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View Full Version : Anyone have horrible food poisoning before?

05-30-2014, 07:18 AM
On Tuesday I ate two things all day:

1) 12:00 p.m. - footlong pizza sub from Subway with cheese, lettuce, pickles, banana peppers, jalapenos, and hot sauce.

2) 9:30 p.m. - 1 Great Value (Wal-Mart) Cheese filled smokie on a regular white bunch with ketchup. :banghead: Yes, that's right - I didn't even go with a quality smokie, like Grimm's for example, and I probably deserve what you're about to read....

I know you can argue that food poisoning can take x hours, etc., but I really believe it was one of these two things, based on what was leaving my body... :barf:

I worked a regular day at work and then came home and worked on my house/yard until 10:00 p.m. - hence the quick/gross smokie in the microwave - defrost for 2 minutes, cooked on high for 4 minutes - was definitely cooked when I took it out right after and ate it. The bag says nothing about fully cooking them or them even requiring to be cooked; however, it was hot throughout.

I woke up around 12:00 a.m. and it was a photo finish to the bathroom - gripping/terrible abdominal pain, harsh vomiting, and straight liquid diarrhea. Go back to bed, drink a bit of water - back in the bathroom within 10 minutes, repeat, repeat, repeat. This went on at my house until 1:30 p.m. the following day (13.5 hours later). Around 1:00 p.m. I started puking up blood, my lips were cracked from dehydration, my skin felt like it was ripping, head was absolutely pounding, I blacked out while trying to get out of bed, I had a fever, was completely out-of-it, couldn't go more than 15-20 minutes without puking and having diarrhea, and had legitimate concerns for my life. I've had the flu before and have had mild food poisoning before, but nothing like this.

Ended up at the emergency room at Rockeyview Hospital. The nurses and doctors were absolutely amazing, cared a lot about their work/patients, and the wait time was maybe half an hour. The only downside was the other 25 year old guy sitting next to me who was there all day because he almost drank himself the death the night before (heard the nurses/doc talking and he had "fresh start" pamphlets with him, arms all cut up, etc.) - I'm not trying to judge him, it was just sad - I wanted to tell him he was wasting his life and that he deserved better.

Blood work was done, 2 x bags of IVs given, IV anti-nausea drugs given, and left a few hours after arriving. The anti nausea meds allowed me to keep water down so I could continue hydrating myself. Incredible how much better you feel after you get some hydration back and can keep some fluids down. Head was still pounding and I was still pretty out of it, but I didn't feel like I was on the verge of blacking out second to second.

Given how dangerous I think this situation was and the fact that I think the same illness could've likely killed a child or elderly person, I emailed the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. They are completing a full investigation due to the severity of the illness and they may end up testing the smokies, but unfortunately I can't test the Subway (nothing left). If they don't test them, I do enough work with the labs that I might send them in to their Microbiology department myself.

Apparently the hospital could've done lab tests to fingerprint the bacteria/pathogen and link it back to specific food - this is typically only done during large scale outbreaks and/or in situations where people are nearly certain they know where it came from and plan on suing (very difficult to do, far more typical in the USA). For me, if it's the smokies, I'd like that lot pulled from the shelves so some kid doesn't end up dead or a vegetable - I could care less about trying to get $ out of it (very difficult to prove + knowing how our system works I would probably end up with $50 in smokie vouchers and a free oil change at a Wal-Mart Mr. Lube).

2 questions:

Anyone get sick from eating at Subway in the past or sick from eating Great Value Smokies?

Anyone had food poisoning like this before, where you're actually somewhat worried about your life?

This is probably punishment for letting the trolls get to me recently. I've learned my lesson. :whipped:

05-30-2014, 07:30 AM

05-30-2014, 07:37 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
Don't know why you're so focused on the smokie. It was the subway, man. No doubt in my mind.

:werd: Who still eats subway!? Absolute garbage vegetables and food poisoning is guaranteed every time.

I have been this sick once too. Blacked out a few times, actually lost the feeling one of my arms by the third day and had to drag myself along the floor with the other hand. Didn't get higher than the floor for 4 days, slept in the bathroom because it was cooler flooring. It was right around the time of the swine flu outbreak in 2010 so I blamed it on that. Didn't go to the hospital though so I dunno.

05-30-2014, 07:50 AM
Ive had food poisoning a few times, none as bad as eating at the bowness vietnamese restaurant where it knocked me on my ass for 2 days... the best was when I ate a burger at moxies, got projectile, called them up 2 days later and told them what happened and they offered to give me a 25 gift certificate, lol. I always try to eat raw ginger root when I feel it come on and it usually reduced if not eliminated it completely.

05-30-2014, 08:12 AM
Got Samonella from Joey Tomatoes. (Food investigator confirmed it with other cases from that same night)

If your deal is food contamination, you'll get a food investigator calling you and interviewing you over the phone a few times. This is after you go to doctor and they get samples for analysis.

Samonella or any sort of bacterial stuff will take a week or so to grow in your intestinal tract before fully unleashing the beast.
Rotten food will generally flare up in under 24hrs.

05-30-2014, 08:16 AM
Food poisoning and it's associated symptoms can take anywhere from 1 hour to up to 10 days to show up depending on the type of food poisoning and it might not have been anything you ate - it could have been as simple as handling the bully stick that you gave to your dog and at some point later, transferring whatever was on that bully stick to your mouth through handling a piece of food that you ingested or even scratching something inside of your mouth.

So to hold Subway as the suspected cause or even the smokies is iffy as there's plenty out there that can make one ill - cleanliness is paramount above all. Too often people get food poisoning right from their own homes from something they would never suspect - my bully stick example above is just one way.

05-30-2014, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by Env-Consultant
The bag says nothing about fully cooking them or them even requiring to be cooked; however, it was hot throughout.

I always thought smokies and hot dogs were precooked for the most part, you're just warming them up whenever you bbq them or microwave. My buddies mother had this weird liking for 'unwarmed up' hot dogs and smokies dipped in salsa (don't ask, cause I never did) and she never got sick.

It could be more things that that, like norovirus? That will make your day goto shit (no pun intended) just the same.

05-30-2014, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by mr2mike
Samonella or any sort of bacterial stuff will take a week or so to grow in your intestinal tract before fully unleashing the beast.
Rotten food will generally flare up in under 24hrs.

"Symptoms of salmonellosis include diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. They develop 12 to 72 hours after infection, and the illness usually lasts 4 to 7 days. "


"After eating tainted food, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting, can start as early as one hour in the case of staph and as late as 10 days in the case of campylobacter. It may take even longer to develop symptoms from parasite infections such as Giardia. Symptoms can last from one day up to a couple of months or longer, depending on the type of infection. "


I'm not saying it was 100% Subway or the smokie - I just have a strong belief that it was. I ate at home in the week proceeding that and I am extremely careful/clean when cooking; however, I do understand meat could be previously tainted, germs can be moved from A to B without you even knowing it, shit happens, etc. I just have a feeling in my guy (har dee har har) that it was either the Subway or the smokie.

Either way, it sucked.

05-30-2014, 08:40 AM
Staph is probably the most common immediate type of food poisoning you can get. It's like a zero calorie cheap meal! Now you can eat some decent food and not feel bad.

05-30-2014, 08:49 AM
I dunno, my Samonella gave me noticable symptoms around a week later. Maybe I was healthy at the time and took longer for the bacteria to grow? Don't know. But then I didn't get treatment until a lot later on. So all in all I think recovery took over a month.

Your issue could come from anywhere. Maybe the knife was dropped on the floor, not cleaned properly, you touched the interac machine which had bacteria on it and then you ate your sandwich. Anything.

05-30-2014, 08:57 AM
But it's easier for Beyond to just slag Subway - for the record, I don't regularly eat at Subway (maybe 6-8 times a year) but over the years when I've felt unwell, I've never suspected Subway. Then again, I don't believe I've ever experienced food poisoning either.

05-30-2014, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by mr2mike

Your issue could come from anywhere. Maybe the knife was dropped on the floor, not cleaned properly, you touched the interac machine which had bacteria on it and then you ate your sandwich. Anything.

:werd: It's easy to blame food, but the fact is there's a lot of really gross, unhygienic people out there using the same doors etc. as you do.

I'm not a germophobe or anything, but the one that always makes me think is gas station pumps... it's not just a quick contact like a door handle, it's sustained for quite awhile, plenty of time for shit to transfer... literally shit because I never thought of it until one day I saw a guy scratching his ass crack while filling up.

and worked on my house/yard until 10:00 p.m

This could also be a source of your poisoning. Soil can hold all sorts of wonders.

Mista Bob
05-30-2014, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

I'm not a germophobe or anything, but the one that always makes me think is gas station pumps... it's not just a quick contact like a door handle, it's sustained for quite awhile, plenty of time for shit to transfer... literally shit because I never thought of it until one day I saw a guy scratching his ass crack while filling up.

Sorry, I thought no one was looking.

05-30-2014, 09:32 AM
I had confirmed Salmonella from the "Taste of Calgary" festival a few years ago. Myself and the two girls I was with all caught it. Wasn't a fun experience.

05-30-2014, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by GTS4tw
:werd: Who still eats subway!? Absolute garbage vegetables and food poisoning is guaranteed every time.
The last 150 times I've had subway I've had food poisoning exactly 0 times.

05-30-2014, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by A790

The last 150 times I've had subway I've had food poisoning exactly 0 times.

:werd: I've ate Subway my whole life and haven't had food poisoning once.

Now eating chicken at a pub.... That has claimed me a few times now.

D'z Nutz
05-30-2014, 10:10 AM
Did you accuse them of playing favouritism with the people they didn't poison too?

05-30-2014, 10:20 AM
I'm fairly certain I got it once at KFC. Was out of it for a week. Missed a midterm exam. At one orange the whole week. :rofl:

05-30-2014, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by n1zm0

It could be more things that that, like norovirus? That will make your day goto shit (no pun intended) just the same. My whole family got norovirus once. I ended up at the hospital (threw up around 40 times in six hours), they gave me Fentanyl for the abdominal pain, holy fuck narcotics are awesome.

05-30-2014, 10:25 AM
If the symptoms were related to one of the meals, I think that Subway is a much likelier culprit due to all of the opportunities for unsafe food handling compared to a factory packed smokie that is completely contained until the customer opens the pack.

05-30-2014, 10:48 AM
Are you positive you aren't allergic to something?

I had an extremely violent reaction to eating peas, got tested and turns out I have a lupin allergy.
I never eat peas or lentils etc, I only did that one time cause I was at a friends place and didn't want to be rude.

05-30-2014, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by Isaiah
If the symptoms were related to one of the meals, I think that Subway is a much likelier culprit due to all of the opportunities for unsafe food handling compared to a factory packed smokie that is completely contained until the customer opens the pack. Maple Leaf would like to agree with you!

Mista Bob
05-30-2014, 10:52 AM
What did you have for breakfast that day?

It's easy to blame restaurants for food poisoning, but I highly doubt the majority of peoples kitchens at home would pass a thorough health inspection.

05-30-2014, 11:09 AM
and this is why i continue to eat at questionable restaurants on a regular basis...keeps the immune system strong! :rofl:

05-30-2014, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by suntan
Maple Leaf would like to agree with you!
I understand the point that you're trying to make but I'm not sure it's relevant. Maple Leaf Foods is one of Canada's oldest and largest food producers and has operates dozens of plants across many products segments for almost 90 years.

With the exception of the one listeria outbreak in 2008, are you aware of any other issues? While not infallible, Canadian factory packed foods are held to a very high standard with very stringent protocols specifically designed to prevent contamination in a sterile environment.

Subway's preventative measures can only go so far when the people preparing your sandwich are the same ones handling your money. Yes they wear gloves, and yes they wash their hands, but it only takes one lapse. Their meat is also pre-portioned and exposed to air (versus a vacuum packed smoke pack) which also presents another opportunity for bacteria to fester.

05-30-2014, 11:21 AM

Going for a class action suit? Don't forget, you need proove.

Subway needs to govern itself accordingly...

05-30-2014, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by Isaiah

I understand the point that you're trying to make but I'm not sure it's relevant. Maple Leaf Foods is one of Canada's oldest and largest food producers and has operates dozens of plants across many products segments for almost 90 years.

With the exception of the one listeria outbreak in 2008, are you aware of any other issues? While not infallible, Canadian factory packed foods are held to a very high standard with very stringent protocols specifically designed to prevent contamination in a sterile environment.

Subway's preventative measures can only go so far when the people preparing your sandwich are the same ones handling your money. Yes they wear gloves, and yes they wash their hands, but it only takes one lapse. Their meat is also pre-portioned and exposed to air (versus a vacuum packed smoke pack) which also presents another opportunity for bacteria to fester. I'm not sure what planet you live on, but listeria and other bacterial outbreaks have happened multiple times from meat. Let's not be pedantic and assume that we're just talking about Maple Leaf here.

05-30-2014, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by spike98

Going for a class action suit? Don't forget, you need proove.

Subway needs to govern itself accordingly...
Link dead. Screenshot kijiji posts guys, don't like to them. They always go down fast.

05-30-2014, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by A790

Link dead. Screenshot kijiji posts guys, don't like to them. They always go down fast.

Google Cache knows whats up...


05-30-2014, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by spike98

Google Cache knows whats up...

404. That’s an error. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.kijiji.ca/v-community-other/calgary/potential-food-posioning-douglasdale-subway-seeking-info/597894565?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true

Your cache knows whats up, google don't know shit.

The requested URL /search?q=cache:http://www.kijiji.ca/v-community-other/calgary/potential-food-posioning-douglasdale-subway-seeking-info/597894565?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true was not found on this server. That’s all we know.

05-30-2014, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
Did you accuse them of playing favouritism with the people they didn't poison too?

You owe me the cost of cleaning tea of my keyboard and screen.:)

05-30-2014, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Mista Bob
What did you have for breakfast that day?

It's easy to blame restaurants for food poisoning, but I highly doubt the majority of peoples kitchens at home would pass a thorough health inspection.

Nothing. I rarely eat breakfast. I always wash my hands after using the washroom, always wash my hands before eating, never use dirty dishes, etc. That's not to say it's impossible that I caused it myself and it wasn't due to the food. Anything is possible. I've never been that sick before though - grew up cleaning pig barns and let's just say things were, er...., far from sanitary - never got sick like this. I feel it was the food, but I can't confirm that for 100%. I wouldn't throw a restaurant/manufacturer under the bus just for the fun of it.

Originally posted by Ymerej472008
Are you positive you aren't allergic to something?

I had an extremely violent reaction to eating peas, got tested and turns out I have a lupin allergy.
I never eat peas or lentils etc, I only did that one time cause I was at a friends place and didn't want to be rude

Not my first rodeo with said foods - never experienced any type of sickness or discomfort, so I highly doubt it was an allergy. But again, it's possible.

Originally posted by D'z Nutz
Did you accuse them of playing favouritism with the people they didn't poison too?

I sincerly hope that isn't your "A" material bro - come on. It's Friday - I want to laugh - step up your game :rofl:

But to answer your question, yes, I wrote stern emails to both Subway, Wal-Mart, and Darwin's relatives about how unfair it was that evolved microorganisms chose to attack only me that day and not other people, including my family members (both young and old), my neighbors, and my coworkers. Complete BS. I demand satisfaction.

Not sure if anyone there are many other diehard Simpsons fans on here, but I'm pretty sure this was me at one point; the latter portion being when I was trying to convince my fiance that I was capable of going to work for the day:





05-30-2014, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by spike98

Going for a class action suit? Don't forget, you need proove.

Subway needs to govern itself accordingly...

Not at all - if there were other people who also got sick, I think it would be reasonable to let their management (and upper management) know. My concern was for people with small children or elderly people eating there and getting that sick - their bodies can't handle that. I took the ad down after speaking with a Subway rep on the phone - they're handling looking into it and treating it accordingly. If I received 30 other responses then clearly there is a bigger problem. If there wasn't a pile of people that got sick, then why leave that up and potentially hurt the business (e.g. for weeks on end).

As I said earlier, we live in Canada, not the USA. Lawsuits here are a joke and, as I said earlier, you would need to prove food poisoning, which is nearly impossible to do (or at least extremely, extremely difficult).

Not trying to make a buck - especially through a lawsuit that would take years, would be next to impossible to win, and would probably cost me more money in time off work than the total value of a potential payout :dunno: I hung out with my 3 year old nephew recently and I was thinking more what would happen to his little body if he crushed that same bacteria/pathogen...

05-30-2014, 12:09 PM
Part of the Kijiji ad...

Hello, I had a pizza sub from Douglasdale Subway on May 28 and became violently ill and was hospitalized the next day. I was wondering if anybody else who ate there also became ill. I am trying to verify if it was the Subway or something else I ...

Mista Bob
05-30-2014, 12:18 PM
Does 12 hours later really count as the next day? Are you sure the food poisoning didn't start at 11:59pm?

05-30-2014, 02:37 PM
Glad you made it to the hospital alright. 9 min drive? I'd be so scared to let go in the car...

05-30-2014, 03:05 PM
I once had a pizza chicken sub thing at subway in Marlborough mall.

had the runs but that's about it.

Never anything so violent.

Everyone needs to start eating at dirty ass places, build that ish up

05-30-2014, 03:16 PM
Is this why people eat their boogers? To build up their immune system? :rofl:

05-30-2014, 03:33 PM
Is Env-Consultant = Fuzzywuzzy?

05-30-2014, 04:05 PM
This is my first and only account. Mods can verify through IPs - I believe they can anyways.

Funny thing - the hospital is actually less than 10 mins from my house - with parking it was another photo finish.

05-30-2014, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R
Is Env-Consultant = Fuzzywuzzy?

I think - FuzzyWuzzy=RondoBondo=copynpaste=???

05-30-2014, 04:19 PM
got it a few times. Its usually always contaminated produce at fast food places. The lettuce got me once at taco bell and the lettuce got me at subway. Once I also go nailed by undercooked chicken shawarma that was basically pink. Didn't notice until I already ate half of it due to all the sauce and junk I put on it. Flu like symptoms, sore muscles, pissing out of your ass, etc... standard food poisoning. Should I have sued? lol Maybe I could have been retired by now...

05-30-2014, 04:43 PM

Mista Bob
05-30-2014, 04:54 PM
It's always interesting how people seem to know exactly what caused their food poisoning.

But I've never seen someone narrow it down to a specific ingredient, like lettuce, before.

05-30-2014, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by Mista Bob
It's always interesting how people seem to know exactly what caused their food poisoning.

But I've never seen someone narrow it down to a specific ingredient, like lettuce, before.

Yeah very surprised. I've actually even partially cooked chicken before and had nothing happen. I've probably eaten tonnes of questionable food and never notice anything. Then randomly one day after lord know what I ate I'll be just violently sick all night and all the next day. I never know what caused it and don't really care. I just move on a keep eating what I eat.

05-30-2014, 05:38 PM
I have eaten at Subway quite a few times and never gotten food poisoning. My guts don't always agree with the processed meat though.

05-30-2014, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by Mista Bob
It's always interesting how people seem to know exactly what caused their food poisoning.

But I've never seen someone narrow it down to a specific ingredient, like lettuce, before.

each time I was able to taste the bad food. It was obvious the lettuce was off. Smells, tastes are fairly indicative of spoilage or potential contamination. Every time I think to myself, "wow this tastes off" then later I get sick. Humans have developed this through evolution to stay away from bad food. It's not %100 that you're going to get sick from that but when I did get food poisoning I know what it was from because I remember what tasted off a day or two prior. Problem is, it only really sticks out after I've already had a few bites (because its mixed in with other stuff), by then it's too late.

Mista Bob
05-30-2014, 06:10 PM
You could have very well just ate some shitty lettuce and got it from else where.

Bad lettuce doesn't automatically mean it has the bacteria/contamination necessary to cause food poisoning.
For all you know you could have got it off your hands while eating.

05-30-2014, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by GTS4tw

I think - FuzzyWuzzy=RondoBondo=copynpaste=???

I'm completely out of the loop on this one.

Elaborate, possibly? Or.....


05-30-2014, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by Env-Consultant

I'm completely out of the loop on this one.

Elaborate, possibly? Or.....


I don't think you understand what a troll is for one thing. And for another, go back and read what I replied to....

05-30-2014, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by BigMass

each time I was able to taste the bad food. It was obvious the lettuce was off. Smells, tastes are fairly indicative of spoilage or potential contamination. Every time I think to myself, "wow this tastes off" then later I get sick. Humans have developed this through evolution to stay away from bad food. It's not %100 that you're going to get sick from that but when I did get food poisoning I know what it was from because I remember what tasted off a day or two prior. Problem is, it only really sticks out after I've already had a few bites (because its mixed in with other stuff), by then it's too late.

Except subway lettuce smells bad even when it's good, lol. It's the biggest reason I rarely eat there. I can smell it the moment I walk in, even over the yeast. Anytime I do go, I make they hold the lettuce.

05-30-2014, 07:16 PM
Oh I do - might I direct you to my old website trollzking.com (http://trollzking.com) I haven't added to it for a while - you may have wokrn the TrollzKing up....

I just wasn't sure what you were rambling on about people equaling other profiles, etc. for.

05-30-2014, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Env-Consultant

I just wasn't sure what you were rambling on about people equaling other profiles, etc. for.

Because he's guessing that's who your past profiles are. You seem to have a very familiar tone, and knowledge of the website (including knowing what a hilarious dick GTSJeff used to be before he was unbanned) for someone who has only recently started posting.

05-30-2014, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Because he's guessing that's who your past profiles are. You seem to have a very familiar tone, and knowledge of the website (including knowing what a hilarious dick GTSJeff used to be before he was unbanned) for someone who has only recently started posting.

Untrue - I had no idea who GTSJeff was - I said that my vag would be sore in a sarcastic way - I.e. oh riggght, if GTSJeff was around my vag would hurt or something to that effect.

I think it's kind of comical that you guys think I used to be on here under a different profile. I'm flattered actually :clap:

05-30-2014, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by Env-Consultant

Untrue - I had no idea who GTSJeff was - I said that my vag would be sore in a sarcastic way - I.e. oh riggght, if GTSJeff was around my vag would hurt or something to that effect.

I think it's kind of comical that you guys think I used to be on here under a different profile. I'm flattered actually :clap:

I wasn't even saying that, I said FuzzyWuzzy turned into copynpaste, i dont know who that is now thus the 3 question marks:

And I quote

"I think - FuzzyWuzzy=RondoBondo=copynpaste=???"

As I said, you would have to actually read this whole thread to understand who I was responding to and who they were responding to etc :nut:

05-31-2014, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by ercchry
and this is why i continue to eat at questionable restaurants on a regular basis...keeps the immune system strong! :rofl:


I've gone out and ate the same things as the rest of my family only to have them go down with some bad food poisoning and all I have is a little indigestion fixed by a single trip to the toilet.

I did however get some super nasty one from chicken about a year that shit was horrible, traced it back to a Boston Pizza. I guess it was a really nasty one the heath inspector said 1 in 6 people get hospitilized for it or something like that

05-31-2014, 11:22 AM
I eat subway all the time, no problems.

Only time I've had bad food poisoning was actually from the GFS food show believe it or not. Both myself and my corporate chef at the time did. That was the worst I've ever felt I think. Laying on the bed all night, room feels like it's spinning like a amusement park ride, trips to the bathroom to blow out both ends every 20-30 minutes. Brutal.

05-31-2014, 12:57 PM
The last time I had Subway it was one of those 6 foot long deals and I got really sick. I had to decide between puking in the toilet and shitting on the floor or shitting into the toilet and puking on the floor. Puking won. I honestly have no idea why anyone would even eat at Subway when you have options like:
- Vietnamese subs
- Shawarma (Babylon......yum)
- Alberta King Of Subs (52 Street, amazing)
- the list goes on
Why the hell would you choose Subway? Shawarmas are cheaper and better.

I've also had very bad food poisoning in the past so I feel your pain. I went to the emergency room with Ecoli 0157 and the doctors told me if I hadn't come in when I did, I would have died not long after. I spent a week in bed on drugs and finally was able to eat something again. However that was from uncooked hamburgers I ate because I was too impatient to wait for them to cook all the way through. I never did that again.

05-31-2014, 01:10 PM

05-31-2014, 01:32 PM
Some forms of food poisoning are mildly beneficial in that you can build up a tolerance to it over time.
Some forms of food poisoning are bad because they can cause permanent damage to your body.

A microbiologist would be a better person to respond to this thread.

Personally, I avoid Subways as much as possible - or at least watch what they serve. Avoid dairy, creamy sauces.

Having been through Montezumas Revenge from Mexico, I would not wish that upon anyone.

05-31-2014, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by Mar
I spent a week in bed on drugs and finally was able to eat something again. However that was from uncooked hamburgers I ate because I was too impatient to wait for them to cook all the way through. I never did that again.

Wow, better avoid the states if you can't handle a burger with some pink in the middle.

Mista Bob
05-31-2014, 02:07 PM
This thread had me craving subway, so I went for some last night.
mmmm so good. Foot long spicy italian and I haven't died yet.

05-31-2014, 02:19 PM
Subway is disgusting, on par with a safeway lumberjack or gas station hoagie. can't believe people eat that shit. :barf:

05-31-2014, 02:27 PM
The Safeway lumberjack is an amazing sandwich!

Mista Bob
05-31-2014, 02:28 PM
Yeah the Lumberjack is great, especially for the price vs subway.

Love those gas station subs too :nut:
But only the ones from that viking brand.... forget the name.

05-31-2014, 02:43 PM
u guys like microwave chicken burgers too??? :rofl:

D'z Nutz
05-31-2014, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

Lol classic Mar. Sure it wasn't a Marth error? "Let's see, 2 minutes per side times 2 burgers, that should be about 8 minutes total, we're good."


Originally posted by Mar
I hate cooking, so much so that I won't even heat up a can of ravioli, I just eat it straight out of a cold can. I'm too lazy for a microwave. So before my girlfriend cooked for me I was sometimes not eating anything, or if I got hungry I'd drink a can of Coke, that would fill me up.

05-31-2014, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by FixedGear
u guys like microwave chicken burgers too??? :rofl:

For a cold cut sandwich you don't get much better than a lumberjack. It's just stupid to compare if to something else. Unless you're buying some quality hipster cold cut sandwiches from somewhere??

05-31-2014, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by FixedGear
Subway is disgusting, on par with a safeway lumberjack or gas station hoagie. can't believe people eat that shit. :barf:

Lumberjacks? You're probably just a picky eater.

You'll grow out of it.

Mista Bob
05-31-2014, 03:24 PM
Yeah I don't get how you could hate on the Lumberjack.... it's all quality ingredients.

Originally posted by FixedGear
u guys like microwave chicken burgers too??? :rofl:

Whoa man, come on. We have standards here.

05-31-2014, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Darkane

Lumberjacks? You're probably just a picky eater.

You'll grow out of it.

a sandwich containing bologna disguised as three different types of lunchmeat, wilted lettuce, desiccated tomato slices, slimy off-brand processed cheese food slices, and insanely thick slices of bread that have turned dank and chewy from sitting in a plastic wrapper with wet ingredients for two days? I'll pass thnx very much.

05-31-2014, 03:32 PM
So you've never actually looked at or bought one I take it...

05-31-2014, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by Unknown303
So you've never actually looked at or bought one I take it...

I've bought one before

Mista Bob
05-31-2014, 03:34 PM
Did this lumberjack beat you up and sleep with your girlfriend?

Still don't get the hate.... sounds like you managed to grab one from way back in the shelf that was forgotten there for a few weeks.

05-31-2014, 03:37 PM
It's just really, really cheap meat (bologna) with bad lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese, with bread that's too thick and then all sealed in plastic wrap just so everything turns into a soggy mess. :dunno: I don't see how anyone could think tha'ts good?

Maybe I'm confusing it with some other Safeway sandwich. But still not sure why anyone would think a premade sandwich is good?

05-31-2014, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by Mar
The last time I had Subway it was one of those 6 foot long deals and I got really sick. I had to decide between puking in the toilet and shitting on the floor or shitting into the toilet and puking on the floor. Puking won. I honestly have no idea why anyone would even eat at Subway when you have options like:
- Vietnamese subs
- Shawarma (Babylon......yum)
- Alberta King Of Subs (52 Street, amazing)
- the list goes on
Why the hell would you choose Subway? Shawarmas are cheaper and better.

I completely agree with you on this one and it's simply a timing issue - Subway is the closest place to me and the fastest total trip/eat time. I split my time between my office and in-house consulting for clients downtown. Usually during my days at the office I have a hard time finding time to even take a piss, so I normally skip lunch (unhealthy, stupid, I know). Since I was 15, I chewed tobacco like a MF'er - about a week and a half ago I completely quit chewing/smoking/nicotine replacement/everything. Well like fuck I can skip lunch now - had to eat (felt like I absolutely had to), so I made the decision to rip to Subway; it very well may have been something else though. I will know if it's the smokies though, CFIA is picking them up on Monday for testing - they've actually been awesome - I basically emailed them about being sick, they asked what I ate, and then they said they'd swing by my house to pick up the smokies for testing.

Originally posted by Mar
I hate cooking, so much so that I won't even heat up a can of ravioli, I just eat it straight out of a cold can. I'm too lazy for a microwave. So before my girlfriend cooked for me I was sometimes not eating anything, or if I got hungry I'd drink a can of Coke, that would fill me up.

So if a Beyond get-together happens, you'd be fine with microwaved hot-dogs? Easy guy to please!

As an aside, still haven't had any nicotine in any form - don't really have a desire to have it anymore. Thinking of having kids shortly after getting married and would like to be around to support my family..... along with my jaw/tongue/teeth. Reading some of the stories on WhyQuit about the 20-30 year old people who ended up mangled messes did me some good. Was a make or break decision for me - I decided it was time to quit or time to decide to never think about it again and accept I would eventually likely die from it. I'm not even okay with nicotine gum/spray/replacement - was a slave to that shit long enough. No derailing intended.

This may or may not be why I've been a little....er...more combative than usual lately. :nut:

06-01-2014, 02:13 AM
Originally posted by Unknown303
The Safeway lumberjack is an amazing sandwich!

Originally posted by Mista Bob
Yeah the Lumberjack is great, especially for the price vs subway.

Love those gas station subs too :nut:
But only the ones from that viking brand.... forget the name.

Originally posted by Unknown303

For a cold cut sandwich you don't get much better than a lumberjack. It's just stupid to compare if to something else. Unless you're buying some quality hipster cold cut sandwiches from somewhere??

Originally posted by Mista Bob
Yeah I don't get how you could hate on the Lumberjack.... it's all quality ingredients.

Whoa man, come on. We have standards here.

Originally posted by Mista Bob
Did this lumberjack beat you up and sleep with your girlfriend?

Still don't get the hate.... sounds like you managed to grab one from way back in the shelf that was forgotten there for a few weeks.

Those things have about 1.5 grams of sodium in them, I'm surprised people don't die simply from biting into it. :barf:
I've actually started looking at ingredients since I started eating healthier and it's disgusting some of the things you find in your food. Did you know Skippy peanut butter has icing sugar in it? Seriously, look on the side of the jar. It's like crack.

06-01-2014, 07:03 AM
I try to make sure I buy the Lumberjack packed that day. I slice it up into small portions so I can snack on it throughout the day(s), wrap it and put it in the fridge. I'm gonna be honest, there are times where I've eaten it a week later and still tasted decent :rofl:

06-01-2014, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by Disoblige
I'm gonna be honest, there are times where I've eaten it a week later and still tasted decent :rofl:


06-01-2014, 08:41 AM
Nah haha. My fridge is pretty cold. Surprised it looked like nothing happened.

06-01-2014, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Mar
The last time I had Subway it was one of those 6 foot long deals and I got really sick.

I honestly have no idea why anyone would even eat at Subway when you have options like:
- Vietnamese subs

You ate a 6 foot sub and wondered why you got sick? :rofl:

Oddly enough, the last time I got food poisoning, it was from a Vietnamese sub. The one that used to be on 32nd ave NE (I think it's Smashburger now). 4 of us at work ate there the first week it was open, and 3 of us were hovering over the toilet within 2 hours

Mista Bob
06-01-2014, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Mar

Those things have about 1.5 grams of sodium in them, I'm surprised people don't die simply from biting into it. :barf:
I've actually started looking at ingredients since I started eating healthier and it's disgusting some of the things you find in your food. Did you know Skippy peanut butter has icing sugar in it? Seriously, look on the side of the jar. It's like crack.

Is that 1.5g per serving or the whole sub? Cause those things are huge.

Not surprised about the peanut butter though, sugar is added into pretty much anything these days isn't it.

06-01-2014, 01:20 PM
The real trick to avoiding food poisoning is eat out less often - yeah, most of our kitchens would probably not pass a health inspection but at the same time they wouldn't pass for nit-picky things that a food establishment has to pass. Every day things like how we store food items at home whether it be in our refrigerators, cupboards, pantries, counter tops, cool rooms (if you have one) or how we prepare our food or how clean we keep food preparation areas in our homes and yet, we all seem to survive eating food prepared at home.

How is it then that some people have had so much bad luck with Subway or Safeway's Lumberjack sandwiches while others have no issues - these are places that have to pass food/heath inspections and are held to a much higher standard than our own homes. I don't believe I've ever experienced food poisoning per what the symptoms are and while Subway and Lumberjack sandwiches are not a part of our family's regular fair, it is something we do consume once the wrestling season is in full swing for our family because it's a quick meal that truly isn't all that bad. So over 10 years of amateur wrestling seasons with numerous Lumberjack's over those years (Subway on a lesser extent) and no food poisoning in our family, I'm left scratching my head as to why others have had all of these supposed food poisoning issues from these two specific companies while our family of five has not.

So there has got to other factors at play here or some people just have bad luck in buckets - one of these two is part of the riddle. Just has to be because I know I'm not as fastidious as I could be with safe food handling/preparation around the home and yet, no food poisoning that I'm aware of to date. Something is a miss with these people that are getting sick.

06-01-2014, 02:59 PM
I've never had food poisoning from a lumberjack, I just think it's low quality food and would not eat it unless absolutely necessary. Same goes for subway. And microwave chicken burgers, for that matter.

06-01-2014, 03:20 PM
I'm pretty sure I got it from Subway once. It was rather unpleasant...

06-01-2014, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by speedog
[B Something is a miss with these people that are getting sick. [/B]

I don't think so - this is the first time I've ever had food poisoning and I worked on the road for 6 years, often eating Hygaard gas station subs and other random gas station food. Just because your family of 5 had never got sick doesn't mean anything. If the right pathogen hits you, it'll get you, regardless of your immune system, etc. I'm a strong believer in not using hand sanitizer, not constantly washing your hands (except after using the bathroom), etc. - it's good to get some germs in you to build up immunity - just have to hope they aren't the germs that can end your life.

A sample size of 5 is a tad on the small side to be making large scale/population based extrapolations. Maybe you don't eat as much and are actually safer with home food prep than you think? Who knows. I'd consider yourself lucky and keep your fingers crossed (especially for the wee ones - as a parent it would be brutal to watch that - similar to the flu I guess).

06-01-2014, 04:18 PM
It is possible to have symptoms like OP described and it to be not directly related to food-borne illness.

For example Norovirus (aka Norwalk) presents in the same way. Granted you could get it from a food service worker, but its just as likely to be the guy using the door handle or the ATM right before you. The virus is very contagious and long lived. I've been sick from what I presume was Norovirus and it was hell for around 36 hours. Woke at 3am with feverish chills and spent the next two days going from couch to toilet. Good way to drop 10-15 lbs in a hurry.

AHS Site (http://www.health.alberta.ca/health-info/norovirus.html)
Public Health Agency of Canada (http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/fs-sa/fs-fi/norovirus-eng.php)
CDC (http://www.cdc.gov/norovirus/index.Html)

Mista Bob
06-01-2014, 06:28 PM
It's just another part of the blame game, now days you'll never actually see anyone take responsibility for their actions.
No one wants to blame themselves for potential food poisoning. So anytime it happens, if they ate out some where it must have obviously been that place because they are perfect.
And you'll never hear from someone "I gave myself food poisoning". If there wasn't anything else to point the finger at, you can bet they won't be talking about it much.

Then there's a lot of people claiming they were food poisoned, when they are just big pussies and the slightest hint of a little bit of diarrhea and stomach aches makes them think they are dying. Woe is me for my stomach slightly aches.
Kinda like all the people who cry about having the flu, when really its just a bad cold.

Really it's not even worth trying to locate the source of it in 99% of cases.
Unless it nearly kills you who cares, move on with your life. Chances are you will never ever know where it came from.
Food poisoning can even potentially take a week or more to kick in after ingestion, which only makes it more laughable when people know *exactly* where they got it from.

06-01-2014, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by jaeden
It is possible to have symptoms like OP described and it to be not directly related to food-borne illness.

For example Norovirus (aka Norwalk) presents in the same way. Granted you could get it from a food service worker, but its just as likely to be the guy using the door handle or the ATM right before you. The virus is very contagious and long lived. I've been sick from what I presume was Norovirus and it was hell for around 36 hours. Woke at 3am with feverish chills and spent the next two days going from couch to toilet. Good way to drop 10-15 lbs in a hurry.

AHS Site (http://www.health.alberta.ca/health-info/norovirus.html)
Public Health Agency of Canada (http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/fs-sa/fs-fi/norovirus-eng.php)
CDC (http://www.cdc.gov/norovirus/index.Html)

But there would be no drama and really pointless in posting.
Princesses get food poisoning not Norwalk.

06-01-2014, 08:11 PM
I got a severe case of that last Friday, and so did one of my coworkers.

Got home, fever, chills and nausea right away. Then middle of the night I bombed the toilet and that persisted for almost 2 days. Didn't go to the hospital, but was stuck on the couch for the whole of Saturday.

Dehydration is a bitch. I had like 6 liters of water that day and kept 0 liters in me.