View Full Version : Good Family Law Lawyer

09-10-2014, 01:08 PM
Hey all,

Currently we are dealing with some issues with my wifes (not married) ex husband. Without getting into a while pile of personal information our current laywer is somewhat of a dolt and not working out. Moving to a new city also complicated the matter.

What i am looking for is a recommendation for a good family law/divorce lawyer that can handle our situation. We are looking for someone that puts the best interest of my boy (not legal but he is still my son) first and will fight tooth and nail for whats best for him.

Its breaks my heart that the stupidity of someone takes priority of the well being of my son and truthfully we need a shark to handle our business. Money is tight because we just moved and i am the sole breadwinner (and almost 100% support for our kid) but ill do what it takes.

Any help?

09-17-2014, 12:03 PM
Still looking. Any recommendations?

09-17-2014, 07:29 PM
Damen Hoffman LLP

He tells it how it is with no sugar coating. Be prepared to spend $$$. 5-6 years ago his rates were $350 an hour. Who knows what it is now.

Good luck OP

09-17-2014, 07:46 PM
I find what you really need with family law is patience. It's a bit of an experience to try to get anything done quickly, mainly because you get bounced around from judge to judge for each case, while managing presentation depending on the judge. We've tried multiple lawyers and same results. Eventually, once your file gets big enough, you get moved to a single case management judge that handles things before you see any consistent results, but by then you have to wait months to get a hearing date because you can only see the one judge.

You can have the best and most expensive lawyer and the results will depend on the judge that's hearing the case that day, and his or her mood. Took us 4 years to get a case management judge and now things are finally rolling smoothly. It's nice because the judge knows your case, understands that the other party is failing to comply with orders, and actually dishing out legal punishment since its a recurring theme.

Good luck.