drive down the streets though.

It's more a function of increasing number of vehicles per family and house/community design more than anything. Put that much living space on relatively small lot and throw in at least one car for every person over 16 and there's really no solution.

I hated new communities for a lot of reasons, this being one of them. So I moved.

05-27-2014, 01:02 PM
I'm starting to feel like I need to move away from Calgary. Do other cities have these issues or is it just Calgary constantly trying to figure shit out. Tax this tax that. Speed cameras on every residential street, increase fines for everything etc. etc.

05-27-2014, 01:02 PM
I am surprised more hasn't been done on the pay-for-parking side of things given the city's strategy to entice people away from the burbs. From this thread and others it seems like most people use their garages/driveways for toy storage (read:quads, trailers, motorbikes, boats, etc.) then use the road for their actual cars. Coming from neighbourhoods with bigger lots, most people where I lived would just store that stuff in their back yard if they had it, usually the only people on the streets would be 16+ year old kids! or the occasional hoarder.

With such small lot sizes, and a lot more multi generational families, I'm not sure this city will be able to make a change without either directly contradicting their push for densification, or coming off entirely anti-car. Airdrie has a lot more storage facilities close by, so a lot of people out there do store their toys, but I just don't think that would work unless you were on the deep outskirts of town.

05-27-2014, 01:06 PM
I don't have a problem if someone needs to use the spot in front of my house for an hour or two.
The issue is my neighbor has a home business that contributes to the parking problem in front of my house. We are taking all day, all week until 9pm the one spare space. Now they are not allowed to park down there yet they do, I could call him to complain but it would not fix the issue.

When I want to put the garbage out to be picked up, no back alley, where am I supposed to put it? In front of my driveway - well that is BS.
Now that school is done, I have my neighbor parking his truck in the space between us & them, and he takes the whole space so he can drive his mustang.

I have seen that space empty maybe two weeks out the whole year, mostly in August.

I never had this problem at my old house.

For the record, we have two cars and two motorbikes stuffed into the garage.

Let's add the parking problem on my road, at the top of my road is Webber Academy, those self entitled parents park over peoples driveways and right next to stop signs. Parking control don' t care, spoken to CPS as they've driven by - they don't care. So what is left?
Thankfully I live at the bottom of the hill so they don't impact me there.

A parking permit scenario - now I have control and right to have your car removed instead of being a grump.
It won't entirely solve the issue of the truck and moron mother-in-law who parks in the road but I will take small victories where I can.

05-27-2014, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by roopi
WTF is a McMansion? :dunno:
The flavour of the day in many suburbs - 2500-3000 square foot 2-3 story home, double front attached garage with parking out front for two more vehicles in the driveway and often a fully developed basement/third level, 40 foot lot and postage stamp sized back yard. Maybe enough legal on street parking in front for 1 vehicle. May or may not have alley.

05-27-2014, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
I'm starting to feel like I need to move away from Calgary. Do other cities have these issues or is it just Calgary constantly trying to figure shit out. Tax this tax that. Speed cameras on every residential street, increase fines for everything etc. etc.

Too many people with too much time on their hands to complain about anything and everything.


Masked Bandit
05-27-2014, 01:36 PM
I don't know how to fix things now that we've built the 'burbs but I can tell you what would have prevented a lot of this if it was done right from the start...sell me a damn lot big enough! To me the perfect configuration is a front double garage AND a back alley. There are a few spots in town you can find this but it's usually in established neighbourhoods, nothing in the new places. Toys go in the back yard by way of the alley and cars go in the garage. I would have easily paid another $20,000 - $40,000 on my lot price to get a back alley.

The other general bitch that I have with residential parking is the one asshole out of 30 people on the block that ruins it for everyone. Around the corner and into a cul-de-sac (sp?) is some jackhole landscaper that parks three piece of shit work trucks with trailers all along our block in front of peoples homes. So he single handedly phucks over six to eight homeowners every day. The problem is that he has his staff drive over to his place early in the morning and leave their personal vehicles right in the middle of the spots where the truck / trailers sit at night and then when they come back, the personal vehicles are moved and the busted-ass landscaping vehicles go right back in front of someone else's home. This jerk lives about 10 houses away from where he leaves his junk so he doesn't have to look at it on a regular basis and because the trailers are connected to the trucks and they move pretty much daily, nobody can do anything. Guys like him should either have a shop to keep their crap at or go live on an acreage.


05-27-2014, 02:05 PM
Hey Masked Bandit. You might not be able to stop him from parking... but if he's anything like any other shitty landscaper, his trailers are dirty as fuck. Report the trailers for loose loads and have bylaw inspect them. That's a much more expensive ticket. :P

05-27-2014, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by Masked Bandit

The other general bitch that I have with residential parking is the one asshole out of 30 people on the block that ruins it for everyone. Around the corner and into a cul-de-sac (sp?) is some jackhole landscaper that parks three piece of shit work trucks with trailers all along our block in front of peoples homes. So he single handedly phucks over six to eight homeowners every day. The problem is that he has his staff drive over to his place early in the morning and leave their personal vehicles right in the middle of the spots where the truck / trailers sit at night and then when they come back, the personal vehicles are moved and the busted-ass landscaping vehicles go right back in front of someone else's home. This jerk lives about 10 houses away from where he leaves his junk so he doesn't have to look at it on a regular basis and because the trailers are connected to the trucks and they move pretty much daily, nobody can do anything. Guys like him should either have a shop to keep their crap at or go live on an acreage.


If that were me I'd slash all their tires during the day.

05-27-2014, 02:09 PM
i bet he doesnt have a proper business license ;)

05-27-2014, 02:12 PM
Just copied and pasted from my post in the pay to park thread...

"I have two cars, three bikes, and gf has her car. Our current setup is pretty good with our pad and garage. Lots of room. But before I bought that place, I was living with my brother in a single pad, single garage set up and it was INSANE! All of the vehicles above plus a boat, trailer, bike, truck, car. All of those in a space thats smaller than my current set up. Fucking crazy. Thats 11 vehicles for god sake. He also had a sled and quad too."

In all honesty, I don't see a way around this problem. People have cars and lots are getting smaller. I guess one way to solve it is to not own any cars... but where is the fun in that?

05-27-2014, 02:13 PM
For my community I think alot of the parking issues would be solved if people actually used their rear parking spots.

Similar to 88CRX I have a double garage out back and 1 parking spot out front. All of my neighbors either have a garage out back or a parking pad with room for 2 cars (comes standard with the homes on my block). Its basically myself and my immediate neighbor that actually use the parking in the rear while everyone else feels that it's too inconvenient to drive to the back and park in their designated parking pads (which are empty).

I have 3 cars for 2 drivers and while I have 2 vehicles in the garage, 60% of the time there is no available parking directly in front of my home or even on my side of the street. Luckily the other side of the street is a field so theres a chance to park there but still it gets rather annoying in the winter especially when there are 3-4 feet high snow drifts down the center island.

Not sure what the best way to fix this is but if everyone actually used their rear parking spots, I dont believe there would be any issues with finding a parking spot infront of everyones home.

05-27-2014, 02:15 PM
Sounds like the only solution is not moving to the burbs and spending silly money on an inner city lot :eek:

05-27-2014, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by Masked Bandit
sell me a damn lot big enough!

Nobody wants to pay for it.

I have been looking for a new lot. 50ft+ frontage

$600K lol.

You can buy a whole house on a 35ft lot for that price.

Honestly, I now searching for something inner city. If I am going to pay $600K, I might as well find a tear down.

05-27-2014, 02:22 PM
Everyone and their dog owns an avg of 1.5+ vehicles because transit is so horrendous. Not every 16 y.o would be dying to have a vehicle if they could get place to place via transit at a 10% time opportunity cost; but instead it takes rage2 three hours of transit to go between two places that's a 15minute drive apart.

05-27-2014, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
Should be 24hr parking limits on the street... if a car is there more than 24hrs, neighbours should be able to complain and have it fined. More than 48hrs after the fine, it should be towed.

What about people like the OP's sister who have too many vehicles to fit in their garage/driveway? When I was growing up still living at my parents' house there was a time when all us kids had our own cars and there was not enough room to park in our garage+driveway. And what if I bike a lot during the summer, so my car sits parked on the street for days? I don't think I should be penalized for that.

Originally posted by Sugarphreak
I have 3 cars, and 8 parking spots.

If only we could all be so lucky.

05-27-2014, 02:34 PM

05-27-2014, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

I don't know, have less vehicles in the household?

This is Calgary....and a car forum. Not gonna happen.

05-27-2014, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

I don't see why it is acceptable to spill out onto public property and ruin it for everybody else.

Because that public property is designated for cars to park. Why should people's dinner guests take precedence over people who live in that neighborhood?

Originally posted by Sugarphreak
Kids played street hockey, kids rode their bikes up and down, and when friends came to visit parking was never an issue. These days you can't use the street for anything because they are bumper to bumper cars with neighbours that get territorial over "their spot".

With cheap borrowing rates, small lots and narrow roads, those days are gone. Probably just best to deal with it.

05-27-2014, 03:13 PM

05-27-2014, 03:19 PM
The biggest problems of this aren't necessarily the burbs, more like the developments that go on in them. I bought my first place a few years ago in McKenzie Towne. Townhouse in a commons with a single car garage... Fine. Problem comes shortly after that. Summer car stays in the garage all through the winter and is driven pretty well daily in the summer. Where do I park my winter car/commuter? Has to end up on the street outside of the commons, because naturally they couldn't have sold any outdoor parking stalls to anyone. They've all been designated as visitor parking, which is completely fine. In fact, it's quite nice to have that sort of availability. However, the problem arises when there's so many free spots and absolutely no vehicles other than a few on occasion even occupying those spots. If I could have a larger place or even one with a driveway, this would have solved that problem. However, that's not currently plausible. Street parking for extended periods of time is the only option when you have hundreds of families all crammed into such small multi-family residential areas.

05-27-2014, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by Phl0xed
The biggest problems of this aren't necessarily the burbs, more like the developments that go on in them. I bought my first place a few years ago in McKenzie Towne. Townhouse in a commons with a single car garage... Fine. Problem comes shortly after that. Summer car stays in the garage all through the winter and is driven pretty well daily in the summer. Where do I park my winter car/commuter? Has to end up on the street outside of the commons, because naturally they couldn't have sold any outdoor parking stalls to anyone. They've all been designated as visitor parking, which is completely fine. In fact, it's quite nice to have that sort of availability. However, the problem arises when there's so many free spots and absolutely no vehicles other than a few on occasion even occupying those spots. If I could have a larger place or even one with a driveway, this would have solved that problem. However, that's not currently plausible. Street parking for extended periods of time is the only option when you have hundreds of families all crammed into such small multi-family residential areas.

problem solved: http://www.specautostorage.ca/

i think they call it... pay to play? yup... thats what they call it :bigpimp:

05-27-2014, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by ercchry

problem solved: http://www.specautostorage.ca/

i think they call it... pay to play? yup... thats what they call it :bigpimp:

Less than 1100 a year for indoor heated? That's not bad at all

05-27-2014, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

The intent of the street isn't to be a parking lot, it is a transportation corridor that connects our homes. If people want to park a dozen cars, they should buy a house that will accommodate that.

The intent of the street is to be a transportation corridor AND provide parking. It's ridiculous to say it's not meant for parking.

I have no idea where you live, but if you wanted your street to look a certain way, maybe that should have been a consideration before you moved there?

05-27-2014, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by blitz

I have no idea where you live, but if you wanted your street to look a certain way, maybe that should have been a consideration before you moved there?

you can sum up his neighborhood by knowing this one simple thing.... their strip mall has a friggin plastic surgery clinic in it :rofl:

05-27-2014, 03:44 PM
soooo aspen? lol

05-27-2014, 03:44 PM

I finally figured out what this reminds me of. The "No gravel trucks by Sage Hill" Lady.

1. Move to suburbs
2. Complain about a fundamental part of the suburbs
3. Petition to make said fundamental part illegal.

05-27-2014, 03:49 PM

05-27-2014, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
Yeah no... this is more like

1. Buy a house that isn't big enough for you needs, use your garage as a storage solution
2. Get a HELOC... buy as many cars and toys as you can
3. Park them in front of your neighbours house to show them how awesome you are

This is why I'm going to wind up buying a house and not a townhouse I think.

Toy in half of garage, nice work bench and storage. Roommate can have other half of garage and truck will sit on the driveway since it won't fit the garage.

05-27-2014, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by speedog
Created this thread so as to hopefully keep the 'Pay to park in front of your home' thread on topic.

Lots of people in that other relating stories of their parking woes in what would be considered suburbia - communities where the multi-story home is king. Alleys may or may not exist but for the most part front drive attached garages and usual double garages are the rule as well. Lot sizes are probably in the 40 foot range meaning that you'll only have at best one legal on-street parking spot in front of your home after taking away some 20 feet or so of driveway.

So throw into the mix the reality that many garages are storage spots or that the driveway may have an illegally parked RV vehicle/trailer and possibly multiple families living under one roof (remember - mcmansions) and you'll run into the parking mess that is in places like Tuscany where my Sister-in-law owns a home and yeah, her family would be the typical example - 40 foot wide lot, 2 story mcmansion with a double front drive garage on the basement level including a double front driveway where two more vehicles could be parked. 5 drivers in the house with 6 vehicles of which there is only ever one actually ever parked in the actual garage (often none in the garage). This means some of their vehicles will be parked in front of the neighbors - nothing is parked in the yard because of the over-sized shed (read: illegal) as well as a boat trailer that is often parked in the rear yard which basically reduces the rear of the rear yard to a postage stamp. Often they also have either their sailboat trailer or fifth wheel trailer parked illegally in the alley as well.

Up the street from them, another double garage front drive mcmansion, with 2 people living in it that has 7 vehicles at last count - meaning lots of their extra vehicles on the road (usually 4).

So how to fix this in suburbia? I certainly don't have the answers and can't even begin to surmise how to fix it.

Bit late to this thread and this is slightly off topic, but who in their right mind would have a shed thats bigger than 10 square meters in there backyard?

05-27-2014, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by nzwasp
Bit late to this thread and this is slightly off topic, but who in their right mind would have a shed thats bigger than 10 square meters in there backyard?
By sister-in-law's husband - thing is probably 20' x 8', Stores wood, a lawn mower, sail boat stuff and at least one canoe in there - even has electricity in there. He might have got a building permit for it though but never the less, it vastly contributes to a postage stamp sized back yard.

05-27-2014, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

I am not sure why you are defending this... it looks like crap, it is unsafe, it makes the streets too narrow to pass bikes safely, it screws kids out of playing street hockey or with RC's on the street. What exactly is so awesome? Don't you want to live in a nice neighbourhood or something?

Because I live in an older neighbourhood with a wide steets where there's ample parking. Because of that, I don't want these BS rules applied:

Originally posted by Sugarphreak
Should be 24hr parking limits on the street... if a car is there more than 24hrs, neighbours should be able to complain and have it fined. More than 48hrs after the fine, it should be towed.

That parking should be used more for guests or temporarily when needed... not as your daily driver parking spot because you are too fucking lazy to park in your own damn driveway.

I'm also generally against more bylaws and government rules and programs. Trailers, Boats and RV's can be dealt with under the existing setup, other than that I don't think it should be the taxpayers concern.

05-27-2014, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by M.alex
If that were me I'd slash all their tires during the day.
Uh huh.


05-27-2014, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by blitz
Because I live in an older neighbourhood with a wide streets where there's ample parking. Because of that, I don't want these BS rules applied:
I live in an older community just like you and just started the thread to create some relative discussion because of a potential derail in the other parking thread. That said, I didn't make any mention of rules needing to be created but obviously there's a parking issue in many newer communities that we don't face (for the most part) in older non-inner city communities where the front drive multi-story houses are the norm as opposed to the exception. I'm talking about the Collingwood, North Haven, Highwood, Thorncliff, Charleswood, Brentwood, Dalhousie (maybe Edgemont) etc of the central north/NW - mid-50-70's communities. Go much farther out and lot sizes start to dwindle plus multi-story front drive homes start appearing.

05-27-2014, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by ercchry

problem solved: http://www.specautostorage.ca/

i think they call it... pay to play? yup... thats what they call it :bigpimp:

Or this:


Do this to the front drive way garage = 4 more cars!


Originally posted by speedog

I live in an older community just like you and just started the thread to create some relative discussion because of a potential derail in the other parking thread. That said, I didn't make any mention of rules needing to be created but obviously there's a parking issue in many newer communities that we don't face (for the most part) in older non-inner city communities where the front drive multi-story houses are the norm as opposed to the exception. I'm talking about the Collingwood, North Haven, Highwood, Thorncliff, Charleswood, Brentwood, Dalhousie (maybe Edgemont) etc of the central north/NW - mid-50-70's communities. Go much farther out and lot sizes start to dwindle plus multi-story front drive homes start appearing.

The problem right now is communities that started in the last 10 years and the inner city communities that got redeveloped to be more dense that isn't cars and large toys friendly.

I think metering home fronts is a good idea to enforce the idea that street parking is temporary.

Keep roads clear, keep kids safe and street uncluttered and free flowing, excellent idea.

There are too many times, especially in winter that when I'm in Panorama, I had to do the who goes 1st/2nd with opposing traffic coming down the same road with cars parked on both side.

I know that won't work for every dwelling as some only had front parking only and had for decade for we should at least try.

Originally posted by max_boost
I'm starting to feel like I need to move away from Calgary. Do other cities have these issues or is it just Calgary constantly trying to figure shit out. Tax this tax that. Speed cameras on every residential street, increase fines for everything etc. etc.

We pay relatively little tax compared to other communities in Canada even to our satellite communities like Airdrie and Cochrane.

We don't like tax increase but love user fees. So paid parking is a great idea.

05-27-2014, 05:22 PM
Have u seen this?...


05-28-2014, 10:09 AM
My axe to grind in my community which is next to aspen is that now that its warmer kids are out playing hockey and stuff on their driveways so their parents put up kids playing signs on the road with concrete blocks behind them so they don't blow over. Well shit now theres car parked infront of their driveway to protect kids then sign taking up half the roadway then small space for car to drive past and then another car on the other side of the road parked.

Half the time I think that parents think having the sign up means that their kids have a legit reason to be playing on a semi busy residential street.

Not more than 2 weeks ago I was working outside on my garden and I saw a 2 year old waltz out into the middle of the road (no sign up at the time) and nearly get blown away by a truck driving past. The parents didnt get their kid just told them to get off the road. 2 mins later after that the kid walks out again and nearly gets blown away by a construction truck.

Im all for kid safety but clearly the signs dont make people slow down and dont work if no one is out there watching.

05-28-2014, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by nzwasp
My axe to grind in my community which is next to aspen is that now that its warmer kids are out playing hockey and stuff on their driveways so their parents put up kids playing signs on the road with concrete blocks behind them so they don't blow over. Well shit now theres car parked infront of their driveway to protect kids then sign taking up half the roadway then small space for car to drive past and then another car on the other side of the road parked.

Half the time I think that parents think having the sign up means that their kids have a legit reason to be playing on a semi busy residential street.

Not more than 2 weeks ago I was working outside on my garden and I saw a 2 year old waltz out into the middle of the road (no sign up at the time) and nearly get blown away by a truck driving past. The parents didnt get their kid just told them to get off the road. 2 mins later after that the kid walks out again and nearly gets blown away by a construction truck.

Im all for kid safety but clearly the signs dont make people slow down and dont work if no one is out there watching.
Use the 311 app for the BS signs.

07-07-2014, 10:43 PM
Bump. This kinda shit just drives me mad. This guy is a special kind of stupid. When confronted he responds "I have a backup cam, I can see how close it gets" while eating a pizza and carrying a six pack. For reference, there are 2 car lengths ahead of him.

The offending house is full of renters who have 5 vehicles and winners like this that visit regularly. The landlord has the garage full of stuff/grow op/meth lab whatever.

07-07-2014, 11:19 PM
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q682/bford403/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20140707_213539_zps4e07aa39.jpg (http://s1354.photobucket.com/user/bford403/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20140707_213539_zps4e07aa39.jpg.html)

cancer man
07-08-2014, 06:12 AM
Originally posted by idriveabox
http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q682/bford403/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20140707_213539_zps4e07aa39.jpg (http://s1354.photobucket.com/user/bford403/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20140707_213539_zps4e07aa39.jpg.html)

I don't get it what's the problem?Street looks empty.

07-08-2014, 08:10 AM
Originally posted by cancer man

I don't get it what's the problem?Street looks empty.

The street is empty, but he decided to back in and park within inches of the guy. I hate when people do this, because if someone pulls behind you close enough, it makes for a tough pull out.

07-08-2014, 08:15 AM
Yeah, that's a little closer than normal polite neighbourly parking.

07-08-2014, 08:30 AM
Not enough room behind me (accord) to fit his truck because the rental house has 4 cars in front of it. Except he has 2 car lengths ahead of him.

Bro is just mad that I politely asked the tenants of the house (2 girls) to stop partying outside till 2am on weeknights. I was so tempted to park the element in front of him with my "backup cam" :hitit:

07-08-2014, 08:35 AM
I live at the end of a cul-de-sac, which I love for the huge backyard, but parking!! Of course we knew when we bought this place that we have no front yard, no problem, we have an alley.
We have a double car garage on the front which we keep the truck and my car in, the work van parks in the alley, the travel trailer is parked on a pad in our backyard and motorbike is in the backyard in a corner shed. All is good on our end....
The rest of the cul-de-sac...nightmare!! One neighbour has 7 vehicles pakred...one in the two car garage, two on the driveway (because the have to allow room for the one in the garage to back out) Three parked on the street. The piss off part is that the ones on the street are parked sticking out into the cul-de-sac because there is not front lawn area to park next too. So no one can drive around the circle properly cause thier cars sick out. The biggest issue is on garbage day...our garbage truck can't turn around...this has resulted in our garbage not being picked up more that once.
When anyone has company or a house party...you can tell where the party is just by the parking situation. LOL

07-08-2014, 08:44 AM
Is parking perpendicular legal in culdesacs? There are some people that do it sometimes in mine where there are plenty of spots to park parallel to the curb.

07-08-2014, 09:14 AM
Originally posted by schocker
Is parking perpendicular legal in culdesacs? There are some people that do it sometimes in mine where there are plenty of spots to park parallel to the curb.
I swear I've seen at least one where there's no house directly at the end and there's a sign that says angle parking.
But then I just did a quick google and found this for Surrey BC

07-08-2014, 09:18 AM
3 vehicles all belonging to me, fiance intends on getting one later on, 2 personal vehicles are parked in the detached oversize double garage and the work vehicle is parked out front, there is also a parking pad beside the garage, haven't had any issues parking and I doubt I will. The story when I lived in Cougar Ridge was very different however, I had 1 personal and the work vehicle parked outside and not even within eye sight of the house. The house was 2400sq ft with a standard double attached and parking pad out front, right now there is two full size trucks, an SUV, 2 cars, a van, and two bikes belonging to the place and that doesn't include anything of mine when I lived there hahaha

07-08-2014, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by idriveabox

I got you beat.

I had this douche in the Honeywell vehicle decide to box me in. I backed my truck and trailer up so that I was in front of my house to unload. my other neighbor is parked behind my trailer, hence why I backed up to my house, then this retard boxes me in. He does not even live around here, just visits the neighbor next door.


07-08-2014, 06:13 PM
Yeah that's pretty bad. And to be boxed in...

I was dying to box the f150 in but wifey said no lol

07-08-2014, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by spikerS

I got you beat.

I had this douche in the Honeywell vehicle decide to box me in. I backed my truck and trailer up so that I was in front of my house to unload. my other neighbor is parked behind my trailer, hence why I backed up to my house, then this retard boxes me in. He does not even live around here, just visits the neighbor next door.


You could of called parking control to ticket him, isn't he parked facing the wrong way on the street?

07-08-2014, 09:53 PM
or call his employer :poosie:

07-09-2014, 08:36 AM
All I have to add in this conversation is Red Deer bylaw requires all new places of residence to have at minimum two OFF STREET parking spots. So you either build a front attached, or have to have a gravel pad out back. Works amazing IMO :D