View Full Version : Smoke Detector Help

08-15-2014, 05:19 PM
When I got home today some kids outside said that my house has been beeping all day. I went inside disabled the alarm and realized that the noise was coming from my main floor smoke detector. It was extremely loud and carried throughout the house and its no surprise people can hear it from the outside.

I disconnected the smoke detector inspect and then plugged it back into the ceiling. Everything seemed ok except within a few mins it started to blare again.

The house is only about 5 years old but could this just be a faulty detector?

08-15-2014, 05:27 PM
Sounds like a faulty detector....but it may not necessary be the one that's beeping. Is it the only one that beeps? By code they all should be linked together nowadays, so if one goes off they all should.

08-15-2014, 05:42 PM
Check them all and even if they're plugged in, there's sometimes a battery in there too that's for backups and it's signalling that the battery is dying.

08-15-2014, 05:44 PM
Probably a bad alarm, I woke up one morning to my co/smoke alarm saying carbon monoxide, I installed it 2 weeks before, got freaked out and called fire dept and they teste and said there was nothing...

08-15-2014, 08:21 PM
I've unplugged the one and nothing has gone off since. Makes sense that they are all interconnected cause the noise was so damn loud! Felt like it coming from all corners of the house