View Full Version : Cabo flattened

09-16-2014, 08:24 AM
My place took the full force and Cabo is soon to be in a state of emergency.
No power,water,airport is closed and roads are washed out.

09-16-2014, 09:01 AM
Ugh so sad such a beautiful place, they've built such a great place to vacation

poor locals that have to deal with this. hopefully their government can handle this disaster

09-16-2014, 05:28 PM

09-16-2014, 08:28 PM
We're in Facebook contact with some friends who live there. Have heard from most of the Canadians/Americans living in the touristy areas. Still waiting to hear from a local family that we know who live in the "real Cabo". Hoping their house didn't sustain too much damage.

Looks like quite a bit of damage, but so far haven't heard of any deaths or critical injuries. Hope that holds.

It sounds like our timeshare , as well as the bulk of them, suffered mostly window damage and resulting interior damage from water/wind, but not too much structural damage, though it's still early in the recovery stage and we may hear different in the coming days.

The San Jose Airport looks to be in a really bad state. Runways are ok, but terminal is bad, and apparently control tower damaged as well.

09-16-2014, 08:51 PM
Some photos:


09-16-2014, 09:06 PM

09-16-2014, 10:12 PM
The 'Barrios' which is the makeshift subdivision for the real locals was completely destroyed.
The airport is being worked on by the military and has emergency flights coming in.
The locals I know of have as always suffered the most.
Another storm is heading straight towards the peninsula and could hit as early as Thursday.
Biggest issues right now are looting and the lack of power.
My place suffered serious damage as did thousands of homes..
No power,no water,no gas....food is at a premium until the rescue crews arrive tonight and for the next few weeks.

09-17-2014, 07:51 AM
My wife's grandparents have a condo out in Cabo. I hope it is still okay.

09-17-2014, 08:02 AM
I'm going to guess it'll take a long ass time to repair all that damage in the city, airport and resorts. I assume though like in Asia, no one has basements there and most buildings are build out of concrete?

Originally posted by The_Penguin
Some photos:


I wasn't really reading the caption for some of them, the supermarket ones I thought they were all just allowed to take food and drink etc because there's no emergency services out yet, then I see the guy with 3 flats of Tecate.

But I guess if you need it to survive then take it.

09-17-2014, 08:19 AM
very crazy, hope for a speedy recovery

09-17-2014, 09:30 AM
Wow that sucks...there's a freaking yacht on the street. Looks like out of a movie. Good to hear that no fatalities occurred though, hope that's true.

09-17-2014, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
^ Horrible. Of course, the poorest people get hit the worst, but I feel bad for the stranded tourists as well.

I thought it was common knowledge not to travel there in September?
We were there in Sept a few years ago, when a tropical storm formed right off the coast. Wasn't too bad. Historically most of the storms veer off just as they approach Cabo, unfortunately Odile did not.
This new one looks like it might veer off to the West. Here's hoping.

09-17-2014, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by shakalaka
Good to hear that no fatalities occurred though, hope that's true.

I don't know of any confirmed, but I suspect there may be a few when more reports start coming in. Heard a rumour of 2 either from San Jose or La Paz, unconfirmed though.

Some tourists have started to be transported via Navy planes, to other parts of Mexico to get flights home.

This was posted on Trip Advisor a bit ago. He does encourage tourists in Cabo to do their best to get to the airport.
Travelers, and worried family and friends
4 of us just made it back into the US from Cabo over the last couple of hours. Our trip took us to Tijuana via military plane, then to the border via military uncovered van, a short walk across the border, a cab and rental car to go to the airport and our next flight.
Please let anyone stranded know to try and get to the San Jose del Cabo airport when they can as that is how we were able to get out. The Mexican military had planes to Tijuana, Mexico City and Masatlan running all day today from roughly 8:30am and will run until 9pm. If not able to get out, The Best Western Aeropuerto is just down the road and hotel manager Ivonne Gutierrez were great in taking care of us and giving us information as were other atranded travelers.

09-17-2014, 09:19 PM
Alaska Airlines have sent planes loaded with supplies to Los Cabos airport, and picked up some stranded North Americans. 6 more flights scheduled for tomorrow with supplies, food and water.

Kudos to Alaska Airlines!!

09-17-2014, 09:40 PM
WestJet has rescue flights arranged as well. Problem is that the military planes are scooping up stranded guests and not keeping any record of where they are being diverted to. People are literally calling us once they arrive in Mexico City looking for a way home.

09-17-2014, 10:10 PM
Now there's gangs roaming the streets attacking anyone in their path and looting as far out as costco.
Military has moved lots of people out and Several airlines have moved many more.
La Paz still has supplies and a airport operating close to normal.
CFE the electrical utility company has 300 trucks on the way by road and ferry.
Once they can control the looting things will start to normalize relatively quickly as far as power and water.
Food is being transported as I type.
My condo had most of its windows blown out so right now is open to the elements and 'Polo' the latest storm.

09-18-2014, 07:04 AM
Originally posted by englishbob
Now there's gangs roaming the streets attacking anyone in their path and looting as far out as costco.
Once they can control the looting things will start to normalize relatively quickly as far as power and water.

Man that's ridiculous, stay safe!