View Full Version : Paypal / ebay break up - better?

10-08-2014, 06:59 PM
Bloomberg reported they are going to part ways-

after the separation, will ebay/paypal still exchange information?

if you guys remember 1999-2002 era of selling on ebay and paying with Billpoint (powered by wellsfaro) and/or Bidpay (powered by western union), it actually seemed in better to some regard.

I miss the days where I can sell a high value item on ebay without the red tape -

10-08-2014, 07:09 PM
Good riddance - PayPal's tendency to side with the buyer 99.999999% of the time in a dispute was a joke.

Depends on the item, but everything I've tried to sell on eBay requires a 13%+ cut of the sale, plus risk of the buyer screwing me over and being fully refunded by PayPal. I haven't used either service in years.

I realize lots of people use it, but I am not a fan. Happy to see them part ways.

10-08-2014, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
Good riddance - PayPal's tendency to side with the buyer 99.999999% of the time in a dispute was a joke.

Depends on the item, but everything I've tried to sell on eBay requires a 13%+ cut of the sale, plus risk of the buyer screwing me over and being fully refunded by PayPal. I haven't used either service in years.

I realize lots of people use it, but I am not a fan. Happy to see them part ways.

I agree, when the iphone first came out, me and my friend shipped an iphone to some guy - he didn't like that we dropped shipped (Im here and my friend is south of the border) so we told him no big deal return it - he shipped back some flip phone from the year 2000. paypal first sided with him , then we took pictures of the phone he sent along with the waybill and paypal still didn't do anything about it.

10-08-2014, 11:12 PM
I hate paypal so much. If you have an issue on ebay , ebay customer protection won't help you because you're in Canada. They direct you to paypals resolution centre which is completely useless.

10-09-2014, 08:19 AM
My prediction is both companies will be gone in 20 years. I haven't used either in 5+ years. I know lots of people do, but I suspect Ebay's more niche with most people buying stuff off Amazon and using a credit card rather than Paypal.

10-09-2014, 08:22 AM
I stopped using eBay/PayPal resolution centre. Last few times i just called my Visa

10-09-2014, 09:20 AM
My guess is this split will change nothing with Ebay/Paypal's relationship. The spin off is because Paypal is growing quicker than eBay and it will allow them to start consolidation in the payment industry. Within a year or two they will have more revenue than eBay.

Originally posted by Feruk
My prediction is both companies will be gone in 20 years. I haven't used either in 5+ years. I know lots of people do, but I suspect Ebay's more niche with most people buying stuff off Amazon and using a credit card rather than Paypal.

I'm going to disagree about Paypal. I can see them consolidating the payment industry. Paypal is much bigger then just eBay payments.

10-09-2014, 09:25 AM
I think it will be good for Paypal for sure. This will allow them to focus and innovate. Especially now with how competitive the payment industry is going to be in the next few years with Apple Pay, Google pay, bitcoin, etc. Hell even Facebook has plans in place to send cash to friends through the Messaging app!

10-09-2014, 09:51 AM
Banks have started to offer the services that paypal once had a strangehold on. I don't know anyone that uses paypal anymore :dunno:

Also, ebay sucks. Everything is absurdly priced nowadays for stuff with nowhere near the value it sells for. The only thing ebay is good for is getting cheap chinese parts. I buy everything on amazon now.

10-09-2014, 10:14 AM
I don't mind PayPal when buying something off of Ebay. Never sold anything so can't speak about that. I have never had any issues at all with both Ebay and PayPal.

That being said, I only buy online if I have to. So its pretty rare.

10-12-2014, 04:45 PM
PayPal fucking sucks. Ditch them and I'd love to use ebay again.

10-14-2014, 08:17 PM
i been using ALIEXPRESS and AMAZON now ..

selling and buying on amazon much better
but payment is so slow, every 2 weeks.

Aliexpress is only for CHINA sellers it seems