View Full Version : Dutch Intellectuals Apologize to Putin

Arash Boodagh
08-29-2014, 05:15 PM
Dutch Intellectuals Apologize to Putin

A letter sent by a prominent Dutch Professor to Russian president Vladimir Putin has attracted much media attention in Europe. The letter was written by Professor Cees Hamelink and signed by dozens of Dutch intellectuals and professors Below is the letter in its entirety.

Dear Mr. President Putin,

Please accept our apologies on behalf of a great many people here in the Netherlands for our Government and our Media. The facts concerning MH17 are twisted to defame you and your country.

We are powerless onlookers, as we witness how the Western Nations, led by the United States, accuse Russia of crimes they commit themselves more than anybody else. We reject the double standards that are used for Russia and the West. In our societies, sufficient evidence is required for a conviction. The way you and your Nation are convicted for ‘crimes’ without evidence, is ruthless and despicable.

You have saved us from a conflict in Syria that could have escalated into a World War. The mass killing of innocent Syrian civilians through gassing by ‘Al-_‐Qaeda’ terrorists, trained and armed by the US and paid for by Saudi Arabia, was blamed on Assad. In doing so, the West hoped public opinion would turn against Assad, paving the way for an attack on Syria.

Not long after this, Western forces have built up, trained and armed an ‘opposition’ in the Ukraine, to prepare a coup against the legitimate Government in Kiev. The putschists taking over were quickly recognized by Western Governments. They were provided with loans from our tax money to prop their new Government up.

The people of the Crimea did not agree with this and showed this with peaceful demonstrations. Anonymous snipers and violence by Ukrainian troops turned these demonstrations into demands for independence from Kiev. Whether you support these separatist movements is immaterial, considering the blatant Imperialism of the West.


Russia is wrongly accused, without evidence or investigation, of delivering the weapons systems that allegedly brought down MH17. For this reason Western Governments claim they have a right to economically pressure Russia.
Western created and supported terrorist groups have begun just what we predicted, a self manufactured security threat.

Western-created and -supported terrorist groups have become just what we predicted, a self-manufactured security threat.

We, awake citizens of the West, who see the lies and machinations of our Governments, wish to offer you our apologies for what is done in our name. It’s unfortunately true, that our media have lost all independence and are just mouthpieces for the Powers that Be.

Because of this, Western people tend to have a warped view of reality and are unable to hold their politicians to account.

Our hopes are focused on your wisdom. We want Peace. We see that Western Governments do not serve the people but are working towards a New World Order. The destruction of sovereign nations and the killing of millions of innocent people is, seemingly, a price worth paying for them, to achieve this goal.


We, the people of the Netherlands, want Peace and Justice, also for and with Russia.
We hope to make clear that the Dutch Government speaks for itself only. We pray our efforts will help to diffuse the rising tensions between our Nations.


Professor Cees Hamelink

Interesting video of this guy.

Breaking news.... George Galloway gets beat-up with a broken jaw and ribs.

This letter could set some kind of academic tread which would be dangerous for the ZioAmerican empire... we have seen how odd 911 witnesses and truth-ers have died... could we see more intellectuals targeted in a desperate attempt to stop the truths? Just 5 years ago Iranian scientists were murdered so we get a taste of low these powers will stoop to for control.

Arash Boodagh
08-29-2014, 05:25 PM
You can tell this guy is important because hes the only man wearing a dress with a huge ordainment green mantle piece around his neck.

08-29-2014, 05:57 PM
I like Nederlands coins, they made pure nickel Guldens.

Which means they are a civilized and rational society.

08-29-2014, 06:00 PM
Oh thank god someone did this

08-29-2014, 06:38 PM
Honest question- if it wasn't Ukraine rebels using Russian military equipment, then who shot down the Malaysian airlines plane?

08-29-2014, 06:54 PM
Did you know,

Soup is an important part of every meal in Russia, usually eaten in the afternoon. Soups:Borcsh – the famous Russian soup made of beet and meat, usually served with sour cream.

More cool facts here


08-29-2014, 07:10 PM
There's a McDonald's in Moscow that seats 700 people

08-29-2014, 07:11 PM
Just today I bought a induction usable, cast iron, ceramic coated pan, and the label was entire in Russian (I think, maybe some other gibberish language)

Can anyone translate?



08-29-2014, 07:13 PM

08-29-2014, 07:24 PM
Plus they produce tons of vodka and a benefit of drinking vodka is its protective effect against heart diseases. Vodka has a dilating effect on the arteries which stimulates free flow of blood. Unobstructed flow of blood in the heart components prevents the development of major illnesses such as stroke and cardiac arrest. It also aids in promoting the amount of HDL (good) cholesterol in the body.


08-29-2014, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by sabad66
Honest question- if it wasn't Ukraine rebels using Russian military equipment, then who shot down the Malaysian airlines plane?

Zio-Takfiris acting together with Zio-Americans and the Queen

08-29-2014, 07:32 PM
and a guy named Phil supposedly :dunno:

08-29-2014, 07:42 PM

Arash Boodagh
08-29-2014, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by sabad66
Honest question- if it wasn't Ukraine rebels using Russian military equipment, then who shot down the Malaysian airlines plane? The ZioAmerican agenda is for greater isreal building, controlling the energy rich middle east, and further trying to control the rest of the world last.

The details of this event can be found in the Veterans Today sources.

Some graphics from the 4Chan archive forums on this letter


08-29-2014, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Arash Boodagh

Some graphics from the 4Chan archive forums on this letter

I hear 4chan is also a really good place to find porn.

Back on topic it looks like they have may have found some common ground.

Link Credible site:

Hey Arash, did you ever figure out if a pig eats a elephants penis it will build meat? :rofl:

08-29-2014, 09:23 PM

08-29-2014, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by sabad66
Honest question- if it wasn't Ukraine rebels using Russian military equipment, then who shot down the Malaysian airlines plane?

Didn't really see any real answers to your query. Although the leaked audio conversation points to the rebels, in reality it isn't very known, but I would say either A - the rebels, or B - Ukraine to frame the rebels

I am leaning towards A personally, but in the back of my mind I wonder why Ukraine never answered the question regarding the fighter jet flying in very close proximity to the commercial jet, or why they diverted it directly over rebel held territory when their planes have been hit out of the sky on the daily basis, so it makes the obvious seem very suspicious.

As to the second part, Russian military equipment, it seems like the rest of the world forgot that Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, all their own army weapons are Russian as well! In the lead up to the events, lots of Ukraine units abandoned their posts and military equipment was seized by the rebels. There is no saying who actually shot the missile, could have been the rebels, could have been Ukrainians. Ukraine security service posted a video of a traffic cop capturing a transport of a BUK system with serial number 312, and they said it was going back to Russia, but that has been since debunked as there is a video of many BUK systems being moved by the Ukrainian army, one of which was serial number 312. Once that news came out, the Ukrainian security service removed the post on their site...interesting indeed. The army said they were in control of all the BUK systems, yet somehow they said that 312 was being transported to Russia...even thought it was one of their own apparently...so it's hard to tell what really happened, but at any rate, I believe it was a Ukrainian BUK system and not one from Russia.

sorry for the long sentence, but hopefully gives some insight. We will probably never truly know who shot it down, as it would most likely be covered up from either end.

08-29-2014, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

Ah, cast iron cookware, another important staple of the Russian kitchen. But sorry, it's not induction-usable according to the label.

Suitable for all types of stoves except for induction.


Strange since it is magnet though...

Robin Goodfellow
08-29-2014, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by Arash Boodagh
Dutch Intellectuals Apologize to Putin
The letter was written by Professor Cees Hamelink and signed by dozens of Dutch intellectuals and professors Below is the letter in its entirety.

An interesting letter, but I find myself immediately put off by the blatant appeal to authority found in the words "Dutch intellectuals".

Would this be the dutch equivalent of Noam Chomsky, or are we talking about a bunch of beanpoles, dressed in black, smoking clove cigarettes?

In the age of the internet, we're all intellectuals.

Arash Boodagh
08-29-2014, 11:06 PM
I was reading some of the comments and one guy says the letter may not even be from the professor, sourced from the Dutch website, as it just has one of his videos regarding media propaganda after it... hinting that he maybe behind it?... will have to wait for more sources.

The professor does appear to have lots of mainstream appeal though looking at this video of him hosting a show.
In Dutch. @7:40 mark you see what I believe is Gulf war one on Iraq propaganda... he maybe exposing this on the show.

Seems like your months behind intelligence reports. Look up the VT articles I linked above your post for new evidence and pretty much the obvious admittance by the US by withholding satellite photos of the shoot down.

Even Ron Paul is saying this on the mainstream media.
Ron Paul Says U.S. 'Likely Hiding Truth' About MH17 Crash

Arash Boodagh
08-30-2014, 12:04 AM
Oh shit

Canada looks to join NATO force of 10,000 troops meant to keep Russia in check

08-30-2014, 10:22 AM
300 German intellectuals wrote a similar letter to Putin a few month back as well


Funny how there is 0 mention of this in the news here..

Also on a related note, Euro fighters joining the rebels to fight the regime
