View Full Version : Stopping ants from getting inside - who to call?

08-15-2014, 09:48 AM
We've had a problem the last couple of years with ants getting in our basement. We'd like to get the outside of the house better sealed or do whatever we need to do to stop them (and presumably cold air and other stuff we don't want) coming in. Who deals with stuff like that? Any ideas on where I would start phoning?


08-15-2014, 10:43 AM

Nothing really helpful to contribute really but it's friday!

08-15-2014, 10:45 AM
I also have nothing helpful to contribute.... aside from maybe not leaving donuts on the ground in your basement.


08-15-2014, 10:59 AM
Stop throwing oreos in your backyard?


but really, our condo board is dealing with this same thing atm, it seems to be one large nest in a particular tenant's backyard that has sand underneath the stone walkway, they say before you put down the sand and stone you're supposed to put one of those plastic sheets underneath, which they don't think he did, then they just make their way across all the yard(s).

Idk I'm not an expert though and the board seems to have decided to just call the Orkin man to deal with it.

08-15-2014, 05:44 PM
Get some expanding foam.
Identify areas with leaks, mark them.
Open the can up and go to town.

If they're crawling up the house, then you'll have to use outdoor ant killer to get them outside before crawling up the walls and in the open windows.

08-15-2014, 05:58 PM
I had a funny experience with ants earlier this summer, probably won't help you but i figure I will share anyway.

Had a few unwanted ants around:
-Tried solid bait with no effects at all
-Tried liquid bait with mass numbers arriving to take in the bait
Ended up with ants marching in formation to the bait on mass

This went on for 4-5 days with limited success, some colonies died out totally but there were too many separate colonies to take them all down, I was in over my head.

-stopped the liquid bait and used a foaming spray to line the baseboards where the ants were entering

Haven't noticed a single ant since, that was over a month ago.

After I used the foaming spray, a few days went by and loads of dead ants appeared at the entry point, none of them got further than 6" past the line of spray until they died, this lasted for a few days and then stopped completely.

08-15-2014, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by mr2mike
Get some expanding foam.
Identify areas with leaks, mark them.
Open the can up and go to town.

We haven't been able to identify what their outside entry point is, though - just the interior one. (It's under the baseboards in the basement.) Was hoping for a more experienced eye to maybe see what we're missing...

08-15-2014, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by teleute

We haven't been able to identify what their outside entry point is, though - just the interior one. (It's under the baseboards in the basement.) Was hoping for a more experienced eye to maybe see what we're missing...

Once you find the colony do this:


08-15-2014, 08:11 PM
there is a white spray - kid/pet friendly you can buy and apply

08-15-2014, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by J.M.

Once you find the colony do this:

Child's Play. Try this one on for size:
