View Full Version : STOLEN: SKB Stagefive Pedalboard from The Unicorn Pub - Sep 28 2:30 am

09-28-2014, 12:59 PM
I need the Beyond Mob on this pretty bad.


I know this is a long shot but I'm trying it anyway. My pedal board was stolen at around 2:30 am from 2nd st and Stephen ave on Sep 28th, 2014. It was right outside The Unicorn Pub. It was left by my car for 20 seconds and someone boldly walked off with it.

It is a SKB Stagefive powered pedal board. It looks like a big black suitcase. It had a Buddy Guy Wah Wah Pedal, a Carl Martin Compressor, a Marshall Guvnor Overdrive, a MXR Carbon Copy Delay, a MXR phase 90 and a Waves Planet Tuner all wired in. It also had power and quarter inch cables inside.

I am asking that you keep an eye out for my gear at Pawn Shops around your area, music stores and/or kijiji or word of mouth type ads. I wanted to try everything in my power to get my property back.

I am attaching pictures of what I'm asking for you to look for. The Police have been engaged. Please keep an eye out for a man around downtown walking around with a big SKB gig suitcase. It's most likely my board. (These big boards are rare here).

Thanks for your help everyone.


09-28-2014, 04:40 PM
I went to Olympic Plaza today. talked to a few homeless people. The guy who stole my shits name is will. He lives in the drop in centre and I have his number 4034028642. He's a mid 30 juicer looking bald white male about 5'9 who frequents OP, DIC and the library. He was seen sitting on my board at 6 am at OP.

Any help guys?

09-28-2014, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by JMaj7
I went to Olympic Plaza today. talked to a few homeless people. The guy who stole my shits name is will. He lives in the drop in centre and I have his number 4034028642. He's a mid 30 juicer looking bald white male about 5'9 who frequents OP, DIC and the library. He was seen sitting on my board at 6 am at OP.

Any help guys?

I don't think many Beyonders will hang out with homeless people, slightly different demographic. Unless you are looking to form a mob of people to go find him?

09-29-2014, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by JMaj7
I went to Olympic Plaza today. talked to a few homeless people. The guy who stole my shits name is will. He lives in the drop in centre and I have his number 4034028642. He's a mid 30 juicer looking bald white male about 5'9 who frequents OP, DIC and the library. He was seen sitting on my board at 6 am at OP.

Any help guys?

Thats almost kind of hard to believe no? It could of been anyone who stole that thing and somehow you managed to find out who just buy talking to a few homeless guys.

If that is the truth, It might be far fetched but maybe try and call him and just offer him some quick cash for the return of it. Or you could go down to the drop in center find a couple guys and offer them a reward if they call you when they see him and your item. When they do call you just go with a couple people to confront him

09-29-2014, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by JMaj7
I went to Olympic Plaza today. talked to a few homeless people. The guy who stole my shits name is will. He lives in the drop in centre and I have his number 4034028642. He's a mid 30 juicer looking bald white male about 5'9 who frequents OP, DIC and the library. He was seen sitting on my board at 6 am at OP.

Any help guys?
If this is the same dude I'm thinking about, he's ALWAYS hanging around near my building (the pharmacy across from Crack Macs). You can't miss him, he's homeless, in better shape than me, and walks around with no shirt on and short shorts while digging for unfinished cigarettes from the ashtrays. It's a disturbing sight.

If I see him again, I'll see if he has the pedal board case. PM me your phone # in case I do spot it so I can give you a call.

09-29-2014, 04:24 PM
I got a picture and I've confirmed thru three witnesses he's the guy who had my shit.

Robin Goodfellow
09-29-2014, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by JMaj7
I got a picture and I've confirmed thru three witnesses he's the guy who had my shit.

A crazy idea, but what about using a friend to go down looking asking around about a deal on a pedalboard? He can say that he's heard one's floating around, and he'll give $20 for it. Pass out a disposable email address.

Street level criminals are risk-tolerant and and want immediate gratification. It's not like he wants to hold onto this item for the right buyer - He'll take the first offer that comes along.

Record the deal from a distance. Once item is safe back in your hands, share the recording with the cops, take your pedalboard home, and move on.

09-29-2014, 06:17 PM
Why not just talk to the cops? They probably know the guy, and if you can prove it's yours...

Robin Goodfellow
09-29-2014, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by woodywoodford
Why not just talk to the cops? They probably know the guy, and if you can prove it's yours...

Cops don't care about banal property theft.

Once you talk to them, you've also limited your own options.

09-30-2014, 10:24 AM
Or chase him down yourself

10-02-2014, 08:43 AM
I postered up downtown with a picture of him and a request to contact me. I have been looking for him at OP, DI, the Library and the seed everyday and I have some witnesses looking for him. They're supposed to call me. I have a detailed picture of him that I took when I found him at the seed but I had one source point him out. I needed to confirm him through another source and that took a few hours. Now I have four people who said that I have found the guy who had my board shortly after it was stolen. I've been downtown everyday for hours and man, these are such troubled people.

10-02-2014, 09:05 AM
Isn't that less than $500 to replace? Why would you spend hours everyday trying to find this guy? Wouldn't it make more sense to work a few extra hours and just put it behind you?

Not trying to come across as a dick, seriously curious. Is there something special with that one?

10-02-2014, 09:28 AM
^ idk....but to me, my gear is more than just stuff. It becomes a bit personal.

10-02-2014, 10:06 AM
I'm a professional musician and that board is like work tools. You hand pick each pedal and grow with them. I has just figured out how to use that set up during my gigs.

The value is around a $1000 and some of the pedals were rare. Even the board itself is rare. The first two pedals alone are worth $500.

10-02-2014, 10:09 AM
Here's the guy who stole it.


10-02-2014, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by JMaj7
I postered up downtown with a picture of him and a request to contact me. I have been looking for him at OP, DI, the Library and the seed everyday and I have some witnesses looking for him. They're supposed to call me. I have a detailed picture of him that I took when I found him at the seed but I had one source point him out. I needed to confirm him through another source and that took a few hours. Now I have four people who said that I have found the guy who had my board shortly after it was stolen. I've been downtown everyday for hours and man, these are such troubled people.

So now that you've investigated this and found a suspect in this offence, what is next? You have spoken with sources and conducted surveillance, so what's the next step?

10-02-2014, 12:50 PM
To motivate him to sell it back to me by offering a reward I guess

10-02-2014, 12:54 PM
the odds that a crackhead holds onto stolen goods for more than a few hours sounds pretty rare to me. you check the pawn shops yet?

10-02-2014, 01:19 PM
I called most of them. pretty sure I only missed the little obscure ones. Nothing yet

10-02-2014, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by phil98z24

So now that you've investigated this and found a suspect in this offence, what is next? You have spoken with sources and conducted surveillance, so what's the next step?

Originally posted by JMaj7
To motivate him to sell it back to me by offering a reward I guess
Whoosh? lol

10-02-2014, 03:02 PM
What makes you think this guy is still lugging this box around with him?

10-02-2014, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by beyond_ban
What makes you think this guy is still lugging this box around with him?

:werd: He's probably heard from other people that you're looking for him and gotten rid of it by now.

10-02-2014, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by Disoblige

Whoosh? lol

The exact words I would have used... :rofl:

10-02-2014, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by JMaj7
To motivate him to sell it back to me by offering a reward I guess

So here is the thing: I really don't want to see you end up in a jam trying to recover your property.

I'm not sure who your sources are, but I will tell you this: crackheads don't dime on each other for a life threatening stabbing, much less someone else's property. Furthermore, even if they turn out to be right and aren't just jacking you around, what do you think will happen if you confront this guy?

Actually, let's go over the scenario where you don't confront him and try and just make him a deal to pretend like this didn't happen, and try and reward him for giving your stuff back to you. These people are opportunists and vultures, and 9/10 when these meetings transpire, bad guy ends up taking the money and runs because he has already fenced your stuff.

Second scenario, you do confront him - and you end up hurt because he is a rounder who has been through the system and doesn't care. Simple assault will be all he goes down for because you can't prove he took your stuff, and he'll get a day in jail plus a little bit of probation. You on the other hand, could be hurt and still not have your stuff back.

Third scenario, you confront him and something happens where you end up hurting this other person when you have no grounds to believe he still has your property. Then what happens? You eat a potential criminal charge and possibly face those consequences as a musician, who may need to travel, and other things necessary to that type of interest/career?

Don't do it. If you have information, pass it on to the investigating members and they will deal with it as best they can. Even WE can't guarantee getting your property back, but if it ends up in a pawn shop our stolen property unit will recover it.

I understand this is important to you, but don't take any unnecessary risks.

10-02-2014, 04:49 PM
Am I the only one that has trouble not reading Phil's posts in Nick Offerman's voice :rofl:

Regardless good point.

10-02-2014, 07:25 PM
^ I thought i was the only one haha

10-02-2014, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by 88CRX
Am I the only one that has trouble not reading Phil's posts in Nick Offerman's voice :rofl:

Regardless good point.

Mission accomplished, haha.

10-02-2014, 10:47 PM