View Full Version : Sun News parent company got $500 million in Subsidy?

09-28-2014, 09:26 PM
That is the claim, and the owner of Quebecor is also due to testify in front of Parliament for his refusal to releases the requested financials



Crooked and poisonous to weak minds it seems lol.



09-28-2014, 09:44 PM
500 million over three years. Compared to 3.3 Billion to the CBC.

Sounds like Quebecor is 1/6th the cost to taxpayers as CBC?

Then we can actually read your article. 333 million of it is for wireless spectrum, as in cell phones. Which is not a busineas CBC is in. So we are down to 167 million over three years. Another 117 Million is on federal and provincial tax credits (likely available to all television providers) so we are down to bout 50 million over three years which it lays out as being part of the canadian media fund for producing canadian content. Which I beleive even the CBC draws from.

Their figures don't even add up to be honest.

Are you sure this is a damning report of quebecor? It sounds a lot more like they do what CBC does but for about 1.5% the actual cost.

09-29-2014, 01:36 AM
Not for profit organization, versus private....

One represents public interest, the other.... well.... conservative sociopathic interests.

Once openly accountable, the other hiding books apparently.

Small difference imo.

09-29-2014, 07:11 AM
All forms of media and cultural organizations in Canada get "Subsidies" from the government. Every TV show, Every channel.

The fact that you disagree with thier political biases is irrellevant.

09-29-2014, 07:32 AM
Originally posted by Toma
Crown Corporation, versus private Corporation....

One represents a segment of public interest, the other.... well.... another set of public interests.

One should be openly accountable (but tries to hide as much as possible anyways) , the other not explicitly obligated to reveal it's books because it's not overseen by the government, with the exception of vaugely described rules the company is having clarified by the judicial system.

Small difference imo.

Fixed that for you, just removed the :bullshit:

09-29-2014, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
All forms of media and cultural organizations in Canada get "Subsidies" from the government. Every TV show, Every channel.

The fact that you disagree with thier political biases is irrellevant.

Since this thread is completely shit anyways may i say that your user pic is awesome!

09-29-2014, 07:42 AM
Thanks man. I've been waiting for a comment on that, been up for a week or so.
This thread started with bullshit, and it's not likely to improve.

09-29-2014, 07:45 AM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
All forms of media and cultural organizations in Canada get "Subsidies" from the government. Every TV show, Every channel.

The fact that you disagree with thier political biases is irrellevant.

Get out of here with your facts, this is a Toma thread.

09-29-2014, 11:02 AM
He's our own Ezra Levant

09-29-2014, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by Nitro5
He's our own Ezra Levant


10-01-2014, 12:25 AM
It sounds like some people commented before reading the article. You're making the same point that CBC was making. They were calling bullshit on the Sun's rhetoric (which is always, invariably bullshit, but it's bullshit that they know their audience wants to hear) that says CBC gets funding while pretending they don't.

Nobody hates the sun for its "differing political views". It's hated because they use cheap dishonest tactics to fool the the public and further their own commercial interests, disregarding the collateral damage. They pander to their audience and their audience eats it up without giving it a critical thought.

This might surprise some people, but The Sun and Quebecor don't actually give a shit about Harper or about the liberals. They don't have political views. They're not in the news business. They're in the ratings business. They know that they only have to trick the left side of the bell curve to make enough controversy and make themselves more money. It's a framework that Rupert Murdoch perfected long ago. Even he thought teabaggers were right wing nutjobs, but he's happy to make money feeding their delusions.

It's extremely easy to manipulate the public, and regardless of your views, you should be wise to it and recognize when you're being taken for a ride.

10-01-2014, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by googe
It sounds like some people commented before reading the article. You're making the same point that CBC was making. They were calling bullshit on the Sun's rhetoric (which is always, invariably bullshit, but it's bullshit that they know their audience wants to hear) that says CBC gets funding while pretending they don't.

Nobody hates the sun for its "differing political views". It's hated because they use cheap dishonest tactics to fool the the public and further their own commercial interests, disregarding the collateral damage. They pander to their audience and their audience eats it up without giving it a critical thought.

This might surprise some people, but The Sun and Quebecor don't actually give a shit about Harper or about the liberals. They don't have political views. They're not in the news business. They're in the ratings business. They know that they only have to trick the left side of the bell curve to make enough controversy and make themselves more money. It's a framework that Rupert Murdoch perfected long ago. Even he thought teabaggers were right wing nutjobs, but he's happy to make money feeding their delusions.

It's extremely easy to manipulate the public, and regardless of your views, you should be wise to it and recognize when you're being taken for a ride.

You make some very relevant points. However accusing people of not reading the article and then going off on a tangent about Quebecor not actually being right wing which isnt what the article is about is a bit hypocritical :rofl: