View Full Version : a different type of scam from kijiji?

07-04-2014, 09:58 AM
Im trying to sell my car and have had a couple people who seem interested. There were many red flags but having 2 emails from 2 different potential people saying almost the exact same things pushed it over board.

Here is the first email:

I agree with the price and I will ask my loan broker for that. I would like to check the car with a friend who is a mechanic. My friend will check the car for me if that's ok with you. I will pay you cash after I will inspect the car. Do you have all the service docs and the history of the car?

And the second:

Sorry, I am at my workplace right now._I like the car as is and I am okay with your listing price so I will proceed to get the funds from my loan broker. I will have to come and see the car. I will also bring my mechanic with me so he will see it too. I will pay you cash after I will inspect the car. I am very serious and I deal only face to face with cash. Do you have all the service docs and the history of the car?

The thing that I think is the scam, is they provide a link to use for a vehicle history report and it would surprise me if its used to fish for personal information. (If you click on the link, it re-routes you to vehiclehistory.co).

I want to know if you have all the things ready to sell the car. I don't want to make the trip twice. I want to be clear from the start and please understand that when we will meet you will need to have the history report and the rest of the docs for the car. My friend who is a mechanic will check the car and if all is in order I will pay cash or certified bank check (if you don't want cash) Please get a national vehicle report approved by the Gov from any car dealer or you can pull one from:_http://dmvm.carys.org/_ I can refund you for the history report if it is to much to ask but I think it is common sense. You can pull one from any website you want but all are asking over 30 bucks but all that reports are good. I am serious about seeing and checking the car so once you have the report please tell me so i will take a day off from work and i will call you to set up a meeting. I think_tomorrow_is a good day and I hope you can meet me too. You will show me the report in person (face to face) or you can send it to me pdf format by email.

I hope you are serious too, thank you

Once I insisted on a carproof, I got this email:

my daughter has a bad credit score and the bank refused my application. now i need a co-signer and i will have to ask my sister to help me.
i am very sorry for that. if you find another buyer please proceed because i don't know how long it will take.
thank you

I am also stringing the 2nd inquiry along to see how they respond and will post their reply.

Perhaps I might be a little paranoid but in the event this is a scam, better to make as many people as aware as possible if they are trying to use different techniques to rip someone off.

07-04-2014, 10:10 AM
In my experience, EVERYBODY dickers a car price. Not sure what the angle if there, but it's clearly a scam of some sort.

07-04-2014, 10:11 AM
If they only call it "car" instead of the specific model of the car, its almost always scam

07-04-2014, 10:15 AM
Doesn't really look legit to me. That domain looks like a ripoff domain to me as well. Also, why would they want a US based vehicle history report on a Canadian car?

07-04-2014, 10:16 AM
i bet they run that website... get you to buy a report from them, and by that i mean they steal your cc info :rofl:

07-04-2014, 10:27 AM
Blatant scam of some sort.

07-04-2014, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by ercchry
i bet they run that website... get you to buy a report from them, and by that i mean they steal your cc info :rofl:

Thats exactly what I was thinking.

Silly question, is it possible to have malware or keystroke spyware installed on your phone/ computer by clicking on a website?

07-04-2014, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by ercchry
i bet they run that website... get you to buy a report from them, and by that i mean they steal your cc info :rofl:

Bingo! Even if they don't steal your cc info they've at least made some money on the search.

07-04-2014, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by jdmXSI

Thats exactly what I was thinking.

Silly question, is it possible to have malware or keystroke spyware installed on your phone/ computer by clicking on a website?

I believe it is. Once you click on a website, it is possible it can download all kinds of mal-ware if you don't have adequate protection on your computer.

07-04-2014, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by jdmXSI

Silly question, is it possible to have malware or keystroke spyware installed on your phone/ computer by clicking on a website?

Yes. It happens thousands of times each day.

07-04-2014, 04:09 PM
Tell them to get the car proof themselves. Provide the VIN and tell them to have fun.

07-04-2014, 04:31 PM
Tell them that you prefer to communicate through telephone and ask for their number...

07-04-2014, 10:34 PM
I got an email back and its the same dialog as the other one.

sorry but the report must be up to date fromtoday

i am at work now. i told you that you can get the report from the page that i have sent you or any website you want

i will call you once you will have a report and once you are ready to arrange a meeting with me and my mechanic

as i told you i am very serious, that's why i am paying a mechanic to come with me to check your car, but if you are scared that i will not come and that you will pay twenty bucks for the vehicle history report then i will ask my daughter to go_today_at the post office and transfer you the twenty bucks if this is the problem for you.

On_Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 10:58 AM, @gmail.com>_wrote:

Sure I have no problem with that. What is your phone number just in case i need to reach you?_

Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------

From: Andra

Date:07-04-2014 11:45 AM_(GMT-07:00)


Subject: Re: Reply to your "2012 MINI JCW" Ad on Kijiji

I think_tomorrow_is a good day for a meeting. I can pay you cash or certified bank check if you want. I do hope you have all the things ready because i don't want to make the trip twice. I will need a vehicle history report for my lender with the owner signature on each page so do not send me the vin no because you will need to get that history report)

You can get the history report from any website you want or you can get one from:_http://DMV.h-auto.net/Car-Historyfor 20 bucks._

I am willing to refund you for that report if it is too much to ask from you or if you want i can send someone from my family to a post office to transfer you the twenty bucks so you will have the funds to pay for that history report.

I am very serious about seeing the car so once you have an updated vehicle history please tell me or reply with the pdf and I will call you or give you my number to arrange a meeting

I hope you are serious too, thank you

07-05-2014, 06:59 AM
Its kind of sad that they aren't even good at it. How do people get caught in these? It seems like you would have to be genuinely mentally handicapped to fall for this, and it reinforces my thought that maybe the people who do get scammed deserved it...

07-06-2014, 06:16 AM
its not a credit card scam, clicking on http://dmvm.carys.org/_ they forward you through a few urls which forward you to http://www.vehiclehistory.co/ with a affiliate cookie, basically they want you to pay for a report and they will get commission for every person that does it

report them if you want

07-06-2014, 08:07 AM

07-29-2014, 09:18 PM
I got this one today.

I appreciate your prompt response, I am buying It ASAP for my cousin
residing in Ontario as a surprise. I wont be available by myself for
inspection due to the nature of my work and present location. I will
like you to email me with some close up shots of it and will arrange
for it to be picked up by a pick up agent who will be coming for the
inspection and pick up at your place once the payment clears, I will
also be paying you through Paypal which i believe is safe and secured
for both of us and I will also be responsible for the charges. All I
need from you now is to get back to me with your Paypal email and name
or send me Paypal invoice so that I can send your payment ASAP. What
is your final asking price?

07-29-2014, 09:20 PM
They never rest....I get 2-3 responses daily on equipment I advertise.

07-30-2014, 08:43 AM
Since I edited my ad with my phone number in it last night I received 3 texts from various people saying they will pay $800 above asking. All I need is to email them my paypal info. Low lifes eh.

07-30-2014, 09:55 AM
It's pretty easy, if it involves any form of payment that isn't in person or their response has any kind of link to a website then tell them to pound sand.

07-30-2014, 10:00 AM
I was wondering the other day if CarProof was 'scamming' people...

Got an inquiry asking for a Carproof via Kijiji (yet nothing particular about the car) so I went ahead and did it.. sent it out.. and not one single response from the guy.... I went through the CarProof site myself.. but thought that if CarProof was being sneaky enough they could get random people to email and ask sellers to provide it to bump their sales.

07-30-2014, 12:54 PM
Doubt they care that much.
You still have a new car proof you can state that in the ad and send it over. Buyer can pay for another if they don't believe you.

GTS Jeff
08-01-2014, 06:42 AM
The Nigerienglish is a dead giveaway IMO. Ask them to take a photo with a fish on their head and you'll give their prince a western union money transfer. What's odd is that I never get these scam emails on my kijiji ads. I think they target sellers who seem easy to trick.

08-01-2014, 10:42 AM
YEsterday I got an email from autotrader saying my ad has expired. I went to Autotrader site and my ad was just fine. Fake email brings people to there fake site asking for credit card into. People ask for your emails for that and other reasons.

08-03-2014, 10:58 PM
Just got the $800 on top of asking price one.

Seems legit. :nut: