View Full Version : Phishing email from iTunes

07-15-2014, 11:39 AM
I've had a few phishing emails lately but this one stood out due to how real it looked.

Received an email receipt from iTunes for a couple movie rentals that I didn't authorize, no big deal likely just an mistake. Read the receipt and there is a link to report errors or unauthorized charges. clicked the link even though I normally wouldn't, but the email receipt was dead on for an iTunes receipt. Takes me to an iTunes login page that again,looks dead on. Something in the back of my mind kicked in and said, "DON'T input login info from an unsolicited email".

Looked around the page and everything seemed like it should but something made me uneasy. at this point I tried to click on some of the normal iTunes tabs and buttons on the page, none of them were live! Okay I'm outa here. close the page and email, bring up iTunes and login as normal and guess what? No such charges on my account. Contacted support with the receipt number and order number and they could find nothing either. Sent them a screen shot of the email and they confirmed it was a phishing scam. Dodged a bullet on that one.

Had another this morning from BMO but that one was crappy quality, and I don't have a BMO account.

Normally I wouldn't bother mentioning this, but the iTunes one was soooo well done it almost got me.

Moral of the story is if you get an email from any company that has any sort of login page attached to it, never use it. Always either pick up the phone and call the company to ask about the problem or use your normal route to login. Never Login through any link from any email.

07-15-2014, 11:44 AM
what are you, some kind of rookie! :rofl:

super easy to set up like that, just copy everything and then change the url to some subdomain with whateverwebsite.com. Often if they are good though they will link the buttons to the proper page on the actual website. I haven't gotten any in a while but mine were generally for WOW which I don't play so I would write messages in the username and password fields.

07-15-2014, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by schocker
what are you, some kind of rookie! :rofl:


I know most people already know this stuff but I figured a friendly public service reminder wouldn't hurt.

07-15-2014, 12:49 PM
I've been getting a lot of these as well. Just delete them right away.