View Full Version : Calgary's "finest" harassing car enthusiasts again...

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07-27-2014, 03:17 AM
Yeah, no real crime to deal with, so harass people over tint, "widened" exhaust, and oh yeah....

Dealer installed license plate Frame on a brand new car. Take it off NOW or else!! ....



07-27-2014, 07:05 AM
I'd of gladly taken that ticket and challenged the cop over it.

See ya in court

07-27-2014, 07:59 AM
Oh... Many a equipment regulation ticket was issued lol.

I'm sure the cops love it. Sweet paid cour t.time/ overtime.

Still get paid win or.lose. most the cars got multiple tickets.

07-27-2014, 08:15 AM
"Don't blame me, I'm just doing my job".


07-27-2014, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by Toma
Dealer installed license plate Frame on a brand new car. Take it off NOW or else!! ....


Wow.. Every time i get the car serviced at BMW gallery they put on a new license plate frame for me.. So does the dealer even know you can get harassed for this..

07-27-2014, 09:29 AM
Cop thought process:

"Man, I really need a new *insert object here*. I could really use some extra cash. Hey, this guy looks decently intelligent, I bet if I write him a bunch of BS tickets I could get some sweet overtime pay from going to court when he fights them."

And even if the guy doesn't fight them, it's ticket revenue, and his supervisor will like it.

Win, win.

07-27-2014, 09:55 AM
I'm guessing this is at bullshit?

07-27-2014, 10:13 AM

I heard about this and there has to be more to the story.

07-27-2014, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by rage2
I'm guessing this is at bullshit?

Where else would it be

07-27-2014, 10:46 AM
Who cares if there's more to the story. If there was... Issue a ticket for actual action. Ie speeding etc.

07-27-2014, 11:05 AM
Maybe it had something to do with Kino's uhhh... complexion :D

07-27-2014, 11:12 AM
Where is the guy who took the pic?

In the hospital?

07-27-2014, 11:21 AM
I'm just going to go and side with the cops on this one. Those dealer license plate frames look awful :rofl:

07-27-2014, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by Sentry
Maybe it had something to do with Kino's uhhh... complexion :D

In a new white caddy? Lol.

Nah.... Even the fair complexion people were getting tickets.

07-27-2014, 11:32 AM
So there was NO premeditated action on the part of the group whatsoever to warrant this kind of attention?

(tire smoke, unmuffled exhausts, etc)

Mista Bob
07-27-2014, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by revelations
So there was NO premeditated action on the part of the group whatsoever to warrant this kind of attention?

Course not, they were obviously angels not a single kph over the speed limit and they treated the officer with utmost respect and absolutely no hint of attitude.

07-27-2014, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by Mista Bob

Course not, they were obviously angels not a single kph over the speed limit and they treated the officer with utmost respect and absolutely no hint of attitude.

Respect for what exactly?

07-27-2014, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Shlade
I'd of gladly taken that ticket and challenged the cop over it.

See ya in court

They get paid either way, they don't care. And if it's a day off, they get paid for the entire day, so many of them would love for you to challenge it. You might go to court and win, feel a little vindication, but you still lose time & money.

Lose/Lose for you, Win/Win for them.

Granted, they don't make the laws, I am not putting down cops as a whole, but I don't think anyone can argue there wasn't something more valuable they could have been doing.

07-27-2014, 11:46 AM
Link to story, followup, etc...?

So far all I see is a guy in the dark doing something with license plate.

07-27-2014, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by M.alex
Link to story, followup, etc...?

So far all I see is a guy in the dark doing something with license plate.

You've missed the whole point.

07-27-2014, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by ICEBERG

Wow.. Every time i get the car serviced at BMW gallery they put on a new license plate frame for me.. So does the dealer even know you can get harassed for this..

Plate frames are allowed, so long as you don't cover up any of the registration stickers on the plate.

Mista Bob
07-27-2014, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by Seth1968

Respect for what exactly?

Because these are the people you are going to run crying to when you need help?
Because they risk their lives every day on the job?
Because the shit they put up with on a daily basis would make you quit your job in an instant and/or leave you mentally scarred for life if you had to deal with the same?
Not to mention, having to constantly deal with Toma types.

Just because you are too dim witted to comprehend anything beyond the little bubble you live in doesn't mean they don't deserve respect.

07-27-2014, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by Mista Bob

Because these are the people you are going to run crying to when you need help?
Because they risk their lives every day on the job?
Because the shit they put up with on a daily basis would make you quit your job in an instant and/or leave you mentally scarred for life if you had to deal with the same?
Not to mention, having to constantly deal with Toma types.

Just because you are too dim witted to comprehend anything beyond the little bubble you live in doesn't mean they don't deserve respect.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

07-27-2014, 12:48 PM

I have the utmost respect for the police, but if all they are going to do is enforce silly grey area laws, they can kiss my ass. The people in question, are all the people i know. These are true car enthusiasts that are there to bullshit, and have coffee, that's it. All im saying is, ticket people that deserve it.....dont pick on the ones that don't with bullshit equipment violations.

07-27-2014, 01:16 PM
Its not.grey. its harassment. Respect is earned. And quickly lost when you use the TFSA for an agenda.

If there was tire smoke. Ticket tire smoke. If there was speeding, ticket speeding. The tfsa is not your personal revenge tool.

07-27-2014, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by Toma
Its not.grey. its harassment. Respect is earned. And quickly lost when you use the TFSA for an agenda.

If there was tire smoke. Ticket tire smoke. If there was speeding, ticket speeding. The tfsa is not your personal revenge tool.

Im referring to the "widened exhaust" that they use as a fuck over tool. Its a bullshit "law" and should not be even attempted to be used.

My problem is that they use laws that BARELY apply to the situation, as a means to write tickets and screw people over. As stated, one way or another, they win. You take a day off to fight a ticket, they win, you plead guilty they win.

07-27-2014, 01:24 PM
I don't care what they have to put up with day to day. Do your job with professionalism and integrity or find another job.

07-27-2014, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by sr20s14zenki

Im referring to the "widened exhaust" that they use as a fuck over tool. Its a bullshit "law" and should not be even attempted to be used.

So is window tint. The license plate frame, excessive noise, the freshener on the rear view mirror etc.

Selective enforcement and creative interpretation to ' punish people' is wrong.

07-27-2014, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Mista Bob

Because these are the people you are going to run crying to when you need help?
Because they risk their lives every day on the job?
Because the shit they put up with on a daily basis would make you quit your job in an instant and/or leave you mentally scarred for life if you had to deal with the same?
Not to mention, having to constantly deal with Toma types.

Just because you are too dim witted to comprehend anything beyond the little bubble you live in doesn't mean they don't deserve respect.

I don't even...

"To serve and Protect".

Delusional comes to mind.

07-27-2014, 02:47 PM
So... I'm sure I'm not the only person that needs to know more of the story.

I work out of town and only get to go for a Coffee on Friday or Saturday night on rare occasions, and look forward to it.

I've heard through the grapevine only that Calgary's finest are trying to put a stop to local car nuts drinking Coffee on those nights, so if this is true I need to know because I would definitely get a large book thrown at me for the listed infractions, along with others I'm sure.

So if this is the case, please fill me in here or by PM.

07-27-2014, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by sr20s14zenki

Im referring to the "widened exhaust" that they use as a fuck over tool. Its a bullshit "law" and should not be even attempted to be used.

My problem is that they use laws that BARELY apply to the situation, as a means to write tickets and screw people over. As stated, one way or another, they win. You take a day off to fight a ticket, they win, you plead guilty they win.

IF you guys hate these bullshit laws then go after the fuckers that write them not the ones who job is to enforce them no matter how stupid the law is.

Fuck those politicians

07-27-2014, 03:08 PM
Wait what's this air freshener law?

07-27-2014, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by BigDL

IF you guys hate these bullshit laws then go after the fuckers that write them not the ones who job is to enforce them no matter how stupid the law is.

Fuck those politicians

Thats only part of the problem. They are using the shitty laws as a tool to charge people who dont deserve it. I can totally understand an exhaust ticket if a guy is going back and forth thru a residential area at 3 am or some shit. But to ticket a guy who isnt even mobile, or who is hanging in an industrial area? Come on..

07-27-2014, 03:19 PM
if we all wrote CPS and city hall demanding they give us a lot to do this at every friday/saturday night maybe they would think about it. Cmon millenium skatepark was built for the same type of reasons, "keeping ppl safe" and if CPS and city hall have ANY brain at all they would agree it would be better to give us a "driftpark" so to speak, vs having everyone race around the city like some do. Yes skateboarders still do skate in areas outside millenium park, but at a giant reduced percentage. Did millenium park work, I think yes, it did work, and a "driftpark" would be just as if not MORE sucessful.

My 2cents for what its worth:dunno:

BTW, im writting city hall, everyone in there i can find emails for, CPS, every email I can locate, and all of the media outlets. Im sick of standing by and watching the city fuk us over, and over, and over.

07-27-2014, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by BigDL
IF you guys hate these bullshit laws then go after the fuckers that write them not the ones who job is to enforce them no matter how stupid the law is.

Fuck those politicians

Go after people with the power to write laws at whim, stroke of the pen, law of the land. Who work for the state, which profits from issuing tickets and making money (pirated spoils).

How well has this method worked for the people who have attempted it?
The gun lovers in Canada have been lobbying till they're blue in the face just to own certain guns and have gotten exactly nowhere, in fact they continue to have gun laws changed away from their favor.
If lobbying politicians worked, gun owners wouldn't have to apply for a permit to transport their pistol to the range.

/off topic but it just bugs me when people actually think writing letters can revoke laws.

07-27-2014, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis

/off topic but it just bugs me when people actually think writing letters can revoke laws.

"The pen is mightier than the sword" holds true today even more than 10,000 years ago, social media, broadcast media, all has the power to do MORE damage than hundreds of bombs dropped on a battlefield. Thats the truth, believe it, or don't believe it.

07-27-2014, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by roll_over
Wait what's this air freshener law?

Hahaha. In all fairness... I only heard of it.once. a guy got pulled over heading into Tims one night... His buddy in the back seat was upset they were getting harassed, cop wrote them an obstructed windshield ticket for the pine thing hanging on the rear view mirror. Lol.

I once got an obstructing traffic ticket sitting in an empty parking lot talking to a buddy. Such are the tools available to harass if you don't kiss ass just right. Lol.

07-27-2014, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by roll_over
Wait what's this air freshener law?
It "obstructs your view" when you hang them from your rear view mirror and you can get a ticket for it.

07-27-2014, 04:10 PM
if people didnt carry on like animals at that particular tims, the cops would have no reason to go. just because YOU may be doing nothing bad, you're sitting in a parking lot full of ass fucks that DO, as far as im concerned, you can't be mad when being painted with the same brush by the cops who deal with the dumb fucks that come out of barlow tims.

07-27-2014, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Dalking
if people didnt carry on like animals at that particular tims, the cops would have no reason to go. just because YOU may be doing nothing bad, you're sitting in a parking lot full of ass fucks that DO, as far as im concerned, you can't be mad when being painted with the same brush by the cops who deal with the dumb fucks that come out of barlow tims.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

07-27-2014, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by Dalking
if people didnt carry on like animals at that particular tims, the cops would have no reason to go. just because YOU may be doing nothing bad, you're sitting in a parking lot full of ass fucks that DO, as far as im concerned, you can't be mad when being painted with the same brush by the cops who deal with the dumb fucks that come out of barlow tims.

Pointless post.

Charging people who have done nothing wrong, is wrong. Period. Charge the people doing it, not the people that dont. The law is not about painting anybody with the same brush, its about charging people who break it.

07-27-2014, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by sr20s14zenki

Pointless post.

Charging people who have done nothing wrong, is wrong. Period. Charge the people doing it, not the people that dont. The law is not about painting anybody with the same brush, its about charging people who break it. Not a pointless post one single bit. The police assume that everyone in that parking lot is an idiot, and want people to disperse, they will go out of their way to give you all stupid tickets that could be thrown out, wasting your time and money making you take time off work. Then it will make you think twice about going there 3 nights a week.

I see and hear people whine for years and years about getting useless tickets from that place, yet they continue to go. If you know you're going to have the chance of having an asshole cop give you a ticket by going to that place, then why go. :cry:

07-27-2014, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by Dalking
Not a pointless post one single bit. The police assume that everyone in that parking lot is an idiot, and want people to disperse, they will go out of their way to give you all stupid tickets that could be thrown out, wasting your time and money making you take time off work. Then it will make you think twice about going there 3 nights a week.

I see and hear people whine for years and years about getting useless tickets from that place, yet they continue to go. If you know you're going to have the chance of having an asshole cop give you a ticket by going to that place, then why go. :cry:

I go because i want to see my friends, have a coffee, and look at nice cars. That's it.

I guess by that logic, they should start coming to beyond meets and giving out tickets there. There have been a few idiots there as well. Oh, and may as well go to grey eagle too. Lots of guys leave there peeling out.

07-27-2014, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by sr20s14zenki

I go because i want to see my friends, have a coffee, and look at nice cars. That's it.

I guess by that logic, they should start coming to beyond meets and giving out tickets there. There have been a few idiots there as well. Oh, and may as well go to grey eagle too. Lots of guys leave there peeling out. Does anyone bring fake and real guns to grey eagle, do they cause near fatal accidents, do they deal drugs and fight? barlow tims is the armpit of the car culture scene in calgary, you cannot honestly say that all the other car clubs/meets in calgary are the same when clearly they aren't.

If you need to see your friends and check out nice cars go to those other said clubs

07-27-2014, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Dalking
Does anyone bring fake and real guns to grey eagle, do they cause near fatal accidents, do they deal drugs and fight? barlow tims is the armpit of the car culture scene in calgary, you cannot honestly say that all the other car clubs/meets in calgary are the same when clearly they aren't.

If you need to see your friends and check out nice cars go to those other said clubs

I went to tims every sat last summer, and never saw any of that. The worst i saw, was the morons in the diesels doing burnouts in the corner. Thats not to say it wasnt happening and i didnt know it. Its just laziness on part of the CPS to paint everybody with the same brush.

Its not their job to tell me where i can go, or who i can hang out with. Ticket the people responsible for causing trouble. Seems pretty simple to me.

07-27-2014, 04:37 PM
Why don't they shut down all the bars for what a few idiots do?

07-27-2014, 04:39 PM
Dalking, will your tune change if some other non car-related grey area law is used on you someday to deal with someone else just because you happen to be in an area they're known to frequent?

Pull your head out of the self righteous cloud and think for a minute, no that behavior is not acceptable.

07-27-2014, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Dalking
barlow tims is the armpit of the car culture scene in calgary
More like the unwashed asshole.

07-27-2014, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
Dalking, will your tune change if some other non car-related grey area law is used on you someday to deal with someone else just because you happen to be in an area they're known to frequent?

Pull your head out of the self righteous cloud and think for a minute, no that behavior is not acceptable. i have and still occasionally go to that tims, and the old one on 72nd ave since 2002, i've received a dozen tickets for stupid and useless shit over the years, yes i have fought some but others i just chalked up to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. when you go there, you expect the worst and hope for the best. im not self righteous at all, i'm just speaking from experience. you cant go to that place and not expect bullshit to happen.

07-27-2014, 04:45 PM
ive also been driving 16 years, owned alot of cars, and some have been modified, the ONLY time i ever got pulled over for large exhaust and window tint, was leaving barlow tims. nowhere else in the city in my 16 years driving have i been acosted

07-27-2014, 04:49 PM
I understand your justification argument but that still doesn't make it ok. At least not to me.

07-27-2014, 04:50 PM
So we have people hanging out at a spot that has the highest concentration of dickbags in Calgary (and by default, a high police presence), they are actually doing things that contravene sections of the TSA and the police are enforcing the TSA?

I'm also sure that no attitude what so ever got aimed at the cops. :rolleyes:

What's the issue?

Should also point out that my vehicles are a cop's wet dream for violations (a lot more than most people's on here) and I've NEVER been hassled for any of it.

07-27-2014, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
I understand your justification argument but that still doesn't make it ok. At least not to me. hell no its NOT okay, but people have to understand that it happens, and could happen to them by going there.

07-27-2014, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by sr20s14zenki

Pointless post.

Charging people who have done nothing wrong, is wrong. Period. Charge the people doing it, not the people that dont. The law is not about painting anybody with the same brush, its about charging people who break it.

I guaran-damn-tee you that Toma, and I am sure a few others got nice and lippy as soon as the cops pulled up. "Oh, looks like it's time to make quota!" "I'm sure glad you are here to address serious crimes" and other ignorant shit.

I can not count the amount of equipment infractions, speeding tickets, & seatbelt tickets I have gotten out of just by treating the cops with respect. I haven't talked my way out of every ticket, but I have definitely talked my way out of more than I have received.

If Toma stopped acting like a cunt, he may not have so many negative run ins with the police.

07-27-2014, 05:30 PM
I took this photo at the beginning of the thread and for the record, although somehow it always seems to come back to "Barlow Tim's", all 10 cars who received Vehicle Regulation Tickets were on the North side of the city on a back road off of Stoney. No one received moving violation tickets (stunting, speeding etc). I don't know about you but I find it a blatant waste of resources to be 'saving the streets' from oversized tires, dealership license plate frames, mudflaps, slicks and aftermarket exhausts'

07-27-2014, 05:39 PM
^Joined the forum today?

So all ten car owners/passengers just minding there own business when out of nowhere CPS rolls up and starts handing out tickets?

07-27-2014, 05:45 PM
If no moving violation tickets were issued... Then uh yeah.

07-27-2014, 05:47 PM
Hahhaa.... Don't worry about some of these dummies, their ass umptions and pre conceived judgements lol.

07-27-2014, 05:48 PM
So.... No one bites? Every single night there is violence, drinking, driving drunk etc from Calgary bars. Why are patrons and establishments not constantly harasses, creatively discouraged from gathering etc.?

Far more dangerous.

07-27-2014, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by Sentry
If no moving violation tickets were issued... Then uh yeah.
You know what was meant. Anything going on before these tickets were issued? I find it hard to believe officers just showed up out of the blue, witnessed a group of motionless vehicles with their drivers/passengers and started handing out tickets.

I'm not saying it's impossible, I've never seen it, I find it highly unlikely but.....

07-27-2014, 06:41 PM
Ah yes, the whole "enforce the law equally except when I'm part if it" logic.

Let me run this by you: Say we found you with a group of people who you hang out with who are shitting in an alley, drinking, causing general disorder, who constantly do it and the community is fed up with it. We are conducting enforcement action, and you do something the one time but aren't part of the constant problem, so to speak, and are caught. Do we hand everyone a bylaw ticket, or only those who constantly do it, because they are a "real issue"? You break the same laws, you did the same thing, what makes you exempt because you don't do it as often?

You can't suck and blow at the same time, sorry to burst your bubble. In order to do our jobs with integrity and professionalism, we have to deal with everyone on the same level... Otherwise we are playing favorites and being biased, which as I recall, is something we shouldn't be, and (rightfully so) seems to be a problem with most of you. So how do you want it, since you can't have it both ways?

07-27-2014, 08:25 PM
Phil, to deal with everyone on the same level, would you not have to also issue the dealer installed license frame/air freshener "obstruction", etc . etc. to ANYONE pulled over or observed with such things?

I believe the issue is that the application of somewhat pointless traffic laws is indeed cherry picked, it's NOT equal application. It's essentially used as an intimidation/control tool.

07-27-2014, 09:04 PM
^ Couldn't agree more! unless you're going to ticket everyone on the road with a stupid dealership advertised license plate frame, mud flaps on the back but not on the front, tires wider than the fenders etc. then don't waste time, resources and money. If everyone who got ticketed with Vehicle Regulation tickets were caught doing something else (speeding/stunting/racing etc.) then don't you think everyone would have received tickets for that instead?

07-27-2014, 09:07 PM
So you honestly think Toma and company gave a cop no attitude or roadside lawyer BS after getting pulled over?

Mud flap and plate frame tickets are tickets that get handed out for shitty attitudes or trying to be a roadside lawyer. Either way, if you were hanging out at Barlow, expect to get profiled and pulled over. How the encounter goes after that is pretty much up to you.

07-27-2014, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by MissCourtney
^ Couldn't agree more! unless you're going to ticket everyone on the road with a stupid dealership advertised license plate frame, mud flaps on the back but not on the front, tires wider than the fenders etc. then don't waste time, resources and money. If everyone who got ticketed with Vehicle Regulation tickets were caught doing something else (speeding/stunting/racing etc.) then don't you think everyone would have received tickets for that instead?

So how did the officers know the group was there? Just a random fluke? Officer happened to be driving by, figured couple easy tickets so rolled in and got out his pen? The group was taking part in no activity that may have alerted CPS to their location?

Again while not impossible, I still find it highly unlikely an Officer would just start handing tickets like this out at random.

Mista Bob
07-27-2014, 09:38 PM
They used the K9 unit to sniff out a quota-filling opportunity, clearly.

07-27-2014, 09:43 PM
The WHOLE facts would make the story complete but it brings a good conversation forward regardless and, a valuable perspective from Phil.

Mista Bob
07-27-2014, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
The WHOLE facts would make the story complete but it brings a good conversation forward regardless and, a valuable perspective from Phil.

Why would Toma post trivial things like facts that might get in the way of his anti-authority agenda?

07-27-2014, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by Mista Bob
Why would Toma post trivial things like facts that might get in the way of his anti-authority agenda?

If you look through the tunnel Toma-vision to the specific point he's making, it's a good one.

I don't agree with him on lots of things but I certainly do on subjects like this one.

07-27-2014, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

If you look through the tunnel Toma-vision to the specific point he's making, it's a good one.

I don't agree with him on lots of things but I certainly do on subjects like this one.

He doesn't like the fact that people who don't act like twats on the side of the road get more slack than those who do. What he wants is free reign to lip off and roadside lawyer any cop who pulls him over for no matter what reason and not have a consequence for it.

The stuff he's complaining about here is law, mind you not very heavily enforced ones. Act foolishly and you can't blame the police for dinging someone for every violation. There is no other explanation for what "randomly" happens to him.

07-27-2014, 10:10 PM
I don't see where he wants that at all. :dunno:

Mista Bob
07-27-2014, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

If you look through the tunnel Toma-vision to the specific point he's making, it's a good one.

I don't agree with him on lots of things but I certainly do on subjects like this one.

Would you say the same thing if they were douching around before hand? Maybe burn outs? Street racing? And then also mouthed off to the officers?
It's pretty clear that these kind of tickets don't get handed out normally. Have you ever received any of these kind of tickets before?

I sure as hell haven't and its not like I've never been pulled over.
What's even more clear is we will never get the full story, because it will conflict with his argument that he is a perfect little angel being harassed for zero reason. If he actually had a legitimate claim in any way shape or form he would have given the full story from the beginning.

Only people I've ever come across who complain about the sort of stuff he does are douchetards who have only themselves to blame and fully deserve what they get.
Sad individuals who never out grew the teenage "fuck tha police" phase and continue to act like small children.

962 kid
07-27-2014, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by Mista Bob

Would you say the same thing if they were douching around before hand? Maybe burn outs? Street racing? And then also mouthed off to the officers?
It's pretty clear that these kind of tickets don't get handed out normally. Have you ever received any of these kind of tickets before?

I sure as hell haven't and its not like I've never been pulled over.
What's even more clear is we will never get the full story, because it will conflict with his argument that he is a perfect little angel being harassed for zero reason. If he actually had a legitimate claim in any way shape or form he would have given the full story from the beginning.

Only people I've ever come across who complain about the sort of stuff he does are douchetards who have only themselves to blame and fully deserve what they get.
Sad individuals who never out grew the teenage "fuck tha police" phase and continue to act like small children.

It does happen, and it does suck. My brother was pulled over and threatened with multiple tickets including street racing, stunting, and speeding. Why? Because an STI in front of him at the lights did a drop-clutch launch and pull. He ended up with some BS $200 ticket, while the guy in the STI got a $70 enlarged exhaust ticket because the officer liked his car.

The argument that it's ok to write up dubious tickets and pass them out indiscriminately "just in case" is a scary one... they're officers of the law, not your parents

07-27-2014, 10:57 PM
Ahhh, so much ASS U Ming going on, if anything, Beyond is cheap entertainment.

lol :poosie:

Mista Bob
07-27-2014, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by 962 kid

It does happen, and it does suck. My brother was pulled over and threatened with multiple tickets including street racing, stunting, and speeding. Why? Because an STI in front of him at the lights did a drop-clutch launch and pull. He ended up with some BS $200 ticket, while the guy in the STI got a $70 enlarged exhaust ticket because the officer liked his car.

The argument that it's ok to write up dubious tickets and pass them out indiscriminately "just in case" is a scary one... they're officers of the law, not your parents

Don't seem to recall saying anything like that. If officers witnessed such behavior as as I mentioned..... don't be surprised if they throw the book at you, especially if you mouth off to them.

And were you present when this happened to your brother? Because no one has ever left out facts to make themselves look better ever in the entire history of man kind right?
But it sure does seem odd how some people can get pulled over and never have a single issue.... yet others have so many.
Gosh, it's almost like there is another factor out there effecting the outcome of these traffic stops.... Hmmmm, so strange.

07-27-2014, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
The WHOLE facts would make the story complete but it brings a good conversation forward regardless and, a valuable perspective from Phil.


All I see in this thread is proof that he has drank too much Company Kool Aid.


There is ZERO downside for LEGAL protection FROM cops that use the TSA as their own form of justice/punishment

That is not the advertised intent of the TSA, and would only legitimize the TSA if there was LEGITIMATE protection from having it used as a harassment tool.

962 kid
07-27-2014, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by Mista Bob

Don't seem to recall saying anything like that. If officers witnessed such behavior as as I mentioned..... don't be surprised if they throw the book at you, especially if you mouth off to them.

And were you present when this happened to your brother? Because no one has ever left out facts to make themselves look better ever in the entire history of man kind right?
But it sure does seem odd how some people can get pulled over and never have a single issue.... yet others have so many.
Gosh, it's almost like there is another factor out there effecting the outcome of these traffic stops.... Hmmmm, so strange.

Second statement was not addressed to you, sorry if it came off that way.

Yes, I was present. Save your bullshit assumptions for someone else, they do nothing to bolster your argument.

07-27-2014, 11:11 PM
I'll take this to the private side where we can actually converse without it going sideways.

Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
Phil, to deal with everyone on the same level, would you not have to also issue the dealer installed license frame/air freshener "obstruction", etc . etc. to ANYONE pulled over or observed with such things?

I believe the issue is that the application of somewhat pointless traffic laws is indeed cherry picked, it's NOT equal application. It's essentially used as an intimidation/control tool.

07-27-2014, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by Toma


All I see in this thread is proof that he has drank too much Company Kool Aid.


There is ZERO downside for LEGAL protection FROM cops that use the TSA as their own form of justice/punishment

That is not the advertised intent of the TSA, and would only legitimize the TSA if there was LEGITIMATE protection from having it used as a harassment tool.

Proof? :rofl:

You think I can't use my own head and critically think about these issues or the subject matter? Or perhaps that I have a perspective grounded in reality that I live in, not just perception that is colored by some irrational hate for people who do a certain job?

Amazing how only YOU are right when it comes to things that piss you off, and anyone else who actually has some level of expertise or even just a different opinion, is crazy or deluded.

Have you feet admitted to being wrong, said sorry, or felt that perhaps you aren't the only one with a valid argument to make? You love going after people for not thinking critically, but when someone does, you deflect it as ramblings and crazy talk; that is, unless it agrees with you.

07-27-2014, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by MissCourtney
^ Couldn't agree more! unless you're going to ticket everyone on the road with a stupid dealership advertised license plate frame, mud flaps on the back but not on the front, tires wider than the fenders etc. then don't waste time, resources and money. If everyone who got ticketed with Vehicle Regulation tickets were caught doing something else (speeding/stunting/racing etc.) then don't you think everyone would have received tickets for that instead?

Who are you to say its a waste of time, resources, or money? You think because we can't stop or don't stop everybody from breaking the law, traffic or criminal, we should just up and stop? Wow, that is some sound reasoning there.

And how can you make the assumption we will write someone for a moving violation instead of an equipment infraction? That same discretion used to write someone a ticket for equipment instead of moving violations is the same used for not writing every damn person we see who is breaking the law. Tickets serve a purpose, they aren't just a mindless exercise.

07-27-2014, 11:48 PM

There is no critical thinking. Just apparent lame justification why cops need this right to use the TSA as a harassment tool.

We aren't talking cop leeway here. It's not like "gee, you did a U turn, but Ill cut you slack and give you a tail light out ticket" lmao.

Cheap assumptions continue lol.

And as long as there is crime in the city, bums and drug dealers in my alley, yes, cps isn't doing the job effectively, and obviously it's because a lack of will or manpower, both which are negatively impacted by wasting time writing "rolled through that stop sign" tickets.

ALWAYS strive to do better. Never settle for mediocrity.

Which is it? Grape, or Cherry?

Ok, everything that needs to be said, has been said. Goodnight folks :zzz:

07-27-2014, 11:56 PM
Oh Toma, I mean this in the friendliest way possible; Consider yourself lucky that the e-police don't push your e-shit in with a maglite because of your e-demeanor.

:thumbsdow to dealership stickers & plate covers
:thumbsup: to googone & security torx screws

07-28-2014, 02:19 AM
Sure is looking like we need a track again :burnout:

07-28-2014, 03:08 AM
Originally posted by Toma
So.... No one bites? Every single night there is violence, drinking, driving drunk etc from Calgary bars. Why are patrons and establishments not constantly harasses, creatively discouraged from gathering etc.?

Far more dangerous.

They are, there's a huge police presence around Calgary bars, cops park in the lots of bars waiting for patrons to come out and give them DUIs. Also, gang enforcement is constantly roaming bars asking random people (and suspected gang members) for id, pulling them aside, questioning them and taking down their info, lots of the time even forcing them to leave the bars.

07-28-2014, 06:24 AM
Originally posted by Toma


All I see in this thread is proof that he has drank too much Company Kool Aid.


There is ZERO downside for LEGAL protection FROM cops that use the TSA as their own form of justice/punishment

That is not the advertised intent of the TSA, and would only legitimize the TSA if there was LEGITIMATE protection from having it used as a harassment tool.

Well yeah, really.

Whether or not he's in traffic detail, how isn't it valuable to have input on a topic from someone whose job it is? You, or I, don't have to agree with him/them but an accurate window into the thought process of someone involved is never useless. :dunno:

07-28-2014, 07:12 AM
Seems convenient that the answer to the question "what was going on before the officers arrived?" continues to go unanswered.

07-28-2014, 07:22 AM
These threads always have the usual crowd whining that cops should use no discretion when issuing tickets while at the same time also arguing that the cops should have used discretion and not given them the tickets they received.

Do I think a lot of these equipment tickets are pointless (as written laws)? Definitely. But I'm also not naive enough to think that the letter of the law should be enforced 100% of the time without common sense and discretion.

07-28-2014, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by Toma
Yeah, no real crime to deal with, so harass people over tint, "widened" exhaust, and oh yeah....

Dealer installed license plate Frame on a brand new car. Take it off NOW or else!! ....



Wow.. This thread got de-railed again with assumptions and finger pointing. Has anyone read the freaking original post. Clearly shows the guy with the caddy taking off his lisence plate cover. I have the same freaking lisence plate cover on my car from the dealer. This does not look like Tomas car and it was not Toma that was being harassed. Clearly shows a bad judgement call from the officer. I am missing anything else here..:dunno: Did the guy with the caddy got pulled over for racing/stunting.:dunno:

07-28-2014, 08:18 AM
Thread Summary:
Something happens to attract attention of cops, usually complaints or general douchbaggery. Bunch of people end up in spotlight and acquire tickets. Immediately go online and whine & complain about said attention.

Moral of the story:
Don't hang out where douchbaggery occurs, and you won't end up in the spotlight.

07-28-2014, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by codetrap
Thread Summary:
Something happens to attract attention of cops, usually complaints or general douchbaggery. Bunch of people end up in spotlight and acquire tickets. Immediately go online and whine & complain about said attention.

Moral of the story:
Don't hang out where douchbaggery occurs, and you won't end up in the spotlight.

Clearly they need to take it to the track!

...oh wait....

07-28-2014, 09:00 AM
The license plate cover in the picture is clearly covering the registration sticker numbers, so I can see why they wanted it taken off. How else would they check for valid registration?

07-28-2014, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by finboy
Clearly they need to take it to the track!

...oh wait.... Or to private property where they have full permission to do what they want.... :dunno:

07-28-2014, 10:39 AM
Someone probably called them in and the cops found them, couldn't issue moving violations they were likely called in about so they got other tickets instead. Queue the arguing and voilą.

I dunno I also find it hard to believe that everyone was just sitting around shooting the shit and some cop came in and said something to the effect of "I'm gonna show you the long dick of the law."

07-28-2014, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by Dalking
if people didnt carry on like animals at that particular tims, the cops would have no reason to go. just because YOU may be doing nothing bad, you're sitting in a parking lot full of ass fucks that DO, as far as im concerned, you can't be mad when being painted with the same brush by the cops who deal with the dumb fucks that come out of barlow tims.

Just curious why people should be punished by association in that circumstance?

If my friend and I are walking down the street, he's hammered, I'm sober, should we both get public intoxication tickets, or should the cop ticket my friend and then find whatever else he possibly can to ticket me with, just because I'm in the presence of someone who has personally done something illegal? Seems a bit odd.

To be clear, I disagree completely with people acting like D-bags at those Tims meets, but I don't think people should be getting BS tickets just for the hell of it because OTHER people are being retards.

07-28-2014, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by Toma

There is no critical thinking. Just apparent lame justification why cops need this right to use the TSA as a harassment tool.

We aren't talking cop leeway here. It's not like "gee, you did a U turn, but Ill cut you slack and give you a tail light out ticket" lmao.

Cheap assumptions continue lol.

And as long as there is crime in the city, bums and drug dealers in my alley, yes, cps isn't doing the job effectively, and obviously it's because a lack of will or manpower, both which are negatively impacted by wasting time writing "rolled through that stop sign" tickets.

ALWAYS strive to do better. Never settle for mediocrity.

Which is it? Grape, or Cherry?

Ok, everything that needs to be said, has been said. Goodnight folks :zzz:

I normally dont comment on your posts, but just for the record - the thread where the playground 30 zones will be bumped into 930pm at night regardless - should give you an idea of how the CPS are told to operate by the city.

Some districts (for eg West Vancouver police) are absolute assholes and will ticket anyone on a bike for anything possible- because the local residents of (rich) West Van complained for years. I used to get pulled over all the time and it was usually just a license and reg check, but the member ALWAYS had to be a complete douche.

Among NUMEROUS other goals, the CPS have a mandate to keep the motoring public "safe" to the eyes of Mrs. Lovejoys of the Calgary city council. The CPS do this by making a presence at the local areas where tomfoolery has been reported and issuing citations as per their discretion.

Does ticketing people for a license plate violation directly make the streets "safer"? NO, but in the eyes of the PUBLIC, the CPS are now shown doing their jobs. Remember the public ALSO assumes (wrongly) that everyone gathered at TH on a Sat night is a FF10 street racer. We all know how smart the public is.

However one could also argue that ticketing people for things like license plate covers who are gathered at a specific location would likely reduce the number of social gatherings - and hence the number of risk takers behind the wheel at that location .....

... its complicated?

07-28-2014, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by mikestypes
The license plate cover in the picture is clearly covering the registration sticker numbers, so I can see why they wanted it taken off. How else would they check for valid registration?

Are you fucking blind? You can see the registration number perfectly clear

07-28-2014, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Shlade

Are you fucking blind? You can see the registration number perfectly clear

The YEAR of expiry (14) sticker has a series of numbers below it which is not visible in the OPs photo because the dealer plate cover is blocking it - the CPS will check that against the reg papers sometimes.


07-28-2014, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
Just curious why people should be punished by association in that circumstance?

If my friend and I are walking down the street, he's hammered, I'm sober, should we both get public intoxication tickets, or should the cop ticket my friend and then find whatever else he possibly can to ticket me with, just because I'm in the presence of someone who has personally done something illegal? Seems a bit odd.

To be clear, I disagree completely with people acting like D-bags at those Tims meets, but I don't think people should be getting BS tickets just for the hell of it because OTHER people are being retards. If....if if if if if if...
Hang out with douchbags who are doing stupid shit, don't be upset when you get treated like you're a douchbag by the cops. Guilt by association is a reality of life. It may suck, but it's something we all have to deal with.

07-28-2014, 11:28 AM
Sask doesn't even use registration stickers on their plates anymore, that's how useless they are.

07-28-2014, 12:04 PM
I bet this has nothing to do with barlow tims either.

Charges Laid in Street Racing Incidents on Stoney Trail
We have laid several charges in relation to street racing.
During regular traffic enforcement being conducted on the evening of Friday, July 25, 2014, in the area of Barlow Trail, officers witnessed a number of vehicles proceeding to Stoney Trail East for what was reported to be street racing.
Over the course of five hours, police issued 25 summonses for stunting, speeding, and equipment violations. In one case, a vehicle was speeding on Stoney Trail near Glenmore trail at a speed off 251 km/h.
Our Traffic Section is reminding drivers to obey the posted speed limit. Ongoing enforcement will continue.

I wonder which group that was.