View Full Version : Calgary's latest export terrorists...

08-29-2014, 07:46 AM
CALGARY — Two more Calgary men have been identified as having joined the ranks of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) terrorist group in Syria.

The men — brothers Collin and Gregory Gordon — reportedly lived in the same downtown apartment building that was also once home to Damian Clairmont and Salman Ashrafi, both of whom joined terror groups overseas. Clairmont and Ashrafi, as well as Calgarian Farah Shirdon, have all reportedly been killed in conflict.

The Gordon brothers disappeared in late 2012, which is when they are thought to have travelled to Syria, according to a CBC News report.

Collin Gordon was once an accomplished volleyball player, a sports fanatic and music enthusiast. His Twitter posts painted a picture of a fun-loving but thoughtful young man who loved basketball, electronic music and weekends.

But after April 2012, Collin Gordon’s life appeared to change. His Twitter account, which uses his nom de guerre Abu Ibrahim Canadi, was soon filled with excerpts from the Koran. More recently, his tweets spoke of the “miracles” of Jihad and the “incredible” infrastructure of the Islamic State.

On Aug. 21, two days after American photojournalist James Foley was beheaded on video by ISIS terrorists, Collin Gordon tweeted, “10/10. The video of James Foley losing his neck is the perfection of ‘Terrorism.’ ”

According to CBC, the Gordon brothers’ parents have not given up hope that their sons are still alive. In a statement, they said they “refuse to speculate with regards to the end of their story.”

Police estimate more than 30 Calgarians have been recruited by foreign terror groups. Nationwide, that number is around 130.

Earlier this month, Calgary jihadist Farah Mohamed Shirdon was reportedly killed in battle after he joined ISIS in the Middle East.

The young man in his 20s was seen in a video posted online in June, burning his Canadian passport. Around that time, he confirmed to the Calgary Herald that he was fighting with ISIS and said there are “hundreds of Canadians here.”

Salman Ashrafi was identified in June as the suicide bomber who attacked an Iraqi army base last November, killing 19 people and injuring 41 more. The former Calgary business analyst lost all contact with friends and family in Canada in late 2012.

In January, 22-year-old Damian Clairmont was killed while he fought with Syrian rebels. He, too, is believed to have left Canada in 2012.

So we have our very own home grown terrorist movement right in our backyards. Really got to wonder with all the anti-west anti-canada post on here if this isn't the new norm. Immigrants who come here and hate the country they live in who then go off to terrorize people from back home. :dunno: At least they are not bombing people here... Gotta wonder though where all the protestors are concerning this issue? Yeah not a peep from all the people who seemed to be happy beating up jews downtown on other topics. Guess it really is ok to join up with terrorists and kill other muslims in numbers far greater than what occurred in palestine. It's only a problem when jews are involved.

08-29-2014, 11:11 AM
Yep pretty crazy.

He graduated one year later than me at Lord Beaverbrook. Pretty sure I played either volleybal or community ball with one of them......

08-29-2014, 11:46 AM
Refer to my post at the tail end of the "ISIS beheading..." thread.

The calgary harald article I linked to was dated back to June, similar topic.

08-29-2014, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by nissanK
Yep pretty crazy.

He graduated one year later than me at Lord Beaverbrook. Pretty sure I played either volleybal or community ball with one of them......
Your sig is quite fitting here.

Arash Boodagh
08-29-2014, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by Inzane
Refer to my post at the tail end of the "ISIS beheading..." thread.

The calgary harald article I linked to was dated back to June, similar topic. What makes you think you're not as brainwashed as the these Takfiri's?
Do you consider yourself a true Canadian patriot? I would like to see a political post of yours verifying this.

08-29-2014, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
What makes you think you're not as brainwashed as the these Takfiri's?
Do you consider yourself a true Canadian patriot? I would like to see a political post of yours verifying this.
I am going to guess that inzane has attempted to kill zero non muslims? :dunno:

Arash Boodagh
08-29-2014, 02:07 PM
You dont need to kill anyone to be brainwashed political propaganda and hold those values true.

08-29-2014, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
You dont need to kill anyone to be brainwashed political propaganda and hold those values true.

What, no YT video links anymore? :nut:

08-29-2014, 02:12 PM

08-30-2014, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
You dont need to kill anyone to be brainwashed political propaganda and hold those values true.
I'd rather be brainwashed and NOT kill anyone vs. being brainwashed and killing people.

You're as much a part of the problem as anyone else, by the way.

08-30-2014, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by revelations

What, no YT video links anymore? :nut:

He'd hate to be labeled a one trick pony :rofl:

08-30-2014, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

As usual, this post makes very little sense grammatically, and I also wanted to mention that you are actually the Takfiri. They are Sunnis, the true followers of the prophet.

Oh snap!


Arash Boodagh
08-30-2014, 03:09 PM
As usual spoken like true patriots. (sarcasm)

Looking forward to Inzane rebuttal here when he get the time to post, but I have a feeling he probably spreads more propaganda like the rest of you so we wont be seeing him in this thread again.

It appears that the Foley beheading maybe a staged event, even with the sibling.
google this as it has graphic pictures...
James Foley Beheading in Slow Motion, Frame by Frame

ISIL supported by shadow governments: US journalist

08-30-2014, 08:51 PM
So everything is faked and staged eh? That's quite the fun world view. Anything conflicting/uncomfortable is explained away as being staged and part of some grand conspiracy. All thoses dead bodies and people killed by ISIS all a conspiracy! So yeah back to the real question it's cool for Shias and Sunnis to kill each other right or are the jews somehow responsible? :facepalm:

True patriot? Don't make me laugh. You are the last person who would defend this beautiful country. You hate the people and the culture here. You admire Iran? Yeah you should really consider immigrating over there.

Arash Boodagh
08-30-2014, 10:56 PM
I dont want to waste my time on you because you're either a shill or an illogical person. When you ignored my past posts you showed yourself to be a loser.



09-04-2014, 10:50 AM
Why is my Canadian patriotism under question?

I'm at least 4th generation Canadian. (to go further back I'd have to ask my parents about the family tree)
Not that it should matter, but as anyone could probably guess I'm white, not Jewish and not Muslim.
I'm civilian, not military. But both of my grandfathers fought in WWII for Canada.
So what exactly do I need to verify??

If I was a white Canadian ex-pat living in Iran and came over to north america to kill muslims here, I'm sure Iranian citizens and government would be going WTF? wouldn't they? Or if I even blogged or indicated I supported those that did do that, I think having me and my family deported from Iran would be the least of my worries in a scenario like that. :nut:

Robin Goodfellow
09-04-2014, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by mazdavirgin

Yeah not a peep from all the people who seemed to be happy beating up jews downtown on other topics.

I'm not quite sure how to interpret this.

Are you suggesting Jews have been beat up downtown?

Can you please Clarify?

09-04-2014, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow

I'm not quite sure how to interpret this.

Are you suggesting Jews have been beat up downtown?

Can you please Clarify?

Kinda high profile, was in the news a few weeks ago.

09-04-2014, 01:20 PM
I had no idea the apartment building where these guys lived was across from my office. Jihad!

09-04-2014, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by Nitro5

Kinda high profile, was in the news a few weeks ago.

Weren't those the guys who showed up at a pro-Palestinian protest and provoked them with Israeli flags?:eek:

09-04-2014, 02:07 PM

Beating up Jews is a little bit of a strong description of what happened.

Arash Boodagh
09-04-2014, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by Inzane
Why is my Canadian patriotism under question? Because you question mine in the other thread and Im one of the top patriots in this forum.

Originally posted by Inzane

I'm at least 4th generation Canadian. (to go further back I'd have to ask my parents about the family tree)
Not that it should matter, but as anyone could probably guess I'm white, not Jewish and not Muslim.
I'm civilian, not military. But both of my grandfathers fought in WWII for Canada.
So what exactly do I need to verify??
Verify your not just another perpetuator of propaganda. Show me a post, not even a thread that you started, of a political post showing your patriotism.

09-04-2014, 02:27 PM
Arash a patriot :rofl:

09-04-2014, 02:30 PM
More like arash the parrot

09-04-2014, 04:49 PM
I like maple syrup.

09-04-2014, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Beating up Jews is a little bit of a strong description of what happened.

Robin Goodfellow
09-04-2014, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by Sentry

Holy fuck, that was CYE at it's very best.

That dude with the beanie reminded me of Super Dave Osbourne.

Robin Goodfellow
09-04-2014, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
Because you question mine in the other thread and Im one of the top patriots in this forum.

What a curious thing to say.

What makes, or unmakes, one a patriot?

What traits about you lead you to claim the title of "One of the top patriots in this forum"?

09-04-2014, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by Sentry


:rofl: I remembered the first bit but not the later part of the clip. So good.

09-04-2014, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow
Holy fuck, that was CYE at it's very best.

That dude with the beanie reminded me of Super Dave Osbourne.
That's because it is super Dave.

Arash Boodagh
09-04-2014, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow

What a curious thing to say.
The guy called me a terror recruiter in the other ISIL thread

What makes, or unmakes, one a patriot?
Supporting ones country men and going against ones country men

What traits about you lead you to claim the title of "One of the top patriots in this forum"?
I unveil propaganda disseminated on this forum.


edit -
This is funny because its true.
ISIL Checkpoint / Ambush in Syria A Palestinian Parody


09-05-2014, 03:17 AM
Originally posted by G-ZUS

Weren't those the guys who showed up at a pro-Palestinian protest and provoked them with Israeli flags?:eek:

So carrying a flag is deserving of getting punched? Got it.

09-05-2014, 05:50 AM
Arash the "top patriot". That should be a TV show. You're full of the same delusional arrogance, hatred and disdain as people in movies who assassinate presidents are. Tell me Arash, does art imitate life? :eek:

D'z Nutz
09-05-2014, 06:04 AM
Originally posted by Sentry


Holy shit, she's hot!

Robin Goodfellow
09-05-2014, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by Arash Boodagh

What a curious thing to say.
The guy called me a terror recruiter in the other ISIL thread

And your counterpoint is that you're Beyond's uber-partriot?

Is it not sufficient to either ignore a stupid statement, ridicule, or deny it, without responding with ridiculous bombastic claims?

Originally posted by Arash Boodagh

What makes, or unmakes, one a patriot?
Supporting ones country men and going against ones country men

I was born here, and have seen "My country" go through so much change, I'd be hard pressed to say what "My country" even is anymore. It's a moving target.

Originally posted by Arash Boodagh

What traits about you lead you to claim the title of "One of the top patriots in this forum"?
I unveil propaganda disseminated on this forum.

We should all call foul when we see something inappropriate or deceitful, but that doesn't make your POV an absolute truth.

Above all, your words raise an interesting question: What is a patriot?

Ostensibly, my bona fides would well qualify me for such a crown, should I wish to claim it.

Unfortuantely, the demographic, cultural, and poltical landscape of Canada has changed so much in the last generation, It'd be hard pressed to define what it is I'd be a patriot "To".

Should I be a Patriot to yesterday's Canada, Today's Canada, or Tomorow's Canada? Do I mindlessly pledge myself to whatever Canada happens to be at the moment, regardless of what that actually is?

Last year, I met a couple of South African-born brothers in a pub. They had grown up in Canada since they were teenagers, and emphasized how proud they were to be Canadians, and said that they'd lay down their lives for Canada.

Their pledge struck me as distinctly un-Canadian. Lacking enemies, and without any need of conquest, Canada doesn't need such dramatic sacrifice.

Above all, it really just needs to be preserved.

Last year, Harper killed the Navigable Waters Protection Act, stripping protections from 99 per cent of lakes and rivers in Canada.

Where were the patriots?

09-05-2014, 12:45 PM
The farmers that wanted to clean small irigation canals on their land without obscene amounts if red tape probably do.

09-05-2014, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow
And your counterpoint is that you're Beyond's uber-partriot?

Is it not sufficient to either ignore a stupid statement, ridicule, or deny it, without responding with ridiculous bombastic claims?

The thing is, I did NOT call Arash a terrorist recruiter like he claims.

If anyone bothered to read the article I linked to it was talking not just about recruiters but about Calgary's "receptive audience".

So what exactly was my "stupid statement", because I don't recall even making an actual statement. All I said was something along the lines of "something to worry about?". Arash is free to INTERPRET that however he likes but I never called him anything.

I don't need to. He paints a picture for us with every post he makes.

Arash Boodagh
09-05-2014, 04:45 PM
One guy calls me a racist... you quote him and raise the alarm with your mysterious link which leads to a pretty bold headline. Yeah, you implied Im a terror recruiter.

Nice rebuttal with the "I like maple syrup" by the way... there are less then handful of members here that actually get their news source from alternative none propaganda sources... we can conclude you arent one of them.

Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
You're full of the same delusional arrogance, hatred and disdain as people in movies who assassinate presidents are. Tell me Arash, does art imitate life? :eek:
Which presidents? You're probably talking about the patsy's or movie stories you've been brainwashed with.
From my past posts, show us this delusional arrogance, hatred and disdain... we'll see who the good guy is... me standing up for justice or you being the champion of truth.
To just save everyone's time... mine and yours, just concede with your silence that your conscious and knowledge has been fried by the state... thus a patsy Canadian?

Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow

And your counterpoint is that you're Beyond's uber-partriot?

Is it not sufficient to either ignore a stupid statement, ridicule, or deny it, without responding with ridiculous bombastic claims?

I initially did ignore them... but it was referred to again in this ISIL thread.

Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow
I was born here, and have seen "My country" go through so much change, I'd be hard pressed to say what "My country" even is anymore. It's a moving target.
The least we can do is unite the voices here rather then let propaganda run rampant.

For example look at the reality of things in this statement and what a member here recently purported.

All-Party Agreement in Canada on War with ISIL
ISIL incorporates many of the same people that the Canadian government recently helped and lauded in overthrowing the of regime Muammar Gaddafi in Libya and in the unsuccessful attempt to implement regime change in Syria. Now ISIL is being set up to justify major a major military intervention on the expanding eastern frontiers of so-called “Greater Israel.”

Word. It's too bad the labor party thinks it's all a bunch of bs and not an issue so they he and haw over every bill presented in parliament... They have goof imam leaders like choudary Urging people to become radicalized. Yet they don't arrest him although he's been in rallies preaching and converting morons who beheaded the English army officer in the street and known to openly fuck over welfare urging people to immigrate and spread sharia. British born paki or not if I could have it my way I'd take your citizenship and say bye bye. http://forums.beyond.ca/showthread.php?s=&threadid=385265&perpage=20&pagenumber=2

These statements are night and day... the first one is the reality of things... the second is a mask of what is really going on.

Are we patriots to let these statements go unchallenged? Its not like we can stop Canadian boots on the ground to fight in Syia, Iraq and Ukraine... but we can sure stop the bullshit in this forum.

Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow
We should all call foul when we see something inappropriate or deceitful, but that doesn't make your POV an absolute truth.

Above all, your words raise an interesting question: What is a patriot?

Ostensibly, my bona fides would well qualify me for such a crown, should I wish to claim it.

Unfortuantely, the demographic, cultural, and poltical landscape of Canada has changed so much in the last generation, It'd be hard pressed to define what it is I'd be a patriot "To". This is the environment the ZioAmerican empire has setup... why cant we find out what the truth is...is it our media or the rat race keeping us too busy to care?... is history that flawed that the truth can never be had?
If a plane goes down in the US or Europe... we wont know what really happened but we can track down the same power players of terror over decades and centuries.
Interestingly enough these days when a terror attack does happen, in the back of some peoples minds the CIA, MI6 and Mossad come to mind.

Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow

Should I be a Patriot to yesterday's Canada, Today's Canada, or Tomorow's Canada? Do I mindlessly pledge myself to whatever Canada happens to be at the moment, regardless of what that actually is?

Last year, I met a couple of South African-born brothers in a pub. They had grown up in Canada since they were teenagers, and emphasized how proud they were to be Canadians, and said that they'd lay down their lives for Canada.

Their pledge struck me as distinctly un-Canadian. Lacking enemies, and without any need of conquest, Canada doesn't need such dramatic sacrifice.

Above all, it really just needs to be preserved.

Last year, Harper killed the Navigable Waters Protection Act, stripping protections from 99 per cent of lakes and rivers in Canada.

Where were the patriots? When I claim to be a top patriot... I mean in the political realm of exchanging ideas on this forum. We will never be unified if there are propagandist misleading the people. Canada does not have a leader... it need a real one. I can only think of Wayne Gretzky as having the highest moral authority of our people... only he couldve warned about something like the waters act and for people to raise against it... but then we may not be alive soon after that.

Robin Goodfellow
09-05-2014, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
This is the environment the ZioAmerican empire has setup...

I hear what you're saying, but I think there are a great deal more factors at play.

I find your focus on these singular elements a little concerning.

Some of us come here for entertainment, or to fill the gaps in our day, but you seem to take things so seriously.

You're not going to fix the world trying to change opinions on beyond.ca.

09-05-2014, 08:21 PM
Fuck it's not enough to just show someone the door...

09-05-2014, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by A790
Fuck it's not enough to just show someone the door...

Or is Arash showing all of us the door...


09-05-2014, 08:58 PM
What would make you think I was talking about a fake movie scenario, the fact that I SAID I WAS? Well done Sherlock, it's called an illustration I believe. :rofl:

Your delusional arrogance is shown in every thread you make, you just cannot see it.

Your disdain is shown in every thread you make, whether is be to your perceived intellectual inferiors, Israel, Jews, the idiot's catchphrase of what you consider "sheep", the list goes on....

Your hatred is a byproduct of all those intense feelings, it oozes out of you like a saturated sponge. You respect no one but yourself and invisible Internet shaman who spout the same disrespectful rhetoric.

It's a shame you're so brainwashed that you cannot see the truth. Godspeed chap.

09-05-2014, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
What would make you think I was talking about a fake movie scenario, the fact that I SAID I WAS? Well done Sherlock, it's called an illustration I believe. :rofl:

Your delusional arrogance is shown in every thread you make, you just cannot see it.

Your disdain is shown in every thread you make, whether is be to your perceived intellectual inferiors, Israel, Jews, the idiot's catchphrase of what you consider "sheep", the list goes on....

Your hatred is a byproduct of all those intense feelings, it oozes out of you like a saturated sponge. You respect no one but yourself and invisible Internet shaman who spout the same disrespectful rhetoric.

It's a shame you're so brainwashed that you cannot see the truth. Godspeed chap.
They're called "conspiritards". Arash is their king.

Arash Boodagh
09-06-2014, 12:07 AM
I already see members calling me crazy for the video I posted today... do you have common sense? Show me in the Robin Williams thread... I want to see your position on the video.

Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow

I hear what you're saying, but I think there are a great deal more factors at play.

I find your focus on these singular elements a little concerning.

Some of us come here for entertainment, or to fill the gaps in our day, but you seem to take things so seriously.

You're not going to fix the world trying to change opinions on beyond.ca. Now that I think about it maybe my form of entertainment has been exposing the regurgitated mainstream media lies here and watching its posters try to justify what they wrote.
I would be interested in your take on the Family Guy Robin Williams video I just posted.

Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
What would make you think I was talking about a fake movie scenario, the fact that I SAID I WAS? Well done Sherlock, it's called an illustration I believe. :rofl:

Your delusional arrogance is shown in every thread you make, you just cannot see it.

Your disdain is shown in every thread you make, whether is be to your perceived intellectual inferiors, Israel, Jews, the idiot's catchphrase of what you consider "sheep", the list goes on....

Your hatred is a byproduct of all those intense feelings, it oozes out of you like a saturated sponge. You respect no one but yourself and invisible Internet shaman who spout the same disrespectful rhetoric.

It's a shame you're so brainwashed that you cannot see the truth. Godspeed chap. Ive noticed in past threads that you like to call me a name and run off without even commenting on a threads subject.
In my reply I more then anything wanted to call you a patsy Canadian and keep you engaged in the thread :D
So now where are the " You're full of the same delusional arrogance, hatred and disdain" posts of mine you were to find huh? Are you scared to be defeated by the truth in an intellectual debate and find yourself to be just another sheep?

09-06-2014, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
An intellectual debate implies that you are open to reason. You are not.

Why don't you just fuck off already?

Robin Goodfellow
09-06-2014, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by rage2

That's because it is super Dave.

Wow. That's crazy.

Arash Boodagh
09-06-2014, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by A790

An intellectual debate implies that you are open to reason. You are not.

Why don't you just fuck off already? Reason? I always try to backup my points of view with as much historical facts as I can, my last being Canada supporting ISIL to create a coup d'etat for Gaddafi's sweet crude oil.
You've never told me off like this before, I feel Ive struck a nerve here. Could it be because growing up the state has nurtured you with the likes of Peter Mansbridge (almost like a 2nd dad), your teachers, and other role models where at the same time Robin Williams has also been of a significant figure.
For the establishment to murder such a talented actor and father... it would shatter the world you think you live in and it would be best to avoid such information and go on with your daily life? No need to respond.

09-06-2014, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
Reason? I always try to backup my points of view with as much historical facts as I can, my last being Canada supporting ISIL to create a coup d'etat for Gaddafi's sweet crude oil.
You've never told me off like this before, I feel Ive struck a nerve here. Could it be because growing up the state has nurtured you with the likes of Peter Mansbridge (almost like a 2nd dad), your teachers, and other role models where at the same time Robin Williams has also been of a significant figure.
For the establishment to murder such a talented actor and father... it would shatter the world you think you live in and it would be best to avoid such information and go on with your daily life? No need to respond.
lol Arash, I more or less ignore everything you say. It's just annoying that you feel the need to chime in about everything and how it's a conspiracy theory. Hence, you've been dubbed "King Conspiritard".

How do you know I'm not just part of the Zionist plot to contain your good ideas? Am I even a real person, Arash?

Are you even on the internet right now?

Think about it.

09-25-2014, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by mazdavirgin
Earlier this month, Calgary jihadist Farah Mohamed Shirdon was reportedly killed in battle after he joined ISIS in the Middle East.

The young man in his 20s was seen in a video posted online in June, burning his Canadian passport. Around that time, he confirmed to the Calgary Herald that he was fighting with ISIS and said there are “hundreds of Canadians here.”

Apparently not dead:

Also they know who the beheader is, aka 'Jihad John', SAS supposedly have directives to bring him back alive as well, his father is a 'veteran terrorist' apparently:

The FBI has claimed it has identified the suspected British Isis militant known as Jihadi John.

The fighter appeared to behead British aid worker David Haines, and two US journalists Steven Sotloff and James Foley, in three brutal videos released by the terrorist group calling itself the Islamic State (IS).

FBI Director James Comey said the agency would not yet name or reveal the nationality of the man who spoke in a London or south-east English accent in the videos.

Mr Comey did not address whether the US believes the man actually carried out the killings himself, as the beheadings are not shown in the videos.

Speaking at a briefing with US journalists, Mr Comey is reported to have said: "I believe that we have identified him, I'm not going to tell you who I believe it is."

Asked if he would prioritise capturing the jihadist, he said: "We will do, and expend the effort that I think the American people would want us to and expect us to."

The British Home Office said it did not comment on security operations.

The announcement comes after UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond claimed yesterday that intelligence agencies are "getting warm" in identifying the alleged masked murderer.

The man is said to lead a small group of British jihadis who became known by hostages as "The Beatles".

Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, 24, known as L Jinny or Lyricist Jinn, is one of the men believed to be under investigation, when he tweeted a picture of himself appearing to hold a severed head.

His father, Adel Abdul Bary, admitted terror charges including liasing with Osama bin Laden after becoming an al-Qaeda spokesman after the 1998 US embassy bombings at a court in New York on Friday.

Up to 500 British jihadists are believed to be fighting with Isis in Syria and Iraq and the Government has increased counter-extremism measures in an attempt to prevent anyone else travelling to the conflict zones.


09-25-2014, 07:31 PM
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, BEETLEJUICE!!! (http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/09/24/hamilton-man-could-be-first-canadian-killed-in-anti-isis-military-campaign/)

09-26-2014, 07:38 AM
In the Voice of America interview, Mr. Mohamud’s father told reporter Harun Maruf he was taken aback by his son’s sudden transformation. “He used to pray but he increased it to 24 hours of prayers, and he was rarely away from mosques,” he told Mr. Maruf.

Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

09-26-2014, 08:31 AM
And somewhere in those 24 hours a day his god was telling him to go kill all non-believers? :dunno:

09-26-2014, 09:02 AM
That interview degrades into the rambling a of a crazy person. Half way through the expression on Shane's face is just one of "yeah sure bud"