View Full Version : Question about new car inventory availability

08-14-2014, 12:42 PM
I am in the process of purchasing a brand new car from a local dealership. Signed the deal and put down $2000 deposit on Tuesday night (after office hours) on a car with the color combo and package that we like. The "system" showed the car was available that night.
These cars are located throughout Canada as Calgary already runs out of stock. Nonetheless, I was informed that the dealership can access these cars and ship them over.

Come next day I got a call from dealership in the afternoon saying the car was already taken. I thought to myself WTF because I expected my deal would have been processed first thing in the morning. But PERHAPS someone on the East coast got first dibs. I accepted that. I then told my sales to try for Choice #2, and that was gone too. Then I gave him Choice #3, and despite a few back and forth messages there's no definite answer from "the office"; and I was not able to reach my sales again after 5pm.

Today I got a hold of my sales again, and have been told the availability for my Choice #3 is also no longer there.

At this point, I am real upset but just want to resolve the issue; and knowing that there are quite a few Beyonders working at dealerships, or knowing the inside work, and I'd like to get some inputs on a few things:

1) I was told that due to limited availability of these 2014 inventory and the purchase incentives, cars are flying off the lots. Since these cars are currently "held" by other dealerships all over the country, they have the power to reserve these cars for local customers, and not releasing them to other dealerships. Is this correct? So even though my deal was signed 36 hours before all the others, there really is no guarantee for me?!

2) With $2000 deposit and signed papers, am I in the position to demand a 2015 car while keeping all the discounts and incentives? (I am going to read the fine prints on my contract tonight)

3) What other options do I have?

Someone might have dropped the ball on this one here, or may be it's just how dealerships work. I dunno. Pointing fingers will not help me resolve issues and I just want to know what my rights are, and how to turn this around.

Your feedback is much appreciated.

08-14-2014, 12:53 PM

08-14-2014, 01:00 PM
1) Another dealer can refuse to sell the car to your dealer. The transaction happens at cost, so the dealer with the car makes no money. They could sell it to one of their customers and make the money. This happens all the time.

2) the incentives on the 2015 might be less. Look at the website to see what the rebates apply to. Your likely SOL. The incentives are to sell 2014s and get them off the lot. They have 1 year to sell the 2015.

3) You don't really have any options if all the 2014 are sold.

08-14-2014, 01:01 PM
Are you sure about #2 Sugarphreak? I mean, I understand that you got it, but does that necessarily mean everybody's entitled to it? You think if there were a major refresh that they'd give away the new model for the old price just because the old models sold before they could snag one? I'm guessing that you're the exception, not the norm.

I figure the agreement is for a 2014 and if they can't get a 2014 then they'll shoot for a new agreement. That's all based on assumptions though.

08-14-2014, 01:05 PM

08-14-2014, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
2) Yes you are… you have a signed contract. They are obligated to provide you with a car that meets the specifications of the contract as per the agreed price (which includes incentives), if they can’t get a 2014 then it will have to be 2015. The only thing is the pricing may change from model year to model year slightly, usually not by much.

3) You can ask them to place an oder for it from the factory

Thanks! So you are saying the dealership IS obligated to provide me a car as per our contract, and they can't BS saying that "If you get a 2015 car you'll be paying the difference AND all your incentives and discounts will not be applicable".

Can they also say "We can't find your car. Sorry. Here's your deposit back and bye"? Actually I think they might just say that in the end. But I want to make sure I have the rights to say NO in each scenario.

08-14-2014, 01:07 PM
I have had the exact same thing happen as well. Put down money on a 2014 Mazda 3, exact color, package and VIN I wanted on a Saturday. I knew they had to get the car from another dealership in the city (this was in Edmonton) but told me it should be no problem to get the car. I got a call on Monday saying the car had already been sold (don't know how that happened but it did). I just asked for my deposit back and they tried everything to get me to buy a similar (different color, but $300 more expensive due to the color) car.

In the end they had to give me my deposit back and I just called around to a few other dealerships. Turned out the exact car I wanted was down in Lethbridge, so I had to go there to pick it up, but it was worth it in the end (even though it already had 100 km on the odometer when I picked it up).

Do some calling around to other dealerships, see if they have the car you want and if they will match the price and incentives of your dealership. From what I experienced, most dealerships are more than happy to "steal" a sale from another dealership.

08-14-2014, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
I've gone through it twice now Well la di da Mr. Buys A New Car Every Year :P

Good to know though, thanks.

08-14-2014, 01:10 PM

08-14-2014, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

The contract is in place, they can't reneg on it.

I betting if you read the contract carefully, they can reneg if they don't like the look of your teeth.

Much like House builders who can tell you to fuck off if you complain too much.

spiceboy's contract is for a 2014 and the corporate incentives. I think you have been lucky in that Ford and Audi applied the incentive to current and next model year.

I know when I was looking at F150s and the pickings were slim, the Factory rebates were much lower on the next model year and only applied to in stock vehicles. You have to read the fine print.

Employee pricing at the time did apply to factory orders by a certain date. My guess is that your Fiesta ST did not have a factory rebate on the 2014 and only Employee pricing (I think it is called B-Plan pricing).

I know Raptors for instance have no factory rebates or employee pricing, so it is model and year specific.

08-14-2014, 01:12 PM
From the feedback so far sounds like Sugarphreak got lucky TWICE, and the norm is if car is not available, then deposit is returned and dealers are not obligated to provide a next model year car.

08-14-2014, 01:13 PM
What car are you looking at?

08-14-2014, 01:20 PM
IS350 AWD F-Sport fully loaded

08-14-2014, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
Well la di da Mr. Buys A New Car Every Year :P

Good to know though, thanks. That guy so baller man. Probably paid cash too.

08-14-2014, 01:30 PM

08-14-2014, 02:14 PM
When I built my last house, they had a clause in there that said they could terminate the agreement for any reason at all without penalty. That wasn't the first contract that I signed that had that. In a seller's market, they can put in what they want. We, as buyers, basically say: "Shut-up and take my money."

Back on topic: IS350 has $1,500 incentives if you pay cash. It specifies 2014. Its a model year clearance. I doubt they will put that on an ordered 2015.

There might be trunk money. Run a CCC report to find out.

08-14-2014, 02:22 PM

08-15-2014, 09:47 AM
Total strike out for me for the first 3 choices. Now dealer is trying to secure one with a lesser package, which would cost a couple grand less. I guess I can live without the Mark Levinson system and a few other electronic gadgets.
Still no confirmation though. Hopefully I'll hear something solid today.

08-15-2014, 10:29 AM
Are you getting better than $1500 off? I only ask because I would rather get the car I want than save $1500. You already lose more than $1500 on depreciation because it is a 2014 and not a 2015.

I would order a 2015 if the difference was $1500.

08-15-2014, 03:39 PM
I think you were being pretty flexible, you gave them three colors and they were out of all of them. Its not like there was one specific car with a rare mix of options you wanted they should help you out somehow.

08-18-2014, 10:17 AM
Finally went with my 4th choice ... with White on Black (originally wanted White on Red, or Grey on Red), and a lesser package. Dealer was finally able to secure one from the inventory. Now the hussle is over and doing a retrospective .... what is the point for the dealership to show me a list of "availability" upon the purchase? If there is no guarantee whatsoever that they can secure any one of those cars from other dealerships, shouldn't they emphasize that fact?
There were more than 10 availability for me to choose from, and in the end they told me I was able to grab THE LAST ONE!? Also it took 3 full business days to finalize it since signing.

I understand that from a biz perspective they want to get me to put down my deposit first, and I somewhat "appreciate" them "help" me get that last car from the pool, but I would like to think of big dealerships better than small shady operations that often pull a Bait and Switch. Again, I give them the benefit of doubt but I can't help but having that uneasy feeling after the ordeal.

I just think there are ways to streamline and better their current process. That's all.

08-18-2014, 11:05 AM
Worked out for the best because you got the best colour combo in existence ;)

08-18-2014, 11:16 AM
Wait... why are you people putting deposits down on the car?

08-18-2014, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
Worked out for the best because you got the best colour combo in existence ;)

Can't disagree. :D

08-25-2014, 10:06 AM
I think im in this exact situation now. Put down a $1000 deposit with kia on saturday morning. They said they would call on saturday to secure the car and now they said they left 3 calls with that dealer and no replies.

Now its monday and im still waiting to hear about this car being avaliable.

08-25-2014, 10:17 AM

08-25-2014, 10:39 AM
Not sure in my case. I am prob going to ring now as I know its on the lot at Kia south in edmonton. I just checked their inventory.

Well i guess that one sold and now theres a deal going down on a different one and if they cant get that they get it from nanaimo in BC and if they cant get that then i guess I walk.